Leonidas Bayer

참여 작품

최후의 홀로코스트
Prof. Pedro Ibañez
교수인 이바네즈와 딸 에바, 미국 고생물학 연구원 캐빈, 이혼한 부부, 잡지 모델과 촬영 기자, 조종사 등 아홉 명이 브라질의 공룡계곡으로 향한다. 이곳은 관광객 출입금지 구역으로 여전히 공룡의 발자국이 남아있고 야만적인 아쿠아 인디언이 살고 있는 곳이다. 그러나 그들은 공룡계곡으로 들어갔고, 엔진고장으로 인디언의 구역에 불시착한다. 모두 빨리 그곳을 벗어나려고 노력하지만 모두 죽임을 당하고, 캐빈과 에바, 벨린다만이 살아남는다. (최성진)
The Claudia Case
Dr. Prado
Based on the true events that took place in the 70s, in Rio de Janeiro. The body of beautiful girl Cláudia Lessin Rodrigues, actress Márcia Rodrigues's sister, was found in the seashore. After Police investigation, it was found she had been murdered on a party by a rich industrialist's son and his socialite hairdresser buddy, after much sex, alcohol and drugs, specially Mandrax (methaqualone). She'd probably resisted being raped and the killers threw away the body in the water. One of the guys tried to escape flying to Switzerland.
O Cortiço
This adaptation of a classic Brazilian novel focuses on the relations of charismatic characters within a tenement.
A Culpa
Heitor and Matilde are two siblings who decide to murder their rich father in order to quickly inherit his wealth. They get the killing done, aided by Matilde's boyfriend Henrique, but after a while the three of them begin to recieve mysterious notes which suggest that their secret is in danger.
A group of armed soldiers is sent to the Northeast of Brazil in an attempt to stop a famine-struck population from invading and stealing a food deposit in the dry backlands. While the alienation and insanity of people driven to hallucination by their latent hunger is conducted by the predictions of a religious figure, a truck driver observes the situation and remains torn between his friendship with the soldiers and his revolt against the lack of government action in fighting the misery that lingers over the region.
The Fifth Power
Foreign country wants to perpetrate a coup in Brazil. They employ a new technique of subliminal messages, which are transported along with radio and TV waves. In no time, the population gets deranged and the country dives into ultimate chaos. Only a few people who don't watch television nor listen to radio are immune to it, and have the responsibility to abort the scheme, without really knowing what they're dealing with.