Clara is studying for a Ph.D in philosophy in Berlin. In this middle-class male academic environment, she feels pushed to one side. She returns to her childhood village in former East Germany for her mother's birthday, and becomes aware that a distance has grown between her and her family.
Based on a provocative autobiography, this story — set in a largely Muslim neighborhood in Berlin — follows a teenage gang member who is caught between hiding his Jewish identity and saving his life.
Emily Haber
2015년 가을, 시리아 내전으로 인해 전례 없는 숫자의 유럽 난민이 발생하자 난민에게 독일 국경을 열겠다는 메르켈 총리의 전격적 결정은 국내외에서 찬사와 지지를 얻었지만, 한편으로 엄청난 시위와 가혹한 비판에 직면해야 했다. 놀라운 역사적 결정의 막전막후를 다룬 로빈 알렉산더의 논픽션 책을 원작으로 한 이 영화는 당시 전 유럽의 지도자들과 메르켈 사이에 벌어진 긴박한 상황을 정치스릴러의 문법을 차용해 묘사한다. (평창국제평화영화제)
Anna Bentham
신경과학 연구소에서 근무하는 루트는 자신의 일, 가족 그리고 신앙에 헌신적인 인물이었다. 하지만 옛 연인이 20년 만에 감옥에서 출소하여 눈앞에 다시 나타났을 때, 여태껏 확고하게 지켜온 그녀의 신념은 흔들리게 된다.
Falks Mutter
A family drama about a German teenager who leaves home totally unexpectedly to join the ranks of the so-called Islamic State (IS) in its armed struggle. When the boy's father and older brother set off on an adventurous journey to the Syrian border, they manage to find him and bring him back to Germany. However, back home, questions start being asked: did he return of his own free will, has he disassociated himself from the IS ideology, or is he in fact a 'sleeper' agent awaiting orders?
Lorenz Meran, a successful gay author suffering acute writers' block, has to leave Berlin and return to eastern Switzerland to provide care for his aged mother, Rosie. But it is not only his mother's battle against being dictated to and losing her dignity that he is struggling with. It's also his own midlife crisis.
Claudia Studer
Claudia Studer