Flower Vendor
Failed crime TV pilot starring Anne Bloom.
A singer (Elizabeth Daily) and her bus-driver boyfriend (Larry Breeding) try to help elderly tenants save their San Francisco hotel.
David Potter, owner of a small town weekly newspaper, decides to get a more secure job. Despite his wife's misgivings, he applies to be a publicity writer at the mammoth Ilium Works. Although shaken at seeing how the company immediately plans out his entire career, he accepts the position. He is then given his first assignment, recording the capture of a deer that has slipped onto the grounds of the Works.
Clair Hurst
How does retired cop Joshua Burke (James Earl Jones) get two career criminals, Manny Durrell (Sidney Poitier) and Dave Anderson (Bill Cosby), to follow the straight and narrow? Con them into helping juvenile delinquents turn over a new leaf. But how? Burke has never been able to nail the duo, but he uses what he knows of their seedy past to blackmail them into volunteering.
1981년 11월의 어느 일요일. 누명을 쓰고 감옥에 갇힌 전 공군 장군 로렌스 델은 동조자들과 함께 군교도소를 탈출한 후 몬타나 근처 미사일 발사기지에 잠입한다. 발사장치가 있는 지하 격납고를 장악한 델은 1천만 달러의 돈과 에어포스 원을 요구하는 한편, 무엇보다 대통령이 직접 베트남 전쟁 발발 직후 작성된 비밀문서를 공개하지 않는다면 9개의 핵탄두를 발사시키겠다고 위협한다. 이 비밀문서에는 미국이 베트남전에서 이길 수 없다는 사실을 알면서도 소련에 대한 우위를 입증하기 위해 참전했다는 사실이 기록되어 있다. 델의 요구를 들은 매켄지 장군과 대통령은 제3차대전이 일어날 수도 있는 상황을 저지하기 위해 특공대를 기지에 파견한다.
A black South African minister searches the unfamiliar back alleys and shantytowns of Johannesburg for his son.
Elder Banks
In February, 1962, as the civil rights movement reaches Bayonne, Louisiana, a New York journalist arrives to interview Jane Pittman, who has just turned 110. She tells him her story dating back to her earliest memories before slavery ended. In between the chapters of her life, the present-day struggles of Blacks in Bayonne, urged on by Jimmy, are dramatized.
When the President's plane mysteriously disappears with him on board, it is left to the seemingly weak Vice President to try to avert a nuclear exchange with the Chinese.
When an African-American basketball star suffers sudden paralysis, his white friend and teammate assists in his rehabilitation.
A brilliant tort attorney gets rid of her boring husband by faking his kidnapping and keeping the ransom. The FBI may be fooled, but not Columbo.
A television adaptation of Lillian Hellman's play about the Hubbards, a rich Southern family of greedy, ruthless individuals.
Dining Car Waiter
In a badly-overpopulated future, where each couple is only allowed one child and where people over 65 are forbidden medical care under a very draconian set of laws, a young couple, pregnant with their second child (the first died shortly after birth) enlist the help of an elderly former US Senator to help them escape to Canada.
Moses Brown
1909년, 텍사스의 맥캔들스 목장에서 리틀 제이크 맥캔들스가 납치된다. 퇴역장교 존 페인이 이끄는 납치범들의 목적은 다름 아닌 소년의 몸값. 리틀 제이크의 할머니 마사(모린 오하라 분)는 몸값을 요구하는 쪽지를 받지만 일당에게 돈을 주는 대신 10년 동안 본 적이 없는 남편 제이콥 맥캔들스(존 웨인 분)를 찾는다.
많은 나이에도 불구하고 서부를 떠돌며 정의의 총잡이 생활을 하던 제이콥은 아내의 다급한 구조요청을 받고 즉시 목장으로 돌아와 남은 아들 제임스, 마이클과 함께 손자 구출 작전에 나선다. 사람들은 서부의 전설적인 영웅 제이콥 맥캔들스가 이미 죽은 줄 알고 있었지만 그는 악당들을 차례로 쓰러뜨리며 건재함을 과시하고 마침내 무사히 손자를 구출해 집으로 돌아온다.
John Sawyer
Racial tensions threaten to explode when a black man is elected sheriff of a small, racially divided town in the Deep South.
A riot in a state prison is staged to cover up an escape attempt, during which many inmates and guards are killed. Shot on location at Arizona State Prison.
Patriotic freedom fighters struggle against a fascist dictatorship in a near-future USA.
Servant / Driver (uncredited)
An upstart outlaw baits a legendary gunslinger, now a marshal in love with a saloon keeper.
An American intelligence agent, aided by a Chinese-American female agent, uses a time-travel belt to thwart Chinese operatives who are attempting to import to Los Angeles the materials to make an atomic bomb.
American Diplomat
When scientists use eco-terrorism to impose their will on the world by affecting extremes in the weather, Intelligence Chief Cramden calls in top agent Derek Flint.
Logan, Chauffeur
A man stumbles out of a car crash with no memory of what transpired. Everyone who he meets suggests that he is a ruthless man with an aggressive temper. Could he be deliberately blocking out memories of his past?
1927년, 탐욕에 사로잡힌 샬롯의 아버지는 자신의 재산을 샬롯에게만 물려주려 한다. 이를 위해 샬롯의 연인 존 메이휴 등 그녀에게 접근하는 모든 사람을 가로막는다. 그리고 아버지가 세상을 떠나고 36년이 지난 지금, 샬롯은 집에 틀어박혀 은둔자처럼 혼자 살고 있다. 하지만 샬롯이 36년 전 존 메이휴를 잔인하게 살해했다는 의심과 소문은 계속해서 이어지고 있다.
When the women of America join together on election day and elect a Leslie McCloud as the US President, things get a little awkward. Especially for her husband Thad McCloud. He, as First Husband, must take over the job as The First Lady, in the women's groups and garden parties.
Attendant (uncredited)
In the 1870s, two rival businessmen, Zack Thomas and Joe Jarrett, on a stagecoach heading to Galveston, Texas, must pull together to protect $100,000 from an outlaw named Matson. Once in Galveston, however, their rivalry continues, as Thomas joins up with Elya Carlson and Jarret with Maxine Richter. But Matson is still on the loose, and a scheming banker threatens both Thomas and Jarrett.
The lives and loves behind the scenes at the racetrack are detailed in this thoroughbred soap opera. An ambitious young trainer, Joel Tarrant (Ty Hardin), enters into an illicit affair with the stable owner's wealthy wife, hot-to-trot Laura Rubio (Suzanne Pleshette), in the hope that someday he'll have enough dough to buy his own horses and stable.
Reverend Sykes (uncredited)
대공황 이후 암울한 시기, 앨라바마주의 조그만 마을. 백인 처녀 마옐라는 집안 일을 도와주던 흑인 청년 톰을 유혹하다가 아버지에게 들키고, 화가 난 아버지는 '흑인이 백인 여자를 강간하려 했다'며 누명을 씌어 톰을 고소한다. 마을의 존경받는 변호사 애티커스 핀치가 누명을 쓴 톰의 변호를 맡지만 인종적 편견이 만연한 마을에서 흑인을 변호하는 일은 쉽지 않다. 톰의 무죄를 믿는 핀치는 마을 사람들의 비난을 무릅쓰고 그를 변호하기 위해 노력하는데..
Deliveryman (uncredited)
베이비 제인 허드슨은 어린 시절 보드빌 쇼의 유명한 스타였지만 성장한 후에는 배우로서 재능을 인정받지 못한다. 대배우로 성공한 언니 블랜치의 그늘 아래서 술과 향락으로 매일을 보내고 있을 뿐이다. 그러던 어느 날 술 취한 제인과 블랜치가 함께 자동차에 타고 있다 사고가 난다. 블랜치는 다리를 다쳐 반신불수가 되고, 제인은 불만과 질시 속에서도 어쩔 수 없이 언니를 돌보며 살게 된다. 세월이 흐른 후, 블랜치는 알콜중독으로 편집증 상태가 된 제인을 병원으로 보내려 하는데, 이 사실을 안 제인은 온갖 수단으로 블랜치를 학대한다. 제인은 헌신적인 가정부 엘비라를 우발적으로 죽이게 되자 어찌할 바를 모르고 혼란에 빠진다.
Bartender (uncredited)
Gambler Arnold Rothstein marries an actress, avenges his buddy and meets an underworld fate.
A female doctor in the Congo is torn between two loves.
This pioneering film in the history of African-American cinema, released two years before "A Raisin In The Sun", is the coming-of-age story of a Black high-school student living in a middle-class white neighborhood in the late '50s.
After robbing a bank Murphy assumes the identity of his pursuer, a famous US Marshal, when he stumbles into a town and is confronted by the local judge, Matthau. Murphy is forced to remain as the new Marshal; an old flame, Scala, nearly unmasks him by accident, only to be forced to assume the ruse of being Murphy's wife. The "couple" given a house and respectability, which neither has had before. They maintain the charade to avoid hurting a young orphan boy, Matthau's ward. Scala is torn by her loyalty to boyfriend planning to rob the bank and growing feelings for Murphy
Attendant (uncredited)
Alma Duval, a middle-aged housewife, trying to hide how much she suffers from her husband's amorous excursions while trying to help her children solve their problems and doing her best to keep her family together as it's slowly falling apart. Meanwhile, daughter Virginia is dumped by her boyfriend because she cannot help him with his career. Her cheating husband's birthday party is approaching and many lines will be crossed after that event.
떠돌이 벤 퀵(폴 뉴먼)은 가는 곳 마다 방화범으로 오인 받아 추방당하던 중 남부 미시시피 지방의 어느 마을의 대 부호 농장주인 바너(오손 웰즈)를 만나게 되서 그의 농장에서 일을 하게 되는데 부지런하고 저돌적인 그를 바너는 마음에 들어 하고 중요한 일도 맡기며 신임하게 된다. 바너에게는 나약하고 무능한 아들(안소니 프란시오사)과 철부지 같은 며느리(리 레믹)가 있지만 주관이 강하고 똑똑한 사랑스런 딸(조안 우드워드)이 있다. 벤 퀵은 바너의 딸과도 사랑에 빠지게 되는데...
Norville, the Butler
A reporter stumbles on a runaway heiress whose story could salvage his career.
Bill, the Butler
홀어머니 밑에서 가난하지만 영리하고 잘 생긴 대학생 버드(로버트 와그너)는 부자집 딸인 도로시(조안 우드워드)를 사귀면서 부자집 사위를 꿈꾼다. 하지만 도로시가 임신하고 그의 아버지가 반대하자 도로시는 둘이 도망치기를 원하고, 버드는 자신의 꿈이 허사로 돌아가게 되자, 도로시를 독살하려고 한다. 도로시에게는 여동생이 있었고, 버드는 도로시를 처리하고 여동생에게 접근할 계획을 세운다. 아무것도 모르는 순진한 도로시는 버드를 믿고 순순히 그를 따르는데...
Porter (uncredited)
Deprived of a normal childhood by her ambitious mother, Lillian Roth becomes a star of Broadway and Hollywood before she is twenty. Shortly before her marriage to her childhood sweetheart, David Tredman, he dies and Lillian takes her first drink of many down the road of becoming an alcoholic.
에바 필립스(조안 크로포드)는 그녀 주변의 비극적인 삶을 사는 사람들을 조종하는 교활한 남부의 사교 인사다. 그녀는 부유한 제분소 주인인 아베리(배리 설리반)과 결혼했지만, 아베리는 에바의 무정함에 매일 술을 마시고 급기야는 그녀를 불신하게 된다. 한편, 아베리의 여동생 캐롤 리(베시 파머)가 약혼을 발표하자 에바는 캐롤과 캐롤의 약혼자이자 여왕벌인 에바 자신의 비밀스런 사랑 프렌티스와의 약혼을 막으려 하는데...
Train Porter
Anson Page, a lawyer with Southern roots leaves New York, his wife and his kids for Georgia. His assignment is to investigate the case of Garvin Wales, a famous writer, now nearly blind and embittered, whose royalties have apparently never reached him. Back in his native South, Page finds himself immediately exposed to what he had fled : racial and class prejudices. But he also meets his former love, Dinah, now married to go-getter uncouth businessman Mickey Higgins. Will he find out whatever happened to 2,000 dollars in rights Wales did not cash? Will Dinah and Anson renew their love story?
할리우드의 스타 찰리 캐슬은 총체적인 위기에 처해있다. 그의 바람기에 질린 아내 매리언은 내성적인 작가 행크 티글과 떠나버리겠다고 하고, 영화사에서는 어처구니 없는 조건으로 재계약을 강요한다. 찰리는 아내를 되찾고 자신의 경력을 지키기 위해 계약을 거부한다. 하지만 영화사 사장 스탠리 호프는 재계약을 하지 않으면 찰리가 과거에 저지른 뺑소니 사고를 폭로하겠다고 협박한다. 여기에 가십 전문기자 패티와 사고의 목격자였던 신출내기 배우 딕시, 찰리 대신 감옥에 간 홍보담당 버디의 아내 코니까지 뒤얽혀 찰리는 심각한 딜레마에 빠진다. 찰리가 믿을 수 있는 사람은 충실한 대리인 내트와 트레이너 닉뿐이다.
Tom (uncredited)
Virginia, 1803. After the United States of America acquires the inmense Louisiana territory from France, a great expedition, led by William Lewis and Meriwether Clark, is sent to survey the new lands and go where no white man has gone before.
Based on the true story of a young Scottish lad, Peter Marshall, who dreams of only going to sea but finds out there is a different future for him when he receives a "calling" from God to be a minister. He leaves Scotland and goes to America where after a few small congregations he lands the position of pastor of the Church of the Presidents in Washington, D.C. and eventually he becomes Chaplain of the U.S. Senate.
Sam Allen
Thanks to the chicanery of his crooked uncle Major Cosgrave, Jet has been cheated out of his father's property and branded a pariah. He spends the rest of the film trying to regain his birthright and clear his name. The two women in Jet's life are Judy Polsen, who chases him for so long that he finally catches her, and Alice Austin, Major Cosgrave's fianee.
Rivage's Butler (uncredited)
A discharged army Captain returns home to New Orleans to take revenge on the men who murdered his father.
Prince Ali wants the Golden Idol of Watusi and hires a ruthless hunter to get it for him. Bomba has the idol and, with the help of Commissioner Barnes, Eli, and a beautiful archeologist, he foils Ali's plans.
Lamas plays an indentured servant who rises to power in Georgia shortly after the Revolutionary War.
Rebel City is a "B" western with "A" aspirations. Wild Bill Elliot plays gambler Frank Graham, who heads to Kansas in search of his father's murderer. This being 1864, the local military presence is more preoccupied with keeping Southern sympathizers out of the state to worry about Graham's problems. Thus, our hero undertakes the task of exposing the killer himself. As always, the least likely suspect is the guilty party (though sharp-eyed viewers were wise to the villain from the first reel). Marjorie Lord co-stars as Jane Dudley, the comely operator of the local freight line who helps Graham in his task. Producer Thomas M. Fennelly and director Thomas Carr later collaborated on the Richard Diamond TV series.
Promoter William Montague wants to buy the estate owned by the Daceys, Mrs. Dacey and her daughter Ena and son Todd, in order to build a resort hotel. When they turn him down, he produces a couple of distant relatives, Janice and Robert Clayton, and sets about to prove that the estate rightfully belongs to them. The identity of the rightful heirs is thought to be buried in a sunken ship off of the Jamaican shore and the search begins, led by a schooner skipper, Patrick Fairlie, who is in love with Ena.
Attorney's daughter falls for one of his gangster clients.
Chief Douanga
In Africa, a deceased medical missionary's daughter in Africa carries on her father's work. Before long, she finds herself in danger from crooks and a local witch doctor.
Uncle Old Fella (uncredited)
A musical comedy based on several Damon Runyon short stories. When a bookie on the run, Robert 'Numbers' Foster, falls for a pretty country songbird, Emily Ann Stackerlee , he'll do anything to help her make it big -- including a stint in jail to pay for his crimes. But will the tough guy's sacrifice of the heart pay off when it comes to his girlfriend's singing career?
Henry (Uncredited)
Upon awaking in the morning, a man finds his thoughts clouded by the possibility that he committed a murder.
Robert Waverly Ferris aka Trooper
At the fiftieth anniversary of his town's founding, the town's first barber recalls his long-dead, spirited bride and the flaw in his own character that helped bring about her loss and several others.
When his son accidentally kills someone, a lawyer must defend the man wrongly charged with the murder.
Dr. Billings
In a racially mixed American town, a five-year-old black girl falls unnoticed into a hidden, forgotten well on her way to school. Having nothing better to go on, the police follow up a report that the child was seen with a white stranger, and rumors run wild. Before hapless, innocent Claude Packard is even found, popular hysteria has him tried and convicted. But is he guilty?
Prof. Turner
All-American basketball player, Billy signs up with the world-famous "Harlem Globetrotters", an all-Negro professional team. Billy struggles with important life decisions and their consequences.
A biographical film of Ben Hogan, from his start as a golf caddy to being considered one of golf's greatest players.
The Nolans' Butler
Sent to a dude ranch in the west to recover her health, a New York actress falls in love with a ranch owner recently acquitted of the murder of his wife.
Professor Brookfield along with daughters Peggy and Susan move to small town Pasadena, California. Their new neighbor Mrs. Fielding helps them move in, and urges the girls to participate in the annual Rose Bowl beauty pageant. Meanwhile Mrs. Fielding's son Tom makes eyes at Peggy but she's smitten with a famous football star so she tries to redirect his interest to Susan.
Simon - Singleton's Butler (uncredited)
Two tobacco growers battle for control of the cigarette market.
Funeral Minister (uncredited)
독창적인 백인 트럼펫 연주자 빅스 바이더벡의 삶과 사랑을 담고 있다.
Luke (uncredited)
In this second film in the "Bomba, the Jungle Boy" series, Bomba tracks a dangerous panther.
The discovery of a way of turning petrol into water makes a fortune and romance for the young inventor.
Interpreter (uncredited)
When bookseller Buzz cons Diana into thinking that his friend Stanley knows all there is to know about Africa, they are abducted and ordered to lead Diana and her henchmen to an African tribe in search of a fortune in jewels.
Ollie, the Ranch Cook
A lawman tries to find the source of a juvenile delinquent's bad behavior.
Around Christmas time, a woman tries to prove the innocence of her dancer husband jailed for a crime she just knows he didn't commit.
Sam (uncredited)
작은 마을의 주유소 직원인 피트가 살해를 당한다. 보험 회사 직원이 이 죽음을 파헤치면서 옛날 강도 사건의 진상이 드러난다는 내용이다. 보험 회사 직원인 리어든은 피트가 원래는 올리라는 권투 선수였다는 것을 알아내고, 그가 강도 사건의 일원이었다는 것도 밝혀낸다. 이 강도 사건에서 올리는 배신을 하고 돈을 다 가져왔는데, 거기엔 콜팩스라는 도둑이 연루되어있다. 그가 키티라는 여자를 조종해, 배신을 하게 만든 것이다. 그리고는 결국, 그 돈과 여자를 콜팩스 자신이 다가진 것이다. 그리고, 이것이 탄로 날까 두려워, 콜팩스가 킬러를 이용하여 올리를 죽였다는 사실을 마침내 리어든이 밝혀내게 된다.