Virginie Efira

Virginie Efira

출생 : 1977-05-05, Schaerbeek, Brussels, Belgium


Virginie Efira (born 5 May 1977) is a Belgian-French actress and television presenter. Efira got her first leading role in the romantic comedy It Boy (2013). She subsequently received critical praise for her performance in the comedy drama In Bed with Victoria (2016), for which she received a Magritte Award for Best Actress as well as a César Award for Best Actress nomination. She then appeared in Paul Verhoeven's psychological thriller Elle (2016), the drama An Impossible Love (2018), the comedy drama Sibyl (2019) and the black comedy Bye Bye Morons (2020). Description above from the Wikipedia article Virginie Efira, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

프로필 사진

Virginie Efira
Virginie Efira
Virginie Efira
Virginie Efira
Virginie Efira
Virginie Efira
Virginie Efira
Virginie Efira

참여 작품

Anatomie d'une chute : L'ascension de Justine Triet
Kina & Yuk : renards de la banquise
narratrice (voix)
올 투 플레이 포
Sylvie lives with her two children whom she’s raising on her own. One evening, there’s an accident, and her youngest son is removed from her care. Sylvie must subsequently fight to get her son back and to keep herself afloat.
러브 앤 포레스트
When she first crossed paths with Greg, Blanche thought she'd found the one she’d been looking for. They quickly formed an attachment, but their relationship is marred by Greg's quick temper. Blanche ignores her niggling doubts and distances herself from her family, convinced that she's reinventing herself. And little by little, she finds herself caught in the trap of a possessive and dangerous man. A man she’s too ashamed and frightened to report. Because there are only two possible exit routes from control: either the victim breaks free or they fall apart…
Virginie Efira sans filtre
Self - Interviewee
48e Cérémonie des César
그, 그리고 그들의 아이들
Rachel Friedmann
라셸(비르지니 에피라)은 우연히 만난 알리와 사랑에 빠진다. 아이를 원하지만 이뤄지지 않고, 라셸은 그의 딸 레일라에게 깊은 유대를 느낀다. 아이의 엄마, 주변의 출산과 죽음은 라셀에게 조급함을 안겨준다.
파리 메모리즈
Three months after surviving a terrorist attack in a bistro, Mia is still traumatized and unable to recall the events of that night. In an effort to move forward, she investigates her memories and retraces her steps.
The Rite
Anne divides her life between the primary school where she teaches and her home where she engages in a strange ritual with her son Simon. But her daughter Helena, whom she hasn’t seen in a long time, is in town for a special performance of The Rite of Spring.
돈 주앙
Jilted on his wedding day, Laurent, a stage actor playing the role of the famous seducer Don Juan, cannot help but see his ex-fiancée in every women he meets. In an attempt to mend his broken heart and ego, he tries to seduce them all but none are receptive to his elaborate (and musical) advances. Meanwhile, at the theater, the leading lady quits and the production brings in Laurent’s ex-fiancée as the replacement.
Madeleine Collins
Judith Fauvet
Judith leads a double life between Switzerland and France. On the one hand Abdel, with whom she is raising a little girl, on the other Melvil with whom she has two older boys. Little by little, this fragile balance, made up of lies, secrets and back and forth, cracks dangerously. Trapped, Judith chooses to head forward, at the risk of losing everything.
Kalahari, l'autre loi de la jungle
Narrator (voice)
For the animal and plant world that lives there, the Kalahari is a region as grandiose as it is unforgiving. For a long time it was thought that only the law of the strongest could survive here. But a completely different strategy is needed: cooperation.
Lacking inspiration, a composer isolates himself at a desolate house, on a small island, in Brittany. There he finds an old piano and receives visits from people who won't let him rest.
Waiting for Bojangles
A boy and his eccentric parents leave their home in Paris for a country house in Spain. As the mother descends deeper into her own mind, it's up to the boy and his father to keep her safe and happy.
Sœur Benedetta Carlini
성흔과 그리스도와의 심장 교환, 신과의 결혼 등 종교적이고 에로틱한 무아경으로 신비주의로 추앙 받으며 수녀원장에 오른 베네데타. 수녀원에 들어온 바톨로매아라는 처녀와의 사랑이 교회에 적발되면서 한순간에 부정한 여인으로 몰락하는데…
Suze Trappet
살고 싶지만 더 이상 살 수 없는 여자 `쉬즈` 살 수 있지만 더 이상 살기 싫은 남자 `장 바티스트` 볼 수 없지만 열정적으로 길을 찾는 인간 내비 `블랑` 삶의 갈림길에서 기상천외하게 엮인 세 사람은 `쉬즈`가 30년 전에 포기한 아들을 찾기 위해 뜻밖의 공조를 시작한다.
야간근무를 맡은 세 명의 경찰에게 임무가 맡겨진다. 오늘 밤, 한 죄수를 샤를 드골 공항까지 호송할 것! 호송 중, 단순 불법체류자인줄만 알았던 죄수는 망명을 신청한 정치범으로 감옥에서 고문까지 받았던 것을 알게 된다. 게다가 그가 고국으로 돌아가는 즉시 사형당할 수 있다는 사실에 세 경찰은 그를 예정대로 공항까지 호송해야 할지, 의견이 엇갈리며 충돌하는데… 누군가의 인생이 걸린 단 한 번의 선택, 당신이라면 어떻게 하겠습니까?
심리치료사 시빌은 오랜 고민 끝에 소설을 쓰기로 다짐하고 모든 환자들을 정리하던 중, 유망한 여배우 마고의 전화를 받는다. 마고의 요청을 거절하지 못한 시빌은 그녀의 이야기를 통해 점차 자신의 내면에 숨겨두었던 과거와 강렬한 감정들을 마주하게 된다. 시간이 흐를수록 마고의 삶에 더욱 깊게 개입하며 그녀의 감정에 몰입하게 된 시빌은 불현듯 걷잡을 수 없는 상황 속에 놓이게 되는데…
임파서블 러브
Scene #1. 필연적 만남 - 여자와 남자. 단번에 빠져들어 뜨겁게 타오르다. “우리 사랑은 필연적인 만남이야” Scene #2. 예정된 이별 - 남자가 떠난 후, 여자는 임신을 알게 된다. “아이가 생겼다고 달라지는 건 없어” Scene #3. 잘못된 재회 - 다시 찾아온 남자. 모녀의 인생이 흔들린다. “엄마, 왜 아빠를 사랑했어?”
수영장으로 간 남자들
Delphine, coach
2년차 백수 베르트랑, 예민미 폭발 로랑, 파산 직전의 사장님 마퀴스, 히트곡 전무한 로커 시몽… 가정, 직장, 미래 등 각양각색의 걱정을 안고 수영장에 모인 벼랑 끝의 중년 남자들이 인생의 마지막 금메달을 꿈꾸며 마지막 도전을 시작한다. 오합지졸 수중발레 군단은 수영장의 어벤져스로 거듭날 수 있을까? 이젠 정말 죽기 아니면 까무러치기다!
Keep Going
Associate Producer
Sybille, a divorced mother, who refuses to accept that her 18-year-old son, Samuel, is sinking into violence. Prey to her own past and present demons, she decides to take Samuel on a long trip to Kyrgyzstan. Accompanied only by their two horses, mother and son go on an adventure where they will face the dangers and surprises of nature, which is spectacular, hostile and beautiful. Beyond encounters with the Kyrgyz people, the trip will provide the opportunity for an inevitable confrontation...
Keep Going
Sybille, a divorced mother, who refuses to accept that her 18-year-old son, Samuel, is sinking into violence. Prey to her own past and present demons, she decides to take Samuel on a long trip to Kyrgyzstan. Accompanied only by their two horses, mother and son go on an adventure where they will face the dangers and surprises of nature, which is spectacular, hostile and beautiful. Beyond encounters with the Kyrgyz people, the trip will provide the opportunity for an inevitable confrontation...
늑대개 화이트팽
Maggie Scott (voice)
거칠고 황량한 야생에서 태어난 늑대개 화이트팽. 하지만 인간은 화이트팽에게서 어미를 빼앗은 것도 모자라 어린 화이트팽을 길들이려고 몽둥이와 주먹, 채찍으로 잔인하게 구타한다. 결국 화이트팽은 인간에게 충성을 맹세하고 썰매개로 자라난다. 원주민 주인에게 충성을 다했지만 주인은 화이트팽을 투견장에 팔아넘기고, 새로운 주인은 화이트팽을 투견으로 만들려고 무자비하고 잔인한 폭력을 끊임없이 행사한다. 투견장에서 끊임없이 싸워야 했던 화이트팽은 죽음의 문턱에서 새로운 주인 위든 스콧을 만나는데...
숲속왕국의 꿀벌 여왕
여러 곤충들이 어울려 사는 숲속왕국, 특별 파티를 앞두고 꿀벌 여왕 ‘마가렛’이 사라졌다? 베짱이 뮤지션과 친구들은 사건을 해결하기 위해 나서는데… 과연 왕국의 평화를 되찾을 수 있을까?
Les Belges ça ose tout
La Station
Max, Mégane, and Louise turn up at a mysterious gas station. Inside the deserted building many photocopiers are going full bore. And there is also a man, very determined to make use of the magical power of the machines, which are able to bring the craziest fantasies to life.
Not on My Watch
Nathalie is a jeweler who has just moved to Paris for a new job and a new life with her two sons. But the jewelry store manager suddenly changes his mind and tells her the job is no longer hers. Nathalie wants to protect her children and decides to say nothing. This first lie will spark others and soon Nathalie is entangled in a dangerous spiral.
La Folle Soirée du Palmashow 3
Self - Guest
Victoria Spick
싱글맘 빅토리아는 여자친구 살해기도 혐의로 기소된 옛 친구 빈센트의 변호를 맡기로 하고 과거에 변호해준 적 있는 샘에게 집안일을 부탁한다.
언제나 당당하고 매력적인 여인 미셸의 집에 어느 날, 정체를 알 수 없는 괴한이 침입한다. 경찰에 신고하라는 주변의 조언을 무시한 채 아무 일 없다는 듯 일상으로 돌아간 미셸. 하지만 계속되는 괴한의 접근에 위기감을 느끼고, 곧 자신만의 방식으로 범인을 추적해 나간다. 그리고 다시 괴한의 침입이 있던 날, 감추고 있던 그녀의 과거와 함께 복수를 향한 욕망도 깨어나는데…
업 포 러브
능력과 미모를 겸비한 성공한 변호사 디안은 가는 곳마다 사람들의 시선을 사로잡는 매력적인 미녀이다. 최근에 불행한 결혼생활을 정리한 뒤, 이제 더 이상 운명 같은 사랑은 없을 거라 믿어 온 그녀에게 어느 날 운명 같은 인연이 찾아온다. 디안의 휴대폰을 주웠다며 중저음의 멋진 목소리를 가진 남자가 전화를 걸어온 것이다. 젠틀한 매너와 세련된 유머감각까지 겸비한 그에게 점점 호감을 느낀 디안은 마침내 데이트를 약속하고, 오랜만에 설렘을 가득 안고 데이트 장소로 나간다. 하지만 두 사람의 만남은 처음부터 전혀 예상치 못한 방향으로 흘러가게 되는데...
Half Sister, Full Love
Pierrick is still dealing with the recent disappearance of his brother. Then why not accept the invitation of Tessa, his best friend, at her family home in order to spend a week alone to meditate on his life?
사랑해도 괜찮아
아름다운 프랑스 프로방스를 배경으로 사랑이 두려운 여자 ’루이즈’와 사랑을 글로 배운 남자 ‘피에르’가 펼치는 동화 같은 순도 100% 유기농 힐링 로맨스!
Violette Mandini
Forty-year-old Paul-André is a timid, rather introverted man. Rich but alone, he is deeply bored and ends up concluding that what he needs is a family. Violette, a forty-year-old full of energy, is threatened with eviction and is afraid she'll lose custody of her two children. Paul-André then proposes a totally above the board contract to rent the family in exchange for him paying off Violette's debts. For better and for worse..
Alicia Bardery
An average guy meets an actress who is more beautiful than he could ever imagine. But then a pesky girl materializes to make his life a living hell. His perfect girlfriend now thinks that he is involved with this Caprice.
Le Débarquement 2
Various Characters
Turning Tide
Marie Drevil
Yann Madec, long-time best mate of Frank Drevil, the star skipper of Global System Insurance, sees his dream come true when he replaces the injured Frank at the last minute for the start of the Vendée Globe. Nine days into the race and leading, Yann is forced to stop in Cape Verde to repair his broken center-board. Back in the race, Yann discovers a stowaway on board, a Senegalese teenager named Moussa. Faced with the risk of disqualification because of Moussa’s presence, Yann hesitates… Their encounter leads to the most unforgettable round-the-world race ever.
Invisible Ones
Caroline Fernet
Momo has one dream buried for years: become a petanque champion. When an international tournament is announced, he drops his ordinary life to win the first prize and fulfill his dreams.
서른아홉, 열아홉
스포츠카 모는 39 패션에디터 ‘알리스’ 8년 동안 남자와도 담쌓고, 커리어에만 목숨 건 워커홀릭! 잃어버린 USB를 찾기 위해 브라질 출장에서 만난 발타자르와 재회하게 된 알리스는 발타자르와 키스하는 듯 찍힌 사진이 SNS에 퍼지면서 한 순간에 어린 남자와 데이트 하는 ‘쿠거족’이 된다. 기가 막힌 알리스와 달리 편집장은 그녀의 이런 거침없는 모습을 응원하고, 절친마저 발타자르를 이용하라고 부추기는데… 스쿠터 타는 19 건축학도 ‘발타자르’ 이제 갓 열아홉, 그 어떤 것보다 사랑에 올인하는 러브홀릭! 우연히 만난 매력적인 연상녀 알리스에게 마음을 뺏기지만 그녀는 어린 자신에게 관심이 없는 듯해 실망스럽다. 그러나 갑자기 학교로 찾아와 자신에게 데이트 신청을 하는 알리스로 인해 당황스러우면서도 이 상황이 전혀 싫지 않은 발타자르. 그는 아름답고, 섹시하고, 프로페셔널한 알리스의 모습에 점점 빠져들게 되는데… 39-19 = 20살! 20살차이 로맨스의 모든 것이 밝혀진다!
서른아홉, 열아홉
Alice Lantins
스포츠카 모는 39 패션에디터 ‘알리스’ 8년 동안 남자와도 담쌓고, 커리어에만 목숨 건 워커홀릭! 잃어버린 USB를 찾기 위해 브라질 출장에서 만난 발타자르와 재회하게 된 알리스는 발타자르와 키스하는 듯 찍힌 사진이 SNS에 퍼지면서 한 순간에 어린 남자와 데이트 하는 ‘쿠거족’이 된다. 기가 막힌 알리스와 달리 편집장은 그녀의 이런 거침없는 모습을 응원하고, 절친마저 발타자르를 이용하라고 부추기는데… 스쿠터 타는 19 건축학도 ‘발타자르’ 이제 갓 열아홉, 그 어떤 것보다 사랑에 올인하는 러브홀릭! 우연히 만난 매력적인 연상녀 알리스에게 마음을 뺏기지만 그녀는 어린 자신에게 관심이 없는 듯해 실망스럽다. 그러나 갑자기 학교로 찾아와 자신에게 데이트 신청을 하는 알리스로 인해 당황스러우면서도 이 상황이 전혀 싫지 않은 발타자르. 그는 아름답고, 섹시하고, 프로페셔널한 알리스의 모습에 점점 빠져들게 되는데… 39-19 = 20살! 20살차이 로맨스의 모든 것이 밝혀진다!
Adeline's Chinese housekeeper suddenly disappears, leaving behind a little boy who doesn't speak a word of French. Helped by her sister, she takes care of the child and proceeds to locate the mother.
À la maison pour Noël
Sarah Moreau
Dead Man Talking
Elisabeth Lacroix
8pm in a rundown prison. A prisoner on death row will be executed. He has the right to make a final declaration. But the law doesn't stipulate how long he can talk. So, as long as he talks the execution is postponed…
Hénaut Président
Virginie Efira
My Worst Nightmare
Agathe runs an art gallery. Her husband François is a publisher. Together they have one son, and in every way seem to be the picture of normality — but emotions are stewing under the surface. All it takes is the arrival of a complete stranger for things to start unravelling. Patrick is brash, uncouth and totally unselfconscious...
Second Chance
Joanna Sorini
Julien Monnier has a serious problem. Though he's a brilliant couples counselor, he can't keep a woman in his life for more than two weeks. Indeed, ever since his childhood, Julien jinxes every woman who falls in love with him. But it's not just any small jinx. It's the kind that sends you to the hospital several times a week, that destroys your professional life or that turns your friends into enemies. Julien is strictly speaking a true black cat for women. Joanna Sorini will soon learn this at her expense the day she meets him. A career that's just taking off, a love life that finally seems to be taking a good turn, all that may just change.
Kill Me Please
Inspectrice Evrard
Doctor Kruger dreams to insert “the suicide in modernity”. He offers to his patients the service of a private clinic where one can die in all peace, champagne glass to the hand. But in the private clinic of “ideal death”, nothing occurs as envisaged.
The Perfect Date
Michel dreams of a perfect meeting with the woman of his dreams, entirely due to chance, as his parents and grandparents experienced. Vincent, Michel's contrast, is completely different. He is more the man of the direct approach and he follows his...! The two childhood friends Michel and Vincent, with completely opposite views when it comes to women, soon discover the limits of their respective techniques when they meet Angèle and Nathalie.
En chantier, monsieur Tanner !
The banker
The Whistler
Cannes, the French Riviera. Armand Teillard is happy with life; a busy store downtown, a delightful girlfriend, a magnificent record collection and lunch every day at Sofia and Martial's family restaurant with a perfect sea view. So when Sofia tells Armand that Zapetti, a property developer with mafia connections, is putting the squeeze on her to sell up, he is horrified. Armand is an easy-going guy, but when he gets mad... actually, Armand never gets mad. He leaves that to his twin brother, Maurice, The Whistler. When Maurice rides into town in his Aston Martin and designer suit, Zapetti, his mob and the corrupt local politicians are in trouble. But what if, behind the dyed hair and tinted contact lenses, Maurice and Armand are one and the same guy? Is Cannes big enough for the both of them?
Les Barons
L'artiste incomprise
Les Barons ont une devise : "glander plus pour vivre plus". Chaque être humain naît avec un crédit de pas. Chaque pas effectué te rapproche de la mort. Nous, les Barons, on le sait dès le départ.
Max & Co
Cathy (voice)
15-year-old Max is in search of his father, the famous troubadour Johnny Bigoude, who disappeared shortly after Max's birth. He reaches Saint-Hilare where Madam Doudou, the old teacher, takes care of him and finds him a job as elevator musician in the fly swatter factory Bzzz & Co. But the factory doesn't run well and half of the village gets fired. To boost the swatter sales, a dangerous scientist creates a mass production of flies. Soon, a thick cloud of insects attacks the village... With courage and determination, Max and his new friend Félicie will do their best to neutralize the insane projects of Bzzz&Co. Will they manage to convince the villagers to help them in this adventure? All together will they stop the scientist's crazy handlings? And will Max find his father?
Un amour de fantôme
Africain poids-moyens
A young Congolese boxer, Samwa, and his older brother, Nourou, arrive in Brussels for the final of the Afro-European Middleweight Championship to fight against the Belgian title holder. Samwa trains heavily, despite some harsh conditions, under the authoritarian look of his brother. Until the day when the Belgian fight promoters, aware of the fact that the political situation gives the final a symbolical turn, order to Samwa to lose the fight. The day before the match, Samwa and Nourou watch Patrice Lumumba's independence's speech. Samwa decides not to give up but in this power's struggle, one of the brothers will betray the other one.
Benedetta: Entretien avec Paul Verhoeven, croisé avec les propos de Virginie Efira
Paul Verhoeven and Virginie Efira talk about Benedetta and how the film came to be.
Personne n'a peur des gens qui sourient
Le Dôme