Vincent Londez

Vincent Londez


Vincent Londez


The Blob: A Genius without a Brain
This documentary outlines the unique properties and latest studies of "Physarum Polycephalum", also known as Blob.
Homo Spatius
Can Homo sapiens evolve into Homo spatius? For over 50 years now, we have been testing our human nature in our effort to conquer outer space, and still 30 years away from a possible human exploration of Mars, a question remains: Can our body take such travels? Will it ever adapt? Combining human adventure and the exploration of the human body, this film offers unique insights into the physical and psychological effects of space travel on the Astronauts and measures the impact on medical sciences.
Обмен принцессами
Saint Simon
1721 год. У регента Франции, Филиппа Орлеанского, возникает смелая идея. Его подопечный, 11-летний Людовик XV, скоро станет королём. Обмен принцессами укрепил бы хрупкий мир с Испанией, многолетние войны с которой обескровили оба королевства. Регент выдаёт свою 12-летнюю дочь за наследника престола Испании, а Людовик XV должен жениться на испанской инфанте, 4-летней Анне Марии Виктории. Но поспешный вход в свет молодых принцесс, принесённых в жертву политике, станет причиной их безрассудства…
Les étonnantes vertus de la méditation
Adèle has been working for more than 3 years on Orbit Defence, a space station in charge of Earth security using drone pilots. Today, is her last routine mission, before she returns home to meet her family, especially her daughter. Without taking Murphy's Law into account.
Les nouveaux guerriers des champs
Крутые меры
Yannick Bertrand
Ловкий карманник Майкл Мэйсон привлекает внимание полиции и спецслужб, когда крадет сумку, содержащую гораздо больше, чем просто бумажник. На его след выходит дерзкий и резкий спецагент ЦРУ Шон Брайар. Вдвоем они становятся мишенью тайной преступной организации и в течение суток должны вывести злоумышленников на чистую воду.
The Gut: Our Second Brain
For a few years now, scientists have known about the existence of another brain within our bodies. This second brain, or "brain down below" is none other than our stomach. The stomach's intelligence is a new avenue of research that is fascinating research teams the world over.
The Mystery of Dark Matter
Dark matter fills the cosmos, and yet its identity is still unknown. For the first time, a film portrays the wild scientific quest find out what it is. This breath-taking thriller leads us to the dawn of a scientific and metaphysical revolution, akin to Copernic's or Galileo's. It could totally change the way we perceive our world.
Un homme presque parfait
Red Knight
11th Century AD. In a world that burns with the heat of battle, a world torn apart by Crusades, one knight traverses the desolate wastes laid bare by bloody conflict. Prepare yourself for a descent into a brutal hell, where armies clash and blood flows like rivers, and where a sharp blade is the only means of defense against an army of evil.