Ron Pember

Ron Pember

출생 : 1934-04-11, Plaistow, London, England, UK

사망 : 2022-03-10

프로필 사진

Ron Pember

참여 작품

Personal Services
The story of the rise of a madame of a suburban brothel catering to older men, inspired by the real experiences of Cynthia Payne. The story follows Christine Painter as the down-at-heel waitress who, with the help of prostitute Shirley and cross-dressing Wing Commander Morten, seeks to up her earnings by turning her suburban home into a brothel. Before long she and her girls are chaining up judges, spanking Generals and attending to the needs of Honourable Members. Christine sees herself as providing a vital service to these harmless pervs and when finally the house is busted and the case comes to court, it's fair to say that the presiding judge isn't unfamiliar with her work.
Ticket Collector
A powerfully tense remake of the Alfred Hitchcock classic, this British production of SUSPICION boasts a dynamic cast, making it a worthy descendent of the original.
Give Us a Break: Hustle Bustle Toil and Muscle
Bobby Weeks
Mickey and Mo head to Liverpool for the chance of a big score
Ordeal by Innocence
Dr. Arthur Calgary visits the Argyle family to return an address book lost some time ago by Jack Argyle, only to find out that Jack has been executed for the murder of his mother. Calgary can prove that Jack was innocent. In spite of opposition from a hostile family, he is determined to solve the crime.
The Chain
Comedy featuring interweaving stories of seven households caught up in a property chain on moving day, each one dependent on the other.
The dashing Captain Hugh "Bullshot" Crummond - WWI ace fighter pilot, Olympic athlete, racing driver, part-time sleuth and all round spiffing chap - must save the world from the dastardly Count Otto van Bruno, his wartime adversary. And, of course, win the heart of a jolly nice young lady.
'Tis Pity She's a Whore
Lord Sorenzo marries the beautiful young Annabella, but unbeknownst to him, she is pregnant as a result of an incestuous relationship with her brother Giovanni. Sorenzo discovers the truth, and his ambitious, scheming servant Vasques, resorts to murder (and worse) to ensure that the whole affair ends in a heart rending tragedy! The original 17th century play was set in Italy, this version the action takes place in Victorian England.
Murder Rap
An Englishman's home is his castle, and Wallie aims to prove it.
살인 지령
셜록 홈즈와 와트슨은 화이트 채플에서 일어난 살인사건의 수사를 의뢰받게 된다. 수사를 의뢰한 사람은 과격 혁명파인 메이커스였는데 그의 의도는 어느 정부 고위층의 비리 폭로였다.
The Glitterball
Two teenage boys try to help a tiny spherical alien get back to its mothership, while the army and a devious petty crook pursue the creature for its wonderful powers.
로그 메일
Ticket Collector
Early in 1939 Sir Robert Thorndyke takes aim at Adolf Hitler with a high powered rifle, but the shot misses its mark. Captured and tortured by the Gestapo and left for dead, Sir Robert makes his way back to England where he discovers the Gestapo has followed him. Knowing that his government would turn him over to German authorities, Sir Robert goes underground in his battle with his pursuers.
No Hard Feelings
Blackmarket Man
This short feature, an early directing credit for Alan Parker, shows the reality of life during the WWII air raids with none of the traditional 'Blitz spirit' so often portrayed. Eric spends the nights crammed into a brick shelter with his dad, sister and her screaming kids, and every bombardment brings tears over the loss of his mother in an earlier raid. When he learns his sweetheart is to be evacuated, he finally buckles under the stress.
여정의 끝
The first World War is in its third year and aerial combat above the Western Front is consuming the nation's favored children at an appalling rate. By early 1917, the average life-span of a British pilot is less than a fortnight. Such losses place a fearsome strain on Gresham, commanding officer of the squadron. Aces High recreates the early days of the Royal Flying Corps with some magnificently staged aerial battles, and sensitive direction presents a moving portrayal of the futilities of war.
The Naked Civil Servant
Black Cat Proprietor
Story of the life of Quentin Crisp, an Englishman who was brave enough to live his life according to his own style even in the hostile days of WW2.
망각의 땅
영화는 해안에 편지가 떠밀려 오고 누군가가 그 편지를 읽는 것으로 시작을 하게 됩니다. 병속에 든 편지는 주로 어딘가에 표류가 되어 자신의 생사를 알릴때 쓰는 것으로 주로 사용이 되는데요. 편지의 내용은 보웬 테일러가 일종의 모험담을 적은 이야기 입니다. 스포일러 있습니다. 때는 1차 세계대전 당시로 전함은 물론 적대국의 상선도 가리지 않고 공격을 하면서 악명을 떨쳤던 유보트가 그날도 영국 상선을 공격하여 침몰 시키게 됩니다. 리사와 겨우 살아남은 주인공 테일러는 영국 선원들에 의해 구출이 되나 그들도 표류를 하는 것 외에는 특별히 할수 없다는 것을 알게 됩니다. 한편 민간인을 공격한 것에 대한 일말의 죄책감을 가지고 있는 유보트의 선장은 선내에 공기를 채우기 위해 부상을 명령 하게 됩니다. 테일러와 살아남은 영국 선원들은 잠수함이 올라오는 것을 느끼고 유보트 탈취 계획을 세우게 됩니다. 우여곡절 끝에 유보트를 탈취한 테일러 일행은 유보트 선장에게 동맹국으로 향하라는 명령을 내리게 됩니다. 그리고 영국 전함을 만나 교신을 시도 하지만 적군으로 오해한 영국 전함의 공격만 받게 되는데요. 아군의 공격에서 겨우 피신한 유보트는 항해를 계속 하다 미지의 섬을 발견 하게 됩니다. 그중간에 유보트 군인들에게 제압을 당했다가 다시 유보트를 접수 하게 되고 모두 살기 위해서는 공조를 약속하게 됩니다. 아무튼 연료도 음식도 고갈이 되면서 앞뒤 가릴 것이 없게 된 일행은 얼음으로 뒤덮혀 있는 섬에서 따뜻한 담수가 흘려나오는 것을 발견 하게 되고 섬 내부로 잠수해 들어가는 모험을 시도 하게 됩니다. 아슬 아슬하게 협곡을 통과한 유보트 앞에서 과거, 현재가 뒤섞여 있는 미지의 세계가 펼쳐지게 됩니다
Rough, tough and politically incorrect in the way that only the best 70's dramas can be, Regan was a pilot film for The Sweeney - one of the major television successes of the last fifty years. Featuring John Thaw as the irascible Detective Inspector Regan and Dennis Waterman as his loyal 'oppo' Detective Sergeant Carter, Regan was an immediate critical and ratings hit, resulting in four series of The Sweeney and two successful feature films. Jack Regan is a good copper, but his tough, intuitive style is becoming unfashionable in a Scotland Yard seeking a new image. When a policeman is mysteriously murdered, Regan breaks all the rules to find the killer - but he finds there are men in the Flying Squad prepared to break him.
데스 라인
Lift Operator
There's something pretty grisly going on under London in the Tube tunnels between Holborn and Russell Square. When a top civil servant becomes the latest to disappear down there Scotland Yard start to take the matter seriously. Helping them are a young couple who get nearer to the horrors underground than they would wish.
Oh! What a Lovely War
Satire about the First World War based on a stage musical of the same name, portraying the "Game of War" and focusing mainly on the members of one family (last name Smith) who go off to war. Much of the action in the movie revolves around the words of the marching songs of the soldiers, and many scenes portray some of the more famous (and infamous) incidents of the war, including the assassination of Duke Ferdinand, the Christmas meeting between British and German soldiers in no-mans-land, and the wiping out by their own side of a force of Irish soldiers newly arrived at the front, after successfully capturing a ridge that had been contested for some time.
커스 오브 더 크림슨 올터
Petrol Attendant (uncredited)
When his brother disappears, Robert Manning pays a visit to the remote country house he was last heard from. While his host is outwardly welcoming - and his niece more demonstrably so - Manning detects a feeling of menace in the air with the legend of Lavinia Morley, Black Witch of Greymarsh, hanging over everything.
불쌍한 암소
영화가 시작하면 평화롭게 아이와 지내는 것 같은 아름다운 조이(캐롤 화이트)의 모습을 보여준다. 까페에서 여유롭게 커피를 마시고 세상은 평화롭고 아무런 걱정도 없는 것 같다. 하지만 실상은 그렇지 못하다. 폭력을 휘두르는 남편과 불행한 결혼생활을 영위하던 조이는 남편이 절도로 감옥에 수감되자, 남편의 친구를 사귀며 행복을 맛본다. 아이도 잘 돌봐주고 여행도 다니며 마음도 잘 통한다. 하지만 그마저도 감옥에 들어가 버리고 생활을 위해 여러 직업을 전전한다. 이웃 아줌마 엠마(퀴니 와츠)가 아이도 돌봐주고 그러면서 어떻게든 생활은 꾸려가지만 늘 빠듯하다. 그러다 우연한 기회에 속옷 광고 모델로도 활동하게 되는데, 그러면서 알게 된 중년 남자와 또 부적절한 관계를 맺게 된다. 그것을 알게 된 남자친구는 그를 또 구타하게 되고, 조이는 늘 자신의 뜻대로 일을 풀어가지 못 한다. 그러면서 아이는 조금씩 성장해간다. 엄마의 가발을 가지고 놀 정도로 성장해가는 것이다. 하지만 조이의 형편은 앞으로 어떻게 풀려갈지 아무도 알 수 없다.
Workman (uncredited)
Morgan, an aggressive and self-admitted dreamer, a fantasist who uses his flights of fancy as refuge from external reality, where his unconventional behavior lands him in a divorce from his wife, Leonie, trouble with the police and, ultimately, incarceration in a lunatic asylum.
The Pumpkin Eater
Removal Man
Jo, the mother of seven children, divorces her second husband in order to marry Jake, a successful but promiscuous screenwriter. Though they are physically and emotionally compatible, they are slowly torn apart.