Erotic horror film about a man who fights eviction against both bad guys and demons.
Chan Cheung
Shenzhen, with its booming economy and new found riches, has attracted thousands of young women from the countryside. They all come with the hopes of a better life for themselves and their families. The six women portrayed in this film are classic cases of the thousands of women who, for various different reasons, have chosen the path of no return.
Valerie Chow plays Ling, an attractive young lass studying to be a stewardess. Ling struggles to maintain her studies while being harried by her rich, lecherous classmates and a powerful old man who is hell-bent on having her marry his geeky son (Yu Rongguang). Of course, she eventually meets hunky flight steward Chan Kai-ming (Moses Chan Ho) and true love blooms in the friendly skies.
Tells the story of an oppressive revolutionary government randomly arresting unsuspecting citizens. The men are used to target practice and the women become prostitutes.
Conflicts between two Taiwanese rival gangs led by Kun Feng and Chan Sing bring collateral damages, betrayals, murders and a final bloody massacre.
25년 전 홍콩, 쌍동이 형제인 채드(Baby Chad : 알리시아 스티븐스 분)와 알렉스 와그너(Baby Alex : 폴 에이렛 분)의 아버지인 폴 와그너(Paul Wagner : 엔디 암스트롱 분)와 동업자인 더글라스 그리피스(Nigel Griffith : 알란 암스트롱 분)는 홍콩의 구룡성 터널의 완공을 축하하는 파티를 연다. 그러나 그리피스는 마피아 조직의 두목인 레이먼드 장(Raymond Zhang : 필립 찬 분)과 음모를 꾸며 폴의 몫인 터널 수입금의 반을 다 차지하려고 폴과 그의 아내 캐서린(Katherine Wagner : 사라-잔느 바리 분)을 잔인하게 죽인다. 폴을 위해 일하던 프랭크 에버리(Frank Avery : 제프리 루이스 분)는 채드를 구해내고 쌍동이의 보모(Chinese Nurse : 우 퐁 룽 분)는 알렉스를 데리고 도망친다. 25년 후. 어느날 프랭크는 그가 고용한 사립 탐정에게서 그리피스에 대한 정보를 듣고 채드와 여러 민족의 사람들이 모여사는 홍콩의 구룡성으로 떠난다. 그곳에서 채드(Alex/Chad : 쟝-끌로드 반담 분)는 유라시아 혼혈인 다니엘(Danielle Wilde : 알로나 쇼 분)의 유혹에 빠져 그녀의 방을 찾아갔다가, 역시 그녀를 사모하는 쌍동이 동생 알렉스를 25년만에 상봉하게 된다. 어색해하던 채드와 알렉스에게 프랭크를 통해 25년 전 아버지의 동업자였던 그리피스에 의해 부모가 살해당하고 자신들이 헤어지게 된 것을 알게 되고...
(archive footage)
Crime boss Barton's (Mike Abbott) reign of terror is about to end. John Foley (Mark Watson), called in to avenge the death of an innocent man, was trained by the elite American Commandos in Nam. Since the war, he's put his special skills to work many times. But never like this. When John Foley enters the steamy, seedy realm of the underworld, survival is the name of the game and do unto others before they do unto you is the only rule to live by.
1985 film by Li Hao
Hong Kong comedy film.
Black Eagle
상하이 13인은 중국의 최고 무술가의 숫자이지만 절반은 변절하여 고선생을 죽이고 서류를 빼앗아 일본에 넘기려 하는데, 심선생(진 관태분)은 적인지 아군인지 불확실한 상하이 13인중 신뢰할만한 사람을 시켜 고선생을 보호하게 한다. 고선생이 심선생을 찾아가는데 13인중 한명인 이수현은 고선생을 죽이려고 옥상에서 소총을 겨누고 있고, 심선생은 이수현의 심기를 흐트려트리기 위해 부하들을 연속해서 밖으로 내보낸다. 저녁이 되자 심선생은 고선생 대신 죽을 부하에게 가족을 책임지겠다고 말하고, 고선생의 옷을 입고 나간 부하는 이수현의 총에 맞아 죽는데, 돈을 받으려 간 이수현은 실수를 했다는 소리를 들으며 목이 잘려 죽는다...
The Godfather of the classic Shaw Brothers kung fu films, Chang Chen directs a group of Shaw superstars which includes Ti Lung and Chen Kwan Tai in this kung fu thriller. When a father is framed for murder, his son travels to exotic Thailand to find him and ends up fighting in a 'Death Ring' championship. (Tai Seng)
Hong Da-Wei
The notorious Official Choi wants the precious heirloom of commoner Kim Sung-bo's family so he has the whole family killed and seizes the heirloom. Kim Sung-bo has become a spirit. On rainy days, he goes into the body of his friend Jung Il-do and tries to have his revenge on Official Choi.
Chi Kuan Chun is the man. He looks in top form as swordsman. Unfortunately, the rest of the movie is pretty wacky. Kung Fu gorillas, witches, and Chen Kuan Tai singing Italian opera. So little kid with swirling axe fights evil wizard dude, lasereyes, the above mentioned gorilla do you need to know more?
A Taiwanese production that was directed by Lee Tso-Nam and starring Chen Kuan-tai and Don Wong Tao.
Chu Yi-ming
Taiwanese action-drama film.
Mad Max
홍콩의 최고 도둑 금강(스파이더맨/킹콩: 허관걸 분)은 비밀리에 깽들이 다이아몬드를 거래하고 있는 빌딩에 침입 다이아몬드를 훔쳐 대기 중이던 죠에게 넘겨준 후 그곳에 흰장갑 한 짝을 떨어뜨리고 기묘하게 사라진다. 다이아몬드를 빼앗긴 깽 몬티는 국제적인 도둑인 진짜 희장갑(화이트 글로브)에게 의뢰하자 가짜에 대한 분노로 이를 승낙한다. 한편 홍콩 경시청은 이 사건을 위해 미국에서 대머리 형사 반장 알버트(코작: 맥가 분)를 불러다가, 최고 왈가닥 여형사 하동시(호양/왈가닥: 장애가 분)과 함께 연합 작전을 수행한다. 첫대면부터 티격태격 싸운 이들은 내키지는 않지만 부부로 가장하여 하동시 집에 기숙하며 사건을 해결하기로 한다. 한편, 스파이더 맨은 멍텅구리(죠: 석천 분)를 통해 그와 친한 두 여자의 몸에 숨긴 장소를 문신해 놓았다는 것을 알아내고, 멍텅구리는 적대 관계에 있는 매드맥스 일당에 의해 죽음을 당한다. 알버트 일행에게 잡힌 금강은 구속 시키지 않는 조건으로 다이아몬드 찾는 것과 흰장갑의 체포에 협조할 것을 제안 받지만 거절하다가 하동시의 여동생 딩동에게 홀딱 반해서 적극 이들을 돕게 된다. 항상 다투기만 하던 알버트와 하동시도 어느덧 정이 들어 서로 사랑하게 된다. 마침내 두 여자의 몸에 새긴 장소를 알아내는 도중 위험한 고비에 처하나 금강이 다이아몬드의 비밀을 알고 있기에 그때마다 흰장갑의 도움을 받게 된다. 드디어 바닷 속에 숨겨진 다이아몬드를 건져올리며 그들은 어느덧 뜨거운 우정을 느끼게 된다. 그 순간 흰장갑의 습격을 받게 되자, 금강은 리모트 자동차로 이들을 격파하지만 흰장갑의 총에 알버트가 쓰러지고 이에 분노한 금강은 흰장갑을 끝까지 쫓아서 그를 수장시킨다. 알버트의 죽음에 슬퍼하던 금강은 알버트에게 속은 것을 알고는 달리는 앰블런스 안에서 알버트에게 분풀이를 하다 차에서 떨어져 알버트를 들쳐 업은 채로 사나운 개에게 쫓기게 된다. 티격태격 다투어도 최가박당이라는 말처럼 최고의 명콤비가 된 것이었다.
The body of a Hong Kong investigator who had been on the trail of drug smugglers floats up in a river. After police get information that drug smugglers are secretly active in the city, an officer goes undercover as an escaped convict to infiltrate the ring.
Gonzo, action packed rape-revenge themed Taiwanese "Black Movie" featuring Juliet Chan and "Tattooer Ma" Sha. The original "Underground Wife" cut runs 85 minutes, the later IFD "Kill Butterfly Kill" English language cut is 89. This movie was released again by IFD in the late 80s in a 'cut-and-paste' version called "American Commando 6: Kill Butterfly Kill" (see separate listing).
Conflicts between power-hungry triad gangsters in Macao leads to bloody battles.
Mr. Ko
A martial arts film directed by Tien Peng.
Hai Long
Don't expect a long life if you are one of the emperor's fourteen sons! For instance, Ninth Prince meets an "accident" while hunting. The (unnamed) Manchu emperor is old and ill, and speculation about his successor is rife. But the powerful Lord Long, who is not a son of the emp, wants the throne as well. To stay alive, Fourth Prince keeps secret his kung fu lessons and plays the fool. Fourth Prince then leaves palace life to live among the poor. He befriends a ragged band on commoners and, eventually, returns to the palace to prevent Lord Long's rise to the throne after the last prince is killed.
Taiwanese crime film.
Intrigue and fighting amidst the Japanese occupation of China.
Taiwanese adventure film that reunites Ivy Ling Po with ex-Shaw stars Ching Li and Lisa Chiao Chiao.
Hung Chun Fai
Li, a martial artist, returns home to find out that his father is being harassed by a crime syndicate. Together with an American kung fu champion he vows revenge when the syndicate kills his father.
강호무림에 3가지 기이한사실이 있으니 하나가 금천록이고, 다른 하나가 대장경 문서, 그리고나머지 하나가 천면 부엉이라는 아무도 모르는 정체였다. 이 3가지는 강호무림의 무서운 비밀이였고 그의 진면목을 보려는 자는 그자리에서 죽음을면치못하 였다. 그러나 아룡은 우연히 만난 형제들과 각별한 사이가 되고우연히 동굴에 빠져 그곳에서 분신기술을 익히게 된다. 그러던 어느 가장 무도회날 -? 형제들은 금용문의 천면 부엉이를 상대하게 되고이유도 모르게 이겨버리지만 금용문주의 진면목은 영 원히 풀리지 않게되는데.
Robber gang chief
This is a story about a security guard agency and its three agents-Michael, Sam and Ricky. Sam and Ricky are delivering a large sum of money to a bank when a robbery takes place under their nose. after a series of hair-raising about hilarious chases, the agents get their men. With Michael and Sam giving their reward money to Ricky. They live haphazardly ever after.
Peter Lan, a seasoned gambler, returns from abroad to find that his family has been destroyed by the treachery of the unscrupulous Alfred Wong, who has cheated Peter’s father out of his fortune and driven him to suicide. While Peter is tying to track down Wong, he befriends a fellow gambler, Barry Sung, who is working for Rex Hu. But in a twist of events Hu and Wong are one and the same. The only person who can stop Peter getting revenge on the man who killed his family is his new best friend!
Chi Kuan Chun (Shaolin Temple, Men from the Monastery) trains with the White Haired Scholar in the Beggar Style of Kung Fu. His training is amazing, his duels are legendary!
A father seeks revenge from a gang of thugs who raped his daughter and murdered his son.
Master Pai
The drunken technique of martial arts has never been so expertly performed as in this kung fu classic. The drunken boxing is performed by a resident of a town being taken over by Tiger Master (Chan Sing). Tiger Master and his bodyguards seem to have the town in its grasp, but they are not prepared for the deceptively relaxed drunken boxing of this young fighter.
A lowly waiter is determined to learn kung fu from the local barber who just happens to be a kung fu master.
Boss Lam Kin See
Chen and his brother travel to Shanghai in search of fame and fortune, but end up pitted against Chinese Mafia bosses - and can only fight their way out of the web of violence and betrayal they find themselves caught up in.
Uncle (spliced footage)
In "Treasure of Bruce Le," a Samurai steals the Kung Fu secrets of the Shaolin Buddhists. Now Bruce must fight the powerful Samurai for control.
A young boy holds the secret to the coveted kung fu manual. A martial clan lead by Pai Ying hunt mercilessly for the book. Blind but not out, Lung Jun Er saves the boy and defeats the aggressors.
Flamboyant kung-fu stylings and arterial blood-spray are let loose when the fantastic jade sword, a weapon that can kill a man without even touching him, is lost by the very person who was supposed to be keeping it safe. A search quickly reveals a conspiracy involving rogue Shaolin monks, powerful ruling families, and ever mysterious deadly Green Dragon Gang. When the dagger is used in a murder, and an unknown man is found barely alive in a box at the bottom of a river, the questions get more numerous, and trust is something that comes and goes quickly as the wind.
Yu Tien Lung stars and directs this superb Kung Fu film using his deadly silver spear to vanquish an evil warlord and liberates the region from tyranny.
Fantasy film from Taiwan, featuring the Chinese creation mythology of Pangu and Nüwa.
A policeman escorting a murderer to jail must contend with the criminal's accomplices, including a shadowy figure with an iron claw for a hand.
4th Prince
The story of Ming Ling Shur, a girl who was raised by apes and thus has a natural ability with monkey kung fu. She also resembles a monkey for most of the film (not really explained why). She grows up and falls for a prince who is really an evil kung fu master, who exploits her abilities for his own gain. Now here's why the film works; Kam Fung does an excellent job as the Ape Girl, being very eccentric at times with the actions of a monkey. Also, we see early performances by Lo Lieh as an assassin, and Chen Sing as the prince.
When an innocent man is framed for a crime he did not commit by a government official desperate to assume complete power over his impoverished region, he must escape from his prison cell and expose the corrupt leader in this action-packed martial arts classic featuring fight choreography by Matrix and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon mastermind Yuen-Woo Ping. An important food shipment has been hijacked by a vicious band of thieves, and the man in charge of the transport (Lee Chan-Hu) has been framed for the crime and tortured in front of his family. Later escaping into the wilderness to meet up with his loyal followers, the wrongly accused man attempts to elude the nefarious politician's assassins long enough to expose his plan to the unsuspecting public.
Flame hand wants to rule the martial world and test her skills, therefore she kills off many heroes, and Ice hand seeks to put an end to her. Family of slain heroes seeks revenge. A brilliant shapes film from 1978, plus the wheel chair fight is a must see.
Lan Tien-Hsiung
A General hopes to restore the Ching Dynasty after China has become a republic. Carter Wong stars as Commissioner Yao Tien Shan who learns of a plot by General Na Lan Tien Hsiung (Chen Sing) to restore the Chings to power with the help of Lord Lo, whose daughter Wan Ying (Doris Chen/Lung Chun Erh) is sympathetic to the new government. Fu Fung (Casanova Wong) assists Yao whose efforts enlist the support of Wan Ying. Meanwhile, the general takes his ally Lord Lo prisoner and amasses an army of skilled fighters to help his cause.
Master Nien
The plot deals with a search for a valuable pearl, dubbed the Buddha's Relic, which is sold to an unwitting Japanese emissary by a corrupt Ching Dynasty prince who seeks to steal it back for his own purposes.
Pai Yeh Hu
The emperor's right hand man frames the princess's fiancé, King Chi, who goes into hiding for ten years, vowing revenge. Meanwhile, the princess is married to King Chi's monkey.
Wan Yi Fei
When a Shaolin warlord is murdered the Emperor must discover where the evil lies amongst the warlords. Calling upon a young commander, he sends him on a quest to avenge the warlords death.
Adjutant Wu
A kung-fu fighting detective investigating the murder of the emperor's wife uncovers a high-ranking conspiracy.
Boss Lok
When a diamond is stolen in Hong Kong, the company insuring the diamond sends a former CIA agent to Hong Kong to retrieve it. Meanwhile, one of the thieves begins to have a change of heart because his girlfriend wants him to leave his criminal organization.
When a once infamous criminal decides to give up his lifestyle and return the many treasures he has stolen to their rightful owners; he is promptly murdered by his partners in crime. To avenge his death is his son, with the deadly "mantis fist".
Great Wizard
The tribe of a remote island worships the legendary Snake Pearl. Two masters of kung fu visit the isle and discover they must defend the daughter of the murdered chief against a evil wizard.
Kuan Yu Chung
Ah Cheng has decided to get out of this silly kung-fu business and retire with his new girlfriend. Unfortunately, everyone is out to kill him, and one of the killers has been using his trademark knives to frame him! Meanwhile his friends meet up with a mysterious swordsmen who is not what he seems.
Ko Fei
The new police chief (Bruce Li) arrives in a small provincial town. He's been charged with bringing a dangerous gang to justice. But within seconds, the chief provokes a showdown with his lazy deputies. Realizing that they are not up to the job, he enlists the help of some of his prisoners, offering pardons to those who survive the encounter with the gang. These include a widower (Wang Yung Sheng), imprisoned for killing the men who murdered his wife, a knife-throwing expert (Lung Fei) also doing time for the murder of a corrupt magistrate, a pickpocket, and a young orphan girl out to avenge her parents' death. The chief reveals his coldblooded dedication to the mission when he hangs one prisoner for trying to escape. The group - both prisoners and police - ultimately bond together and track down the gang's headquarters to find the leader (Chen Hsing). After a long and bloody melee, everyone lies dead except the chief.
Chin Su
A corrupt Shaolin assassin, a master in Iron Claws, is hired to threaten members of the Ching Dynasty into resigning a secret letter for the restoration of the monarchy. The plot is unravelled when a police chief captures one of the assailants. The Shaolin Iron Master must be destroyed...
A corrupt mayor of a town in Szechuan province allies himself with a group of bandits to gain control of the region by cutting off all supply routes to the town. Two police men both expert kickers are deployed to put an end to the mayors evil plot.
A red haired martial arts special constable is deployed by the Manchus to round up all the Ming loyalists and eliminate them. The 7 men of Kung Fu prove to be too powerful for him and his posse of fighters and zombies.
Kang Kuei
Ah Fu (Wong Tao) and Chen Ting Kuan (Carter Wong) are a couple of kung fu men in the escort service business with top notch kung fu. Ah Fu gets tired of the escort service and quits to take up the life of a normal man. In his new “life”, Ah Fu runs into a thief named Li Chi (Li Kun), and the two become the best of friends. Life is great! Ah Fu gets married to a pretty girl, Yu Lan (Ha Ling Ling). He has money, servants, and foot massages. What else could you want? Ah Fu’s life gets turned upside down when a mantis fist expert named Nan Kung Ping (Lung Fei) shows up at Ah Fu’s doorsteps seeking to avenge the death of his brother.
Mr. Hung
When two Hong Kong buddies become rivals for the same woman, their friendship ends, and they join rival tong gangs. Later, a tong boss cleverly conspires to use a motion picture company to cover illegal drug trafficking: Actresses are sent to Amsterdam for film roles not realizing that they carry cocaine shipments. Once in Holland, the actresses are sold into prostitution. Soon the faux film company shanghais the woman who put the two friends at odds. To save their beautiful damsel, the two ex-buddies must join forces and go on the offense. Written by Neva Friedenn
Ku Yun Fei
A government law officer is dispatched to bring his brother's killers to justice. On his bloody mission, untold assassins are thrown at him, but to no avail. One by one they are done away with in a most militant style.
Master Fok Ging Ha
After turning against friends of his Kung Fu teacher, Cheung Li Kung is banished to Malaysia, but instead of reforming, Cheung sets up a casino to steal wages back from the miners who work for him. When he also kidnaps the local store owner's daughter, and beats her after she refuses his advances, only those familiar with the invincible techniques of Bruce Lee can stop Cheung's evil use of Kung Fu. They must battle the menacing Malaysian bullwhip expert, and even berserk apes, in furious non-stop action that demonstrates the Shaolin Grand Master's deadly dragon fist, snake and tiger techniques.
Gu Li-Wei
This movie has a sword eating lama, a bell trap formation with big bell wielding belles, people dressed in multi-color ku klux klan outfits and Chen Sing.Set in the Ming Dynasty, an infamous pirate finds 72 martial arts experts from all over China to help him battle the imperial government. Includes breathtaking kung fu fighting and plenty of ninja action.
King of Yin Yang's man
After her entire family is wiped out by Swordsmen of various clans the young vagabond soon comes of age and sets out on her one woman vengeance trail. One by one she kills all the Swordsmen she dares to challenge with her trusted deadly blade. Her most feared and deadly foe is Peerless Swallow the top Swordsman in China Will she finally meet her match or will fate cast a dark shadow.
Dr. Lung
A young man emerges from 18 years studying martial arts to find the man responsible for the death of his parents.
Le Tai-Duen
Three travellers in the snowy wastes of Mongolia are hunting for valuable ginseng. As they battle the elements and the threat of starvation they come across a woman lying naked (but very much alive) in the snow surrounded by the wild minks. The treasure-hunters approach her and fall into a trap which will ultimately tear them apart and lead to murder and betrayal.
According to Chinese legend, the Universe is made of five basic elements: gold,wood, water, fire and earth. These elements are also considered very powerful in kung fu. This film tells the story of five princes and their loyalty to their clan as each must fight the demon fox using one of the five elements.
The complicated story involves the military conquest of a peaceful island-nation by an evil despot and his sorcerer ally. His victory leaves the island's three heroic protectors dead, but, their young children are hidden away to grow to adulthood with different identities, unaware of their heritage, in hope that, in time, they might challenge and defeat the evil ruler. The charming Polly Kuan stars as one of these children who has been adopted by the conquerer himself, initially as an insult to the defeated hero, later as his protégé.
Fang Chu-Fang
A rogue swordsman known as "Soul of the Sword" kills the father of a young Kung Fu expert, who teams up with a Drunken Monk to put an end to Soul of the Sword’s reign of terror, and thwart the Mongol invasion.
Former DEA Agent Quinlan, removed from the force some years earlier for stealing confiscated drug money, is hired by Chung Wei, a leader in the Amsterdam drug cartel, who wants out of the business. Quinlan's job is to use Chung's information to tip DEA agents to drug busts, thereby destroying the cartel. But when the first two "tips" go awry, resulting in murdered DEA officers, the feds must decide whether to trust Quinlan further...
Shan Teh/San Te
홍금보의 감독 데뷔작. 한자 찧을 '용' 자가 봄 '춘' 자와 비슷하여 춘미육으로도 알려져 있다. 어느 날 상인을 가장한 청인 도적들이 농사를 짓고 산삼을 캐는 일을 하며 사는 마을에 온다. 한편 덕포라는 양민은 5백년 묵은 산삼을 캐어 나라에 바치기로 결심한다.
하지만 이 사실을 눈치 챈 청인도적들이 덕포를 죽이고 산삼을 훔쳐 청나라로 도망친다. 한편 덕포의 어린 아들 춘명은 어머니의 승락을 받고 청나라로 건너간다.
Shen Mo Chao
Those rascally Shaolin monks are at it again, and this time they're tracking down some vitriolic villains who have heisted a sacred book. Throw in an evil prince, a flying guillotine, and manic martial hijinks, and you've got a potent mix for action.
Prince Daglen
송나라 무예계의 총수인 달마법왕은 범대해를 포함한 제자들과 일본인 가등풍진과 손을 잡고 각 계파의 무술 비법을 탈취해 나가던 중 고려의 무술인 태견의 비법을 알아내기 위해 고진풍을 찾아간다. 고진풍은 제자 최청을 송나라 사찰의 승려인 보진에게 보내고 그들과 싸우다 숨진다. 보진을 찾아간 최청은 달마 패들의 비겁한 수단에 눈을 잃은 보진에게 태견을 전수받지만, 보진은 끝내 그들에게 목숨을 잃는다. 한편 태견의 비법을 소장하고 있는 선광사에 가짜 중 여연을 잠입시키고, 또 가등풍진을 잠입시킨 달마법왕은 승려 보법을 잡아 태견비법과 교환할 것을 요구하나, 최청은 무술 승려들과 강호, 강룡을 대동하고 그들의 무예본부로 쳐들어가 보법을 구출하고 달마와 그들 패들을 격퇴하고 귀국한다.
Ching Ling's master
Japanese forces in Shanghai attempt to destroy the patriotic spirit of the Chinese by closing down all Kung Fu gyms. Chang Ling (Bruce Le), a top Chinese Kung Fu practitioner, is forced to flee to Korea. The Japanese forces pursue him there, and so Chang Ling fights back, defeating many Japanese fighters before finally encountering the Japanese commander.
Dr. Chau
HO YU-HUAN is the leader of a gang that is:. Call "THE GEFURCHTETEN" With a paper knife he drew himself and his people his 18 men, who have made as THE GEFURCHTETEN a name, devoted to him unconditionally you.. rob the rich to protect the poor - The old, the weak and the orphans they are protected in the same way and support. One day learns HO YU-HUAN that a corrupt tax collector wants to smuggle his money and jewels from the capital ....
Tu Tashan (as Chen Xing)
A regional champion martial artist that moonlights as an honour-bound assassin, Tu Ta Shen, solidifies his reputation by challenging top fighters en route to the other champion, Nan Pa Tien, in order to unify both titles. Along the way he defeats a man who's shame in defeat drives him to suicide. Before he dies, recognizing Tu Ta Shen honour, he asks Tu Ta Shen to defeat a group of Manchu supporters led by none other that Nan Pa Tien. The dying mans son, Sa Woo, tries to kill Tu Ta Shen but is easily outmatched. Tu Ta Shen offer to teach Sa Yoo enough so that he can take revenge for his father. The two set out together; One to fulfill a promise to a dying man, one to keep a promise of revenge.
Monk Tamo
The Fighting of Shaolin Monk tells the story of the Famed Monk, Tamo (Chen Sing Hong Kong's most prolific action star) who was one of the original founders of the Shaolin Temple. Monk Tamo travels from India preaching peace and Buddhism. But if they wanted peace they never should have gotten Chen Sing to portray Tamo, as he soon gets involved with a local town that is besieged by a warlord who is trying to control the regions water supply. The final fight is Chen Sing vs. Ko Fei in a battle to the death. this is not to be missed!
Grinning Tiger
Po-Chih Leong's debut film was a trendsetter in Hong Kong cinema. Shot from the shoulder, the fast-moving world of cops, informers, drug dealers and other crooks are evoked in a very lively and realistic way. The action all takes place in carefully selected locations, among them the walled city of Kowloon and Yuen Long. The film looks like a documentary and evokes the kind of excitement usually seen in news programmes. The story focuses on the battle between two gangs and starts in Amsterdam, where one of the gang leaders is murdered.
Detective Lung is investigating the murder of his father and discovers his father belonged to a syndicate of smugglers. He finds out the murderer used to be his father's business partner and that he's now living in Hong Kong under a new name (Wang). Lung tries to lure Wang to Bali where he hopes to get his revenge.
1940년 일제 지배 하의 대만, 주인공 아룡은 도둑질을 일삼으며 살아가다 우연히 쌍절곤이 든 상자를 발견한다. 아룡은 쌍절곤을 돌려주기 위해 정무관이라는 무술 단체를 찾아가고, 도장의 딸 려아에게 무술을 배울 것을 권유 받지만 거절한다. 얼마 후 정무관은 일본인 오카모도가 이끄는 대화문에 의해 명패가 부서지는 모욕을 당한다. 이를 목격한 아룡은 부서진 명패를 재건한 후 려아에게 본격적으로 무술을 배운다. 한편 정무관이 중국의 독립단체와 관련이 있다는 사실을 알게 된 일본 경찰은 오카모도를 내세워 정무관을 없앨 음모를 꾸민다. 이에 아룡은 도장의 명예를 걸고 오카모도와 맞서 싸우는데...
Kao Chu
고진은 이복동생 고일범을 데리고 결혼을 시키기 위해 가던 중 더 좋은 가문과 재산에 탐이나 고일범을 죽이고 똑같이 닮은 사나이를 고일범으로 속이고 이중거의 딸 청난과 결혼을 시킨다. 이중거의 심복 천강은 고진에게서 불길한 욕망을 갖고 있다는 것을 아나 이중거와 청난, 심복, 구룡과 증복이 속아 넘어가 천강으로서는 어쩔수 없었다. 고진은 자신의 정부 만만으로 하여금 천강을 유혹하고 청난을 실신시킨 뒤 천강과 청난이 불륜을 맺고 고일범을 죽였다고 이중거에게 모함한다. 이중거는 청난과 천강을 몰라내고 고진은 야망에 불타 만만과 증복도 처치하고 재산과 명예를 차지하려고 이중거를 궁지에 몰아놓는다. 청난과 천강은 고려국의 원응대사를 찾아 무예수업을 받아 악의 화신 고진을 처치하고 가문의 명예와 이중거를 구한다.
Yao Hao
Yao Hao (Chen Sing), is a young man whose father was assassinated and whose mother was killed in an attack on the funeral procession. He survives the attack and winds up at a Shaolin temple where he insists he wants to stay and become a monk. His beautiful fiancée (Lu Shu Chin) pleads with him to come back with her, but he refuses. The head monk, Brother Fa (Chan Wai Man), an orphan who's been at the monastery all his life and is expecting to succeed the current Shaolin Abbot, is jealous of the privileges Yao Hao has had in life and asks him questions about the outside world, including what it's like to touch a woman. Brother Fa's weakening resolve soon finds him leaving the monastery and falling into the clutches of Lord Eagle (Kam Kong), the Manchu ruler in the area who's trying to wipe out all resistance to Manchu/Ching rule.
Lin Shih-Hsiung
Tiger Force is all about rival drug gangs and undercover police agents. Nothing amazingly original for the genre. But what make it stand out is its pace, and the quantity and quality of the action.
Frank the carpenter is in love with Hsiao Cheng, his boss's daughter. Frank knows there is no hope for him to marry the daughter of the haughty, rich man, and pronounces a vow to become a Shaolin monk. The wife of Frank's former boss has an extra-marital affair with the carpenter-shop's foreman. When the boss finds out, the foreman kills him, and sets the blame on Frank. Frank will fight for his honour, and wins back his good name - but not his former love.
Master Wu
When a case of gold is stolen in transit, the surviving member of an escort party, Sung tries to recover it. He initially turns to Master Wu who unfortunately develops a drinking problem after he gets out of prison for accidentally killing someone. He has felt guilty ever since. Wu's friend Hung decides to help Sung and enlists a conman, Sau Pau.
Two foster brothers fight in a deadly struggle for possession of their mother's gold fortune and a beautiful young woman.
Fan Han Wei
Cheng Sing gets betrayed by his crime Partners and lands in Jail. After he gets out he's starting his trail of Revenge.
Gangster boss Red Rose and his evil gang exploit all regions with their raids and kill everyone that tries to stop them. During one these raids, a group of guards die during a brutal fight. Lung Hao, boss of the company, swears revenge for the murdered men!
It's the 1979 movie "A Gathering of Heroes" (Gan jin sha jue).
Chan Kwong
Japanese occupation of China breeds an ill wind which stirs the wrath of China's greatest kung fu killers.
Tien Chung
Two half-brothers are reunited after a long break, only to perpetuate an old feud over their desire for the same woman.
This martial arts film set in the 1920s pits masters from kung fu and karate styles of fighting against each other. The Japanese are planning an invasion of China, and spies are sent to infiltrate the mobsters regime on the island.
Prisoner Escort Xu Ren Da
판관의 아들 전청이 음식점 딸 시사를 귀찮게 쫓아다니자 이것이 싫은 시사는 아버지의 철궁을 쏠 수 있으면 응하겠다고 한다. 그는 실패하지만 병화가 대신 새를 맞춘다. 그럼에도 그가 새를 맞췄다고 계속 우기는데...
Zhao Ying-Long
Two brothers, one wrongly accused of a crime, go on a mission of vengeance to find the men who framed him.
An eastern by Joseph Velasco. Two undercover agents must smash a smuggling racket that is terrorizing a small port town. One of the agents, Chin Chang, has an evil grip that can crush a skull in seconds. The thugs are killers but this agent is a killer in kung fu!
King Chan
The bloodiest Kung Fu battles ever fought. The subtitle says it all, as there is hardly any story, but all the more raw fighting.
Jiang Wu-Ke
Yuen Woo Ping, who would in time become one of the world's leading martial arts choreographers, blocked the fight scenes for this Kung Fu action extravaganza. A small Chinese town is being torn apart by a conflict between local farmers and Japanese soldiers of fortune, who have been brought to town to liberate supplies of a rare Chinese herb. A martial arts expert gifted in both Chinese and Japanese fighting disciplines passes through town, and takes it upon himself to settle the feud.
Chiang Ren
절름발이 강인은 태국의 교도소에서 탈출하여 자신을 불구자로 만든 문열과 범극 형제를 찾다가 실패하고, 문열의 어머니를 죽이고 만다. 이에 국술관 관장인 문열은 태국의 어머니와 애인 옥란을 데려오라고 제자인 진전을 보내지만 그는 살해되고, 옥란은 강인에게 납치된다. 강인은 복수를 위해 홍콩으로 가서 문열 형제와 싸우다 되려 붙잡히지만, 명자가 옥란과 강인을 교환하자는 조건을 내걸면서 그를 구해준다. 한편 문열 형제는 명함을 들고 서울로 잠입하여 강인의 보수 산구를 만나 범극이 위기에 처하자 경찰의 도움으로 탈출하여 다시 홍콩으로 돌아간다. 그러나 강인에게 이용당했다는 것을 알게 된 명자가 문열 형제를 돕기로 하여 문열은 산구 일당을 해치우는데 성공한다. 그리고 범극은 명자에게 사랑을 고백하지만, 명자는 홀로 떠난다.
Jin Emperor
송나라의 포대협은 금나라에 사로잡힌 송의 태자 강을 구출하고자 한다. 그러나 금나라로 가기 위해서는 위험한 다리를 건너야만 하는데 포대협의 무리 중에는 다리 건너기에 성공한 이가 없다. 이 때문에 포대협은 경공의 달인인 소비를 영입하고 둘은 한 쌍의 협객이 되어 작전을 수행한다. 중국 송조를 배경으로 두 명의 협객이 펼치는 무협극으로 운명에 대항하는 사나이들의 분투는 잊지 못할 결말을 선사한다. 적룡과 강대위의 환상적인 조합과 더불어 최고의 무술감독인 당가와 유가량이 연출하는 최고 경지에 이른 절정의 무술이 돋보인다.
Chiang Ren
아버지가 죽으면서 타이에 형이 있다는 사실을 알게 된 범극(강대위)은 모든 것을 제쳐두고 타이로 떠난다. 형 문열(적룡)은 타이에서 이름난 킥복싱 선수로 활약을 하고 있었지만, 링 아래에서 일어나는 온갖 음모와 뒷거래가 그를 위험으로 몰아간다. 얼마 뒤 형제는 감격어린 조우를 하지만, 그들 앞에 폭력조직이 막아선다.
Lin Chin-wu
Tan Jen-chieh's life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He's hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father's likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other's throats, they learn they've been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.
Chief Chan Chun Nam
대외적으로는 평판이 좋지만 실제로는 음모를 감추고 있는 용 대협은 강호에서 원앙도로 명성을 날린 뇌력에게 누명을 씌우고 그를 쫓아낸다. 쫓기던 뇌력은 원성표국 무리들과 혈전을 벌이던 중 용 대협에게 패해 결국 스스로 자신의 오른쪽 팔을 자르고 강호를 떠나 은둔하게 된다. 그러던 중 위기에 처한 뇌력을 봉준걸이 구해주게 되고 둘은 우정을 쌓아가게 된다. 하지만 봉준걸도 용 대협의 음모에 걸려들어 목숨을 잃고, 뇌력은 봉준걸을 잃자 복수를 다짐하며 다시 칼을 잡는다.
Chief Chen Tang
Reclusive hero Jin Fei, (Ti Lung) known as the King Eagle, inadvertently gets involved in the internal conflicts of the Tien Yi Tong sociaty, after he falls in love their 7th chief, Yuk Lin (Li Ching)
Club Manager Fung
David Chiang stars as a nightclub vocalist whose former criminal friends blackmail him into working with them again.
국내 권격 액션영화 팬들에게 <용호투>로 잘 알려져 있는 <용호의 결투>는 홍콩 쿵후영화 역사에서 매우 중요한 작품이다. 그전까지 홍콩 액션영화들의 대세는 쿵후영화와는 다소 거리를 둔 무협영화가 대부분이었다. 쇼브러더스의 간판스타 왕우 역시 <독비도> 시리즈를 비롯한 몇편의 무협영화로 스타가 되었지만, 엄밀히 말해 <용호의 결투> 이전까지 ‘쿵후영화’ 혹은 ‘쿵후 스타’는 존재하지 않았다. 왕우의 뛰어난 점은 여기서 비롯된다. 그는 사람들로부터 ‘천황거성’(天皇巨星)으로 불릴 정도로 전무후무한 대스타였고, 쇼브러더스 시절 자기 목소리를 낼 수 있는 단 한명의 배우였다(쇼브러더스 시절 배우는 ‘사원’과 다름없는 취급을 받았다). 자신의 인기와 지명도를 이용, 적극적으로 밀어붙인 <용호의 결투>는 그가 직접 아이디어를 내고 처음으로 각본과 감독을 맡은 야심작이다. 왕우의 새로운 도전은 막대한 흥행 수익으로 보상받는다.
Warlord Zhu Wen
당 말기, 지방 제후인 리계영에게는 뛰어난 무공을 가지고 있는 13명의 아들이 있다. 각각 리계영의 군대를 이끄는 장군인 그들은, 당 황제에 반하여 일어난 반역자의 무리들이 장안을 점령하고 있는 상태에서 장안을 탈환하고 반역자의 괴수를 처단하기 위한 묘안을 생각해낸다. 13명 중 아홉 명이 장안에 잠입해 들어가기로 하고, 제후는 가장 총애하는 막내 리춘샤오에게 대장직을 맡긴다. 전 군대를 지휘하고자 하는 욕심을 가지고 있던 넷째 리춘신은 이에 불만을 느끼고, 결국 장안에서 작전을 수행하던 중 열둘째 강춘리와 함께 대열을 이탈한다. 그리고 이로써 형제간의 반목과 불신의 씨앗이 싹튼다. 한편, 지방관 주웬은 리계영을 제거하고 황제의 자리를 넘보기 위해 리계영을 자신의 성으로 초대하고, 리계영은 열한번째 아들인 시칭즈와 함께 초대에 응한다. 결국 이들은 주연에서 과음을 하면서 위험에 빠지는데...
Sniper Li Qi
1925년 중국의 어느 도시. 경극 배우인 관옥루(적룡 분)는 자신이 속한 극단의 극단주 윤남정이 자기 아내에게 찝적거리자, 극단주가 소유한 무술장에 들어가 그의 부하를 혼내주며 경고한다. 앙심을 품은 극단주는 그를 함정에 빠뜨리고, 결국 관옥루는 양 눈을 찔린 채 비참하게 죽고 만다. 얼마 후, 그의 동생 관소루가 복수를 하기 위해 도시에 나타난다. 형을 죽음에 빠뜨린 극단주, 그리고 그와 한 패인 도시의 세력가들인 봉개산, 김지전, 고홍도, 호호성 사령관을 단신으로 맞서야 하는 상황. 이때 형수의 동생이자 자신의 옛 연인 화정방의 도움을 받아 피의 복수를 시작한다.
Zhu brother
정의감이 강한 여협객 화벽련은 잠시 사람을 구한 것을 계기로 노름단 만삼구의 원한을 사게 되어, 그들은 그녀의 목숨을 노렸다. 만삼구 일당에게 몰려 절체절명에 빠지지만 다행히 낙굉훈의 도움으로 추격자로부터 도망친다. 하지만 이를 안 만삼구의 두목·왕윤은 관리를 매수하여 낙굉훈에게 죄를 뒤집어씌우고 투옥시킨다. 낙굉훈을 구하고자 감옥에 들어간 화벽련은 숨이 끊어질 듯한 그를 발견하고, 분노에 치를 떤다. 이윽고 왕윤의 도장에서 많은 적을 상대로 싸우던 그녀는 놀라운 행동을 보이는데...
Iron King Jung Sz Hu
In this thrilling martial arts twist on the tale of Robin Hood, a charismatic highwayman with formidable sword skills decides to help the poor by robbing from thieves and distributing the wealth. This plan doesn't sit well with the criminals, who band together to stop him. Fortunately, our hero has a powerful blade on his side, not to mention popular beauty Lily Li at his side. A high-spirited blend of action, romance, and comedy, this Shaw Brothers classic from fearless director Chang Cheh is a timeless example of pure high-voltage entertainment.
은자 20만냥을 수도로 이송할 책임을 맡은 무적장과 이를 탈취하려는 도적들과의 대결을 그린 는 세련된 무술 안무와 탄탄한 스토리 전개가 돋보이는 작품이다. 해마다 외부의 도움 없이 관부의 은자를 수도로 이송해온 무적장의 장주는 이번 해엔 여협 운칠랑에게 도움을 청한다. 이를 이상히 여긴 비호채의 채주 초홍은 그 내막을 살피기 위해 첩자를 파견한다. 한편 떠돌이 무사 낙일(강대위)은 무적장에서 하룻밤 묵기를 청하지만 비호채의 첩자로 오인 받아 황급히 피해 나오는 처지가 되고 만다.
Iron Bat Tso Yin-Chung / Crazy Dragon
마위갑은 휘하에 3명의 뛰어난 검객을 두고 창주에서 주점을 경영하며 도적질로 생활한다. 그러면서도 마위갑은 깊은 산중에 딸과 더불어 은거하고있기 때문에 누구도 그를 도적으로 생각질 않는다. 그무렵 당대 갑부인 백만가의 집을 습격한 괴한들은 많은 인명을 살해하고 금은보화를 훔쳐갔기 때문에 창주포도사 '철무정'은 두명의 동생을 대동하고 괴한들의 뒤를 쫓는다. 철무정은 괴한들을 추격하는 가운데 마위갑이 도적의 괴수임을 알게되어 마위갑과 최후의 대결을 하게된다. 결국 철무정은 악의 무리를 응징하고 포도사의 본분을 다하게 된다.
Shan Xiong
영평강은 소만과 함께 시골에서 평범한 농부로 살아간다. 하지만 강호에는 새로운 세력 팔대도왕이 나타나 여러 문파에 도전장을 보내고, 조용히 살아가던 영평강에게도 대결을 신청한다. 영평강은 그들의 도전을 무시하지만 주변 군소문파가 하나씩 제압당하면서 결국 다시 칼을 뽑아 든다.
Little Kai (Sun Ya-Tung) is a member of a criminal organisation. The tattoo on his chest earns him the nickname of ‘Leopard’. Immediately upon Little Kai’s release from jail, his brother is framed and murdered. Suspecting that it’s an inside job, Kai returns to the organisation to see if he can find out root out who is behind his brother’s death.