Laura Tonke

Laura Tonke

출생 : 1974-04-14, West Berlin, West Germany

프로필 사진

Laura Tonke

참여 작품

A teenage girl's family falls for a cosmic cult promising salvation in a higher existence on Jupiter. As flashbacks leading deeper into the past unravel the family's struggle to get a hold on life, the girl has to decide if to follow her parents or to make her own way on earth.
The Diaries of Adam and Eve
Eve and Adam meet in Eden. It soon becomes apparent that they don’t find each other particularly attractive. But do they have a choice? Writing helps. They each start keeping a diary about this first encounter between two human beings — from very different perspectives, as one might imagine. And as they get on each other’s nerves and recount terrible things about each other, they discover an unexpected new emotion: love.
When Will It Be Again Like It Never Was Before
Growing up on the grounds of one of Germany's largest psychiatric hospitals is somehow - different. For Joachim, the director's youngest son, the patients are like family. They are also much nicer to him than his two older brothers, who drive him into fits of rage. His mother, painting watercolors, longs for Italian summer nights instead of constant German rain, while his father secretly, but not discreetly enough, goes his own way. But while Joachim slowly grows up, his world, not only through the loss of his first love, gets more and more cracks...
Claudia Müller
Robert Müller has wanted to be a comedian since he was a kid, but he's only made it as a car salesman so far. This is about to change when he takes part in an open-mic show. He puts the program together with his imaginary friend, the stone-age Caveman. Then his girlfriend Claudia breaks up with him...
Kein einfacher Mord
Nina and Paul's marriage is over. They are just waiting for an opportunity to teach their son Tim. During a chance encounter, Nina flirts with Viktor, her son's hockey coach, and goes home alone with him. A decision with serious consequences. Nina is almost raped by him, defends herself and kills Viktor in the process. Paul has followed the two and witnesses the accident, which makes a self-defense situation implausible. Agitated, the two drive home without notifying the police.
Mein Lotta-Leben - Alles Tschaka mit Alpaka
Lotta Petermann is looking forward to her first class trip. Finally without parents and with her best friends Amrum unsicher machen - that promises pure adventure! But Mama Sabine sabotages Lotta's plans and suggests Papa Rainer, of all people, to accompany her on the class trip - how embarrassing!
아에이오우 - 어 퀵 알파벳 오브 러브
한동안 연기 활동을 하지 않은 배우 아나, 골칫덩이로 여겨지는 고아 아드리안. 서로를 만나게 된 두 사람은 함께 저녁을 먹고, 거리를 거닐며 담배를 나눠 피우는 사이로 발전한다. <와일드 Wild>(2016)로 사랑의 범위를 확장하는 시도를 했던 니콜레트 크레비츠 감독의 신작이다.
My Life as Lotta - Bingo Flamingo
Sabine Petermann
Lotta, 11 years old, and best friend Cheyenne don't get along with the arrogant Berenike, so they don't want to let it bother them when they're the only ones not invited to her party.
TKKG 탐정사무소
Erna Sauerlich
기숙학교에서의 새 학기를 맞이한, 달라도 너무 다른, 팀, 쿠키, 칼, 개비. 같은 방을 쓰게 된 팀과 쿠키는 어느 날 쿠키의 아버지가 납치되자 사건을 같이 해결하기로 한다. 둘은 명석한 두뇌를 가진 칼과 형사 아버지를 가진, 조사하는 일에 능한 개비를 영입하여 팀을 꾸리고, 넷은 끈끈한 우정을 쌓으며 범죄 뒤에 숨은 음모를 캐기 시작한다. (2020년 제8회 서울구로국제어린이영화제)
So viel Zeit
Five old friends have to prove themselves one last time. 30 years after the hopeful young band Bochums Steine have separated after a disastrous live performance, fatally ill Rainer tries to re-activate his old cronies
Bist du glücklich?
After 13 years, Sonja and Marc have separated. The love was lost to them like other people a stick or hat. To sell their weekend home, the two embark on a final trip together. Along the way, they realize that by far not all is said and that they still feel connected to each other - despite all the injuries and blame. When the planned sale is delayed, they have to spend the night in their house. It is their last chance to find answers to all the questions that are better asked late than never.
Mission: Love
Hans calls his girlfriend Heinz, which tells you everything you need to know about their relationship. They're a typical couple who're stuck in a rut after eight years. Hans works at a copy shop and Heinz is an actress relegated to voicing a cartoon stoplight. On their anniversary, they go to the movies. It's a romance. But the spark on screen just doesn't strike them. When Hans gives Heinz's ex her phone number instead of putting up a fight over her, Heinz' alarm bells go off: How can this be love? They decided to make a list of everything than makes up a real love: Romance, desire, passion, jealousy, drama – deep feelings, in other words. Hans and Heinz methodically start checking off their list and realize: Real life is nothing like the movies.
The Garden
In the summer of 1976, a shared family yard becomes the setting, as the adults bicker over selling the garden and the kids are free to explore the mysterious neighboring lot. Then they hear about a girl that has disappeared...
아홀로틀 오버킬
Mifti is a teenager as beautiful as she is reckless. Mentally unstable, fed up with her dysfunctional family, oblivious to the youthful world, and aware of the sexual magnetism she gives off with her peculiar appearance, she wanders through the dark path of several bohemian adults with questionable lifestyles.
Too Hard to Handle
It's no surprise when Karo is fired. She is loud, over-emotional and egocentric, more so than the average Berliner wise-ass, says her best friend Anna. Karo is not one to give up easily, though: she opts for radical change and goes into therapy. Although her therapist advises her to keep calm, Karo throws herself into it.
집념의 검사 프리츠 바우어
Ms. Schütt
1957년 독일, 검사장 프리츠 바우어는 수많은 유대인을 수용소로 보내 학살시킨 나치 중령 아돌프 아이히만의 행방에 대한 결정적 증거를 넘겨받는다. 독일의 사법제도를 불신한 그는 이스라엘 정보국 모사드와 접촉한다. 반역죄를 저지른 그를 독일 당국은 주시하는데...
Hedi Schneider Is Stuck
Hedi Schneider
A model family's happy life unexpectedly goes off the rails when the carefree Hedi, played by Laura Tonke, suddenly starts having panic attacks. First mental illness and then drug dependency – the happiness that these happy-go-lucky thirty-somethings once took for granted suddenly seems unattainable, and their world fragile and uncertain.
Take What You Can Carry
A character study as well as a meditation on communication, creativity, and physical space, Take What You Can Carry is a picture of a young woman seen through the interiors she occupies and the company she keeps. A North American living abroad, Lilly aspires to shape an intimate and private place of her own while connecting to the world around her. When she receives a letter from home, it provides the conduit she needs to fuse her transient self with the person she's always known herself to be.
Worst Case Scenario
An upstarting film production is abruptly cancelled by the financiers. But the director tries anyway to realize his movie.
Mord in den Dünen
Cornelia Braun
Leichtmatrosen II
Two sailors meet again years later in Berlin.
The Drifters
Berlin. Greta, 40, architect, mother of a 12-year-old son, recently unemployed. She does everything in her power to keep hanging on in there, torn between the pressure to conform and the spirit of contradiction.
Luise Walther
침대 위 그들은 사랑을 꿈꾼다! 사랑과 섹스가 주제인 영화를 찍기 위해 감독(영화 속) 니나 바더는 연기자(영화 속) 한스와 마리와 함께 며칠간 영화 리허설을 한다. 니나는 감정적인 사랑보다는 실제적인 섹스의 묘사를 원한다. 가까워진 그들의 관계는 사랑과 육체 그리고 영화의 실험 대상으로 변하고 마침내 그들 사이의 은밀한 관계에까지 영향을 미치게 된다. 그리고 서서히 실제와 연기의 경계선은 무너져 가는데…
Viva Europa!
Franziska Steiner
After Effect
Berlin in the 3rd millenium. Rather by chance Kai Starel gets into the newly founded CC Institute "Carl Celler Culture", where hip creative minds buzz around in bleak spaces and think about company logos with animals. This brings up art, campaigns or something inbetween - and a liaison between the designer queen Rena Yazka (Sabine Timoteo) and Kai, who becomes her model.
Day of Disaster
Walter Köhler
Zwei Goldfische
A man who has problems meeting women visits his psychiatrist.
Sunday Girls
'Sunday Girls' is a portrait of four young German actresses: Laura Tonke, Nicolette Krebitz, Katharina Schuettler and Inga Birkenfeld. They are members of a new group of young actresses who try to put their passion for films into practice, away from the mainstream TV market. Their individuality and their will to remain independent is what makes them so interesting... their luck, their fears, their goals, the things that life is made up of... "Of course I'm a little in love with them, that's how all films start." (director RP Kahl)
Warum Ulli sich am Weihnachtsabend umbringen wollte
I Am Guilty
Christiane Steeb
Armin Steeb is adrift: just finished with school, living with his middle-class parents, clueless about finding work. He tries connecting with a girl, he engages in risky sex with strangers in public toilets, he goes to job interviews. He also sends an anonymous letter to a local Munich newspaper, claiming responsibility for a fatal road accident. He fitfully pursues notoriety as he goes through life nearly without affect. What will it take to get Armin to smile?
Axel and Karla are an ill-matched couple in a borderline situation. The two meet in the hospital. Axel is keeping watch at his son′s bedside and Karla is waiting for some sign of life from her sister. None of the doctors can tell them whether the young couple will come out of their comas after their serious accident. As the weeks of uncertainty, fear and tedium pass by, a peculiar relationship develops between Axel and Karla, sustaining both of them.
Ophelia 4
A great mosaic, a labyrinth of scenes, dialogue splinters, interviews, portraits of people surrounding Hamlet and wanting to be part of his story.
Pigs Will Fly
A man struggles with memories of his violent childhood.
Gudrun Ensslin
Andreas Baader starts out as a small-time criminal. In Berlin, he is recruited by a revolutionary cell. They plan to overthrow the state.
June Moon
JUNIMOND tells the tragic-romantic story of Paul and Nele, two loners who rediscover a lost faith in the power of love. The two of them have nothing to lose and risk everything...
Gisela Kenter
99€ Films
Anyone can hold a mini-DV camera. Anyone can get 99 euros in credit. And everyone has already written a five-minute story in school. So everyone is actually prepared to make a 99euro-film. but "99euro-films" is more. It is the proof that German films can also be wild, new, modern, funny, political and entertaining. And all that in 80 minutes. 12 young German filmmakers come together, inspire exciting young actors and go: have an idea and simply film it. Just do it and be independent.
Dich schickt der Himmel
Lara Feiersinger
Ebene 9
A short by Maren Ade.
Bitter Innocence
Vanessa Krüger
Andreas Brandt is the head of the research department in a pharmaceutical company. He earns enough to build a future with his wife Monica and his daughter Eva. But a merger puts his position in jeopardy. Brandt randomly observes Larssen, who’s responsible for the merger, raping the waitress Vanessa. Instead of helping her, he takes a file which has previously been stolen by Larssen. It contains incriminating evidence against Larssen. Brandt tries to blackmail Larssen, but Larssen is capable to shift the buck back to Brandt. Slowly Brandt’s family becomes involved...
Der Mörder meiner Mutter
Anne / Marie
Just Married
Frangipani, geb. Klein
Friedrich, a successful Berlin cinema tycoon, marries Frangipani, the daughter of a retired Berlin cinema chain owner, to become the king of the city's cinema. After two years of marriage, the relationship between Frangipani and Friedrich has finally reached its lowest point.
Angel Express
Angel Express is a film about people restlessly seeking for the ultimate experience. Set in late nineties Berlin, it shows images of radical change: Young urban heroes in the glare of flashlights; an environment in which coldness and affection or lust for power and friendship go hand in hand.
Der Pirat
Silvester Countdown
A young Berlin couple travel to a friend's place for the celebration of Silvester and New Year's Eve. During that period, we witness today's juvenile sub-culture, especially the ways of keeping a partnership - or breaking it up in between.
겨울잠을 자는 사람들
의문의 사고로 야기된 정열과 사랑, 죽음에 대한 전율적인 영화. 음울한 겨울 풍경을 배경으로 테오의 농장주변 움막에 머무는 4명의 젊은이(로라, 마르코, 레베가, 레네) 들에게 몽환적인 사건은 시작되고. 모든 것을 감춰버릴 것만 같은 광활한 눈을 배경으로 이제 되돌릴 수 없는 사건은 시작되는데...
Silver and Gold
German short movie
Gnadenlos - Zur Prostitution gezwungen
2 ½ Minuten
November 1990. Weekend. Three young turk men accompanied by two German women were taking the subway. They were in an exuberant mood and wanted to visit a discotheque. When a group of drunken neo-nazi youngsters entered the train an open confrontation arose. It ended bloody. The film follows the protagonists up to the event (and some time beyond) which took place in Berlin, Germany.
Turn Down The Music
In Essen, four ordinary teenage Death Metal fanatics are looking for the best way to kill time. There are girls, cigarettes, drive-ins and petty larceny but nothing moves the needle.
Eastern Cross
OSTKREUZ tells the episodic story of 15-year-old Elfie, who literally and metaphorically inhabits a no-man’s-land between the two Germanies shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The film deploys a neorealist aesthetic to reinforce the difficulties confronting the girl, and by inference, Germany.