Dr. Granden
A naïve, recently-orphaned young man discovers he's being used as a pawn in a crooked gambler's plan to rig a July 4 horserace. Western.
Tenant (uncredited)
LA경찰국소속의 거친 경찰 왈트 브라운(찰스 맥그로우)는 마피아 보스의 미망인 프랭키 닐(마리 윈저)이 시카고에서 로스앤젤레스로 가는 기차를 타고 가서 대배심원 앞에서 증언하는 것을 보호하는 임무를 맡는다. 한편 기차역에서 브라운은 갱스터 조셉 켐프(데이비드 클라크)가 자신을 뒤쫓고 있다는 사실을 알게 되고...
Picked-pocket Customer
화려한 서커스단을 배경으로 서커스 단원 간의 복잡한 인간 관계를 묘사한 영화
Coroner (uncredited)
When newlyweds visit Las Vegas, the wife's shady past comes to the surface.
Produce Company Proprietor (uncredited)
A small-town reporter investigates a mysterious group holed up in a country lodge.
인원과 보급의 부족에도 불구하고 치열한 전투 속에서 결사적 임무 수행을 하는 대장 커비는 프로펠러를 총검화하는 초저공대지 공격전술을 주장하는 전형적인 직업군인이다. 그러나 늘 부하를 사랑하기만 하는 부대장과는 의견에 차질이 있다. 대장의 전술이 상부의 인정을 받아 지상군을 도와 연속적인 승리를 거두는 동안 부대장도 대장을 닮게 된다는 이야기. 미해병항공부대의 활약상을 그린 영화로 임무와 애정 사이에서 고뇌하며 부하를 통솔하는 것이 얼마나 어려운가를 이 영화는 보여준다.
An out of work racehorse trainer is adopted by the daughters of a wealthy breeder and trains a cast-off horse for the big race of the season.
Man Yelling from Apartment House (uncredited)
Frank Johnson, a sole witness to a gangland murder, goes into hiding and is trailed by Police Inspector Ferris, on the theory that Frank is trying to escape from possible retaliation. Frank's wife, Eleanor, suspects he is actually running away from their unsuccessful marriage. Aided by a newspaperman, Danny Leggett, Eleanor sets out to locate her husband. The killer is also looking for him, and keeps close tabs on Eleanor.
A desert guerilla, with flashing scimitar, opposes a tyrannical prince and marries the caliph's daughter.
Racing Secretary
"Ma" Ryan, who runs a burger stand at the county fair, asks daughter Loretta to put a bet on a horse that Loretta's boyfriend Tommy is riding. Unfortunately, Loretta mistakenly places the bet on the wrong horse. When she discovers her error she tries to get the cashier to exchange the ticket for the horse she wanted, but the cashier refuses. Peter Brennan, standing in back of her in line, buys the ticket for the horse Loretta wants and then exchanges it with her. It turns out that Peter is from a wealthy family that owns racehorses, and Peter is a horse trainer himself. He soon begins to fall for Loretta, and Tommy doesn't like it one bit. Complications ensue.
Ezra (uncredited)
Charles Starrett once more dons the mask of mysterious do-gooder "The Durango Kid" in Columbia's Challenge of the Range. Wandering cowboy Steve Roper (Starrett) is hired by the Farmers Association to stem the activities of a group of gunmen who are driving ranchers off their land. The most likely suspect turns out to be innocent: the real culprits are within the Association itself. With the help of the chief suspect's son, Roper brings the crooks to justice.
Bill Sneed
Kenneth Seeley, member of the U. S. State Department's Foreign Service Bureau, and Marge Weldon, a morale worker with the bureau, are assigned to an area in Mongolia dominated by an outlaw warlord. The latter captures the village where they reside and when escape is clearly impossible, Seeley blows up the outlaw's headquarters, losing his own life in doing so.
Farmer Brown
A music teacher in 1870s Boston works hard to succeed, while her wealthy distant relatives find their fortunes turning.
In the 1850s, in a logging town on the Mississippi River, a conflict between the people of a mill town and the lumberjacks who work downriver. Romance and deceit are catalyzed by the arrival of the gambling river boat, River Lady, owned by the beautiful Sequin. Bauvais, a representative of the local lumber syndicate and Sequin's business partner, is trying to convince H.L. Morrison, the mill owner, to sell his business.
Policeman (uncredited)
1940년대 뉴욕. 매력적이고, 냉소적인 언어의 소유자인 선원 마이클 오하라는 우연히 미국 최고의 변호사이자 부호인 아서 베니스터의 부인 엘사를 만난다. 강도로부터 엘사를 구한 마이클은 첫눈에 엘사에게 반하고, 엘사 또한 돈 때문에 결혼한 남편과는 달리 젊은 선원 마이클을 사랑하게 된다. 베니스터가 부인을 구해준 고마움으로 자신의 지중해 항해에 마이클을 선원으로 채용하면서 세 사람의 오묘한 관계는 시작된다. 시종일관 마이클로부터 눈을 떼지 못하는 엘사와 엘사를 거부하지 못하는 마 이클앞에 두 사람의 관계를 눈치챈 베니스터의 동료 조지 그리스비가 접근한다. 그는 현재의 삶에서 도망치고 싶으니, 마이클에게 자신을 죽여달라는 부탁을 하고, 그 대신 5천 달러를 주겠다는 거래를 한다. 그리고 자신은 소리 소문 없이 사라져 주겠다는 것. 평소 이성적이던 마이클도 엘사와의 사랑에 눈이 멀어 그의 거래를 받아들 이기로 하는데... 그러나 사라지기로 한 그리스비가 시체로 발견되고, 마이클은 살인혐의로 기소된다. 베니스터는 자청하여 마이클의 변론을 맡게 되는데...
Counterman (uncredited)
Steven Kenet, suffering from a recurring brain injury, appears to have strangled his wife. Having confessed, he's committed to an understaffed county asylum full of pathetic inmates. There, Dr. Ann Lorrison is initially skeptical about Kenet's story and reluctance to undergo treatment. But against her better judgement, she begins to doubt his guilt.
Dan - Marlowe's Manager (uncredited)
유태인인 주인공이 프로모터와 악녀의 계략에도 불구하고 난간을 극복하고 결국 월드챔프에 오른다는 권선징악적인 스토리
Mac (uncredited)
An innocent trucker takes it on the lam when he's accused of robbery.
Jeff Parks
Upon leaving finishing school, Judy Gibson goes to meet her presumed wealthy and socially prominent relatives. However they are penniless Broadway characters and take possession of a Long Island mansion owned by an incarcerated thief so Judy doesn't find out the truth. Judy arrives with her fiancé and his father, who tries to sell worthless stock to Judy's family. They give him $200,000, part of the stashed loot they found belonging to the home-owner thief.
Ben - Bus Driver (uncredited)
Crusty Dr. McRory of Fallbridge, Maine, hires his vacation replacement sight unseen. Alas, he and young singing Doctor Jim Pearson don't hit it off; but once he meets teacher Trudy Mason, Pearson is delighted to stay. The locals, taking their cue from McRory, cold-shoulder Pearson, especially Trudy's stuffy fiancé. But then, guess who needs an emergency appendectomy?
Street Gawker (uncredited)
Two ex-soldiers return from overseas--one of them having smuggled into the country a French orphan girl he has become attached to. They wind up running into their old sergeant--who hates them--and getting involved with a race-car builder who's trying to find backers for a new midget racer he's building.
Editor A. C. Blaine
Red Ryder convinces homesteaders to settle in Paradise Valley. Business men in nearby Central City want control of the valley and water supply and propose to build a dam for half interest in the land. They use Red to generate interest in the dam but when the dam is completed, they rig the stockholder's meeting so Central City will get the water.
Professor Owen Townley
Miss Hinklefink invites the Teen Agers to stay at her new ranch for the summer. Freddie is mistaken for a famed bank-robber and hijinx ensue.
Mr. Ashland
In this MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short, a man destroys his life through gambling debts and stealing company funds.
Building & Loan Board Member (uncredited)
조지 베일리는 베드폴드 마을 사람들을 위해 평생을 봉사하며 살아온 인물. 그는 항상 여행을 원했지만 마을 전체를 인수하려는 구두쇠 포터의 계략을 막기 위해서 그 기회를 버릴 수 밖에 없었다. 그를 저지하기 위해 그와 그의 아버지가 만든 대출회사는 애를 쓰지만, 크리스마스 이브에 빌리 삼촌이 사업비 8000달러를 은행에 예금하려던 중 돈을 잃어버린다. 포터는 돈의 위치를 알아내고 이를 숨긴다. 조지는 책임을 떠안고 감옥에 구속되고, 회사는 파산한다. 마침내 포터는 도시를 인수한 것이다. 사랑하는 아내, 자식 그리고 마을 사람들을 생각하며 조지는 자살을 생각하지만, 그의 앞에 수호천사 클라란스가 나타나는데...
Aided by her eccentric friends, a young woman goes looking for her missing brother.
Minister (uncredited)
After a rapid engagement, a dowdy daughter of a chemist weds an industrialist, knowing little of his family or past. He transforms her into an elegant society wife, but becomes enraged whenever she asks about Michael, his mysterious long-lost brother.
Principal Townley
The students at Whitney High School are down in the dumps since their football team faces almost certain defeat and hasn't won a game in 28 years. The school paper may have to suspend publication because the circulation is so low and the principal intends to replace student performers at the school bazaar with professionals.
Banker Tuttle
Red Ryder and his comical sidekick take on a new batch of bad-guys in this western, the 16th in the Red Ryder series. This time the heroic duo try to save a female rancher from a greedy financier who wants her land so he can exploit the enormous oil fields lying under it.
Professor Townley
During the Whitney High School student government election, a rich man’s son tries to pay his way into office with promises of new athletic uniforms. His desperate competitors decide to stage a series of song and dance spectacles to try to garner votes.
Professor Townley
A high school student is mistaken for a famous radio singer who goes missing.
George Coffey (uncredited)
The citizens of the small town of Midburg are thrilled when one of their native sons, Dan Flannery, becomes a war hero while serving in the Merchant Marines. But before arriving he is stricken with amnesia and falls in with a gang of crooks...
Hotel Manager (uncredited)
Rich and beautiful Southern heiress Sally Warren loves horse-racing and running her horse-farm although her husband of seven years hates the four-legged mammals. Spouse Jeff Warren is a successful author, Civil War scholar, and popular lecturer on the ladies club circuit. After Jeff buys aging twelve-year old nag Albert in the mistaken belief that he's a colt and Sally purchases a desk for her husband in the naive belief that it once belonged to Jefferson Davis, it's obvious that they have few interests in common. The squabbling is complicated by Jeff's jealousy of Sally's relationship with Lance Gale, her childhood friend, neighbor, and fellow horse breeder.
Joe Morell
In the second of the PRC "Michael Shayne" series,civic crusader Burton Stallings hires private detective Michael Shayne to locate the former's missing step-daughter Helen. Shayne discovers that Stallings himself has had Helen confined in an asylum in order to obtain her money.
Factory Foreman
A young American soldier, with an honorable discharge, returns home from World War II to his bride, whom he married after a short courtship and has not seen for several years. The two come together with many trials and tribulations in trying to preserve their marriage in the post-war years.
Baltimore Postman
엘리자베스와 존은 전쟁으로 인해 헤어지게 되고, 전쟁이 끝난 후, 만삭인 엘리자베스는 남편의 전사소식을 듣게 된다. 이후 엘리자베스는 회사 사장인 래리의 도움으로 홀로 아이를 낳아 기르다가 래리의 끈질긴 구애로 재혼을 하고 행복한 가정을 꾸리고 살아가게 된다. 그러던 어느날, 죽은 줄 알았던 존이 20년만에 에릭이라는 새로운 신분으로 돌아오게 된다. 에릭(존)은 온 몸에 입은 화상을 입은 자신을 알아보지 못하는 엘리자베스에게 자신의 진짜 신분을 드러내야 할지 고민하게 되는데..
Employee (uncredited)
25살의 출납원 크리스토퍼 크로스는 금시계와 약간의 귀중품이 있다. 비가 오는 밤, 그는 키티의 남자친구 자니로부터의 학대에서 그녀를 구한다. 아마추어 화가인 크리스를 그녀는 부자로 생각하게 된다. 키티는 크리스와 자니의 아파트에 살게 되고 크리스는 걸작을 그려내게 되는데...
Suspecting that a safari guide is a wanted killer, undercover policeman Geoffrey Bishop (Richard Fraser) joins a safari led by the suspect for a scientist that hopes to find and prove that a fabled white gorilla is a missing link.
Counterman (uncredited)
When two bumbling barbers act as agents for a talented but unknown singer, they stage a phony murder in order to get him a plum role.
Police chief
The police commissioner asks some local street kids to toughen up his sissy son.
Bartender Serving Double Scotch (uncredited)
전쟁에서 무공을 세워 특별 휴가를 받은 두 병사의 이야기. 여자에 관해서는 완전 쑥맥인 클레어런스(프랑크 시나트라)와 그와는 정반대의 성향인 조셉(진 켈리). 조는 여자 친구를 만나러 가지만 달리 할게 없는 클레어렌스는 그를 졸졸 따라 다닌다. 여자 사귀는 방법을 묻기도 하고... 그러던 중 경찰에게 끌려가는 어린아이를 발견하는데 그 아이는 해병이 너무 좋아 군에 입대를 하고 조르고 겨우 달래어 집에 데려다 주다가 보호자인 이모를 만나게 된다. 그 아이의 이모는 배우 지망생이었고 클레어렌스는 그녀, 수잔을 좋아하게 된다. 조는 클레어런스와 수잔을 맺어주려 노력하지만 그녀는 조를 좋아한다. 어느덧 수잔에게 이끌리는 조, 하지만 클레어런스를 생각하고 선뜻 행동으로 옮기지 못한다.
After having been framed by gamblers, Muggs is barred from riding in horse races. Snce he can no longer race, he takes up a collection so Ma Brown, who owns the horses won't have her stable foreclosed on. However, one of the gamblers involved in the frame falls for Ma Brwn's daughter, and decides to come clean and confess to the police about the frame. The other gamblers hear about it and set out to shut him up and discredit Muggs and Ma Brown once and for all.
Whortle (Uncredited)
Susan is about to be married, but the wedding may get called off after her fiancé summons three former beaus. Each reveals a different portrait of Susan: one describes her as a naive country girl who reluctantly becomes an actress, another paints a picture of a gay party girl and and the third describes a serious intellectual.
Dan (uncredited)
19세기 스코틀랜드의 어느 마을, 유명한 교수이자 의사인 맥팔레인 박사의 조수로 일하게 된 의학생 페티스는 해부학에 쓰일 시체를 가져다주는 그레이(보리스 칼로프)라는 괴상한 마부를 알게 된다. 무슨 영문인지 맥팔레인 박사는 그레이에게 뭔가 약점이 잡힌 듯한 모습이고 정체 모를 그레이는 맥팔레인 박사의 인생에서 악마같은 존재로 어슬렁거리고 있다. 또한 그가 가져오는 시체들도 정부에서 받아오는 노숙자의 시체가 아니라 무덤을 도굴하여 가져온다는 사실을 알게 된다. 불길한 예감에 페티스는 박사의 곁을 떠나려고 하나 인간의 도덕적 양심과 의학의 발달이 가져다주는 기여 사이에서 혼동을 느끼며 결국 맥팔레인 박사와 그레이 사이에서 머물게 된다. 그들의 행동을 감시하듯 지켜보는 늙은 하인 조셉(벨라 루고시), 그리고 젊고 착한 청년 페티스의 장래를 걱정하는 박사의 부인, 거기에 박사에게 꼭 수술을 받아서 하반신 마비가 된 딸을 걷게 만들려는 마시 부인 등 주변인물들과의 복잡한 관계가 얽히게 되면서 상황은 뭔가 불길한 결말을 향해서 달리게 되고 결국 무시무시한 비극이 일어나게 되는데...
Herbert Sinclair (uncredited)
Chinese sleuth Charlie Chan discovers a scheme for the theft of government radar plans while investigating several murders.
Slaughterhouse Shannon
A shy songwriter (Arthur Lake) pretends to be a championship wrestler known as "The Devil" in order to impress a pretty nightclub singer (Dale Evans).
Sam Morgan
An American businessman returns from a hunting trip to find fascists have overrun the country in this propaganda film.
Workman (uncredited)
Anne Crandall is the mayor of a small town in Vermont. Her deceased husband had been the mayor for years and when he died, she was left to carry on and to raise his daughter from his first marriage. She lives with the daughter, her father-in-law and a housekeeper. In the town square, there was a statue of her late husband and every year since his death, they have an anniversary celebration there. This year during a thunderstorm, the statue is hit by lightning and the head falls off. The daughter insists that a new statue be erected instead of patching the old one. Mayor Crandall is sent to New York to interview the prospective sculptor, George Corday.
Station Master
Evelyn, an emotionally vulnerable and unstable woman, stays at the home of her doctor Dan Proctor. There she meets and falls in love with his brother, Douglas, who is happily married to Ann. Evelyn then sets forth to break up the happy marriage and win the love of Douglas.
Reporter Patsy Reynolds and photographer Eddie Porter are assigned to interview John Foster, head of the Emmerson Foundation regarding a listening device the organization is working on. Foster evades them and they to the lab to see Professor Reynolds, the real inventor. Soon, they are involved in several shootings, blueprints that change hands several times, a corpse in their car that appears and disappears a few times, the loss of their jobs and several people who either think they are killers or candidates for being killed.
Joe, Train Engineer (Uncredited)
A newsman tracks down a phantom killer of murder-trial jurors.
U.S.O. Show Emcee (uncredited)
In this Oscar-winning short film, a Marine, Joe Fingers, on a South Sea island during World War II, tells tales of the influence he's had on various personalities. In the words of one of his buddies, he's either the biggest liar in the world or the most important man in show business.
A young bride who comes from a rich family has a hard time adjusting to life in a boarding house with other soldiers and their wives. Her spoiled ways cause resentment from the other wives and problems with her husband.
Father at Baby Window (uncredited)
Cass Brown is about to marry for the second time; his first marriage, to Isabel was annulled. But when he discovers that Isabel just had their baby, Cass kidnaps the infant to keep her from being adopted. Isabel's parents hunt for the child and discover that Cass and Isabel are still hopelessly in love.
A naive small-town girl comes to New York City to meet her husband, and discovers that he may be a murderer.
Tom Scott
The three Scott sisters, Susie, Hallie and Lily, live in the small town of Riverdale with their father Tom, a handyman whose laziness is legendary. The high-spirited sisters relieve the tedium by collaborating on Lily's correspondence with Pvt. Robert Mason, who is stationed in Arizona....
'Janssen' Passenger (uncredited)
As the Japanese sweep through the East Indies during World War II, Dr. Wassell is determined to escape from Java with some crewmen of the cruiser Marblehead. Based on a true story of how Dr. Wassell saved a dozen or so wounded sailors who were left behind when able bodied men were evacuated to Australia.
Pop Turner
A truck driver turns to prizefighting with hopes of earning enough cash to send his son to military school. 1944.
Wright (uncredited)
A small-town butcher has problems coping with meat rationing.
Reporter Asking About Flowers (uncredited)
러스티 파커(Rusty Parker: 리타 헤이워드 분)는 브로드웨이의 나이트 클럽에서 일하는 코러스걸이다. 어느 날, 유명한 웨딩 잡지에서 커버 걸을 뽑는다는 얘기를 들은 러스티는 잡지사의 오디션에 참석하지만, 그 곳에서 만난 경쟁심 많은 동료의 잔꾀에 넘어가 오디션을 망치고 돌아온다. 한편 러스티의 동료를 보기 위해 나이트 클럽을 찾은 잡지사의 편집장 존 쿠대어(John Coudair: 오토 크루거 분)는 러스티에게 반하고 만다. 결국 러스티는 스타덤에 오르게 된다. 하지만 그녀는 잡지의 커버걸로 많은 돈을 벌면서도 우스꽝스런 나이트 클럽 공연을 계속한다.
Shep Wayne
An Iowa drugstore owner becomes embittered when his son is killed in World War II. The druggist believes that the boy's life was cut short before he had an opportunity to truly appreciate his existence.
Hotel Clerk (uncredited)
Canadian Mountie Steve Wagner captures a German Luftwaffe officer on a spy mission, who later escapes from the prison camp. To catch the spy ring, the Mounties employ a ruse so that the spies, believing Steve to be sympathetic, enlist him in their plans.
In this WW II musical, a young man suddenly finds himself in charge of his family when his father is called to war. To help the flagging spirits of local factory workers, the plucky lad, his siblings and his schoolmates put on a lively little show. With a little work, he even convinces Count Basie to come with his band.
Clem Barstow
A feud develops between the settlers and the railroad detectives in Red Rock Valley. Clem Barstow sends for Billy the Kid and Fuzzy Jones to help.
Joseph (Uncredited)
A woman in search of her missing sister uncovers a Satanic cult in New York's Greenwich Village and finds that they could have something to do with her sibling's random disappearance.
Match Salesman Wetherby
A man framed for a series of Wells' Fargo stage robberies and a comical sheriff's deputy join forces to uncover the real robbers, unaware that a U.S. Marshal assigned to the case and the Mayor of the town which is at the center of the robberies, are the leaders of the gang.
Man in Bar Booth
Robert is found beside the highway with a head injury and amnesia. His amnesia motivates him to become a Physician and the country's leading criminal psychologist.
Dorn is after the rancher's land and is trying to stop Banker Brady from helping them. When his man Hammond kills Brady, there is a run on the bank. When Rocky volunteers to ride to the next town for money, he is ambushed by Dorn's men, loses his memory, and is jailed for supposedly stealing the money.
Billy the Kid is framed for murder.
Briggs (uncredited)
In this 13th entry to the Dr. Kildare series, the medical staff of Blair General hospital are challenged with further dilemmas, not the least of which includes a prison inmate who Dr. Gillespie believes belongs instead in an insane asylum.
Roger Hudson, a wealthy businessman who has moved to Washington to work for the government as a "dollar a year man," is late for a radio broadcast about his new department, the Mobilization of Woman Power for War. He takes a cab driven by Dixie Dugan, who hopes that being a cabbie while the country's men are away fighting will help the war effort. Her incompetent driving, however, results in an accident for which Roger must take responsibility in order to reach the radio station in time. Dixie then returns home, where she lives with her father Timothy, who is constantly practicing his air raid warden duties, her mother Gladys, an aspiring Red Cross worker, and cousin Imogene, who studies incessantly to become a "quiz kid." The Dugans rent out their spare rooms to Dixie's fiancé, Matt Hogan, and to blustering Judge J. J. Lawson. Matt, who works in a munitions factory, wants Dixie to settle down and marry him, but Dixie is determined to help her country.
A gang of tough street kids decide to go straight and get jobs in order to free draft-age men for the war effort. However, because of their past tangles with the law, they can't find anybody who'll hire them. Finally one of them gets a job at the department store where his sister works, but runs afoul of a store executive who is in league with a ring of hijackers.
Joe (as Milt Kibbee)
There are no queens and very little Broadway (except for an opening establishing shot) in Queen of Broadway. Instead, this sentimental B-picture is the story of a gambler (Rochelle Hudson), who tries to clean up her act and adopt an orphan (Donald Mayo).
베어너클시대(맨주먹복싱시합)였던 1880년대, 미국의 전설적인 헤비급 복서 존 L. 설리반에게 복싱의 신기술을 보여주며 당당히 KO승을 한 제임스 코벳의 실화를 바탕으로 만든 영화. 1880년대 샌프란시코에서 복싱은 불법에다 저급 스포츠로 취급되었다. 유명 회원제 클럽의 회원들은 글로브를 장착하고 KO룰을 적용시킨 이른바 ‘퀸즈베리룰’이 복싱을 좀 더 신사적인 스포츠로 만들어 줄 것이라 생각하고 새로운 룰의 적용을 지지한다. 클럽의 회원들은 후원하던 젊은 복서 제임스 코벳은 퀸즈베리룰 도입이래 최고의 선수가 되었다. 그러나 아직 어린 짐에게 성공의 달콤한 맛은 독이 되었고 결국 그는 자만과 욕심으로 후원자까지 잃게 되었다. 그러나 이 같은 시련 속에서도 그는 자신만의 스텝을 갈고 닦아 승승장구했으며 결국 세계챔피언이자 자신의 어린 시절 우상이었던 존 L. 설리번과 경기를 하게 된다. 당시 최고의 미남배우였던 에롤 플린이 주인공 짐 코벳 역을 맡았으며 사실적인 권투경기의 묘사로 평론가로부터 호평을 들었던 작품이다.
Station Agent (uncredited)
Susan Applegate, tired of New York after one year and twenty-five jobs, decides to return to her home town in Iowa. Discovering she hasn't enough money for the train fare, Susan disguises herself as a twelve-year-old and travels for half the price. Caught out by the conductors, she hides in the compartment of Major Philip Kirby, a military school instructor who takes the "child" under his wing.
Dr. Thomas Harrigan
A woman - raised in the jungle - tries to help an American stop a native uprising spurned on by Nazis.
Ezra Tompkins (as Milt Kibbee)
Boston pharmacist Tom Craig comes to Sacramento, where he runs afoul of local political boss Britt Dawson, who exacts protection payment from the citizenry. Dawson frames Craig with poisoned medicine, but Craig redeems himself during a Gold Rush epidemic.
Dr. Hagen
Knowing the Army is arriving to establish a post. Doc Hagan and his gang and the crooked Sheriff are trying to drive the ranchers off the land. When the gang wound a rancher, the Doc finishes him off with his needle. Running from the law again, Billy and his pals arrive and take up the ranchers fight. But when Billy's pal Jeff is wounded, Fuzzy unknowningly takes him to Doc Hagan.
Joe Carson
Tom Cameron must prove himself innocent after he is wrongfully charged with the murder of a prison guard.
Connie's Cabbie (uncredited)
As foreman of a dude ranch, Gene has two problems. One is a guest, the spoiled daughter of a millioniare, and the other is the disgruntled ex-foreman that Gene replaced, now just a ranch hand. Gene eventually gets the daughter straightened out but has to fire the ex-foreman and this leads to trouble when he returns intent on revenge.
Judge Clarke (as Milt Kibbee)
Stanton breaks Billy and his two friends Fuzzy and Jeff out of jail. He wants them free so three of his men can impersonate them for the robberies and murders he has planned.
A fugitive doctor (Lionel Atwill) tries to raise the dead for South Sea Islanders.
The Judge (as Milt Kibbee)
In this western, a frontier detective disguised as an entertainer performs for the leader of an outlaw gang. At the same time, he learns the whereabouts of the outlaws' hideout. Unfortunately, his true identity is revealed and he must escape if he is to bring the gang to justice.
Hotel Desk Clerk (Uncredited)
Young intern Jeff Burton, impulsively offers a lift to an odd-looking gentlemen. It soon turns out that Jeff's passenger is an inventor has just escaped from a shady sanitarium, where he has been held prisoner by Nazi spies.
Sam Turner
A singing cowboy and his sidekick rescue miners from a bad deal.
Fred (uncredited)
The Devil works with Adolf Hitler to cause inflation in the United States.
News Vendor Rod Meakin (uncredited)
This Best Short Subject Academy Award winning film begins in the spring of 1940, just before the Nazi occupation of the Benelux countries, and ends immediately after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It chronicles how the people of "Main Street America", the country's military forces, and its industrial base were completely transformed when the decision was made to gear up for war. Original footage is interspersed with contemporary newsreels and stock footage.
Alf McAfee (uncredited)
Episodic look at the life of a minister and his family as they move from one parish to another.
Postman (uncredited)
Victor Ballard, a happy-go-lucky albeit impoverished sidewalk photographer, shares a New York City studio apartment with Polish immigrant painter Stefan Janowski. The big city doles out joy and misery indiscriminately: In the apartment below Victor and Steve, Gus Nelson learns that his wife has given birth to quintuplets, while the lonely tenant in the apartment below Gus has given up on life and committed suicide.
Hotel Desk Clerk
Fast-talking con-man and grifter Candy Johnson rises to be the corrupt boss of Yellow Creek, but his wife's alcoholic father tries to set things right.
The Younger brothers return to Missouri after the Civil War with intent to avenge the misdeeds of William Merrick, a crooked banker who has been buying up warrants on back-taxes and dispossessing the farmers.
Defense Attorney Larkin
Dr. Christian takes time out from his appointed rounds to help clear a bank teller of embezzlement charges.
Cal Chambers (as Milt Kibbee)
The irrepressible Donald Barry is twice falsely accused of murder in this typical low-budget but well-mounted Republic Western. Barry plays Jim Randall, a lawman assigned to investigate a series of gold shipment robberies. Arriving in the middle of a hold-up, Randall finds himself accused of killing the driver (Yakima Canutt). Wells Fargo agent Cal Chambers (Milton Kibbee) vouches for his innocence, however, claiming him to be a noted geologist. Along with several of the prospectors, Jim devises a plan to prove that Jud Parker (Harry Worth) is using his dummy mine as a cover for stealing ore.
Press Photographer (uncredited)
A detective is hired to protect the life of a singer, who has recently inherited a department store, from the store's crooked manager.
Reporter at Wedding (uncredited)
1940년 뉴욕 인콰이어러지를 비롯, 수 많은 신문들의 발행인이었던 찰스 포스터 케인이 죽는다. 그는 당시 70세로 세계에서 손꼽히는 부자였으며, 죽음 직전에는 플로리다의 대저택에서 은둔 생활을 하고 있었다. 생전에 많은 정치인과도 친분을 맺고 있었고, 미국 정책에 막강한 영향력을 발휘하기도 했던 그는 자신에 대한 여러 얘기들에 대해 "나는 현재 미국인이고 과거에도 미국인이었으며 앞으로도 항상 미국인일 것이다"라고 일축하곤 했다. 잡지 편집장 록스톤은 그의 죽음을 취재하고자 기자 톰슨에게 케인이 죽기 전에 말했다는 장미꽃 봉오리가 무슨 뜻인지 알아오라고 한다. 톰슨은 케인의 주변 인물을 샅샅이 취재하기 시작하는데...
Court Clerk (uncredited)
Father Flanagan raises funds, helps a disabled boy, and saves an older boy from reform school.
Deputy Jones
A notorious outlaw is recruited by a cattle buyer, secret boss of a gang of cattle rustlers, to impersonate the town sheriff, who is the outlaw's twin brother; and complications ensue, as the sheriff, now a hostage, is on the eve of his marriage while the outlaw's cantina-dancer girlfriend has followed him to town and is at risk of exposing him.
Sheriff (as Milt Kibbee)
Elliott is hunted by Curtis who has spent six years behind bars because of his testimony. After knocking out several baddies and putting up with the zany antics of his sidekick Taylor, Elliott guns down his antagonist, but Luana Walters, the girl he almost marries, will not abide a gunslinger so Elliott is compelled to ride off alone into the sunset once more.
Williams is out to stop Ellen Goreham from completing her road that is under construction and is using a man to impersonate Billy the Kid. When Billy sees the wanted posters and learns of the murders he supposedly committed, he sets out to find the imposter. His sidekick Fuzzy is there to help him but his friend Jeff, now a Marshal, is also after him.
Carnival Show Spectator (Uncredited)
Showgirl Maisie Ravier finds herself once again out of work. She meets a wealthy playboy who hires her to be his family's new maid. Maisie soon finds herself trying to mend the family's many problems.
Patient with Hand Injury
Jimmy Kildare's impending nuptials are jeopardized by a diagnosis of possible epilepsy in his fiancee's brother.
First Court Clerk (uncredited)
Nellie Kelly, the daughter of Irish immigrants, patches up differences between her father and maternal grandfather while rising to the top on Broadway.
Ship Steward (uncredited)
Magazine editor Margot Merrick pretends to be married in order to avoid advances from male colleagues. Unfortunately, things don't go to plan when Jeff Thompson, a potential suitor, uncovers the deception and decides to show up at Margot's family home posing as her husband!
Mr. Holden
Jimmy and Mary get a group of kids together to play in a school orchestra. A huge contest between schools is coming up and they have a hard time raising money to go to Chicago for the contest.
Mr. Wilkes
A street kid has dreams of becoming a jockey. He gets his chance when he and his gang discover a poor old man who has a championship race horse. The man agrees to let the boy ride his horse in a race, but first the gang must get enough money to pay for the race's entry fees.
Reporter at Taxi (uncredited)
Judy O'Brien is an aspiring ballerina in a dance troupe. Also in the company is Bubbles, a brash mantrap who leaves the struggling troupe for a career in burlesque. When the company disbands, Bubbles gives Judy a thankless job as her stooge. The two eventually clash when both fall for the same man.
Reporter (uncredited)
Farmer Frank and his ward hunt brother Jesse's killers, the back-shooting Fords.
Wells Fargo Man
Cisco and Gordito arrive to find there is an outlaw operating in the area who is assumed to be the Cisco Kid. When a reward is offered for his capture and a large shipment of money goes out, Cisco is on hand. Seeing the gang rob the stage he goes after them only to be wounded. The gang leader leaves Cisco's handkerchief at the scene and now he is wanted for the murder he tried to break up.
In flashback, fifty years after inventing the light bulb, an 82-year-old Edison tells his story starting at age twenty-two with his arrival in New York. He's on his way with the invention of an early form of the stock market ticker.
Baggage Man
Inventor Thomas Edison's boyhood is chronicled and shows him as a lad whose early inventions and scientific experiments usually end up causing disastrous results. As a result, the towns folk all think Tom is crazy, and creating a strained relationship between Tom and his father. Tom's only solace is his understanding mother who believes he's headed to do great things.
Abe's Friend (uncredited)
Abe Lincoln in Illinois is a 1940 biographical film which tells the story of the life of Abraham Lincoln from his departure from Kentucky until his election as President of the United States.
A New York attorney defends a young man with a criminal past who has been accused of murdering a police inspector.
Jury Member (uncredited)
크리스마스를 앞두고 리는 보석점에서 팔찌를 훔치다 체포된다. 담당 검사 존은 체포 이력이 있는 리를 기소하기로 한다. 그러나 크리스마스 분위기에 휩쓸려 배심원들이 관대한 판결을 내릴 게 분명하므로 존은 재판을 미루기로 한다. 리는 크리스마스를 감옥에서 보내야 한다는 사실에 불만을 제기하는데, 안쓰럽게 여긴 존은 일단 리를 보석으로 풀어 준다. 하지만 리는 갈 곳이 없었고, 가족을 만나러 가던 존은 리를 데려간다. 화목한 존의 가족들 사이에서 리는 따뜻함을 느끼고, 그러는 사이 존과 리는 서로에게 이끌린다. 스터지스의 각본을 라이슨이 연출한 로맨틱 코미디. 같은 해 스터지스가 데뷔작을 내놓으면서 스터지스의 각본을 다른 감독이 연출한 마지막 작품이 되었다.
Detective (uncredited)
Not even the joys of parenthood can stop married sleuths Nick and Nora Charles from investigating a murder on a Long Island estate.
Cabbie (uncredited)
프랑스에서 정전협정이 조인된 후, 미국 병사 세 명이 그들의 미래에 대해 고심한다. 에디 바틀렛은 예전의 직업인 차 수리공을 할 수 있을 거라고 굳게 믿고 있으며, 한때 술집 지배인을 했던 죠지 할리는 최근에 제정된 금주령 같은 건 안중에도 없다. 또한 법대생이었던 로이트 하트는 법 공부를 계속할 계획을 갖고 있다. 하지만 그들이 돌아왔을 때 미국은 많이 변해있다. 에디는 실업자들이 넘쳐나는 통에 차 수리공 자리는 얻지도 못하고 할 수 없이 택시를 운전하게 된다. 어느 날 에디는 나이트클럽 여주인인 파나마 스미스 앞으로 가는 밀주를 배달하다가 경찰에 체포되지만 파나마에게 불리한 증언을 하지 않는다. 파나마는 고마움의 표시로 에디가 밀주업에 참여할 수 있게 도와준다.
Senate Reporter (uncredited)
잭슨시를 대표하는 상원의원이 임기 중에 급사한다. 잭슨시의 다른 상원의원인 조세프 페인은 잭슨시 주지사에게 전화를 걸어 새로운 상원의원을 선출하라고 지시한다. 새로운 의원의 조건은 페인과 그의 재정적 후원자인 짐 테일러의 댐건설 계획을 방해하지 않을 인물이어야 한다는 단서가 붙는다. 주지사는 고민 끝에 보이스카웃 단장인 제퍼슨 스미스를 임명한다. 아이들과 다람쥐나 잡으러 쫓아다니는 순박한 촌뜨기야말로 정치판의 꼭두각시 역할로 적격이라는데 의견을 같이했기 때문이다. 스미스는 죽은 아버지의 친구이자 존경하는 정치가인 페인 의원과 함께 워싱턴으로 향한다. 상원의원으로 임명된 제퍼슨은 잭슨시의 월워크 계곡에 소년 야영장을 만들려는 계획을 입안하여 상정하려 하지만 월워크 계곡에 댐을 건설하려는 페인과 테일러의 계획과 맞부딪친다. 이에 페인은 스미스를 등원시키지 않으려고 음모를 꾸미는데...
An embittered Louie Peronni returns from prison to find that his sister, Juli Peronni, is engaged to policeman Eddie Farrell, and also finds that his secret wife Annie Qualen has placed their baby girl in a foundling home. With his old gang again, Louie plans a robbery of a fur warehouse. Louie shoots down the night watchman and is trailed home where his father Guiseppe Peronni persuades him not to fight it out with the police. Determined to let Louie take the full rap, the gang kidnaps the district attorney's daughter.
Fisherman (uncredited)
A tugboat captain serves under his rival as a U-boat chaser in World War I.
Grocery Creditor (uncredited)
Blondie and Dagwood are in charge of operations at a mountain motel. The elderly owners of the establishment are in danger of losing their life savings. Among other things, arson threatens.
Telephone Repair Man
A detective goes undercover as a producer to investigate an actor's murder, which occurred during the performance of a play...
Man Greeting Waiter Bill (archive footage) (uncredited)
FBI agent Ed Renard investigates the pre-War espionage activities of the German-American Bund.
Burbank Official (uncredited)
A famous aviator helps an amateur enter a cross-country air race for women.
Printer (uncredited)
In this epic Western, Wade Hatton, a wagon master turned sheriff, tames a cow town at the end of a railroad line.
New York Airport Manager
This is the story of the historic 1938 flight of Douglas 'Wrong Way' Corrigan. Mr. Corrigan starred in this film, which chronicled his infamous flight. On July 17, 1938, Mr. Corrigan loaded 320 gallons of gasoline (40 hours worth) into the tiny, single engine plane. While expressing his intent to fly west to Long Beach, CA, Mr. Corrigan flew out of Floyd Bennett Field heading east over the Atlantic. Instrumentation in the plane included two compasses (both malfunctioned) and a turn-and-bank indicator. The cabin door was held shut with baling wire. Nearly 29 hours later, he landed in Baldonnel near Dublin. He forever claimed to be surprised at arriving in Ireland rather than California. He returned to the US as a hero, with a ticker tape parade in New York and received numerous medals and awards.
Hardware Store Proprietor (uncredited)
When a confused eyewitness identifies New York City cabbie Brick Tennant as a killer, he is sentenced to death for a murder that he wasn't involved in. Though no one is willing to listen to the innocent prisoner's pleas for freedom, Brick's faithful fiancée, Mary, knows that her lover is innocent because she was with him when the crime was committed. As the scheduled execution draws ever nearer, Mary begins to investigate the murder herself.
Train Conductor
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
Three sisters who believe life is going to be easy, now that their parents are back together, until one sister falls in love with another's fiancé, and the youngest sister plays matchmaker.
A magazine reporter exposes a crooked District Attorney, resulting in his trial. Complications ensue, however, when the man is acquitted.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Colonel Ferris, a wealthy farmer in northern California, is strongly opposed to hydraulic mining, a new method developed during the gold rush of the 1870's, which is flooding the area's prosperous farmlands. Despite Ferris' political stance, Jared Whitney, a mining engineer from the East, becomes friends with the colonel's son Lance and falls in love with his daughter Serena. Family tensions deepen when the colonel's brother Ralph gives up farming to go to San Francisco to work for his wife Rosanna's father, Harrison McCooey, a leader in the mining venture. When Lance follows Ralph, the colonel, focusing his anger on Jared, forbids him to see Serena.
Chauffeur (uncredited)
After losing a coveted role in an upcoming film to another actress, screen queen Mona Marshall (Lola Lane) protests by refusing to appear at her current movie's premiere. Her agent discovers struggling actress Virginia Stanton (Rosemary Lane) -- an exact match for Mona -- and sends her to the premiere instead, with young musician Ronnie Bowers (Dick Powell). After various mishaps, including a case of mistaken identity, Ronnie and Virginia struggle to find success in Hollywood.
Reporter (uncredited)
A starving, uncompromising artist and an heiress fall in love on first sight and immediately get married. She loves his outrageous behaviour, his strange room-mate and the best apartment poverty can buy.
Pink Thomas - a Reporter (uncredited)
Morning Express ace reporter 'Timmy' Blake uses her wiles and charms to get the scoop on rival papers, and keep her editor happy. When the Express gets a tip that a wealthy old man was poisoned and 'Timmy' spots the young widow in a nightclub only a day later, she descends on the town where the death took place to dig out the facts. When her reporting results in the arrest of the young widow, 'Timmy' continues to dig, since she isn't quite convinced that the facts she reported cover all the angles.
Tal is in a lot of trouble. Seems that his father has been murdered while he was in Montana and they put the blame on him. Also, he has been framed and sentenced to 10 years hard labor for another murder which he did not do. The crooks need convict labor to build the dam so they convict innocent people for a pool of cheap labor. But Karan believes that Tal, using the name Smith J. Brown, could not be a killer. Unknown to her, her step brother, Hub, is part of the gang.
Joe Tawney
A reporter risks lynching to prove that share croppers are being cheated.
Extra in Carter's Outer Office (uncredited)
A Hollywood heartthrob helps a small-town girl achieve stardom.
Jim Hall
Ace owns just about everything around except for the Bank, which is owned by John Ware. Ace also has his eye on Judy, but Judy only has eyes for Clay. Since Ace is a crook, he holds up the stage and has his cronies swear that Clay was the bandit which gets Clay 10 years in jail. After he gets out in 5 for good behavior, Clay sets out to find who framed him and stole the stage strongbox. Since the sheriff does not like Clay, he takes his guns away as part of his probation and it makes Clay a target for the Ace gang.
The operators of a bankrupt carnival sideshow hope to restore their fallen fortunes by staging a fake 'public wedding' in the mouth of their unprofitable giant whale. But the intended 'bridegroom' absconds with the proceeds, arranging a substitute. The bride, Flip Lane (Jane Wyman), much to her surprise, finds herself really married to a handsome stranger, whose career as an artist she decides to manage, much to his dismay.
Mort - Hess Henchman
Government agent Red Barton is sent to a small western town to find both the source of a recent series of gold robberies and the method they use to get the gold out of the county unseen. Complicating matters is the arrival of pretty Barbara Morgan who has come to claim her inheritance - the ranch the outlaw gang is using for their headquarters.
Fight promoter Nick Donati grooms a bellhop as a future champ, but has second thoughts when the 'kid' falls for his sister.
Orphaned horse-trainer's little daughter has reciprocated bond with horse, which needs her presence to win races.
Ship line clerk (uncredited)
A Navy veteran with one leg fights to make himself a success.
Blade Simpson
A singing lawyer and other homesteaders participate in the Oklahoma land rush and found the town of Big Rock, but the fast-growing frontier settlement quickly becomes embroiled in political and business corruption. Director Noel Smith's 1937 western stars Dick Foran, Jane Bryan, Tommy Bupp, Ed Cobb, Frank Faylen, Tom Brower and Milton Kibbee.
Smith (uncredited)
In the underworld of Manhattan, a woman dares to stand up to one of the city's most powerful gangsters.
Tavern Customer (uncredited)
The 'Farmer Poet' Robert Burns, after a bad romance, pens "Auld Lang Syne" to much fanfare and courts high society at the expense of his blossoming relationship with beautiful Jean Armour. Soon a marriage is arranged for Jean, and Robby must race to her side before she is married off.
Sheriff Spence
A wild cowboy changes course and becomes a sheriff after his father is murdered.
Two starving songwriters will only get funding if they get British actress Jane Clarke to star in their show.
Court Stenographer (uncredited)
His role in the plight of an unemployed man (Humphrey Bogart) and his disabled daughter profoundly affects an intractable Irish policeman (Pat O'Brien).
Reporter (uncredited)
When a hard-working machinist loses a promotion to a Polish-born worker, he is seduced into joining the secretive Black Legion, which intimidates foreigners through violence.
"Orlando" Radioman
Dr. Frank Brace (Joe King) is an important doctor with son Jerry (Gordon Oliver) as well as foster son Steven (Donald Woods). The sons are both interns at Frank's hospital. Steven is the better doctor who takes blame for Jerry's mistakes.Steven has his license revoked when he is blamed for two deaths. Steven goes through years of hell trying to redeem himself.
Harms (uncredited)
Ambitious reporter Torchy Blane guides her policeman boyfriend to correctly pinpoint who shot the man she was interviewing.
Carlos, Blake's Henchman
A singing cowboy (Dick Foran) thwarts a thieving judge and courts a woman (Anne Nagel) in Texas.
Milt (uncredited)
The partners of stage-producer J. J. Hobart gamble away the money for his new show. They enlist a gold-digging chorus girl to help get it back by conning an insurance company. But they don’t count on the persistence of insurance man Rosmer Peck and his secretary Norma Perry.
Kansas City Airport Official
Reporter Terry Brewer goes to the Los Angeles airport to say goodbye to his sweetheart, airline hostess Rita Moore. He notices G-Man Mike Phelan among the passengers and assuming Phelan is on the trail of a criminal, decides to go along to get a story.
Bart Banton
The Pony Express is finished as the Post Office plans to award the mail contract to a stage line. Bill and his father put in a bid for the mail, however there are three bids close together. The officials will run a race to pick the winner, and the Banton Brothers sabotage Bill's stage. Mary still believes in Bill until they try to get rid of him by holding up the regular stage with his well-known horse. Bill needs proof to clear himself and expose the bad guys.
A young man allergic to horses decides he has to learn to play polo in order to impress the girl he loves. Comedy.
Brandon - Oafley's Butler (uncredited)
Lawyer Perry Mason is summoned to the Laxter mansion in the dead of night to write granddaughter Wilma out of invalid Peter Laxter's will, to keep her from marrying suspected fortune hunter Doug. Peter dies in a mysterious fire and Laxter's two grandsons, Sam Laxter and Frank Oafley, inherit his estate on the condition old caretaker Schuster and his cat Clinker are kept on. When cat-hating Sam threatens Clinker, Perry steps in and learns Laxter's death was suspicious and the family fortune and diamonds are missing. Schuster's found dead in his basement apartment, Laxter's nurse Louise is murdered with Schuster's crutch, and circumstantial evidence brings Doug to trial for Louise's death. Mason's investigation produces a surprise witness who turns the trial around. Written by Sister Grimm
Henchman Steve
A singing secret agent tracks down renegades at President Lincoln's request.
Wilbur - Detective
A henpecked husband tries to help his daughter marry the man she loves and his wife loathes.
Mechanic (uncredited)
An aviator ignores skeptics to make the first commercial flight from San Francisco to China.
A reporter gets himself sent to prison so he can solve a murder behind bars.
Artificial Leg Sales Clerk (uncredited)
After causing his friend's death, an animal trainer marries the man's daughter to atone.
Hotel Clerk
A salesman tries to sell a tractor to a customer who hates tractors while falling for the girl.
Writer #2 (uncredited)
A radio-network manager's boss makes him air a serial based on a murder, tormenting a woman involved.
Thompson, Dry Cleaning Owner (uncredited)
The Big Noise is retired textile manufacturer Julius Trent (Guy Kibbee). Seeking a new outlet for his entrepreneurial energies, Trent buys a half interest in a thriving dry-cleaning establishment. This gets him mixed up with a gang of protection racketeers, who promise dire consequences if Trent doesn't dance to their tune.
Taxi Driver
A wealthy family is blackmailed. Murder results. And a nurse at the scene of the crime is determined to figure out who-done-it.
Jury Foreman in Newsreel (uncredited)
After Police Captain Dan McLaren becomes police commissioner, former detective Johnny Blake publicly punches him, convincing rackets boss Al Kruger that Blake is sincere in his effort to join the mob. "Bugs" Fenner, meanwhile, is certain that Blake is a police agent.
Military Policeman
Broadway star Jimmy Canfield stars in a patriotic show on the great white way during WWI. He plays the heroic soldier, but he is doesn't want to join the Army. To evade some troubles with fellow actress Berenice, he acts like joining the forces going over there, but that turns out to be real. In France he falls in love with a French barmaid and is arrested as spy. He escapes from prison, only to end in the uniform of a German officer leading "his" soldiers in an Allied trap. But being escaped from prison and wearing the enemy's uniform isn't that healthy in wartime.
Man at Relay Station
The Indians need the Buffalo to survive and the Government has promised to keep the herds free from hunters. But Carter, of Carter and Barton, just signed a big contract for furs and Buffalo meat so they want the herds. The only way they can get them is to rile the Indians up enough to go on the warpath and break the treaty. After the trouble starts, the Indians get the Colonel's daughter and hold her prisoner. Written by Tony Fontana
Bill - Drug Store Clerk
Fred, the wealthy owner of apple groves, has sent his nephew to college, but the only job that his nephew has after graduating is the job of not working. Bill is a dreamer, a talker and a golf player and he has a lot of ideas, but still lives off Fred. When Hazel gets engaged to Doc Jenkins, it takes a while, but Bill talks her into marrying him instead. The only problem is that now, he needs to find a job.
Train Ticket Clerk (uncredited)
Neurotic Broadway star Al Jackson faces professional ruin when he loses his voice. While recuperating in the country, he falls in love with farm girl Ruth Haines, the pretty aunt of precocious little Sybil Haines.
Convict Warning Larrabee
A crusading young reporter planning a series of articles about a corrupt politician is framed for a crime and sentenced to serve five years at a prison farm.
Reporter (uncredited)
Down-on-his-luck John Ellman is framed for a judge's murder. After he's convicted and sentenced to death, witnesses come forth and prove his innocence. But it was too late for a stay to be granted and Ellman is executed. A doctor uses an experimental procedure to restore him to life, though the full outcome is other than expected.
Henchman (uncredited)
Frank Sr. sells his supplies to Hook, but then Hook has the Bannion Boys bushwhack his wagon to get the money back. Frank is murdered, but Junior gets away. He comes back 10 years later to settle the score as the Singing Cowboy. He finds that Hook is still doing his dirty deeds on the unsuspecting people. Along the way, Frank meets the lovely Jen, who came out in the same wagon train 10 years before.
Sam / Art
A bored small-town teacher gets mixed up with an escaped bank robber.
Train Ticket Clerk
City girl marries country doctor, meets prejudice and exclusion when she tries to befriend the townspeople.
돈 벨로우스는 뉴욕에서 활동하는 촉망 받는 건축가다. 과거 브로드웨이를 주름잡는 스타였지만, 알코올 중독자로 전락한 조이스 히스의 재활치료를 돕는 과정에서 그녀에게 연정을 품게 되지만, 그에게는 약혼녀가 있고, 조이스에게도 남편이 있다.
Shop Man (uncredited)
After a roustabout sailor avoids being shanghaied in 1850s San Francisco, his audacity helps him rise to a position of power in the vice industry of the infamous Barbary Coast.
Hotel Desk Clerk
An aggressive agent turns a hotel porter into an overnight sensation.
Henchman Pete
A singing medicine-show cowboy and his magician partner catch a killer.
Bank Teller
Dr. Socrates gave up his brilliant career as surgeon in a prominent hospital because his betrothed died under his knife. He is now a struggling doctor in a small town that has a gangster's hideout.
Hotel Garageman (uncredited)
When Georgiana Summers learns that the woman who stole and married her husband is planning a romantic tryst with a new love, she hatches a giddy plot to expose the rendezvous and pay her back.
Pinball Player (uncredited)
Newspaperman Bill Bradford becomes a special agent for the tax service trying to end the career of racketeer Nick Carston. Julie Gardner is Carston's bookkeeper. Bradford enters Carston's organization and Julie cooperates with him to land Carston in jail. An informer squeals on them. Julie is kidnapped by Carston's henchmen as she is about to testify
Chauffeur (uncredited)
A con man and his partner inherit a dead gangster's precocious daughter.
Red's Pal
A taxi driver travels to Venice and poses as a gondolier to land a radio singing job.
Joe, Cashier (Uncredited)
Owen, a small time bookie, decides to open an insurance business as it involves lesser risk. His first client is Colonel Youngblood who insures his daughter, Marilyn, against marriage.
Telegraph Operator (uncredited)
Ace reporter Curt Devlin and fellow reporter Ellen Garfield love one another, but Curt believes women are "bum newspapermen". When a murder investigation ensues, the two compete every step of the way, determined to not be scooped by the other.
Pat, the Timekeeper (uncredited)
A Traveler's Aid worker who delights in solving people's problems gets mixed up with gangsters.
Orphanage Employee
A mother sends her young son to military school so he won't find out she's been sentenced to a prison term on a framed fraud charge.
Bill - Printing Press Mechanic
Sam Preston is a small-town newspaper publisher who suffers from wanderlust. Leaving his family, he thinks well-provided for, he packs a suitcase and hits the road. Ten years later he comes back to find the newspaper shuttered and his family gone.
Waiter at Shim Sham Cafe
An irresponsible Broadway star gets mixed up with gambling and gangsters.
Stenographer (uncredited)
A toothpaste magnate's mischievous daughter, tired of her father's traditional ways of conducting business, joins forces with her father's rival and a crazy inventor. Together they create "Cocktail Toothpaste". The new concoction tastes like whiskey in the morning, a martini at suppertime, and champagne at night.
Ritz Clerk (uncredited)
A PR man talks a swanky hotel into hiring his girlfriend's brother as chef.
Evening Bulletin Archivist (uncredited)
A murder happens when greedy relatives gather to await the demise of their wealthy and very ill family patriarch.
Man Restraining Johnny in Courtroom Fight
An ambitious Mexican-American gets mixed up with his boss's neurotic wife.
Backed-Into Driver (uncredited)
Director William C. McGann's 1935 film stars Gloria Stuart and Ross Alexander as a young couple in love who face economic woes once they're wed.
Reporter (uncredited)
An honest sports columnist's greedy wife persuades him to go easy on a cheat, famous for crooked sports deals.
Gas Station Attendant
Bob Halsey is a first-rate pilot who's in love with stewardess Judy Wagner. He's ordered to deliver a secret formula to Washington, D.C., but a spy hears about the assignment and sabotages it by murdering Bob's fellow flyers and making off with the liquid. While the government conducts a vast search for the formula, the spies entangle Judy in their web of deceit, causing Bob to set off on his own in an effort to save his sweetheart and retrieve the missing mixture.
Spectator Bidding $3.50 (uncredited)
Auctioneer Spot Cash Cutler is planning the scam of a lifetime, but will he get burned?
Reporter (uncredited)
A bitter woman who thinks she'll never love again marries, only to fall for a brash young man.
Detective (uncredited)
A very nervous man named Cartwright comes into Perry's office to have the neighbor arrested for his howling dog. He states that the howling is a sign that there is a death in the neighborhood. He also wants a will written giving his estate to the lady living at the neighbors house. It is all very mysterious and by the next day, his will is changed and Cartwright is missing, as is the lady of the house next door. Perry has a will and a retainer and must find out whether he has a client or a beneficiary.
Reporter (uncredited)
A reformer's daughter wins the lead role in a scandalous Broadway show.
Service Station Attendant (uncredited)
Wonderful idea to give a party with people who dislike each other. Late at night, everyone decides to go into the pool, except Stamm, who is drunk. Montague dives in as does Greeff and Leland, but only Greeff and Leland come out. Montague is no where to be found so Leland suspects foul play and calls the cops. Luckily, Philo is with the D.A. and comes along, but they do not find Montague. When they drain the pool the next day, they find nothing except what looks like dragon prints. Philo has his suspicions and tries to piece the clues together to find out what has happened.
Mike (uncredited)
A cocky guy joins the Navy for the wrong reason but finds romance and twice is cited for heroism.
Pilot (uncredited)
A railroad tycoon, disillusioned with his marriage, starts seeing a showgirl. Things go agreeably until the woman's manager decides to blackmail the millionaire.
Johnny (uncredited)
An unpolished racketeer, whose racket is finding heirs for unclaimed fortunes, affects ethics and tea-drinking manners to win back the sweetheart who now works for his seemingly upright competitor.
First Reporter (uncredited)
A businesslike syndicate runs all the gambling joints in town; least profitable is honest Mike Lee's. Under pressure to allow cheating, Mike "walks out," leaving tough-minded daughter Lady Lee to earn a living the only way she knows. She soon becomes a success gambling among the rich, but, falling out with the syndicate, she considers the marriage proposal of blueblood Garry Madison. Can such a match work despite snobbery and old associations?
Drunk Reporter (uncredited)
재산을 노리고 구혼을 한 비행사인 킹 웨슬리와 결혼하고자 하는 엘리를 아버지 알렉산더가 반대하고 요트에 가둬 두자 엘리는 헤엄을 쳐 해안으로 도망쳐나와 뉴욕으로 가는 그레이하운드 버스에 오른다. 그 버스에는 근무 중에 술을 마셔 해고당한 신문 기자 피터가 맨 뒷 좌석에 자리잡고 있는데, 엘리는 피터와 맨 뒤의 좌석에 나란히 앉게 된다. 여행 도중 엘리가 소지품이 든 가방을 잃어버렸음에도 신고하기를 거부하자 피터는 엘리의 신분에 대해 의심을 하게 된다. 그레이하운드로 계속되는 여행 다음날 둘은 잠시 쉰 휴게실에서 느긋하게 아침 식사를 하다가 엘리와 피터는 버스를 놓치게 되고, 피터는 엘리의 신분을 알게 된다. 엘리는 피터에게 뉴욕에 도착하도록 도와주면 자신에 대한 특종 기사를 쓰게 해 주겠다며 거래를 제안하지만 부잣집 딸이나 부를 탐내 결혼하려는 킹 웨슬리 같은 사람한테 전혀 관심이 없다면서 퉁명스럽게 이 제안을 거절한다.하지만 북쪽 으로 향하는 여행에서 몇 가지 우연찮은 사고가 일어나게 되고 피터와 엘리는 여러 곤경에 같이 빠지게 되는데...
Charlie Dwyer (uncredited)
Managing Editor Brad Bradshaw refuses to run a story linking the disappearance of Frank Canfield with embezzlement of the bank. He considers Frank a straight shooter and he goes easy on the story. Every other paper goes with the story that Frank took the money and Brad is demoted, by the publisher, to the Heartthrob column - writing advice to the lovelorn. After feeling sorry for himself for two months, he takes the column seriously and makes it the talk of the town. But Brad still wants his old job back so he will have to find Canfield and the missing money.
Photographer (uncredited)
Ruthless Coach Gore creates turmoil at a college by hiring players and alienating students. Along the way, the coach loses his wife Claire Gore to a grandstanding player. Inside look at college football of the 1930s replete with fake grades, non-student players, and the importance of football to a college's reputation.
Reporter (uncredited)
Philo Vance, accompanied by his prize-losing Scottish terrier, investigates the locked-room murder of a prominent and much-hated collector whose broken Chinese vase provides an important clue.
Movie Usher (uncredited)
At the height of the Great Depression, Tommy's mother has been out of work for months when Eddie's father loses his job. Eager not to burden their parents, the two high school Sophomores decide to hop the freight trains and look for work.
Lane's Secretary (uncredited)
The son of a ruthless meatpacking king goes through a number of changes in ideals and motivations as he reluctantly inherits the mantle and falls in love.
Man in Mayor's Office (uncredited)
뉴욕의 가난한 사과 장수 애니는 태어나자마자 스페인의 수녀원으로 보내졌던 딸 루이즈에게 늘 편지를 쓰는데, 편지 속 애니는 뉴욕 상류층의 귀부인이다. 어느 날, 결혼을 앞둔 루이즈가 약혼자 카를로스와 예비 시아버지 로메로 백작과 함께 뉴욕을 방문하겠다고 하는데, 애니는 자신의 실체가 드러나면 딸의 결혼이 무산될지도 모른다는 두려움에 떤다. 한편, 애니의 사과는 행운을 가져다 준다고 믿는 멋쟁이 도박꾼 데이브가 기꺼이 애니를 돕기로 한다. 루이즈 일행이 뉴욕항에 도착하는 날, 애니는 E. 워딩턴 맨빌 부인이 되어 그들을 맞이한다. 카프라와 만나 ‘카프리스킨 터치’를 만들어낸 각본가 로버트 리스킨이 데이먼 러니언의 단편을 각색했다. 이 작품으로 카프라는 흥행 감독의 위치를 공고히 했으며, 처음으로 아카데미상 후보에 오르기도 했다. (영화의 전당)
SS Atlantis Deck Steward (uncredited)
A woman doctor decides to have a baby without benefit of marriage.
Reporter Outside Prison (uncredited)
An ex-con uses his street smarts to become a successful photojournalist.
Police Stenographer (Uncredited)
Kay and June, two showgirls, are hurt when they seek financial help from Daisy. On Daisy's wedding night when she is rendered missing, Kay and June decide to look for her to claim the reward.
Reporter (Uncredited)
영화는 아이반 아이고어라는 조각가가 세운 런던의 밀랍 인형 박물관에서 시작된다. 박물관의 상업적 성과에 실망한 그의 동업자는 화재 보험으로 투자한 돈을 회수하기 위해 박물관에 불을 지르고 아이고어는 그 안에 갇히고 말죠. 프롤로그가 끝나면 영화는 십여년의 세월과 대서양을 건너뛰어 1933년의 뉴욕으로 관객들을 끌고 갑니다. 기삿거리가 떨어져 해고 직전인 맹렬 신문기자 플로렌스는 조운 게일이라는 여자의 살인사건을 수사하다가 지난 몇 개월 동안 일어난 일련의 연쇄 살인사건과 마주치게 되는데, 이 사건의 공통점은 살인사건 이후 모두 시체들이 사라졌다는 것이었죠. 화재로 불구가 된 아이반 아이고어가 뉴욕에 세운 밀랍 인형 박물관에 조운 게일과 이상할 정도로 닮은 잔 다르크의 인형이 전시되어 있다는 걸 알아차린 플로렌스는 아이고어가 그 살인사건들과 어떤 관련이 있다고 믿게 됩니다. 그러는 동안 아이고어는 플로렌스의 룸메이트인 샬롯에게 마리 앙트와네트 밀랍 인형의 모델이 되어달라고 부탁하죠.