Dona Holloway

참여 작품

Associate Producer
A riot in a state prison is staged to cover up an escape attempt, during which many inmates and guards are killed. Shot on location at Arizona State Prison.
악마의 씨
Associate Producer
로즈메리는 배우인 남편 가이와 맨하탄의 중산층 아파트에 이주한다. 평화로워 보이는 이 아파트에서 이들은 이웃의 친절한 노부부와 가까워져 함께 많은 시간을 보낸다. 그러던 중, 로즈메리가 화장실에서 만났던 한 여자가 의문의 죽음을 당하는 일이 발생하고, 로즈메리는 악몽을 꾼 뒤 임신하게 된다. 그녀가 임신을 하면서 산부인과 의사를 통해 믿기 어려운 사실들을 알게 되는데...
프로젝트 X
Associate Producer
A spy is brought back from cryogenic suspension after being almost killed in a plane crash returning from a mission to learn about a deadly new weapon being developed in the East. But the vital memories are being suppressed, so the authorities use ultra-advanced technologies to try to uncover the secret.
The Busy Body
Associate Producer
Sid Caesar is a bumbling gopher to a mob boss who must recover a fortune in cash stowed in the suit of a corpse.
Let's Kill Uncle
Associate Producer
A 12-year-old orphan who has just inherited a fortune is trapped on an island with his uncle, a former British intelligence commander who intends to kill him. A young girl is the boy's only ally against the sarcastic uncle, who uses hypnotism, a pool of sharks, fire, and poisonous mushrooms as weapons.
나는 네가 한 짓을 보았다
Associate Producer
Teenage friends Kit and Libby make prank phone calls for fun but then find themselves involved in a brutal double murder committed by one of their targets.
공포의 환상
Associate Producer
After a twenty-year stay at an asylum for a double murder, a mother returns to her estranged daughter where suspicions arise about her behavior.
The Old Dark House
Associate Producer
An American car salesman in London becomes mixed up in a series of fatal occurrences at a secluded mansion.
13 Frightened Girls
Associate Producer
While attending a Swiss school for diplomats' daughters, the teenage daughter of the American ambassador uses her access to various embassies to engage in espionage.
Associate Producer
Jonathan Jones, a professor of ancient languages, comes into possession of an ancient coin. He translates its inscription, which gives him three powers: to inflict pain, slow down time or kill. Soon, he's pursued by enemy spies who have learned about the magic coin.
Mr. Sardonicus
Associate Producer
A search for a winning lottery ticket in his dead father's grave causes Sardonicus' face to freeze in a horrible grimace, until he forces a doctor to treat his affliction--with even more grotesque results! The audience gets an opportunity to vote--via the "Punishment Poll"--for the penalty Sardonicus must pay for his deeds...
Associate Producer
다른 사람으로 사칭해 살인을 저지른 의문의 여자를 중심으로 하여 막대한 유산을 상속받을 예정인 남자, 그리고 그의 배다른 형제가 뒤얽혀 묘한 긴장감을 이루는 미스테리 스릴러물. 영화의 시작부터 살인을 저지르는 여자를 통해 그녀의 정체와 살인동기를 궁금하게 만들고, 인물들의 관계와 그들의 대사를 통해 촘촘하게 복선과 암시를 배치하는 탄탄한 짜임새가 극의 긴장감을 더욱 고조시킨다