Struggling actress Hedda Hopper can't get a break in Hollywood, even though an acquaintence of hers is the extremely powerful gossip monger Louella Parsons - maker and breaker of careers (and lives) through her daily syndicated newspaper column. The big movie moguls, fed up with Parson's power over their stars, decide to de-claw her by setting up gossip Hopper as a competitor in the rumour industry. What they couldn't forsee was that Hopper would become as big as Parsons -- and every bit as much of a pain. Based on the true life stories of two of the most powerful (and arguably dangerous) women of Hollywood's hay-day.
레슬리 힌덴버그는 고등학교 3 학년이 되었다 . 의사를 찾아갔다가 시한부 판정을 받은 후, 그녀는 처녀성 을 잃으려고 노력한다 . 그러나 체육교사인 아버지 때문에 그녀의 목표를 달성하기가 어렵다 . 한편 앨런 홀트는 친구들에게 성적 만남을 자랑하는 십대이다. 그 둘이 만나서 벌어지는 이야기.
록키산의 사냥꾼 존슨(Albert Johnson: 찰스 브론슨 분)은 다 죽어가는 투견을 헐값에 사들인 것이 악연이 되어 투견패들과 총격전을 벌이다가 그 중 한 명을 살해한다. 제보를 받은 카나다 산악 경찰대 소속의 밀른 상사(Sgt. Edgar Millen: 리 마빈 분)는 존슨을 출두시켜 사건의 진위를 밝히려 한다. 그러나 약자에게는 더욱 냉혹한 사회의 생리를 이미 체험한 존슨은 자신이 살인 누명을 벗을 수 없음을 간파하고 탈출을 결심한다. 이로부터 영하 40도씨를 밑도는 험준한 록키 산맥을 가로지르는 장장 48일간의 대추격전이 시작된다. 존슨의 탈출 행각이 집요해질 수록 그의 목에는 거액의 현상금이 붙고, 부하까지 잃게 된 밀른은 추격의 고삐를 죄어 온다. 굶주림과 수면 부족의 기사 상태에서 알라스카 국경에 다다른 존슨. 그는 끈질긴 추적자 밀른을 경외스러움으로 돌아보고, 밀른은 사정거리 안에 들어온 존슨을 향해 총구를 겨눈다.
Over the course of a day in a California hospice, three terminally ill patients are observed with their families reflecting on life and death.
인민위원회에 성이 접수되어 부득이 트란실바니아의 성에서 쫓겨난 드라큘라 백작이 신부를 찾으러 뉴욕으로 온다. 그리하여 사랑하는 여자를 얻을 때까지를 그린 코미디 영화다.
A small-time talent agent discovers an amazing boxing kangaroo and figures to use it as his stepping-stone into the big time.
The bizarre story behind the man accused of assassinating John F. Kennedy and what might have happened had he been brought to trial.
When three men attack and rape a man's wife while on a camping trip, he takes it upon himself to hunt them down.
지구 중심부의 진동 이후 폭발적으로 생겨난 거대한 바퀴벌레의 돌연변이들이 도시를 위협한다. 카본을 먹어치우고 보이는 대로 모든 생물체에 불을 지르는 이 곤충떼에 아내를 잃은 과학자의 지휘로 마침내 도시엔 다시 평화가 찾아온다.
An ailing man summons his four daughters home for Christmas and asks them to kill his new wife, who he suspects is poisoning him.
Satan's School for Girls is set within the grim walls of Fallbridge College for Girls. Hoping to learn the truth behind the "suicide" of her younger sister, Beth Hammersmith enrolls in Fallbridge under the assumed name of Karen Oxford. Our heroine soon learns that the school is in the clutches of a coven of witches called "The Five" -- and that she herself has the right satanic qualities to enable The Five to take over the world
After federal agent Cleopatra Jones orders the burning of a Turkish poppy field, the notorious drug lord Mommy vows to destroy her.
An 18th century African prince is turned into a vampire while visiting Transylvania. Two centuries later, he rises from his coffin attacking various residents of Los Angeles and meets Tina, a woman who he believes is the reincarnation of his deceased wife.
A young couple moves into a farmhouse in rural Pennsylvania. What they don't know is that there is an unseen presence in the house, and that it wants to take possession of the wife.
In this coming of age comedy, a cocky high school student thinks nothing of using the people around him to satisfy his self-centered needs, until someone in his life gets pregnant.
A federal agent attempts to make some real money before the alcohol ban is lifted so he sets his sights on the whiskey cache of an old army buddy.
A young but bright former window cleaner rises to the top of his company by following the advice of a book about ruthless advancement in business.
Assistant Editor
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