James T. Bruce IV
출생 : 1984-03-23, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Executive Producer
The Marsh family's getting together for their first Christmas Eve after three years of pandemic lockdown.
Executive Producer
The horror begins as Ayla and her high-school friends discover a hideous, semi-human mutant. They keep it prisoner while shooting repulsive viral videos, but the gang’s hunger for “likes” drives them to film the beast performing murderous acts. When one boy sees that Ayla is using the monster’s gruesome violence to settle her own vendettas, he threatens to tell the authorities, but is he too late to save his friends?
Executive Producer
After a baby T. rex hatches from a prehistoric egg found in a nearby cave, siblings Emma and Brian must outsmart an evil scientist who wants the dinosaur for his own nefarious purposes.
Executive Producer
A group of 20 somethings want to end the summer on a high, they take the advice from a girl they met at a festival about a secret rave deep in the Valleys. When their route is detoured, they have no choice but to venture into the unknown. Once they come across a derelict aqua park, they soon realize what they thought was their salvation turns out to be the heart of the Cannibals lair.
Executive Producer
아무도 찾지 않는 황야에 모인 ‘파커’와 일급 사냥꾼들. 그들의 눈앞에 유전학으로 재탄생 된 공룡들이 공개되고, 곧 세상에서 가장 위험한 게임이 시작된다. 먹히고 먹히는 서바이벌 속에서 공룡들은 점점 통제할 수 없게 되어버리고, ‘파커’와 사냥꾼들은 이 아수라장에서 탈출을 하려 하는데… 지상 최대의 사냥 게임이 시작된다!
Executive Producer
This drama follows the relationship of a heartbroken woman and a young immigrant girl who has lost her mother at the border, coming together just before Christmas.
Executive Producer
Tommy dos Santos wasn't born a psychopath, nor was he made into a sociopath. He was something entirely new, and he was walking his own path - a path that will run red with the blood of the foulest most fiendishly frightening creatures ever conceived by man! No longer do they have the starring role in our nightmares, it is now the clowns who are the prey, running for their lives from a killer who won't stop until every single one of them is dead. As Tommy's body count rises, he finds himself getting closer and closer to what he thought was a ghost, the once great clown king known as "Giggles," and wonders - if laughter can't die, how about Giggles?
Executive Producer
A runaway bride and her bridesmaids are stranded in a city run by clowns. Everything seemed normal at first but this clown cult has their own set of rules. It's a carnival ride as our girls tries to stay alive to escape Clown City.
Executive Producer
알바니아 전체를 쥐락펴락하는 거대 조직의 수장 페둘라를 잡으러 특수 기동대 형사들이 나선다. 어디론가 정보가 새어나가는 가운데, 인물들의 과거가 하나둘씩 드러난다.
Executive Producer
루마니아에 임무를 수행하러 떠난 동생. 미지의 인물을 쫓던 그가 싸늘한 주검이 되어 돌아왔다. 누가 그의 목숨을 앗아갔나? 복수를 위해 전장에 다시 발을 들인 전직 군인. 동생의 생전 파트너와 협력해 베일에 싸인 적을 찾으러 나선다.
When the son of a successful judge is killed by two police officers and the system sets them free, a hardened veteran detective finds some incriminating files on the officers and the judge teams up with another mourning father to take the law into his own hands.
가구점 사장인 돈은 완벽한 아내와 아이들, 그리고 완벽한 집까지 전부를 가진 것처럼 보인다. 그러나 주방 도구 위치부터 섹스 날짜까지 모든 것을 철저히 관리하는 아내 모나의 지나친 완벽함에 돈은 나날이 지쳐간다. 그러던 어느 날, 매혹적인 외모의 더스티를 가구점 직원으로 고용한 돈은, 그녀의 적극적인 유혹에 그만 불륜 관계를 맺는다. 꿈만 같은 외도 생활 중, 더스티의 임신 소식을 듣게 된 돈은 인생 최대의 위기에 놓인다. 아내와 가정을 잃고 싶지 않았던 돈은 고심 끝에 모나에게 불륜 사실을 고백하고 용서를 구한다. 그러자 모나가 내놓은 해답은 더스티를 죽이라는 것. 때마침 더스티로부터 거액의 돈을 요구하는 전화를 받게 된 돈은 아내의 요구대로 그녀를 죽이기로 결심하는데...
Executive Producer
Revolves around a British military contractor Lex Walker who is told his daughter has died. When he arrives in Los Angeles and discovers the body is not hers, he begins an investigation.
Executive Producer
A coastal town is plagued by a supernatural man-eating shark. A ghost hunter joins forces with a sea captain to uncover the secrets of the area's dark past and find a way to exorcise the spectral predator.
Executive Producer
Six college friends unite for a weekend getaway where they find themselves fighting for their lives after a terrorist attack turns the local residents into rage infused zombies.
Production Consultant
Spies, cops and armed children cross paths on a day of danger, mystery and possible transformation. Five unusual characters are unknowingly connected to an extraordinary smuggling operation, as religious conspiracy collides with urban crime.
Executive Producer
Giant albino spiders break free from the depths of Earth in New Orleans, making everyone’s worst nightmare a reality.
멕시코만에서 석유 시추를 하는 홀트 에너지 사는 실수로 용암에 구멍을 내고 이로 인해 마그마가 분출돼 시추 플랫폼이 폭파되어 많은 인명 피해를 일으키지만 언론에는 강한 파도에 시추 플랫폼이 전복되었다고 거짓말을 해 자신들의 실수를 감춘다. 한편 대학교수이자 지질학자인 앙트와넷 비트리니는 화산 활동과 용암을 연구하는 전문가로 여동생 에밀리를 비롯한 학생들과 현장 학습을 나갔다가 한 학생이 용암으로 뜨거워진 물에 빠져 죽는 끔찍한 사고를 당하게 되는데...
Executive Producer
악어 축제로 유명한 위스키 강 근처 늪지대에서 식당을 운영하는 레이첼 남매. 평소와 다를 바 없던 마을에 난데없이 상어가 나타나 사람들을 공격하기 시작한다. 그 첫 피해자인 잭슨의 죽음에 오빠 제이슨이 용의자로 의심받고, 식당마저 영업정지의 위기에 놓이자, 레이첼은 식당을 구하고자 직접 상어사냥에 나서는데...
Executive Producer
During the American Civil War, five northern POWs make the decision to escape the war by hijacking a hot air balloon. Drifting through the night, they wake to find themselves marooned on a desert island, but they aren't alone.
Three couples try group sex at a lakeside strawberry farm, naively hoping it will lead to enlightenment.
Line Producer
Brian Dilks is an Office Drone. He spends his days at OmniLink in comforting monotony: facilitating the movement of product around the country, faxing, copying, joking with his best friend, Clark, and harmlessly flirting with fellow cubicle-mate, Amy. But how well does anyone really know the people they work with? When Brian discovers an improbable secret about his best friend, everything in Brian’s world changes and his safe life of workplace detachment is no longer an option. Shocked out of his mind-numbing routine by this new discovery, Brian throws himself into a star-crossed romance with Amy––yet close encounters of the office kind, like sales or intergalactic war, is an uncertain business.