Mike Kellin

Mike Kellin

출생 : 1922-04-26, Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.

사망 : 1983-08-26


Mike Kellin (April 26, 1922 – August 26, 1983) was an American actor. Description above from the Wikipedia article Mike Kellin, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

프로필 사진

Mike Kellin

참여 작품

슬리퍼웨이 캠프 4
Mel Costic (archive footage)
At the request of her psychiatrist, Allison Kramer, thought to be the survivor of a camp massacre years ago, returns to the site of the killings to unlock her repressed memories. But who is Allison, really? A survivor, or the killer?
슬리퍼웨이 캠프
보트 사고로 아빠를 잃고 친척의 손에서 소녀로 키워진 사내아이가 성적 억압과 그릇된 성관념으로 인해 살인마가 된다는 내용의 슬래셔 호러물
The Tragedy of King Lear
King Lear
Mike Kellin as Lear.
Terror at Alcatraz
Roger Whitmore
Tom and Dick Smothers play Bones Howard and Ryan Fitzgerald, a TV cameraman and intrepid reporter, respectively, involved in the race to find the buried treasure of Al Capone on Alcatraz Island at the former prison where he was imprisoned.
Sid Berman
An artist is plagued by nightmares of a love triangle and murder. A psychic says the dream figure is his brother, a "troubled soul" from an ancient past life. Nearly born as his twin but miscarried, this past life rival now breaks through in nightmares in attempt to repeat history.
Just Before Dawn
In the Oregon mountains, a pair of hunters encounter a machete-wielding killer in an abandoned church. Meanwhile, five campers arrive to examine some property one of them has inherited but are warned by the forest ranger not to venture forth. Soon after they set up camp, they begin hearing strange noises, encounter a mysterious singing girl and start disappearing one by one.
Tour Guide
A single man searches for a woman who will bear his baby with no strings attached.
So Fine
Sam Schlotzman
While trying to get his father out of a financial jam, a man comes up with an idea that turns into an unexpected overnight financial fashion success - the bottomless pants.
재즈 싱어
요슬 라비노비츠(닐 다이아몬드 분)은 아버지(로렌스 올리비에 분)의 유대 교회에서 성가대로 활동하고 있다. 결혼을 한 뒤 자리를 잡고 종교에 헌신하며, 한편으로는 흑인 중창단의 곡을 써주며 지내던 요슬은 흑인 중창단원 중 한 멤버가 병으로 활동할 수 없게 되자 얼굴을 검게 칠해 흑인 변장을 하고 대신 출연하게 된다. 어느 날 두 명의 흑인이 그의 손을 보고 백인임을 알아채게 되고, 한바탕 소동을 벌인 뒤 요슬은 유치장에 갇히는 신세가 되고 만다. 이로 인해 아버지까지 이 사실을 알게 되지만, 요슬은 아버지의 뜻을 저버리고 가수로서의 성공을 꿈꾸며 LA로 떠나기로 한다. 요슬은 LA에서 스펑키의 에이전트인 괴팍한 성격의 매니저 몰리 벨(루시 아르나즈 분)의 주목을 받게 되고, 마침내 순회극의 오프닝 공연을 계약하게 된다. 요슬은 LA에서 크게 인기를 얻게 되고, 몰리와도 사랑에 빠져 아내와 이혼하게 된다. 전통적인 유대인의 생활방식을 버린 아들에 분개한 아버지는 요슬에게 의절을 선언하기에 이르고.
F.D.R.: The Last Year
Andrei Gromyko
Though visibly frail and weary, President Franklin D. Roosevelt runs for a precedent-setting fourth term. He also oversees plans for the D-Day Invasion and engages in tempestuous summit meetings with his wartime allies Stalin and Churchill.
The Murder That Wouldn't Die
Capt. Ames
William Conrad stars as a retired L.A.P.D. detective who has moved to Hawaii and taken a job as a college security chief and assistant football coach in this pilot to a post-"Cannon" series to have been called "Battles." With the aid of his niece, the school's star football player, a local tough-turned-college student, and the college dean, he investigates two related murders that occurred nearly 40 years apart.
On the Yard
Chilly is "top con" on the yard, a title that gives him absolute power. Power to make the rules. Power to kill. When a young con confronts Chilly's power, he learns the vicious price of defiance.
미드나잇 익스프레스
Mr. Hayes
1970년 10월 6일, 터키 이스탄불(Istanbul, Turkey). 애인 수잔(Susan : 아이렌스 미라클 분)과 여행 중이던 21살의 미국 청년 빌리 헤이즈(Billy Hayes : 브래드 데이비스 분)는 겁없이 마약 밀매를 시도하다가 터키 이스탄불 공항에서 체포당한다. 터키 경찰의 끊없는 회유와 협박이 이어지고, 마약을 건내준 택시 운전사를 만나러 가다, 감시가 소홀한 틈을 타 도망쳐보기도 하지만 결국 붙잡혀 국제 범죄자들만을 수감하는 특수 교도소 '사그말실라'에 갇힌다. 추위를 피해 담요를 훔치던 그는 고문실로 끌려가 잔인한 간수장 히미두(Hamidou : 폴 스미스 분)에 의해 발바닥을 구타당하고, 며칠 후 겨우 정신을 수습하지만 걷기조차 힘들다. 같은 미국인 지미 부스(Jimmy Booth : 랜디 퀘이드 분)와 맥스(Max : 존 허트 분)의 도움으로 겨우 걸음을 걷기 시작하면서, 빌리는 그 둘의 친구가 된다. 한편, 공작새를 개 대신 기르는 리프키(Rifki : 파올로 보나셀리 분)는 마약.담요 등을 팔아 돈을 모으는 악덕 밀고자다. 지미는 회교 사원에서 촛대 두 개을 훔치고 수감되었고, 에리크(Erich : 노버트 웨이서 분)는 마약 소지로 12년을 선고받았으며, 맥스는 수감된지 7년이 돼가는 최고참이다. 얼마 후 아버지(Mr. Hayes : 마이크 켈린 분)의 면회를 받고, 곧 재판이 열지지만, 검사(Prosecutor : 케보크 말리콴 분)는 터키를 경유하는 마약 운반이 국가의 명예를 실추시켰다며 빌리에게 종신형 선고를 주장하는데, 그의 변호를 맡은 부도덕한 변호사 예실(Yesil : 프란코 디오제느 분)에 의해 결국 4년형이 선고된다. 한편, 맥스는 빌리에게 여기서 나갈 수 있는 가장 '현명한' 방법인 '탈옥'('미드나잇 익스프레스)'을 제안하지만, 빌리는 20개월 남았다며 거절한다. 결국 혼자 지붕으로 탈출을 시도하던 지미는 붙잡혀 매을 맞아 탈장에 고환까지 잃고 수개월간 요양소에 있다 돌아온다.
뉴욕에서 활동하는 무명 사진작가 수잔은 작은 집에서 룸메이트 애니와 함께 살고 있다. 다툴 때도 있지만 둘은 사이 좋게 즐거운 시간을 보내며 살아간다. 그런데 애니가 연애를 시작하면서 수잔은 혼자 있는 시간이 많아진다. 일과 사람들과의 관계 속에서 외로움을 느끼는 수잔은 삶의 다양한 순간과 마주친다. (2019년 제14회 시네마테크의 친구들 영화제)
신이 내게 말하길
Deputy Commissioner
뉴욕 탐정은 "하나님의 말씀이였다"라고 주장하는 다양한 뉴욕 시민들이 저지른 일련의 살인 사건을 조사한다.
The Tenth Level
Inspired by the Stanley Milgram obedience research, this TV movie chronicles a psychology professor's study to determine why people, such as the Nazis, were willing to "just follow orders" and do horrible things to others. Professor Stephen Turner leads students to believe that they are applying increasingly painful electric shocks to other subjects when they fail to perform a task correctly, and is alarmed to see how much pain the students can be convinced to inflict "in the name of science."
넥스트 스톱 그린위치 빌리지
Ben Lapinsky
An aspiring Jewish actor moves out of his parents' Brooklyn apartment to seek his fortune in the bohemian life of Greenwich Village in 1953.
The Art of Crime
A Romani antique dealer, who is also a private detective, gets involved in a murder case when one of his colleagues is accused of committing the murder.
형사 콤비 후리비와 빈
Lt. Rosen
후리비(Freebie: 제임스 칸 분)와 빈(Bean: 알란 아킨 분)이 도박계의 보스 마야를 쫓은지 어언 14개월, 저택의 쓰레기통을 뒤져 겨우 장부 조각을 발견하여 경관으로 승진하자 더욱 힘이 넘쳤다. 외부의 정보로 마야가 디트로이트의 살인 청부업자 휠에게 목숨이 위태로워지고 월요일에 살인이 행해지다는 정보를 얻는다. 후리비와 빈은 급기야 마야를 체포하기 위해 동분서주하고...
Those Mad, Mad Moviemakers
Two young men wanting to make a porno movie raise money from their family and friends by claiming that they're making a religious film. Complications ensue when the porno is a hit.
Aram Bessoyggian
The story of three people - a press agent, a private detective and a nightclub owner - whose careers require them to spend most of the night awake and on the prowl. In the pilot episode, Carmine manages to rescue Smitty's night club from being demolition and manages to resurrect a fading star's acting career.
The Connection
An out-of-work newspaperman in need of money becomes the go-between for a jewel thief and an insurance company that wants to settle.
The Catcher
Mike Keller
An ex-cop and a Harvard graduate team up to become bounty hunters.
Assignment: Munich
Undercover agent, using his bar as a front, battles three killers to find a stolen fortune.
Fools' Parade
Steve Mystic
When a trio of ex-convicts led by Mattie Appleyard is released from prison, they hope to open a general store using money Mattie has saved during his 40-year sentence. This attempt is met with great resistance from a corrupt prison official and the banker who issued Mattie the check.
Cover Me Babe
The Derelict
Student filmmaker lets nothing stand in the way of his getting a studio contract.
The People Next Door
Dr. Margolin
A married couple struggle with the realities of their imperfect marriage as they fight to save and rehabilitate their teenage daughter from a life of drug addiction and ultimate committal to a mental ward.
A Clear and Present Danger
Professor Duke
The son of a U.S. Senator takes on the cause of clean air when a friend dies of emphysema.
The Phynx
A rock band is invented by the government as a cover to find hostages in a remote castle in Albania held by communist enemies of the USA.
A riot in a state prison is staged to cover up an escape attempt, during which many inmates and guards are killed. Shot on location at Arizona State Prison.
보스톤 교살자
Julian Soshnick
1962년 6월, 보스턴의 한 아파트에서 한 여인이 누군가에게 목이 졸려 살해된다. 디나탈리 형사를 비롯한 수사진이 나서지만 단서는 없다. 그런데 곧 같은 수법의 교살 사건이 5건이나 계속되자 존 보텀리가 수사 본부장으로 임명된다.
Harry Kalielle
A playboy golf pro, kicked off the circuit for alleged cheating, is forced to hustle for a living.
The Incident
Harry Purvis
Two hoodlums terrorize the passengers of a late-night New York City subway train.
Invitation to a Gunfighter
Blind Union Vet
In New Mexico, a Confederate veteran returns home to find his fiancée married to a Union soldier, his Yankee neighbors rallied against him and his property sold by the local banker who then hires a gunman to kill him.
지옥의 영웅들
Pvt. Kolinsky
1944년 프랑스, 몬티니. 지크프리드선 후방. 집으로 돌아가기만을 기대하던 부대원들은 전선으로 다시 가야한다는 말에 김이 빠진다. 독일군 반격에 대비해 지켜내야 하는 전선으로 가기 위해 그들은 북으로 100마일을 간다. 그들에게는 지원군도 없고, 독일군이 진격하면 전멸할 위험한 상태이다. 3일이나 늦게 1소대 2분대로 오게 된 보충병 리스는 규칙 어기는 것을 두려워하지 않는 남자이다. 리스는 독일군의 토치카를 공격해야 전면공격이라 생각하고 속을 거라 주장한다. 부대원들의 반대에도 불구하고 토치카를 공격하지만 작전은 실패로 돌아간다. 오전 6시 독일군을 향한 전면공격이 시작되고 리스는 폭탄을 들고 토치카를 향해 돌진한다.
남태평양 목선작전
Jack MacCarthy
Lieutenant Rip Crandall is hoodwinked into taking command of the "Wackiest Ship in the Navy" – a real garbage scow with a crew of misfits who don't know a jib from a jigger. What none of them knows, including Crandall, is that this ship has a very important top-secret mission to complete in waters patrolled by the Japanese fleet. Their mission will save hundreds of allied lives – if only they can get there in one piece.
The Great Impostor
Clifford Thompson
Fictionalized account of Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr., who stole or created fictional identities and worked in a variety of occupations, most quite successfully.
The Mountain Road
In 1944, in eastern part of China, U.S.Army Major Baldwin and his volunteer team of demolition engineers are left behind the retreating Chinese forces. Their task is to slow down the Japanese advance into eastern China by blowing up bridges, roads, airfields and munitions dumps. They start by blowing up an American airfield and ammo dump. They receive the order to destroy a vital bridge over a mountain pass.The team uses a few army trucks to move around. At the bridge, they encounter a Nationalist Chinese Army unit in charge of guarding the bridge. Thanks to an American soldier who speaks some Chinese, Major Baldwin requests the permission, from the Chinese commander, to blow up the bridge.The Chinese colonel agrees but asks the American Major to do him a favor by also destroying a munitions dump located at some distance away.He also requests that Madame Sue-Mei Hung, the widow of a Chinese colonel, be transported by the American demolition team to the nearest major town.
원더풀 컨츄리
Pancho Gill
Having fled to Mexico from the U.S. many years ago for killing his father's murderer, Martin Brady travels to Texas to broker an arms deal for his Mexican boss, strongman Governor Cipriano Castro. Brady breaks a leg and while recuperating in Texas the gun shipment is stolen. Complicating matters further the wife of local army major Colton has designs on him, and the local Texas Ranger captain makes him a generous offer to come back to the states and join his outfit. After killing a man in self defense, Brady slips back over the border and confronts Castro who is not only unhappy that Brady has lost his gun shipment but is about to join forces with Colton to battle the local raiding Apache Indians.
Frank Goldsmith
Burdened by a family secret, Adam White lands a job as a newspaper advice columnist. Little does he realize that it's all part of a nasty desire by cynical editor William Shrike to crush the souls of his underlings. Adam feels his readers' pain, and eventually, he takes an assignment to meet with Faye Doyle, who is exasperated by her crippled husband. When Faye tries to seduce Adam, he must choose between his job and his girl.
Hurricane Smith
South Sea freebooters fight for hidden treasure and the love of the beautiful Luana.
So Young, So Bad
Carousel Operator (uncredited)
Idealistic and naive Dr. Jason arrives at a school for delinquent girls and immediately begins to try to make a difference in the lives of some of the inmates. Oblivious to the sadistic treatment of the girls by the matrons, it takes a rebellious girl named Loretta to open his eyes. Assisted by a female staff member, Jason finally gets proof of the abuse and threatens the head of the school with exposure unless he is given full rein to run things.
At War with the Army
Sergeant McVey
Two former nightclub partners are now enlisted in the Army. Sergeant Puccinelli ranks above his former partner, Private First Class Korwin. Puccinelli is desperately trying to get transferred from his dull job to active duty overseas. Meanwhile, all Korwin wants is a pass to see his wife and new baby.