Bruni Löbel

Bruni Löbel

출생 : 1920-12-20, Chemnitz, Germany

사망 : 2006-09-27

프로필 사진

Bruni Löbel

참여 작품

Das letzte Stück Himmel
Frau Reisinger
Hilfe, die Familie kommt!
Adele Bredemeyer
Die schönsten Geschichten mit Heinz Rühmann
In dieser Stadt daheim
Clara Röhrl
Four stories set in the city of Regensburg.
Mallorca - Liebe inbegriffen
Das größte Fest des Jahres
Herta Stolze
A TV special about the christmas celebrations of the most popular TV characters in the ZDF at that time.
Aus familiären Gründen
So ein Theater - Das Mädchen im Apfelbaum
Wie es geschah
Frau Schneider
Der Heuler
Liebe hat ihre Zeit
Die Präsidentin
Wer den Schaden hat..
Evas Mutter
Bring's mir bei, Céline!
Ein Zug nach Manhattan
Sylvia Hardy
The Legend of Tim Tyler
Schwester Agatha
The series, based on the novel by German author James Krüss, tells the story of Timm, the boy who traded in his infectious laugh for the ability to win any bet. The man who did the devilish deal with Timm is wealthy businessman Baron de Lefouet, who is even more successful in business now that he has Timm's engaging laugh to win him friends. Timm, on the other hand, soon realizes that life is not the same without the ability to laugh, and he sets out to find the evil Baron and try to regain the ability to laugh.
Jane ist die Liebe
Kleine Geschichten mit großen Tieren
Diener und andere Herren
Ehefrau des Ornithologen
Taxi 4012
Frau Moser
Das Fräulein von Scuderi
la Martiniére
Die Halde
Lizzis Mutter
Rätin Spatz
Ein Fall für Sie: Sonnenschein bis Mitternacht
Helma Riedinger
Wurm im Bau
Frau Kröner
Blüten der Gesellschaft
Caroline Bollmann
Ach, so eine nette Person
Frau Bell
Der Hausfreund
Herta Flum
Juno und der Pfau
Mrs. Maisie Madigan
The Conference of Animals
One day the animals become too colorful: war is constantly going on among the people. When Alois, the lion, learns that the 365th Peace Conference has just failed, the animals decide that it is high time to intervene: they call their own "animal" peace conference. With much courage and even more imagination, they develop a plan so that Frides can finally prevail among the people of the world ...
Eine Frau ohne Bedeutung
Lady Stutfield
Was Ihr wollt
Sich selbst der Nächste
Kurzer Prozeß
Fräulein Schebesta
Philadelphia, ich bin da!
Lizzy Sweeney
Nathan der Weise
Biedermann und die Brandstifter
Babette - seine Frau
Erinnerung an zwei Montage
Porträt eines Helden
Rhoda Grant
Alle mal herhören, auch die, die schwerhören..!
Die zwei Herren aus Verona
Die Schelme im Paradies
Tag für Tag
Jenny Beales
Onkelchens Traum
Das Fräulein an der Kasse
Eva Wiberg
올모스트 엔젤스
Mother Fiala
영화의 시대적 배경은 비엔나의 가난한 서민들의 삶에서 시작됩니다. 당시 비엔나 아이들의 로망은 오직 소년합창단에 들어가는 것이었습니다. 그곳에 들어가기만 하면 매년 공짜로 전 세계 순회공연을 다니면서 세계각국의 맛있는 음식을 먹을 수 있다는 소문이 돌면서 비엔나에서 노래를 좀 한다는 소년들은 합창단의 오디션에 참석합니다. 기관사인 아버지를 따라 역에 놀러 왔던 주인공인 토니는 마침 순회공연을 마치고 돌아오는 빈 소년합창단의 우아한 모습에 단박에 매료되고 맙니다. 그리고 무작정 엄마를 졸라서 오디션을 보게 되고 자신도 몰랐던 재능에 토니는 감격해합니다 하지만 합창단 안에는 또 하나의 작은 생존의 세상… 그곳에서 소년들은 변성기가 찾아오면 무조건 합창단에서 쫓겨나야 하는 한시적인 운명임을 깨닫고는 토니는 두려워하게 됩니다. 더구나 토니의 재능을 질투하는 변성기의 귀로에 선 상급자 친구들은 수시로 토니를 괴롭힙니다. 그중 에서도 토니를 가장 괴롭히던 페터에게도 변성기가 찾아오게 됩니다.
Die Kassette
Fanny Krull
Venus im Licht
Jessie Dill
Beautiful Adventure
The teacher Dorothee Durand, young and single, travels from England to the picturesque south of France to find the remaining remnants of her family. Her search takes her to Nimes, where she meets the likewise single Marius, a hotelier, who immediately falls in love with the beautiful woman. And so it turns out that after traveling through half of France, Dorothy not only finds her relatives, but also ...
Der Pauker
Fräulein Dr. Selinski
Geliebte Feindin
Aimée, Kabarettistin
Special Delivery
Complications ensue when a U.S. diplomat discovers that he has a baby on his hands and an undercover gal in his arms.
Der kleine Napoleon
Josefine Schmidt
Die Stadt ist voller Geheimnisse
Susi Ecker
Vater braucht eine Frau
Mrs. Hellwig
Wirbel um Irene
Reni Romana
Drei, von denen man spricht
Franzi Schlee
Vater braucht eine Frau
Lotti Hellwig
A widowed father advertises for a new maid, but his children secretly seek a woman to be his new wife.
Engel im Abendkleid
The bailiff Engel is believed to be an heir to the millions via a fictitious newspaper advertisement. It is said to have a mink farm. Your debtors mean my nun that as a millionaire you can pay the debts. Some dowry hunters have seen it on them too. Paulchen, who shows the ad, has in Ms. Engel and in the end she also has a couple.
Die Nacht ohne Sünde
Monika Göbel
Mädchen mit Beziehungen
An unemployed engineer who does not want his fiancee to protect him has accidentally insulted his future boss, unknown and for no reason. From this meager idea, a stupidly rolled-out confusion with pop song in a Mexico bar develops.
The Big Lift
The Berlin Air Lift from the point of view of two NCOs.
Unknown Sender
Magda Lehmann - Schülerin
Man spielt nicht mit der Liebe
Krach im Hinterhaus
Edeltraud Panse
Comedy Times Three
Ulla Brand, ihre Schwester
"Gems" - Embedded in a frame story, the film shows excerpts from 18 entertainment films of the time, among others, "The Gypsy Baron", "The Three Codonas", "La Habanera", "Viennese Blood", "Sophienlund", and "Mask in Blue".
Quax in Afrika
Kein Platz für Liebe
Der große Preis
The moral is simple: keep your mouth shut, especially when you're working during the wartime in a factory, which produces racing cars only, or someone can (or even must) get murdered. Not a good movie, not a bad either. The ending is abrupt and artificial, which seems to be a common plague of Third Reich's crime movies. Gustav Fröhlich could never get rid of his silent era mannerisms and overacting. But on the other side, this film is not boring and has to offer some decent plot turns and acting.
Meine vier Jungens
Inge Tiedemann
Wenn die Sonne wieder scheint
Magd Rieneke - genannt Schellebelle
The Termoehlens belong to the old farming class in Flanders. Their estate does well and their flax is the best far and wide. And as is the custom, old Termoehlen is like a ruler over his family, the servants and the maidens. Even his son Ludwig, who has just returned from agricultural school with all his ideas on how to improve the farm, doesn’t stand a chance. When Ludwig falls in love with the maiden Rieneke – known as Schellebelle – his father become a despotic enemy.
Der 5. Juni
Gerda Hoffmann
Anne-Liese Gründel
The keywords for this film are comradeship and trust among the youth of a small village on the Baltic which is firmly under the control of an innkeeper, Ottokar Waschke. Waschke owns the only tugboat in town, which the town's fishermen, who make up the majority of the employed, need to transport their catch. So he forces them to sell their fish for a pittance, which Waschke then re-sells at an enormous profit. In the meantime, a big-city teacher, Helmut Grundel, comes to the village and discovers Waschke's little game. Grundel wants to form a collective, so that the fishermen can become independent from Waschke and this makes Waschke into a dangerous enemy. When the young Heini, son of a dune-patrolman, discovers that canisters of liquour are being smuggled into Pommern under Waschke's watchful eye, Waschke threatens Heini, that he'll turn his father into the police, with the baseless accusation that daddy is behind the smuggling operation.
Mariele, Monikas Schwester