Professor Walston
After an aging voodoo priestess dies, her arrogant son Willis Daniel's believes he is next in line to lead. He is outraged when Lisa, his mother's adopted apprentice is chosen as the leader. Willis seeks revenge by reviving the African prince Blacula — but soon finds that he cannot control him.
Messenger #1
애틀랜틱을 배경으로 각자 다른 삶을 사는 두 남자 한 사람은 우울한 성품의 심야 라디오 DJ이며 한 사람은 보석으로 가석방된 조무래기 범죄자다. 두사람은 함께 작당해 하와이의 도박장에서 한 건 올려 부자가 되려는 허무맹랑한 꿈을 품지만 두 사람의 계획은 우발적인 살인 사건으로 끝난다. 희망이라고는 전혀 찾아볼 수 없는가..
At the age of twenty-nine, Elgar Enders "runs away" from home. This running away consists of buying a building in a black ghetto in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn. Initially, his intention is to evict the black tenants and convert the building into a posh flat. But Elgar is not one to be bound by yesterday's urges, and soon he has other thoughts on his mind.