Riot (1969)
They exploded the ugliest riot in prison history to cover their dangerous, desperate break for freedom.
장르 : 범죄, 드라마, 스릴러
상영시간 : 1시간 36분
연출 : Buzz Kulik
각본 : James Poe
A riot in a state prison is staged to cover up an escape attempt, during which many inmates and guards are killed. Shot on location at Arizona State Prison.
마리온 크레인은 그녀의 애인 샘과 결혼하길 원하지만 샘은 빚을 갚을 때까지 기다리라고 말한다. 그래서 그녀는 자신이 다니고 있는 회사 사장이 은행에 입금하라고 맡긴 돈을 들고 도망친다. 도주 첫날 밤 묵게 된 도로변의 낡은 모텔 주인인 노만 베이츠는 그녀에게 친절하게 대해주며 자신은 모텔 바로 뒤쪽 저택에서 몸이 불편한 어머니와 함께 살고 있다고 말한다. 잠자리에 들기 전 마리온이 샤워를 하는 도중, 난데없이 검은 형상이 욕실에 나타나고 마리온은 실종된다. 마리온을 찾기 위해 그녀의 언니 릴라와 샘, 그리고 보험회사 측에서 고용한 탐정 등 세 사람이 추적에 나서는데...
After an archaeological team in Arizona unearths a werewolf skeleton and one of them develops symptoms of lycanthropy before dying, the dig's foreman, Yuri, tries to infect other townspeople as an experiment. When a science writer named Paul takes up residence in the town to cover the dig and develops a romantic interest in a female team member, Yuri makes Paul his next target.
The movie is based on the autobiography of Horst Fantazzini. Son of an anarchist, he was known in Northern Italy as “the gentleman bandit” because he robbed banks without violence, with only a toy gun. After many convictions and jailbreaks, in the summer of 1973 he's being held in Fossano, Piedmont when he tries to escape again. This time things get messy and he has to use a real gun and take two prison guards as hostages.
The Arizona wilderness, 1880. Gen. Fletcher Blackwell sends a message telling Capt. Walsh, who is escorting a wagon-train through Apache territory, heading for the fort at Furnace Creek, that he should cancel the escort and rush to another town. Apache leader "Little Dog" is leading the attack on the wagon-train and massacring everyone at the poorly manned fort. As a result the treaty is broken with the Indians and the white settlers take over the territory with the help of the cavalry, as the Apaches are wiped out and only "Little Dog" remains at large. Gen. Fletcher Blackwell is court-martial-led for treason.
The Laguna Dam is to be built in Arizona to supply water to desert-land unfit for cultivation or stock-raising. Rival companies bid for the building contract, which leads to violence and danger for Bob Owen and his dog Satan.
Four prisoners, in convicts' stripes, march backwards down stairs and, under the watchful eyes of guards, hop backwards into their cells. Later, one overpowers a guard and springs his three pals. But, will they be able to pull off an escape? Other guards come to the aid of their fallen comrade before all four felons can flee. Guards and convicts spring forward and backward out of cells, up and down stairs, and into and out of freedom.
알렉사(Alexa: 캐서린 킨몬트 분)는 국제안보에 위협을 주는 국제 범죄단체인 '링'의 백터 밀러(Victor Mahler: 알렉스 코드 분)의 충성스런 부하이다.
C.I.A 정보원 마크 그래비(Mark Graver: 로렌조 라마스 분)는 이들의 끝없는 테러를 막는 임무를 수행하던 중 알렉사를 알게된다. 그레버는 알렉사를 이용할 계획을 세우는 데 그것은 다름아닌 알렉사를 체포하여 오히려 그녀로 하여금 링의 두목인 빅터 밀러에게 대항케 하는 것이었다.
이 작전의 완수를 위해 그레버는 소속이 없는 경찰관 닉 머피(Nick Murphy: O.J. 심슨 분)에게 도움을 청한다. 그레버와 알렉사, 닉 3인방은 빅터 밀러와 그의 국제범죄 단체인 링과 맞서는데...
During the Civil War, a Confederate spy takes a job as marshal of a small western town as a cover for his espionage activities. However, he soon finds out that a local businessman is selling weapons to a band of rampaging Indians.
Nightmares of the past haunt the beautiful, mysterious Olivia, a London resident who begins a passionate affair with American businessman Mike. Trapped in a loveless marriage and traumatized by memories of her mother's brutal murder, Olivia hopes her lover will offer a chance at a new life. However, ghostly voices and brutal murders ignite a fiendish, twist-filled story of double identities, deception, and erotic terror.
An undercover agent takes the job of sheriff in order to find the men responsible for a series of stagecoach robberies.
Grant hides stolen money in the luggage of Bonnie Shea who is moving west. Later when he and his men arrive to retrieve the money, they also kidnap Bonnie. This sends Reasonin' Bates and his cowhands on their horses after the gangsters in their cars.
In the small town of Larrup, Arizona, Smiley, a con-artist traveling with cohorts Kingfish, Morris and Ambrose, persuades Lynn Martin, a traveling demonstrator of pancake making, to accompany him to a carnival, where Kingfish sells a large number of bottles of Bambo, an elixir...
New York store clerk joins a hobo and an illegal immigrant heading for his newly bought land in Arizona.
Thrown to rot in a narrow and gloomy cell of a hideous Soviet prison, a weary new inmate struggles to come to terms with the new reality. Within the grey cage, an unwelcoming fellow convict cautions the newcomer not to touch the intriguingly mysterious red wooden box which rests on the lower bunk, moreover, not even think of opening it. Why is there so much secrecy about the contents of the box? Could there be hiding the means to his escape?
By a daring ruse and inside help, Pete Rennick, a noted criminal behind bars on federal charges, escapes from the prison, and all of the law-agencies and local police are out to catch him with roadblocks and every car searched, but the escapee gets away. Bill Hasford, a private detective, investigating a racket finds it leads to the wanted man, and has the biggest adventure of his career.
In order to gain passage to the West, a woman poses as an opera singer, and causes a feud between two cousins.
Jake and Kyle are two boys who grew up together in rural Arizona. They are best friends, and they begin to take their relationship to the next level when Jake's father moves him and his family away to California. Jake and Kyle can never forget their strong emotional bond, and Jake, overworked and unattached, goes back to his hometown for the first time in 15 years to see Kyle and renew their special friendship.
아프가니스탄에서 임무 도중 사막의 악마라는 별명을 가진 거대한 거미가 숨어든 부하의 시신을 데리고 고국으로 돌아온 스터지스 대위와 셜리 상병. 불모지가 되어 버린 한 작은 마을 근처에서 자동차 사고가 나고 시체에 숨어 있는 거미들이 흩어져 사람들을 사냥하기 시작하는데…
A teen convicted of murdering his father escapes from authorities and heads for Arizona with a prostitute.
Two men are released from the Arizona Territorial Prison at Yuma in 1898. One, the Dutchman, is out to get both gold and revenge from the people of a small mining town who had him imprisoned unjustly. The other, McBain, is just trying to go straight, but that is easier said than done once the Dutchman involves him in his gold theft scheme.