Kei Nakata

출생 : 1969-12-09,

참여 작품

合間にて… between
合間にて… between
Bird Cage
A man is admitted to a mental hospital, despite his protests that he is perfectly normal. As attempts to escape, what he sees a crazy word in front of him where the lines between normal and abnormal are blurred.
세계는 오늘부터 너의 것
만화나 일러스트를 모사하며 현실을 도피해 온 누마 마나미(카도와키 무기)는 사람과 관련된 것이 서툴다는 이유로 약 5년 동안 숨어 있었다. 어느 날, 그녀는 아버지(마키타 스포츠)의 권유로 게임 회사의 버그사정 작업을 시작한다. 이윽고 직원 야베 료타로(미우라 타카히로)가 담당하는 게임의 일러스트에 손본 것을 계기로 그림의 재능을 인정받아 게임 캐릭터의 일러스트를 의뢰 받는다. 료타로에게 희미한 연정을 품는 마나미는 도움이 되고자 노력하지만 ...
Nakano JK: Boring Holiday
Some girls (played by idol group Sunmyu) skip school to go on a trip.
Nakano JK: Boring Holiday
Some girls (played by idol group Sunmyu) skip school to go on a trip.
인 더 히어로
그시절 모든 남학생이 그러했듯 이소룡을 동경해 액션에 눈을 뜨고 오로지 액션스타 한길만을 바라보고 한우물만 파며 살아온 혼죠(카라사와 토시아키). 하지만 현실은 25년째 가면속에 얼굴을 꽁꽁 숨겨진 '수트 액터'이다. 특촬물에서 주인공 대신에 무거운 전대물수트를 껴입고 휘황찬란한 액션포즈를 취하며 괴물과 싸우는 역할만 주구장창. 그럼에도 불구하고 불평불만 일체 하지않고 맡은바 역할을 다하며 꾸준히 액션에 매진하며 성실하게 버텨온 베테랑액션배우이다. 어린이 팬들의 열광적인 응원을 받지만 어딜가도 이름 한줄 각인시키지 못하는 서러운 짬밥만 먹어온 그이지만, 준비된 자에게 반드시 기회는 온다 했던가. 그에게 어언 찾아온 해뜰날이 클라이막스를 장식한다.
Nonmetal Night
Nonmetal Night
Nonmetal Night
Cool Girls
"Cursed/ Cool Girls"- A man from North Korea brings in secret data into Tokyo. His purpose is to free his nation. The data is extremely dangerous for the Japanese government. A delicate matter needs a solution.
성룡의 신주쿠 살인사건
소식이 끊긴 여자친구를 찾기 위해 일본으로 밀입국한 ‘철두’(성룡). 도쿄, 신주쿠 거리 뒷골목에서 그녀를 찾겠다는 일념 하나로 불법체류자의 비참한 생활을 이어간다. 수소문 끝에 여자친구를 만나게 되지만 그녀는 이미 차기 야쿠자 두목인 ‘에구치’의 아내가 되어 있는 상태. 연인을 잃은 슬픔을 누르며 일본에서의 성공을 다짐한 철두는 피나는 노력으로 신주쿠 뒷골목을장악하게 된다. 그러나 믿었던 친구 ‘아걸’(다니엘 우)의 배신으로 또 다른 위기를 맞는데….
Cafe Customer
"테니스의 왕자", "파랑새"로 널리 알려진 오츠이치의 동명 소설을 영화화한 작품으로, 엽기살인사건에 흥미를 느낀 남자, 여자 고등학생들이 범인을 찾으러 나선다.
Confessions of a Dog
Takeda is an honest police officer, father and husband, but after he’s promoted to detective he quickly becomes embroiled in dirty back room dealings, blackmail, and corruption that goes right to the top of the force. Meanwhile, renegade investigator Kusama must decide whether he should shake the foundations of Japanese law enforcement with the information that has come into his possession about the police.
Lady Drop
In the near future, crime runs rampant in the streets and two major mafia groups are battling for power. In order to eliminate the two mafia groups, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department orders an undercover investigation of their headquarters. However, the ones chosen for the mission are four people known as "losers". Will they be able to successfully solve the case?
Lady Drop
In the near future, crime runs rampant in the streets and two major mafia groups are battling for power. In order to eliminate the two mafia groups, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department orders an undercover investigation of their headquarters. However, the ones chosen for the mission are four people known as "losers". Will they be able to successfully solve the case?
0 & 1
A girl called Zero stands in a crowded street, her occupation an assassin. As she completes her tasks one after another, Zero has been feeling uneasy lately. As her code name suggests, she has nothing to prove her existence. She overlaps herself with the vanishing landscape and begins to wander in search of the meaning of her own existence. At the same time, a young man named One is also wandering the streets, and like Zero, he is an assassin. Surrounded by a sense of emptiness, he is unable to find the value of his own existence. One day, the two of them meet as if they were led together. They sense each other, and by touching each other, they regain their existence and humanity. However, the organization feels that contact between assassins is dangerous, and decides to dispose of them. They call in a highly skilled assassin. Their battle for their own existence begins now!
0 & 1
A girl called Zero stands in a crowded street, her occupation an assassin. As she completes her tasks one after another, Zero has been feeling uneasy lately. As her code name suggests, she has nothing to prove her existence. She overlaps herself with the vanishing landscape and begins to wander in search of the meaning of her own existence. At the same time, a young man named One is also wandering the streets, and like Zero, he is an assassin. Surrounded by a sense of emptiness, he is unable to find the value of his own existence. One day, the two of them meet as if they were led together. They sense each other, and by touching each other, they regain their existence and humanity. However, the organization feels that contact between assassins is dangerous, and decides to dispose of them. They call in a highly skilled assassin. Their battle for their own existence begins now!
Wild Night
Wild Night
Shoot, My Darlin'
Motel Owner
A contract killer accepts a final assignment: to act as a bodyguard for a Chinese girl wanted by a criminal organization...
All Night Long 2
In downtown Japan, a lonely computer nerd tries to maintain a peaceful existance while being stalked by a gang of deviant homosexuals who want to use him for their brutal S&M activities.
톡식 어벤저 2
Sumo wrestler
조용해진 트로마빌에서 목표를 잃은 톡시는 무료함에 시달린다. 이때 ‘어포칼립스 주식회사’라는 또다른 악당들이 나타난다. 악당들의 사주를 받은 정신과 주치의는 톡시에게 “진짜 아버지를 찾아가 만나야만 억압이 풀리고 우울증이 해소될 것”이라는 프로이트적인 정신분석을 내린다. 이를 곧이들은 톡시는 아버지를 찾아 일본 도쿄로 떠나고, 그 틈을 타 악당들은 트로마빌을 장악하고 악행을 저지르기 시작한다. 1편의 인기에 힘입어 만들어진 속편으로, 여전한 하드고어 영상과 업그레이드된 블랙 유머가 돋보이는 작품.