Saki, a high school girl who always skips classes, works part-time as a life adviser.
Saki, a high school girl who always skips classes, works part-time as a life adviser.
Additional Camera
꿈과 광기의 왕국은 미야자키와 다카하타, 그리고 두 사람의 손과 발이었던 프로듀서 스즈키 토시오까지, 스튜디오 지브리를 견인해온 세 사람의 과거와 현재를 들여다보는 작품이다. 영화는 2013년 9월 1일 미야자키 하야오 감독이 은퇴를 선언하기 전 1년의 시간을 담고 있다. 하나의 애니메이션이 탄생하기 위한 결정적 순간들과, 미야자키, 다카하타, 스즈키 세 사람이 장기간 함께 작업하며 쌓아온 서로간의 애증, 스큐디오 지브리의 마지막 작품인 카구야 공주 이야기를 제작하면서 벌어졌던 비하인드 에피소드들을 포착했다.
A young women suddenly falls victim to an accident and loses her front teeth. The man tasked with making her artificial dentures grows close to this woman he has never meet as he envisions her style and voice in an intimate imaginary world of his own creation. Their time together was only supposed to last until her dentures were complete, but what happens when this man and woman meet in the real world?
A young women suddenly falls victim to an accident and loses her front teeth. The man tasked with making her artificial dentures grows close to this woman he has never meet as he envisions her style and voice in an intimate imaginary world of his own creation. Their time together was only supposed to last until her dentures were complete, but what happens when this man and woman meet in the real world?
A boy named Shogo landed on the island. He approaches a man making a raft on the beach and tries to help him with the work. The subtle air that flows between the two. They seem to know each other well, but they are also like others. The truth behind a marine accident three years ago then became clear. A child went out on a raft to the sea and went missing. The man was the father of the missing child, and Shogo was a close friend who made a raft with the child.
A boy named Shogo landed on the island. He approaches a man making a raft on the beach and tries to help him with the work. The subtle air that flows between the two. They seem to know each other well, but they are also like others. The truth behind a marine accident three years ago then became clear. A child went out on a raft to the sea and went missing. The man was the father of the missing child, and Shogo was a close friend who made a raft with the child.