Vincent Londez

Vincent Londez

프로필 사진

Vincent Londez

참여 작품

The Blob: A Genius without a Brain
This documentary outlines the unique properties and latest studies of "Physarum Polycephalum", also known as Blob.
Homo Spatius
Can Homo sapiens evolve into Homo spatius? For over 50 years now, we have been testing our human nature in our effort to conquer outer space, and still 30 years away from a possible human exploration of Mars, a question remains: Can our body take such travels? Will it ever adapt? Combining human adventure and the exploration of the human body, this film offers unique insights into the physical and psychological effects of space travel on the Astronauts and measures the impact on medical sciences.
The Royal Exchange
Saint Simon
After many years of confrontation, the treasures of Spain and France are empty. In 1721, the regent of France draws up an ambitious plan to inaugurate an era of peace and prosperity that will heal the economies of both nations: his intention is to build a solid network of marriage alliances that will involve four children of very different ages who know nothing of betrayals and power games…
Les étonnantes vertus de la méditation
Adèle has been working for more than 3 years on Orbit Defence, a space station in charge of Earth security using drone pilots. Today, is her last routine mission, before she returns home to meet her family, especially her daughter. Without taking Murphy's Law into account.
Les nouveaux guerriers des champs
바스티유 데이
Yannick Bertrand
파리를 찾는 관광객들을 대상으로 소매치기를 벌이는 마이클(리차드 매든)이 폭탄이 든 가방을 훔쳐 테러범으로 몰린 후, CIA 요원인 브라이어(이드리스 엘바)에게 쫓기게 된다. 타고난 현장요원인 브라이어는 마이클이 진범이 아님을 직감하고, 함정에 빠진 마이클을 이용해 테러 사건의 배후를 파헤치고자 한다. 주어진 36시간! 디데이는 혁명기념일! 극과 극 성격의 두 사람은 도시 구출 작전에 나선다.
The Gut: Our Second Brain
For a few years now, scientists have known about the existence of another brain within our bodies. This second brain, or "brain down below" is none other than our stomach. The stomach's intelligence is a new avenue of research that is fascinating research teams the world over.
암흑물질의 신비
현재 물리학모델에 따르면, 별, 은하계 등 세상에 알려진 연구된 모든 물질의 무게는 우주의 4%밖에 존재하지 않는다. 미지의 물질은 우주에 대거 존재할 것으로 추정하고 있다. 하지만 그것을 확인할 수 있는 방법이 없다. 과연 암흑물질의 정체는 무엇일까? (2014년 제5회 SF)
Un homme presque parfait
Red Knight
11th Century AD. In a world that burns with the heat of battle, a world torn apart by Crusades, one knight traverses the desolate wastes laid bare by bloody conflict. Prepare yourself for a descent into a brutal hell, where armies clash and blood flows like rivers, and where a sharp blade is the only means of defense against an army of evil.