충격적인 사건을 겪은 몰리는 새 아파트 위층에서 들려오는 노크 소리에 불안해한다. 노크 소리가 점점 절박해지며 마치 도와 달라는 외침처럼 들릴 즈음, 그녀는 이웃들과 마주한다. 그러나 이웃들 귀에는 이 노크 소리가 들리지 않는 듯하다. 아슬아슬한 진실 찾기에 나선 그녀는 곧 누구도 자신을 믿지 않는다는 것을 알게 되고, 자신에 대한 믿음조차 의심하기 시작하는데… 어쩌면 몰리의 이런 자각은 더 오싹할지도 모른다.
브릿마리는 매사에 정확하고 깔끔하지 않으면 견디지 못하는 성격의 인물이다. 그런 그녀가 남편의 불륜을 알아차리고 홧김에 집을 박차고 나온다. 그녀는 무작정 재취업 알선센터를 찾아가 '보르그'라는 시골 지역의 레크리에이션 센터 관리인으로 취직하는데 성공한다. 열악한 환경과 어처구니 없는 일들이 연속으로 일어나는 곳이지만, 브릿마리는 변함없이 제 할 일을 다한다. 결국, 브릿마리도 보르그도 완전히 달라지게 된다.
A young girl follows her parents to a party where she experiences assorted grown-up rituals. As the evening progresses she finds the adults' behavior increasingly strange. Everyone tries to fit in, but not everyone succeeds.
During a swimming lesson a mother starts to feel uneasy about the coach's relation to one of the kids, but she has no proof. She faces a dilemma; to make an accusation of the worst kind, or to ignore a child who is possibly getting abused.
Three delegates from Sweden, Norway and Finland are gathered in Lapland to decide which piece of art should be placed at the border of their countries. But the committee is in for a surprise… The delegates are faced with the challenge of making a democratic decision: is there something they can agree on to represent a true Nordic movement?
An otherworldly evil is slipping into a small town in Sweden. Six unrelated girls have been chosen to fight this evil. Together they must overcome their differences in order to save themselves and the world.
Alex tells the children in his class what he wants to be when he grows up; after he uses an "adult word", his teacher tries to make the children understand it revealing a devastating past experience.
Nora is 15 years old. Her parents died when she was young and now she lives with Anders and Karin and their son Dag. They move into an old apartment in an old house in Enköping. Behind a wall they find some old items from people who lived there a long time ago. They also discover that their apartment is haunted by a ghost. Together with Dag, Nora tries to find out more about the people who lived there.