Hideo Murota

Hideo Murota

출생 : 1937-10-07, Otaru, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan

사망 : 2002-06-15


Hideo Murota (7 October 1937 – 15 June 2002) was a Japanese actor who appeared in over 100 films. He won the Best Supporting Actor award at the Yokohama Film Festival for his role in Original Sin (1992). In 2002, he passed away from lung cancer at the age of 64.

프로필 사진

Hideo Murota

참여 작품

거울의 여자들
Mr. Goda
가와세 아이는 24년 전에 사라졌던 자신의 딸 미와의 소식을 듣는다. 기억을 잃어버린 딸이 다른 이름으로 살고 있었으며 최근 아동 유괴범으로 경찰에 체포당했다는 것이다. 큰 혼란에 빠진 아이는 서둘러 딸을 만나지만 두 사람이 진짜 모녀란 것을 확신할 수 없다. 그리고 아이의 눈에 깨진 거울이 들어온다. 그녀의 집에 있는 것과 똑같이 깨진 거울을 보며 아이는 과거를 떠올린다.
무료했던 어느 날, 한 소녀가 내게로 왔다! 옛 가옥이 즐비하게 늘어선 세토 지방에서 경찰로 근무하는 ‘도모카와’. 이곳에서 하는 일이란 회보를 돌리거나 잃어버린 강아지를 찾아 주는 것 정도. 그러던 어느 날, 야근을 마치고 단골 찻집에서 잠시 눈을 부치고 있던 그에게 한 소녀가 말을 걸어오는데… “...섹스 하실래요?” ‘일상은 재미없어...’ 여리면서 성숙한 소녀, 사랑이 필요하다. 헐렁한 원피스차림에 투명하리만큼 하얀 피부와 아름다운 눈썹을 지닌 그녀의 이름은 ‘요코’. 엄마와 다른 남자와의 정사장면을 목격하면서 받은 충격으로 정신지체아가 된 오빠, 그리고 장의사인 할아버지와 함께 지내면서 그녀는 학업과 병행하며 할아버지 일을 도와드리고 있다. 때문에 또래 아이들보다는 더 어른스럽지만, 친구들과 떨어져 혼자 지내야 하는 시간이 더 많은 그녀의 일상은 힘들고 외로운 나날들이었다. 묘한 끌림, 그렇게 사랑은 시작됐다... 천진하면서도 당돌하고 성숙해 보이는 요코에게 묘한 끌림을 느낀 도모카와는 첫 만남 이후 기약 없이 사라져버린 그녀를 그리워하며 찾아 헤맨다. 사고 처리 현장에서 우연히 요코를 목격한 도모카와는 말없이 떠나버린 그녀를 다그치고, 그녀는 자신이 아직 어린 나이의 소녀임을 고백한다. 나이차를 뛰어넘어 사랑을 시작하는 요코, 그런 그녀에게 사랑을 가르쳐주는 도모카와. 둘은 점점 서로에게 의지하며 사랑을 키워나간다. 그러던 어느 날, 과거 사랑하는 여자에게 버림받았던 아픈 상처를 지닌 도모카와는 그 일과 요코가 관련이 있음을 알게 되는데…
A Tender Place
Masayoshi Izumi
Kasumi is in the midst of an affair with Ishiyama, one of her husband's clients. When Kasumi and her family visit Ishiyama's villa in Hokkaido, she plans to abandon them to be with Ishiyama. The next morning, her daughter Yuka disappears, which throws Kasumi's life into turmoil. Years later, Yuka remains missing, and Kasumi journeys back to Hokkaido with Utsumi, a terminally-ill former detective, and tries to follow any leads she can.
Otoko Michi 5
The conflict that broke out due to the expansion of the power of the Ninryukai was further intensified of both political and police powers.
Yakuza Zombie
Yakuza Zombie opens with an introduction to a mysterious Yakuza graveyard deep in the forest, and a story of the baddest Yakuza of them all, Naruo Ryuuji (shown in cut scenes played by Ozawa Hitoshi). Naruo Ryuuji was a fearless killer who eventually got into heroin and, exactly like Ishimatsu Rikuo in Takashi Miike's Graveyard of Honor, eventually leaps to his death from the top of a prison, claiming he'll be back. I'm assuming this is a reference to real life crazy Yakuza Ishikawa Rikio, whom the original Graveyard of Honor was based on. It's established that the corpse of the fierce Yakuza Ryuuji is buried in the graveyard beneath a marker with the Japanese characters "Jingi" (Honor), and then we are taken to the modern day.
Shura's Barbarian King
Fumihiko Saizonoji , a man who lost everything in the plot of a bank and a general contractor when he was a child . Now , as Fumihiko Kanzaki , a man with two faces , a bank clerk and a fraudster , he goes on a revenge path for Shura alone against a huge organization !
Otoko Michi 2
The second instalment depicting the fateful confrontation of Takizawa.
다중인격소녀 ISOLA
Old victim of the Great Hanshin Earthquake
한신 대지진을 겪은 이들의 심리치료 자원봉사활동에 나선 ‘유카리’는 타인의 마음을 꿰뚫어보는 초능력엠파시의 소유자로 봉사 중, 우울한 아우라를 풍기는 소녀 ‘치히로’를 만나게 된다. 그녀는 어릴 적 부모님의 죽음으로 인한 충격과 그 후 계속되는 숙부의 성적학대로 13명의 인격이 공존하는 다중인격장애를 가진 소녀. 평소에는 착하고 평범한 소녀지만, 다른 인격이 나올 때면 자신을 학대하는 것은 물론, 내면에 내재되어있던 폭력성이 튀어나온다. 그러던 어느 날, ‘치히로’의 주변을 둘러싸고 곳곳에서 알 수 없는 죽음이 목격 되고, 주위 사람들은 모두 ‘치히로’의 다른 인격들이 저지른 짓이라며 그녀를 몰아세운다. 한편, 유카리는 치히로의 주변에서 유체이탈 실험이 진행되고 있다는 것을 알게 되고, 유체이탈 실험으로 억울하게 죽은 원혼이 치히로의 몸 속으로 들어가 ‘ISOLA’의 인격으로 변했음을 알게 되는데…
Shin-Karajishi Kabushiki-Kaisha
Remake of Chusei Sone's 1983 comedy about a yakuza family trying their luck in show business.
Ando Gumi Gaiden Genealogy of the Group Wolf 2
Sequel to 'Ando Gumi Gaiden Genealogy of the Group Wolf'
검은 천사
Mitsuru Amaoka
Tokyo is a dark technopolis, a city of faceless chrome and cold marble. It is ruled by Nogi, a yakuza boss specializing in drugs and murder. He gained absolute power by executing the former boss and marrying his daughter, Chiaki. Only the mysterious Ikko, Chiaki's half-sister threatens him. Inspired by a legendary hit-woman, Ikko calls herself the Black Angel and plans to wash away her father's murderer with a deluge of blood.
아마기 고개
A fifteen year old boy travels through the Amagi Pass, he encounters some strange people, one of them is the geisha Ozuka Hana. After a murder takes place, the police searchs for the culprit.
King of Sha-kin 2
King of Sha-kin
End of Our Own Real
Account of the Ando Gang: Tale of a Scarface
“Gunro no keifu” is known as “Tale of a Scarface.” It follows the life of Kumoro, a yakuza member, who recently is released from prison after serving 14 years for his Family. Upon his return he finds the various yakuza syndicates on the brink of war. Kumoro is, at first, removed from the dealings of the families by his Boss, but slowly he is drawn back into his old ways.
Ando Gumi Gaiden Genealogy of the Group Wolf
A yakuza movie directed by Eiichi Kudo
Shura ga Yuku 2
A small group of men stigmatized for killing the gang leader tries to survive the group and take revenge on the man who killed them, while being involved in the conflict between the two major powers of Kanto and Kansai. The second movie of the live action adaptation series.
Shitakute shitakute tamaranai onna
Endless Waltz
Biopic about jazz saxophonist Kaoru Abe (Ko Machida) and his wife, noted writer Izumi Suzuki (Reona Hirota).
나이트클럽을 운영하는 만다이(사토 코이치 분)는 계속되는 불황과 야쿠자의 빚이 산더미처럼 늘어난 상태로, 어느날 야구연습장에서 실직자 하기와라 쇼헤이(다케나카 나오토 분)를 알게 된다. 그는 동성연애자 준이치(모토키 마사히로 분), 이혼한 전직 형사 긴(네즈 진파치 분), 야쿠자 출신 지미(시이나 깃페이 분) 등 5명(고닌)이 뜻을 모아 야쿠자의 사무실을 급습, 1억엔(약 10억원)을 훔쳐내는데 성공한다. 하지만 야쿠자에 고용된 냉혹한 킬러 오리스기 이치로(기타노 다케시 분)의 추적을 받아 하나 둘 죽어가는데...
The King of Minami 6
Chimpira Hitoshi Gokuraku Tonbo
A college graduate, a gutless office worker and a crunchy yakuza live together from a slight misunderstanding.
누드의 밤
Care taker
무라키는 어떤 일이든 대신 해주는 대행사무소를 운영하고 있다. 어느 날 관광 안내를 부탁하는 여인의 의뢰를 받게 된다. 다음 날도 그는 그녀를 찾아가는데, 무라키는 그녀의 숙소에서 남자의 시체를 발견한다. 곤경에 처한 그는 종적을 감춘 그녀를 찾아 나선다.
The City That Never Sleeps: Shinjuku Shark
Adaptation of the Arimasa Ohsawa novel Shinjuku Shark.
Ring! Ring! Ring! The Champion Belt of Tears
Original Sin
Hideki Tsuchiya
Based on a novel by Bo Nishimura, the film is about an extramarital affair between the wife of an estate agent and a 22 year old man.
The Setting Sun
Yamami Gou
A Japanese soldier is forced to question alliances when he meets and falls in love with the leader of the rebel movement.
Nanmin Road
The story of four Vietnamese people moving to Japan.
적과 흑의 열정
조직의 돈 3억엔이 조직원 야자키 분지(矢崎文治)에 의해 빼앗긴다. 분지의 의형제이자 뜨거운 우정으로 맺어져 있던 마츠우라 타테오(松浦楯夫)는 조직에 잡혀 온갖 고통을 당하다가 죽기 전에 편하게 해 주고 싶은 마음에 조직의 명령에 따라 분지를 쏜다. 분지는 여동생 사오리(沙織)의 앞에서 죽어가면서도 돈을 숨긴 곳은 결국 말하지 않았다. 타테오는 6년형을 선고받고 복역후 출소하는데, 조직은 이미 해산되었고, 간부들은 사업가로 변신해 있었다. 이윽고, 타테오는 마약으로 기억을 잃은 분지의 여동생 사오리와 다시 만나게 되는데...
A Legend of Turmoil
Takashi Oda
A story about the development of a bright and strong yakuza. Otaki is an old-fashioned respectful yakuza who tries to protect his small yakuza family. When his boss gets shot, he decides to go after the plotters.
Based on the comic by Ayumi Tachihara
Danger Point: The Road to Hell
Killers Ken and Joji undertake the killing of a man named Sakai. He utters some interesting last words before being shot dead, leading Ken and Joji on a trail of death and destruction.
요괴 헌터 - 히루코
지옥의 문 위에 세워진 고등학교를 배경으로 지구를 침략하려는 악귀인 히루코에 대항해 고고학 교수인 히에다와 귀신 들린 고등학생 마사오가 벌이는 목숨을 건 싸움을 그린다.
48 Hours of Prisoner Op Tracking
Dirty Hero Takuro Kanzaki appears in a life and death murder game!
Scratched License
A former safe-breaker, a former yakuza , and another young "Toshiro" Ryo (Aikawa) are planning to attack a casino run by a large organization. The three get a lot of money , but Ryo betrays his companions because he wants a runaway fund with the mistress of the group leader .
Killing Melody Lady Smith
A painfully splendid adventure has begun!
하늘과 땅
일본 전국시대, 우에스기 겐신과 다케다 신겐의 유명한 "가와나카지마 전투"를 그린 영화
Ready to Shoot
A middle-aged man discovers an injured refugee woman trembling in the corner of his bar in Kabukicho. He quickly becomes aware that her life is in his hands when he learns she is hiding from the yakuza.
Beretta M92F Bombshell
Koichi Iwaki plays a cool hitman!
What's Up Connection
When a Hong Kong teenager from a poor family wins a trip to Japan, he unleashes a chain of events that will soon bring him from his secluded fishing village to Tokyo. On the way, he connects with a barely competent tour guide and a gender-fluid pickpocket. Upon returning home with this merry band of schemers, he and his family of counterfeiters discover that a multinational conglomerate led by a ruthless Japanese developer has found the village, and is determined to raze it to build the new center of world trade.
Fuyu Monogatari
Based on the comic by Hidenori Hara.
Head of Yamamoto
It's Easier Than Kissing
Mr. Kaji
After the death of her mother a young woman wants to meet her real father
Love on a Daily Basis
The lives of a young yakuza and his girlfriend.
도구라 마구라
Dr. Wakabayashi
유메노 큐사쿠의 동명소설을 영화로 만든 작품. 쇼와 초기, 홀로 자신을 키우던 어머니를 살해했다는 의혹을 샀다가 이모 밑에서 자라나 사촌 여동생과 결혼하기로 되어 있던 젊은 청년 쿠레 이치로(吳一郞)[5]는 갑작스러운 정신발작을 일으켜 사촌 여동생을 목 졸라 살해하고 체포된다. 그리고 주인공인 '나'는 과거의 기억을 모두 잃은 채 정신병원에서 깨어나는데...
우리들의 7일 전쟁
종업식 날, 도쿄의 한 중학교 1학년 2반 남학생이 모두 사라졌다. 아이들은 빈 공장에 모여 어른 출입 금지 구역인 ‘해방구’를 만들어 공부와 규칙, 부모님과 선생님들의 잔소리에서 벗어나 아이들만의 자유로운 세상을 만든 것. 해방구를 없애려고 혈안이 되어 있는 어른들은 온갖 회유와 협박으로 공격하지만 아이들은 해방구 밖에 있는 여학생들과 협동 작전을 벌이고 기상천외한 아이디어로 어른들을 가볍게 물리친다. 과연 이들은 해방구를 끝까지 사수할 수 있을까?
Those Swell Yakuza
Ryo, a young former banker, gets beaten up over a debt from gambling. A yakuza boss saves him, and Ryo decides to train to become a yakuza under him.
Bu-ra-i no onna
Story of 4 men and women in Okinawa.
위험한 형사
When a doctor is found dead and the company's exclusive data on a cancer drug is missing, detective Takayama and Oshita are called to the Nakamitsu pharmaceutical laboratory. However, a bungled attempt to catch the murderer leave Takayama and Oshita reassigned to the lackluster task of patrolling public bathrooms to keep them out of trouble.
Sure Death 4
Yahei Hirano
Having been demoted for failing to prevent the murder of one of his superiors, Mondo is startled by a group of masked thugs who are soon attacked in turn by an unseen force. He begins to suspect the work of assassins, but whose side are they on?
검은 드레스의 여자
비밀스런 사연을 안고 도쿄에 도착한 레이코는 검은 드레스를 입고 어느 재즈바에서 일하기 시작한다. 재즈바의 사장인 다무라는 사실 야쿠자와 연관이 있는 인물로 레이코의 사연과 그녀가 도쿄에 온 목적을 궁금해한다. 기타카타 겐조의 소설을 원작으로 한 하드보일드 범죄 영화로, 에 출연했던 하라다 도모요의 또다른 매력을 만날 수 있다.
마루사의 여자
Jukichi Ishii
국세국 사찰부 마루사에 근무하는 여성이 러브호텔 경영자를 탈세로 적발하는 과정을 그린 통쾌한 오락작품의 걸작. 세무서의 조사관 이타쿠라 료코는 탈세를 철저하게 조사하는 수완가. 어느 날, 한 러브호텔을 주목하지만 사장인 콘도는 좀처럼 꼬리를 밟히지 않는다. 그 와중에 료코는 국세국 사찰부에 발탁된다. 마루사로 불리는 그곳에서 좋은 성과를 내며 프로로서의 경험을 쌓아가던 그녀는 상사 하나무라와 협력해 다시금 대형 탈세의 배후 콘도와의 결전을 준비하는데... (시네마루 2010 - 이타미 주조 회고전)
Clockwork- Goodbye Winter
Ayumi Ishida won the Blue Ribbon for the Best Actress.
South to the Horizon
Kazuyuki Kiryu
Tetsu gets into an argument with some Okinawa yakuza and is murdered by them. His brother Ryo comes to Okinawa shortly thereafter and teams up with Tetsu's girlfriend and Max an ex US soldier to extract revenge.
A young jazz musician's desire to advance in his career runs afoul of organized crime in this thriller from Haruki Kadokawa. After a saxophonist starts playing at a particular nightspot, a thug from the Yakuza adopts him as a special friend for no greater reason than he plays one of his favorite songs well. As the dangerous life of the gangster intertwines with that of the musician, it brings harm to the musician's girlfriend, who is raped. This changes the young saxophonist's attitude about his patron, but his Yakuza "friend" is still too embroiled in his own problems to worry about anything else.
Lonely youth Shinji meets Hatsue, a pretty pearl diver, on the beach and the two fall in love. But Shinji has a rival for Hatsue's affections, Yasuo. Yasuo spreads unpleasant gossip about his rival, and Hatsue's father forbids her to see Shinji. But when the boy saves the passengers on a boat owned by Hatsue's father, his luck in love begins to change. —Jim Beaver
The Second Is a Christian
The story of beautiful Christian nun, Kyoko who is the object of affection for two very different men - one the happy-go-lucky yakuza gangster, Haruhiko who is the next-in-line to takeover the ragtag "Tenryu Gumi" gang and the other bumbling police detective Kumashiro. The Tenryu Gumi is a collection of misfits and other troublemakers but are relatively peaceful due to their Christian beliefs. Their bitter rivals are the more traditional "Kuroiwa Gumi", a much more sadistic and violent group led by godfather Kuroiwa.
Let Him Rest in Peace
tokuda otomatsu
A man returns to his seaside roots to confront a yakuza boss. Along the way, he charms young men, softens a hard woman and busts a few heads.
The Seburi Story
The culturally isolated, nomadic Seburi people of western Japan are the subject of this tragedy about a few of the community's members who especially experience difficulties as modern Japan encroaches on their world. The setting is World War II, and conflicts have already arisen when the military police come to take Seburi men away into the army. Still following their own customs that can be harsh at times, and are particularly cruel to women (women must give birth alone and unaided, a woman's adultery is punished by burying her up to her neck in the earth and then leaving her for days), the Seburi are mainly treated with fear and animosity by the non-Seburi townspeople of the region. Along with the hardships arising from cultural clashes, nature's own vagaries present other challenges to the Seburi -- who still lived in tents until the 1950s. Winter avalanches and snowstorms cause as much havoc as the tensions engendered by the slow encroachment of the modern world.
천국에서 가장 가까운 섬
Kyuzo Nishio
천국에 가장 가까운 섬"은 1984년 12월 15일에 개봉한 일본 영화입니다. "모리무라 카츠라(森村桂)"의 기행문에 가까운 동명의 소설을 원작으로 하고 있습니다.
Curtain Call
Taizo Oomori
Miho Nakamichi, an orphan adopted by Haruko, dreams to star in a musical. One day, Haruko promised Miho that she could go on a journey to find her real father, "Daddy-Long-Legs", who sends a bouquet of flowers every birthday, once she can wear a special pair of pointe shoes. The day finally arrives and Miho's small adventure begins.
The life and times of Kûkai, a Japanese monk who studies Esoteric Buddhism in the far reaches of India, China and Tibet, then uses their combined influence to establish the Shingon school during the Heian period in early 9th Century AD.
전장의 크리스마스
New Commandant of Camp
1942년, 인도네시아 자바 섬의 레바크 센바타 일본군 포로수용소. 영국 육군 중령으로 포로인 존 로렌스(톰 콘티)는, 급한 일이 있다며 이른 아침에 갑자기 자신을 깨운 하라 겐고 중사(기타노 다케시)와 함께 어디론가 나간다. 나가보니 도열한 병사들 앞에는 웃통을 벗고 상처투성이로 묶여 있는 두 명의 남자가 쓰러져 있었다. 한 사람은 네덜란드군 포로 드 용이었고, 또 한 사람은 일본군의 조선인 군속 가네모토(조니 오쿠라)였다. 하라는 로렌스에게, 드 용이 바나나를 훔치다 걸려서 독방으로 갔으며, 가네모토가 몰래 드 용의 독방에 숨어들어 그를 범한 것이라고 이야기해주는데…
Theater Of Life
Adaptation of Shiro Ozaki's novel.
이 아이의 7번째 생일을 축하하러
Following her mother’s suicide, Maya seeks out her father, who deserted them.
키드냅 블루스
Drunken Guest
A man and a little girl meet in a bicycle parking in Tokyo. The little girl says she wants to watch the sea, and their travel begins. The man does not intend to be a kidnapper – he asks the girl to phone her mother and tell her she's with him. During their trip they meet various people, but they always must continue on, lest the man be arrested.
Lake of Illusions
A woman works as a prostitute and attendant to make a living at a bathhouse. She is athletic and is an avid runner. She has met and adopted a white dog and the two have become inseparable. It is the biggest tragedy and calamity when the dog is found dead, killed, murdered. The woman swears to find justice by finding the murderer and making things right.
기류인 하나코의 일생
마쓰에는 고치현의 두목, 기류인 마사고로(鬼龍院政五郞)의 양녀가 되어 기류인 일가에 들어간다. 안채에는 마사고로의 정실 부인이, 건너편에 첩, 보탄과 쇼치쿠가 살고 있는데, 마사고로가 집에 들어오는 날을 두 첩에게 전달하는 것도 어린 마쓰에의 일이었다. 어느 날 마사고로는 여자와 부하들을 데리고 고치현의 명물인 투견을 보러 가고 그곳에서 어부 가네마쓰와 아카오카의 두목 스에나가 사이에 일어난 싸움을 중재하게 된다.
The Lonely Hearts Club Band in September
Ryo once rode with a biker gang; ever since his friend Tetsuji died riding in September, he's retired from biking, trying to forget the past.
On the Road
Model Reiko Higa is injured after being hit by a car pursued by motorcycle cop Tomishima. Tomishima's supervisor refuses his request to apologize to Reiko, as it would be an admission of police responsibility. Forced to give up her career, Reiko leaves Tokyo to return to her hometown on Okinawa, travelling by road up to Kagoshima, and Tomishima pursues her in order to apologize.
Shigeru Morioka
A detective goes out of his way to crack the case of a serial killer who specialises in murdering police officers.
Inspector Isokawa
Famous detective Kosuke Kindaichi follows a dying man's words to an enigmatic island, where he meets beautiful twin sisters and tragic events unfold.
Priest Inshun Hozoin
1638년, 시마바라의 난. 기독교 신자들에 대한 박해에 대항하는 마지막 몸부림. 도쿠가와 막부는 3만 7000몀의 농부에 대해 12만명에 달하는 군대를 동원한다. 아마쿠사 시로를 필두로 한 기독교 집단의 요술에 대한 두려움이 일으킨 과민반응이 었다. 100일에 거친 살육이 끝났을 때 그 땅에 살고 있던 모든 사람들의 머리는 잘려 있었고 그곳에 신은 없었다.
슬로우한 부기로 해 줘!
Owner of Queen Elizabeth
해질녘의 도쿄(東京) 세타가야구(世田谷区) 제3케이힌(第三京浜) 고속도로상에서 하얀 무스탕으로부터 새끼고양이와 젊은 여자가 내팽개쳐지고 뒤에서 오던 오토바이를 탄 소년에게 구조를 받는다. "고로(ゴロー)"와 "사치노(さち乃)"의 첫 만남이었고 두 사람은 함께 살기시작한다. 무스탕을 몰던 사내는 "훗사시(福生市)"의 구(舊)미군 하우스에 살며 동료인 "테루오(輝男)" · "케이코(敬子)" 커플과 같이 살고 있었고, "케이코"가 낳은 아이는 어느 쪽이 아버지인지 알 수 없지만, 아무튼 세 명은 같이 생활하고 있었는데, 어느 날, "테루오"가 조깅중에 심장발작으로 죽고 만다.
야수는 죽어야 한다
Hideyuki Kashiwagi
A policeman is murdered and his gun, stolen, used to commit the next crime. Detective Kashiwagi, who is leading the investigation, learns that the author of the killings “walks like a dead man”. Kashiwagi runs into Date, a former correspondent in the Vietnam War. There, Date discovered hell and something snapped in his mind.
Nobufusa Baba
도쿠가와 이에야스의 성을 포위하고 있던 다케다 신겐은 저격수에 의해 중상을 입는다. 신겐은 자신의 죽음을 3년 동안 비밀로 하라는 유언을 남긴채 숨을 거두고, 그의 동생인 노부카도는 신겐이 살아있는 것처럼 보이기 위해 신겐과 비슷한 외모의 카게무샤를 내세운다. 무식한 좀도둑이었던 카게무샤는 신겐처럼 행동하며 신겐의 소실들과 손자까지 속여넘긴다. 인자한 영주로 변한 그가 백성들의 존경을 받기에 이르자 신겐의 아들인 카츠요리는 초조해하는데...
Dead Angle
Elite college graduates commit perfect financial crimes though loopholes in the law during the 1950s.
Goodbye, Flickmania
Set at the height of the Japanese student rebellion in 1968, the film tells the story of the friendship between two very different men—a fortyish film maniac who spends nearly all his time at the movies and a 19-year-old going through the final rites of passage from adolescence to adulthood.
The Fighting Rascal
Talk of the Town Tora-san
After a chance encounter with Hiroshi's father on a bus, Tora decides to get serious and reflect on the mortality of man. His plans are derailed when a beautiful lady starts working at Toraya.
유부녀 집단폭행 치사사건
Taizo Eguchi
세 명의 야쿠자가 다이조의 아내 에미코를 참혹하게 강간한다. 학대를 견디지 못한 에미코가 죽지만 다이조는 아내의 죽음을 받아들일 수 없다. 아내의 사체를 집으로 가져온 다이조는 사체를 목욕시키고 마치 살아있는 사람처럼 대하고, 급기야 사체와의 섹스를 시도한다. 70년대의 명감독 소네 추세이와 구마시로 다츠미 등의 명성에 가려 제대로 인정받지 못하던 타나카 노보루를 평단과 언론으로부터 인정받는 감독 반열에 올려놓은 작품이다. 1979년 일본 아카데미 영화제와 영화전문지 「키네마준보」가 최고의 영화로 선정했다.
In this crime thriller produced by Toshiro Mifune (who has a supporting role), hard-boiled Shiro Akitsu goes on a relentless search for his abducted 7-year old daughter, with the aid of an Ainu dog summoned by a whistle she gave him.
Shogun's Samurai
Sagenta Nogero
Following the death of the second Tokugawa shogun, it is revealed that he was poisoned by retainers of his son Iemitsu in hopes of gaining him the shogunate despite the stammer and birthmark which undermine his respect. Iemitsu and his brother Tadanaga become bitter rivals for the shogunate, and the land is split into factions, eventually erupting into warfare. Iemitsu's mentor, his fencing instructor Yagyu, is fixated upon securing Iemitsu the shogunate and ends up betraying everyone, even his own family, in pursuit of the goal.
인간의 증명
도쿄 아카사카의 고급 호텔의 엘리베이터에서 흑인 남자가 한 권의 시집과 수수께끼 같은 말을 남기고 살해되었다. 수사 선상에 패션 디자이너 야스기 쿄코와 그 아들, 흑인 남자의 과거를 쫓아 도미한 형사. 야스기와 흑인 남자의 뜻밖의 관계, 그리고 미국의 형사 동기와의 관계가 드러나는데… 모리무라 세이이치의 원작의 베스트 셀러를 드라마화 한 작품이다. 일본과 미국을 무대로 전후 30년이라는 세월에 새겨진 다양한 인간의 삶을 그린 서스펜스 드라마. 복잡한 인간상을 다양하게 그려내고 있다.
The Story of a Geisha
In the year 1873, a Japanese woman is sold as a mistress to an American diplomat stationed in Japan.
도베르만 형사
Officer Jirō Takahashi
살해당한 여자의 유골을 거두려고 신주쿠에 온 오키나와 이시가키 섬의 형사. 그러나 그는 그곳에서 연예계의 소용돌이치는 음모에 연루되는데... 흉악범죄 전문 경찰청 특수범죄 수사과, 통칭 "특범과" 소속 카노 조지. 강력 범죄자를 매번 사살하는 카노를 언론과 세상은 비난하지만 본인은 상관치 않는다. 극악 범죄자에게는 비정한 카노인데, 어린이나 노인, 갱생하는 경범죄자에게는 물론 살인 등 과거에 무거운 죄를 짊어진 범죄자도 사정에 따라서는 일자리 등을 봐주거나 하는 착한 면도 있다. 당초는 카노와 그 상사인 특범과장 니시타니 경시 2명뿐이었다. 특범과로 신주쿠 경찰서에 온 폭력단 담당 형사 미야타, 여형사의 미모리, 여경 아야카와 사키, 미국에서 온 캬티·쿠라사와 등의 멤버가 추가된다. 특범과는 강력범죄 전문이지만 특히 각 과가 경원시하는 사건을 담당한다. 원작은 "주간 소년 점프"에 연재된 인기 극화이지만 영화에서는 극화되기 이전 주인공의 서막 편을 담고 있다.
Ryusaku Tarumi
In a rural village with a poorly understood but long standing curse from the Dog God, outsiders from a major Tokyo mining corporation scouting for uranium destroy a small shrine and crush a dog under their jeep wheels. After one of the mining company employees marries the daughter of a prominent member of the village, the Dog God’s wrath boils over and people start to die. The village girl and mining company employee start a new life in Tokyo, but the Dog God possesses her and she is deemed mentally ill. The couple returns to the village to perform an exorcism, but it is unsuccessful. As the body count accumulates, the cause of and remedy for the curse becomes more opaque.
Karate for Life
The last of the Masutatsu Oyama trilogy. Oyama takes a job as a professional wrestler in Okinawa, but when he discovers that he is expected to take a dive, he quits in disgust. However, when a friend finds herself in desperate need of medical supplies, Oyama steps back in the ring to raise the money—but will he be able to follow the script this time?
The Smart Aleck Ten
Based on the comic by Toshiya Masaoka.
Kawachi Rascal Is Spurred On
The Yakuza Code Still Lives
After spending eight years in prison for murder, Hiroshi leaves his yakuza family to start a new life as a labor racketeer.
Kawachi No Ossan No Uta
Yakuza Graveyard
A police investigator cracks down on yakuza business, but once he realizes the police are in negotiations with certain factions, he sides with his own syndicate of choice.
Okinawa Yakuza War
Chiba, looking gnarly, and acting as animalistic as ever, stars alongside Matsukata as violent gangsters battling their way through fight after bloody fight with rival yakuza on the streets of Okinawa.
Truck Rascals III: Homesick Ichibanboshi
Momojiro comes to the rescue of beautiful Akiko who struggles to run a ranch on her own.
The Classroom of Terror
Yusaku Matsuda plays an ex-boxer who killed an opponent during a fight. He is brought into a school to deal with a gang of disruptive students led by Hiroshi Tachi.
The Most Perverted Post War Crimes
Akira Nishimoto
Reconstruction, in the form of episodes, of the most bizarre crimes that occurred in Japan after World War II.
Festival Champ
A man working in a fish market is crazy about festivals.
A Savage Beast Goes Mad
Test driver Hayami loses control of his car and rolls over. His company then learns that he has kept secret that he is visually impaired, and he is fired. Without the prospect of returning to his old job he makes a plan to rob several jewelry stores. A few days later, Hayami escapes with stolen goods worth 80 million yen in a violin case on a Kyoto city bus. A wild chase ensues.
Karate Warriors
Sakata protects a little boy while coping with rival gangs.
The Machine Gun Dragon
Ryu, a low life thug, along with his mother, steals a shipment of drugs. Now with his machine gun and a gang of hoodlums, he must face the yakuza and the mafia.
Violent Panic: The Big Crash
Two bank robbers specialize in "smash and grab" style heists. The thieves dream of escaping Japan and going to Brazil...
Operation Plazma in Osaka
Amidst Japan's postwar economic boom, yakuza factions in Osaka fight for survival when Japan's largest crime syndicate plans a hostile takeover.
Karate Bear Fighter
Masutatsu Oyama is recruited by his former Army friend to work for a crew of gangsters, but when they kill both his girlfriend and his best friend, Oyama flees away to a small town where he both learns lessons in martial arts philosophy from a wandering master and helps a young boy take on a challenge to fight a ferocious captured bear to win money for the boy's injured father.
Deep Throat in Tokyo
Takehiko Sakuma
Kumi Taguchi is a model who leaves her boxer boyfriend after he sustains an injury. She meets and quickly marries Hideo, the heir to a corporate empire. Hideo's father, Takehiko, lusts after Kumi. Takehiko sends his son away, ostensibly on a business trip, but actually so that he can be murdered by Takehiko's henchmen. Takehiko seduces Kumi, but is frustrated when she refuses to perform oral sex on him. Angered, Takehiko forces Kumi to undergo surgery in which her clitoris is transferred to her throat, thereby requiring that she engage in oral sex in order to have an orgasm. Hideo, the supposedly murdered son, returns having paid off his assassins. Hideo shoots and kills his father, but Kumi grabs the gun and kills Hideo so that she can inherit the family's fortune
New Battles Without Honor and Humanity 2: Head of the Boss
Takeo Akamatsu
The seventh in the shocking "Jingi Naki Tatakai" movie series, which exposes the true lives of the yakuza that is hidden by a mask of "jingi". The next stage of this continuing drama is the Kanmon Channel where the Owada and the Kyoei groups are battling for territorial rights and drug smuggling. The Owada sends their man, Tetsu, and his friend Shuji to kill the Kyoei boss. With the promise of fame and riches, Shuji takes the fall and goes to jail for 7 years. But when he's released, he discovers that he and Tetsu have been all but forgotten by the Owada. Feeling betrayed, Shuji takes natters into his own hands and becomes an unsuspecting pawn in an internal conflict and an assassination attempt on the Owada boss. And now angered, Shuji seeks revenge...
Scoundrel Boss
Daigoro Koiwa
Story of a Nymphomaniac
Natsu, the older of two sisters, has a relationship with Yonosuke, the local kimono trader. Unlike her more conservative sister Oshichi she tries to use sex as a means to climb to a better social position. To even attempt that she first needs to get out of the Buddhist monastery she is working at...
The Man Gang
Principal Ryuji Shirai
Based on the comic by Tetsu Kariya.
Karate Bullfighter
Sonny Chiba plays Kyokushin Karate founder Masutatsu Oyama, who unexpectedly arrives at a karate tournament in rags, but wins the tournament. After turning down the chance to fight at future tournaments he returns to his simple village life. He reluctantly returns to karate for a final showdown against the students of a rival school.
Company Buggers
Hiroshi, a small-time racketeer, makes a name for himself extorting vulnerable companies and their directors for financial gain.
Gambling Den Heist
After eight years in prison, Takeshi’s mission is a big heist from his own clan’s gambling parlor.
Green Lovers
Pinku from 1975.
Shimane Prison Riot
Prison guard
Japan, 1948: Hiroki Matsukata stars as a man facing a nine year prison sentence. He incites prisoners of Shimane Prison to the biggest riot in jail history. A fighter by heart, he sees a way out of any situation, but will he survive this, the gutsiest assault ever attempted?
The Murder Corps
A violent upstart forms an alliance with the powerful Tensei-kai syndicate to fight on the front lines of an underworld war and take over all of Japan.
캅스 vs. 터그스
When a lucrative waterfront development becomes available, the Kawade gang quickly use their political connections to secure the land. However, the acting boss of the Ohara gang also has his eyes on the property and recruits crooked detective Tokumatsu Kuno to help him hijack the deal. With relations between the rival gangs at breaking point, it's not long before all-out war breaks out as the gangsters, police and local politicians battle for control of the city.
Great Jailbreak
A group of prisoners attempts to break the Abashiri prison. This film can be considered a sequel to the Abashiri Bangaichi series, written and directed by Ishii Teruo. The friendship between two men on death row, a fleeting love affair with a traveling dancer and a deadly battle with the real culprit who has hunted him down filmed over a long period of time on location in Hokkaido.
Wolf Guy
Akira Inugami is the only survivor of a clan of ancient werewolves who relies on his supernatural powers to solve mysterious crimes. After a series of bloody killings perpetrated by an unseen force, Inugami uncovers a conspiracy involving a murdered cabaret singer, corrupt politicians, and a plot by the J-CIA to harvest his blood in order to steal his lycanthropic powers! At the same time, Inugami also discovers the truth behind his family heritage, and that he may not be the last of his kind.
13 Steps of Maki: The Young Aristocrats
Warden Akae
Maki is the leader of a female gang who fights for justice, but she ends up being framed and sent to a sadistic woman's prison. Will Maki be able to escape and take revenge?
The Viper Brothers and the Young General
의리의 무덤
Yasuo Matsuoka
어릴 때부터 야쿠자의 길에 빠져든 이시카와는 ‘미친개’라는 별명을 갖고 있다. 덮어놓고 주먹을 휘두르는 난폭함 때문에 조직 내에서도 골칫거리인 이시카와는 그날도 상대 조직원을 죽인 후 술집에서 일하는 치에코의 집에 몸을 숨긴다. 이시카와의 파란만장한 일대기를 통해 야쿠자의 밑바닥 인생을 생생하고 처절하게 그린 영화.
A Haunted Turkish Bathhouse
Yûzô Shikauchi
A sly gangster hatches a plot against his own wife, who works at a brothel-cum-bathhouse, with the help of the bathhouse owner’s wife.
New Battles Without Honor and Humanity 1
Masuo Nozaki
The sixth chapter of Jingi Naki Tatakai series With the endless power struggle. The extraordinary combination of Kinji Fukasaku and Bunta Sugawara, along with new ideas and a strong touch of realism, created the sixth movie of the series that describes 'The War of Hiroshima Gangsters' which had lasted almost 30 years after World War II. It can be called the Japanese secret post WWII history. It focuses on the ugly, violent inside struggle of the Yamamori Group of 1959 in Kure City, Hiroshima. Director Kinji Fukasaku, the master of portraying violence and humanity, said "Having making the five previous movies, I found those characters very interesting. So I took a deeper look into them this time." He made this shocking movie with high enthusiasm and revealed the core of gangster's struggle which has never been touched before.
직격지옥권 대역전
When a priceless jewel owned by rich heiress Sabine is stolen, along with her daughter, Professional thief and hired killer Ryuichi Koga and his gang are hired to retrieve both. At a ransom exchange, the team save the girl but lose the money and the jewel. When Sabine decides to deal directly with the thieves and obtains the jewel on her own by paying the ransom, Koga, having been stiffed of his fee by Sabine, steals the jewel. Little does he know, it’s a fake. Now, Koga and the team must break into a high security bank to steal the real jewel.
The Rapacious Jailbreaker
Convicted of murder, Masayuki Ueda is sent to Hiroshima Prison along with his accomplice. But for a man like him, breaking out of prison is easy.
여필살권 위기일발
Kazushige Osone
Koryu heads to Yokohama in search of a woman named Birei, kidnapped by diamond smugglers who move their hot rocks by surgically implanting them into the nubile buttocks of Chinese prostitutes. Koryu's older sister, working as a jewelry designer, is secretly, if unhappily, involved with the gangsters.
Code of Wolves
In gangster-infested 1920s Yokohama, gambler Ishiguro gets in with the local gang -- but his view of life changes after the Great Kanto Earthquake.
Father of the Kamikaze
Vice Admiral Takajiro Ohnishi could see that Japan's defeat in WWII was inevitable. He came to realize that the only way to force a negotiated solution was to convince the Americans that invading Japan would cause massive casualties on both sides. The cold logic of suicide attacks, where one man and one plane could kill hundreds, seemed the only solution. In one of the cruel ironies of fate, Ohnishi actually succeeded; he convinced the Americans that invading Japan would be too costly in lives. But what he could not foresee was that America had another way of ending the war.
직격! 지옥권
Three street toughs are hired to take down a Tokyo drug dealer.
Military Comfort Woman
Movie based on a book by Kakou Senda about the use of women as sexual slaves by the Japanese Army during WW2.
제로과의 여자: 붉은 수갑
경시청 소속 여형사 레이는 독단적으로 친구 에미를 살해한 외교관에게 복수를 하고 그 사건으로 외교문제를 우려한 윗선은 레이를 유치장에 가두게 된다. 한 달 뒤, 유력 정치인 나구모의 딸 쿄코가 납치당하는 일이 일어나자 레이는 유치장에서 풀려나 쿄코의 극비 구출을 명받게 된다.
The Tattooed Hitman
The most dangerous hired gun in Tokyo's underworld has managed to trigger a vicious gang war, and now, there's a contract on his life. Though nobody is more skilled in the arts of dealing death, can the tattooed hitman fend off the entire Japanese mafia as he searches for the man who wants him dead?
Violent Streets
Mochizuki Kunihiro
With a Kansai syndicate setting their sights on Tokyo, a former yakuza boss gets dragged back into a world of violence.
Jeans Blues: No Future
Hijiriko makes off from the bar she works at with money and a car that isn't hers. Meanwhile, Jiro Katagiri is up to no good with his gangster friends and ends up making off with all their ill-gotten gains, much to their disapproval. The two misfits end up meeting after a car crash and soon end up on the road together in (another) stolen car. It's not long before the police take an interest in the crimes, and of course the gangsters are hot on Jiri's heels; meaning the two must scarper across Japan by any means necessary.
Girl Boss: Diamond Showdown
Hirata Yayoi
Keiko Aizawa a vengeance-crazed vixen sets out on a journey to avenge the death of her older sister.
의리 없는 전쟁: 정상작전
As Japan gears up for the 1964 Olympic games, the cops start to crack down on the gangs, under pressure from the public and the press, adding a new dimension in the war for power among the yakuza families of Hiroshima.
Reformatory Buddies
Third film in the series.
Yokosuka Navy Prison
When a rebellious roughneck enlists in the Navy and goes on a rampage against his superiors, he is sent to the Yokosuka Naval Prison.
Karate Killer
Kiba is back again, but this time he has fallen from grace and sent to prison for all the violent acts he has committed. Once he's out, he begins working as a bodyguard in a club that is crawling with gangsters.
의리 없는 전쟁: 대리전쟁
Hideo Hayakawa
Shozo Hirono has managed to separate from the Yamamori family and create his own small family, and extend his circle of acquaintances. These new friendships include a powerful underboss of the Muraoka family, Noboru Uchimoto.
Farewell to Rock'n Roll
There is an ongoing war between two Girl Gangs, the Akabane 100 Club and the Ikebukuro Cavalry. Yukiko, the "Bankaku," or chief bodyguard of the Akabane, is released from reform school and sets about to finish an ongoing one-on-one grudge match with the Arab Falcon and the whole Cavalry gang. With a theme song by 1970s Japanese "Group Sounds" band Carol, and live performance. Rock and Sukeban unite for an extraordinary and cool piece of filmmaking.
A True Story of the Private Ginza Police
After a desperate gang of ex-soldiers and gamblers meet in a fistfight in occupied Ginza they decide to make the neighborhood their own.
The Bodyguard
Karate master and anti-drug vigilante Chiba returns to his home in Japan, where he holds a press conference announcing his intention to wipe out the nation's drug industry. He also offers his services as a bodyguard to anyone who is willing to come forward and provide information about the drug lords' activities. He is soon approached by a mysterious woman claiming to have important information and asking for Chiba's protection. She seems to be legitimate, but is she really what she appears to be?
Professional Killers
Matajûrô Mineyama
Two assassins are hired to carry out a hit on the second wife of a candle merchant, but someone is watching...
Girl Boss: Escape From Reform School
Girl Boss Ruriko and her cellmates escape from a greedy corrupt reform school that's more interested in cheating the government out of money than reformation. Each having their own reasons for escaping, they go their seperate ways. With the help of a young mechanic, who's also on the lam, Ruriko tries to realize her dream of leaving the island of Japan behind. But the authorities are always one step behind her...
의리 없는 전쟁: 히로시마 사투
Keisuke Nakahara
Repeatedly beat to a pulp by gamblers, cops, and gangsters, lone wolf Shoji Yamanaka finally finds a home as a Muraoka family hitman and falls in love with boss Muraoka's niece. Meanwhile, the ambitions of mad dog Katsutoshi Otomo draws our series' hero, Shozo Hirono, and the other yakuza into a new round of bloodshed.
Quarreling with Yakuza
Set loose in a postwar world with no rules, an ex-juvenile delinquent begins building the most powerful gang in Tokyo's glittering Shibuya ward.
여죄수 사소리 제41호 감방
죄수들에게 스콜피온으로 알려진 마츠는 교도소의 원활한 운영을 방해하고 교도관에 대한 모욕적인 공격에 대한 복수로 감옥에 갇힌다. 고위 인사의 방문으로 하루의 유예가 주어진 그녀는 그것을 이용하여 다시 간수를 공격하고 이것은 더 잔인한 처벌과 굴욕으로 이어진다. 하지만 그녀에게 6명의 다른 여성 수감자들과 함께 탈출할 기회를 준다. 감옥에서 그들의 초현실적인 도피는 교도관, 교도관, 그리고 서로에 대해 죄수들을 구덩이에 빠뜨리고..
Outlaw Killers: Three Mad Dog Brothers
The great Bunta stars as a gangster who is sent to jail for the sake of his gang, but when he’s released he finds everything completely changed and his gang has swept him aside for being too violent. He tries to start a new life with his two ”brothers” but can’t seem to escape old affiliations
Wandering Ginza Butterfly: She-Cat Gambler
Meiko Kaji reprises her role as Nami, a vengeful female gang leader, in the second installment of this high-action series that casts a new actor -- martial arts legend Sonny Chiba -- in the role of Nami's loyal friend Ryuji. This time around, Nami is looking for Hoshiden, the man who murdered her father and shattered her once-hopeful childhood. But living under an assumed name, Hoshiden could stay hidden forever.
Yakuza Skirmishes
In the gaudy world of 1930s Shinjuku, a violent youth known as Bakudan Match tangles explosively with prostitutes, politicians and the police.
여죄수 사소리
배신한 연인을 살해하고 감옥에 들어간 사소리는 강간과 린치 등 지옥과도 같은 고통을 겪게 된다. 참고 참았지만 결국 사소리는 자신을 지옥으로 내몬 남자들을 향한 복수의 길을 택하게 된다. 만화를 원작으로 한 《여죄수 사소리》는 이후 《수라설희》 등 '여성의 잔혹한 복수‘를 다룬 영화에 큰 영향을 주었다. 주연을 맡은 카지 메이코의 스타일리시한 연기가 일품. (2017년 제21회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
The Lucky Status Symbol
Hiroshi (Tatsuo Umemiya) has the biggest penis in all of Japan and everyone who touches (or is touched by) it, is blessed by good fortune. After buying his sister a washing machine for her wedding, he travels to Tokyo, where he must help his friend Masa out of a half-million yen debt. Among other hijinks, he becomes a penis god in the process.
Street Mobster
After serving time, a defiant street thug is incensed to find his town overrun by two yakuza factions. He gathers his crew and takes them on.
Gang Warfare
Yakuza Wolf
A fearless man confronts a yakuza organization pushing the envelope of extravagant & all sorts of violence.
New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Snowbound Deserter
Kamikaze Cop, No Epitaph to Us
Exciting fight of a secret police detective over secret of a diamond.
The Armed Organization
Violent Gang Re-Arms is a rousing tale of friction in yakuza and labor interactions with Koji Tsurata as a yakuza supervising a dockworker's union. He finds himself between a rock and a hard place, at odds with both the dockworkers' leader (Tomisaburo Wakayama) and sadistic, unprincipled bosses (Fumio Watanabe and Tetsuro Tamba).
Delinquent Boss: Smooth Talking, Good Fighting
This is the Twelfth film in the series. There were seventeen Wolves of the City films between 1968 & 1974, in the main aimed at shock-value & “pinku” soft-core with sex, nudity, violence, gunplay, & a lot of mainly pointless foolishness when the biker gang coopts racist or nazi imagery, inventing a non-existent youth culture void of morality…
The Bad Boss: Wholesale Roundup
This is the thirteenth film in the series.
New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Stormy Cape
Former inmate Katsuji gets involved in the horse gambling business while lending a helping hand to a ranch operator.
Kamikaze Cop, The Poison Gas Affair
Exciting fights between the police and a crime syndicate over the secret of poison gas.
Sympathy for the Underdog
A yakuza gang gets driven out of Yokohama by a big gang from Tokyo. They relocate to Okinawa to violently start over.
The Gambler's Counterattack
Aiba is a gang boss who has just got out of jail, and finds everything has changed. His old gang has broken up, and only a few people still respect him. So he becomes a consultant to another gang who are about to be clobbered by a much larger gang moving in from out of town. Aiba proves a crafty tactician, and does very well at playing gangs off against each other in order to save the smaller gang. His advice is not always taken by those he tries to help, but he is generally proved right.
The Last Kamikaze
With World War II is coming to its end and Japan nearing defeat, Japanese military leaders step up suicide attacks on Allied ships. Toei legend Koji Tsuruta stars as a Kamikaze squad leader who has second thoughts about suicide runs. He becomes torn between his own morality and his duty to his country when he must deal with a pilot under his command who refuses to complete his mission.
New Prison Walls of Abashiri: High Stakes at Abashiri
Prisoner Katsuji must fend for himself and his prison mates in the fierce battle involving a family feud.
Postwar Secrets
Everybody's chasing a diamond in Sadao Nakajima's crime/action/drama. It was a based on a novel by Tsusai Sugawara, who was a Japanese writer and political figure campaigning against drugs, prostitution and sexually transmitted diseases.
If You Were Young: Rage
If You Were Young: Rage highlights the other side of post-war Japanese prosperity, focusing on the throngs of young people who missed out on the boom. We follow a group of young men that can't seem to get ahead, despite their willingness to try. Then one hits upon a plane - to work together to save for a dump truck and thus become independent contractors and be their own bosses at last. Ultimately life presents obstacles: jail for one, violence at the hands of the police for another and a girlfriend and subsequent children for the third. An early Kinji Fukasaku gem that imports the freewheeling style of the French New Wave and the hip detachment of American noir.
The Drifting Gambler
8th part of the Gamblers / Bakuchi-uchi series.
Code Between Brothers: All New
When the boss of the Nakano Family decides to retire and makes a loyal follower the new boss instead of his own son, it causes strife in the family. Sides are taken and lines are drawn. Meanwhile, a rival family with a land dispute with the Nakano starts pulling strings behind the scenes...
Rise and Fall of Chivalry
A reformed gangster agrees to help a former yakuza member.
Bloodstained Clan Of Honor
It takes place in the sunset days of the yakuza in the 1970s. The postwar turmoil that created the black market and lubricated illegal business opportunities was giving way to Japan Inc. A young Bunta Sugawara takes over as the oyabun of a crime syndicate in Yokohama, where he is struggling to keep operations at the port there alive. As his syndicate is eroding quickly, a major heavy industries company offers his gang the chance to chase some vagrants out of a shantytown where they are squatting on land where a factory is to be built. The job would secure steady profits for Bunta's crime ring for years to come. However, Bunta and other members of his outfit grew up in the shanty, and they would be muscling their friends and neighbors. This sets the stage for an internal struggle that complicates the violent struggle with a rival mafia organization in Tokyo.
도라! 도라! 도라!
Japanese Pilot (uncredited)
독일, 일본, 이탈리아의 3국 동맹계약 결성 후 일본 군부는 미 함대가 모여있는 핵심요지, 진주만의 기습 공습을 결정한다. 이 극비의 공습작전은 전투기들을 동원한 극비의 침투작전이었다. 비행사들의 맹훈련을 통해 진주만 기습작전을 빈틈없이 꾸민 일본 전투기들이 마침내 진주만을 향한다. 한편, 이를 상상도 못한 진주만 미국 사령관은 전투기들과 항공모함들을 한곳에 모아 배치해놓고, 방만한 휴가를 보낸다. 죽음의 D-데이. 진주만 상공에 도착한 일본 전투기들은 작전성공을 알리는 암호 도라 도라 도라를 외치며 무차별 폭격을 가하는데...
A Hoodlum At The Risk Of His Life
A reporter is framed for murder while investigating organized crime. Upon being released from prison the plan for his revenge unravels.
Japan's Violent Gangs: The Boss and the Killers
An honorable yakuza syndicate deeply rooted in Kyoto fights for survival when a new breed of gangsters threaten their very existence.
The Private Police
After the war, Kijima (Bunta Sugawara) returns to Tokyo where he meets Ôba (Noboru Andô), an Ex-Kamikaze pilot, and the two ruffians gather hooligans to join their group. In Ginza, the Togawa gang have taken over Sakurada's territory. After several fights Kijima and Ôba gain control of the territory by chasing out the notorious Togawa Group in the name of Sakurada. But Kijima is arrested for assaulting an American soldier. A few years pass. Kijima has served his prison term and the sears of war have been erased from Ginza. Ôba is now president of a company specializing in collection of bad debts, cheque frauds and everything that means money. People call their organization the “Private Police,” and Kijima begins to work for Ôba. Now the Takegami gang waits a chance to seize the Ginza territory.
흑장미 여관
Kyohei's son - Wataru's brother
재력가인 쿄헤이는 ‘흑장미 여관’이라는 이름의 남성전용 고급클럽을 열고, 여장남자 가수 류코를 영입해 단독으로 클럽 무대에 출연시킨다. 하지만 쿄헤이의 사고뭉치 둘째 아들이 여성적인 류코의 모습에 반해 사랑에 빠지게 되면서 ‘흑장미 여관’이 점차 흔들리기 시작한다. 괴도 검은 도마뱀의 활약을 그린 후카사쿠 긴지의 흥행 액션물 의 외전판으로 불리는 작품. 일본의 유명 추리작가 에도가와 란포의 단편을 미시마 유키오가 각색하였다. (부산 영화의 전당 포럼 2012 - 영화, 혹은 정치의 기억)
Japan Organized Crime Boss
Coming out of jail and hoping for a quiet life, Yokohama yakuza has to take the lead of his gang after the death of his boss. His small group is is taken in a crossfire between a big yakuza group from Osaka at war with the Tokyo alliance for the control of the city. He tries to keep to the old yakuza code but he is no match for the new thugs who live and fight without honor.
A Modern Yakuza: The Code of The Lawless
Just released on parole, one young man hurtles towards a face-off with the gangsters controlling Shinjuku and its lucrative prostitutes.
The Cheating Underworld
Gangsters are robbed of five hundred million yens.
Snake Woman's Curse
An old man dies of heartbreak when a cruel landlord is about to repossess his land. The old man haunts the landlord from the grave. Since the man died in debt, his wife and daughter are indentured servants and are forced to work in the landlord's factory.
The Young Eagles of the Kamikaze
The film is dedicated to the souls of flight school graduates killed in World War II. Young boys dream about becoming pilots and apply to flight schools. However, the flight schools have extremely demanding, harsh training, and once they finally become pilots, they must become suicide bombers and give their lives for their homeland.
The Bad Boss
The first in what would become Toei's most successful, longest-running bosozoku film series. It lasted from 1968 till 1972 through sixteen films.
Prison Boss
Rival gangs fight over ownership of bicycle race track.
협박은 나의 인생
캬바레 보이로 일하는 무라키 하야오는 밀주 거래 이야기를 듣고 뭇매를 맞는다. 화가 난 하야오는 옛 동료들과 짜고 야쿠자를 흔들어 돈을 뜯어낸다. 돈맛을 본 이들은 성매매 조직이나 깡패를 상대로 교묘한 작전을 세워 본격적으로 공갈을 시작하는데...
Gambler's Farewell
The story of men devoted to the yakuza lifestyle and their struggles during a time of fading yakuza power.
Army Intelligence
Middle-aged man
Kazuo, a Japanese army intelligence agent, reveals a foreign intelligence network in Japan and then sent to Borneo Island with a special mission.
The Rickshaw Man’s Son
A roughneck named Komakichi of Kawachi, Osaka, comes back from a three-year training course to become a chef, hoping to be with his crush Tamae, a daughter of a Japanese restaurant’s owner. His father is not happy because Komakichi has no intention to become a rickshaw man to follow in his father’s footsteps.
Three men vs. gangsters in a fight involving smuggled gold.
Captain Ultra: The Movie
Narrator (voice)
In the latter half of the 21st century, Captain Ultra and the crew of his ship the Mighty Spiegel oppose the Vandel aliens. Re-edited from episodes 2 and 5 of the TV series and released theatrically as part of the Toei Manga Matsuri.
Organized Violence II
Detective Sawai
The Chivalrous Life
Ryoma is a former military man who gets to know the leader of a yakuza group and begins to work with them, helping them defend themselves against other yakuza gangs.
Dissolution Rites
Sawaki is released from prison after serving eight years for murdering a rival gang leader in order to obtain the land rights to a landfill for the Kotaki clan and he discovers that the world has changed significantly in that time. The police have forced the disbanding of all yakuza groups in and around Tokyo and most of the former yakuza have moved on to legitimate jobs. Sawaki is disgusted that his yakuza brothers have abandoned their codes of honor and are abusing their newfound power in the legitimate business world to exploit the poor. Sawaki feels partly responsible for making them so powerful and enabling their corruption, so he decides to follow his traditional code of honor to save the residents of a small town where his former lover lives.
Organized Violence
A war breaks out on the streets between rivalry Yakuza clans.
Rampaging Dragon of the North
Gen Ashida
The son of a prominent member of a fishing community returns home after a stint with the yakuza to find his father has died under orders of a local gang leader. He sets out to avenge his father, keeping his plans secret from his mother who is cold to him since his perceived abandonment of the family. This wonderful, if little-seen, Fulasaku gem deals with family, community and what it means to do right by both.
Nerves for Victory
A young yakuza who respects obligation and humanity must face cruel and heartless turf wars leading to a fight to the death with his own brother.
Spycatcher J3: SOS Close Shave
Mr. Miracle
TULIP (The Undercover Line of International Police) is a New York-based international police force in direct opposition to the criminal organization TIGER (The International Group of Espionage and Revolt). Shunsuke Dan is agent Spycatcher J3 of the TULIP Japan Branch. Spycatcher J3 stands against TIGER's machinations.
While covering a test of guided torpedoes, two reporters believe they see what appears to be a strange-looking swimming creature. They investigate the matter further and discover that there is a race of fish-men living under the sea. The fish-men capture the pair and keep them prisoner in their underwater city.
The Kamikaze Guy
An elaborate criminal tango based around treasure hidden during WWII.
The Threat
Contemporary Tales of Chivalry 2
Hidejiro is a wandering yakuza with a ‘karashi botan’ (Chinese lion and peony) tattoo. Owing a favor to the Soda Family, he kills the boss of the rival Sakaki Family. When the Soda attacks the Sakaki and double-crosses him, with sword in hand, Hidejiro seeks brutal retribution.
Gang's Upward Strategy
Brutal Tales of Chivalry
After World War II, their town was a pile of rubble. Gennosuke, the second-generation boss of the Kamizu Group was upholding yakuza chivalry by keeping black-market and illegal items out of their open-air market. Taking advantage of the mess, Iwasa and his gang take hold of goods from the US military, black-market and controlled items in order to become the most powerful group in the Enko area. Iwasa has Gennosuke assassinated but before he dies, he names Shinji Terajima as his successor and makes him swear to carry on the family business and not seek revenge or use violence. Shinji tries to make his family’s marketplace a success, but with constant interruption and attacks from Iwasa’s gang, he can no longer keep his word to his former boss.
The Hoodlum Brothers
A crime film released in 1965
Prison Walls of Abashiri, Part 2
Two convicts just released from prison find a green bauble filled with diamonds — and try to prove they didn't steal it.
A Charming Devil
Movie adaptation of the TV series.
일본 도둑 이야기
Saiki, News reporter
Gisuke Hayashida is an illegal dentist during the day and a burglar by night. One night during a burglary he witnesses a train derailment. Some communists are found guilty of causing the incident, but he knows it wasn't them. He can save innocent people but for that he must confess his own crime.
이차대전 직후 일본이 재건에 몰두하던 시대. 태풍이 몰아쳐 홋카이도와 혼슈를 연결하는 연락선이 침몰하고 훗카이도 어느 작은 마을에는 화재가 발생해 마을 전체가 타버린다. 이는 어느 전과자가 자신의 범행을 숨기기 위해 불을 질러 일어난 것이었다. 이 전과자 이누카이는 도피 중 어느 사창가에 들러 마음씨 좋은 작부 야에의 환대를 받자 그녀에게 큰 액수의 돈을 건네주고 사라진다. 거장 우치다 도무의 후기 대표작으로, 단순한 범죄영화를 넘어서서 전후일본의 경제성장에 대한 비판적인 안목이 잘 살아난 걸작이다. 주연을 맡은 미쿠니 렌타로와 히다리 사치코도 최고의 연기를 선보이고 있다.
Wolves, Pigs & Men
Sabu and his pals hold a pauper's funeral for Sabu's mother. His brother Jiro arrives home, fresh out of jail, and Sabu pointedly states that Jiro is not invited. Jiro meanwhile is planning a big job - steal 40 million in cash and drugs, and he invites Sabu and gang to act as decoys, for 50,000 each. The sting is a success, but the double-crossing starts almost immediately. Sabu discovers how little of the take they were promised and hides the stash. Jiro and his slimy partner pressure the kids to fess up. Meanwhile, their respectable elder brother Ichiro is being leaned on by the town's big boss, whose money it was.
The Desperate
Tokyo Gang Vs. Hong Kong Gang
Asakusa no kyôkaku
Sonny Chiba is a young gambler on the run. He pretends to be an innocent student, and is taken in by an honorable Yakuza in Tokyo's Asakusa district.
Duel of the Underworld
G-Men in the Pacific
G-men challenge a jewelry smuggling ring. The chase starts in Kyushu and continues to Kobe to Yokohama.
The Eighth Enemy
The Second Bullet is Marked
Tsunokichi and Ken face off against a rival yakuza in Kyushu.
Merciless Blade Part 2
The second film in the 1953 trilogy based on the long novel series The Great Bodhisattva Pass.