Emrah Ertem

Emrah Ertem

출생 : 1979-06-03, Izmir, Turkey

프로필 사진

Emrah Ertem

참여 작품

Gold Run
Fredrik isn’t the bravest of men, but now he is faced with a great responsibility and an enormous task - to get the entire Norwegian gold reserve away from the Nazis during the invasion of Norway.
God, You’re Such a Prick
16-year old Steffi just graduated from high school and is very much looking forward to her class trip to Paris where she has promised her boyfriend Fabian the romantic night that she has kept him waiting for so long. Her lifelong plan to join the police forces is already set up, her adult life is right around the corner. At a routine health check-up, just before the trip to Paris, Steffi and her parents are faced with a shattering diagnosis ...
Kino Kanak: Warum der deutsche Film Migranten braucht
Why has the German film and television industry so far not found a natural way of dealing with people with a migration background? The documentary "Kino Kanak" begins a complex search for traces.
스텔라를 납치했다
대낮의 길 한복판에서 백만장자의 딸이 납치된다. 몸값을 노린 평범한 납치극, 하지만 스텔라는 고분고분한 인질이 아니었다. 살아남기 위해 수단과 방법을 가리지 않는 스텔라 때문에 두 납치범의 완벽했던 계획에는 금이 가기 시작한다.
Magische Momente - Pauls Weihnachtswunsch
55 스텝스
55 Steps is based a the inspiring true story of Eleanor Riese, a mental illness patient herself, who brings a class action suit to give competent mental patients the right to have a say in their medication while they’re in a hospital, and Colette Hughes, the lawyer appointed to her case.
Only God Can Judge Me
Ricky spent years behind bars after taking the rap for his brother Rafael and his buddy Latif after a failed robbery. Now, Latif wants to express gratitude by letting Ricky in on a coup that will bring lots of money. After some hesitation, Ricky agrees, and gets his brother Rafael on board. Everything runs smoothly, until police officer Diana turns up on the scene. A nerve-wracking cat and mouse game is set in motion. Director Özgür Yildirim’s most recent film offers insight into Frankfurt’s gangster world. As before in CHIKO – which also starred Moritz Bleibtreu – he portrays the daily life of the criminal underground scene in a large German city.
The Ötztal Alps, more than 5300 years ago. A Neolithic clan leader must avenge the massacre of his people and theft of his holy shrine.
My Brother Simple
Ben and Barnabas are unseparatable since they are small. The two of them, however, are no ordinary pair of brothers, for Barnabas, with his twenty-two years, remained mentally at the age of three.
Familiye tells the story of an ex-con who, after his release from prison, has to care for his two younger brothers. One of whom is a gambling addict, the other has Down Syndrome.
두바이에서 약혼한 슈테판. 결혼 준비하러 독일에 갔다가 간만에 약을 한다. 근데 이걸 어째. 친구 녀석 때문에 걸려버렸다! 2주 만에 약을 몸에서 빼야 하는 상황. 하지만 갖가지 사건이 끊이질 않으니. 나 두바이로 돌아갈 수 있겠지?
Sam and Anna are part of the hip, vegan, green, eco-friendly, upper-class subculture of Berlin. Anna is a successful doctor, and Nick works in advertising. However, life in Germany's capital is fast-paced and stressful, so the two of them decide to take the next step towards the ideal "eco lifestyle" and move out to the country. As they arrive, they find that life in the country is much less relaxing than they expected, as the rather eccentric locals keep them on their toes.
Macho Man
A German man fells in love with a Turkish woman and changes his lifestyle for her family.
Half Brothers
Julian, Yasin and Addi learn from the executor of their deceased mother's will that the three men, who had previously been complete strangers, are brothers. The news hits like a bomb. A German family man with a penchant for tricks, a spoiled, ambitious Turk and a rapping African – the three siblings immediately hate each other and it would all be nice if their paths were to separate again soon.
고스트 헌터: 얼음 몬스터의 부활
젤리 유령 휴고와 모험을 떠나자! 겁쟁이 소년 톰과 사랑스러운 젤리 유령 휴고의 얼음 몬스터 퇴치 대작전! 겁쟁이 소년 톰은 어느 날 ‘적당히 무섭고, 한없이 귀여운’ 젤리 유령 휴고를 만나게 되고, 친구가 없던 그들은 둘도 없이 친한 사이가 된다. 그러나 잠자고 있던 사악한 얼음 몬스터가 부활하면서, 휴고는 사라질 위험에 처하고, 도시는 점점 꽁꽁 얼어가는데… 겁쟁이 소년 톰과 젤리 유령 휴고는 얼음 몬스터를 물리치고, 도시를 구할 수 있을까?
The Manny
Young industrialist Clemens Klina doesn't have time for his children and accidentally hires a man who actually came to him, seeking revenge, as a nanny for them.
300 Worte Deutsch
Culture-Clash-Comedy about Turkish brides importet into Germany.
터키인 3형제와 아기
집안의 웨딩숍을 운영하면서 더 나은 삶을 꿈꾸는 삼 형제의 일상은 형제 중 한 명이 헤어진 애인의 아기를 맡으면서 엉망진창이 된다.
Head Full of Honey
Before eleven years old Tilda's parents can put her beloved grandfather in an old people's home due to his progressing Alzheimer disease, she takes him on one last adventure that subliminally threatens to tear her family apart.
The Man Cave
Quotas for women, parking spaces for women, online shopping, small talk and gossip. Software developer Erol, porta-potty rep Lars, and commercial pilot Helmut are licking the wounds of their masculinity – a female-free zone is what’s needed! In the boiler room of their recently built housing complex, the three stressed husbands create a secret refuge where they can watch football, eat fast-food, drink beer and curse the opposite sex undisturbed. When Aykut, the complex’s facility manager, discovers their last bastion of masculinity, he threatens to close it down. One thing is for sure, the men are not going to give up their little slice of paradise without a fight. Based on the stage play bearing the same name, director Franziska Meyer Price allows men to return to rebellious ladhood.
Male Mistakes
Daniel and Thomas are two friends who are trying to catch girls in various therapy groups.
Casting Director
Young lovers Ann and Gero are travelling through Europe when their car breaks down in the Eifel mountains. Vinzent and Franz invite them to spend a carefree weekend partying in a remote holiday cabin. But after a playful ‘séance’ their initial bright mood soon becomes uneasy as strange occurrences start to take place with alarming regularity...
Joy of Fatherhood
A sperm donor becomes impotent - and so he searches for the woman, who got his sperm, to become a father after all...
더 피지션
의술이라곤 어쩌다 마을에 들리는 이발사의 신뢰할 수 없는 치료가 전부였던 11세기의 영국 한 마을, 어린 롭은 엄마의 갑작스런 복통으로 도움을 요청하지만 끝내 엄마는 사망하고 맙니다. 자신에게 죽음이 임박했을 때를 아는 능력이 있음을 알게 되었지만, 구해낼 수 없었던 자신을 탓하며 이발사를 쫓아 떠납니다. 그리고 청년이 된 롭은 백내장에 걸린 이발사를 치료한 유태인들에게서 페르시아의 위대한 의사 'Ibn Sina'의 존재를 알게 되고, 다시금 그를 찾아 페르시아의 수도 Isfahan으로 향합니다. 당시 페르시아에는 크리스챤은 들어갈 수 없었기에 롭은 자신을 유태인 Jesse로 속여 입성하게 됩니다. 그 곳에서 운좋게 이븐 시나의 클래스에 들어가게 되고, 사막에서 죽은줄로만 알았던 운명의 여인 레베카와 재회합니다. 당시 페르시아는 모든 문물과 문화에 대해 개방하고 있었기에 다양한 종교가 공존하며, 학문의 자유를 통해 가장 앞선 의술을 가지고 있었던 거죠. 평안한 순간도 잠시, 그리고 이제 곧 그들의 운명을 다시 바꿔놓을 흑사병의 창궐과 셀주크와의 전투가 기다리고 있습니다. ...
Frau Ella
A young man goes on a road trip with an old lady he saves from a hospital.
When Inge Is Dancing
The ambitious punk rocker Max and the eco-activist Inge cannot stand each other, ever since Max publicly exposed her by singing the offensive song "When Inge is Dancing" in front of the whole school. But for Max and his classmates Fabio, Joscha and Lukas this song in particular has become a real hit at school as well as in the regional music scene: Their band called Systemfehler is on the verge of a breakthrough. But just before the important gig, which could get them a record deal, guitarist Josha is injured and can't play. Inge happens to be an excellent guitarist, and the only person who can fill in at such short notice. But when Max asks for her help, she imposes one non-negotiable condition: If she decides to play with the band, they will not perform the song "Wenn Inge tanzt".
Kokowääh 2
Who said a patchwork family is without problems? Two years after the turbulence of Kokowääh, everyday life turns to everyday chaos…
Break Up Man
BREAK UP MAN is an odd couple road movie and tells the story of Henri, who works for a break up agency in Berlin and on behalf of those who want to separate themselves from their future “ex”-partners. To complete his most important mission he is confronted with an unwanted partner, Toto, who spoils more or less everything and makes Henri’s life a nightmare.
Willkommen im Krieg
Werner - Eiskalt!
Werner and Holgi are friends, but also lifelong rivals. Now Werner finally has enough of being the eternal second and is planning his revenge. With his special motorcycle, the 'Red Porsche Killer', he challenges Holgi and his car.
나의 가족 나의 도시
터키에서 독일로 온 ‘후세인’은 백만 첫 번째 독일 이주 노동자이다. 이주 45년 만에 시민권을 얻은 ‘후세인’은 손자, 손녀들이 모인 가족식사 자리에서 모든 가족이 휴가 때 터키로 여행을 가자고 제안한다. 터키로 향하는 차 안에서 심심해 하던 ‘후세인’의 막내 손자 ‘첸크’에게 사촌 누나 ‘캐넌’은 파란만장 가족의 옛날 이야기 보따리를 하나, 둘 꺼내 놓는다. 과거와 현재를 오가며 펼쳐지는 가족의 사랑스러운 이야기와 함께 터키행 여행은 가족들에게 소중한 추억을 선물하는데…
Biss zur großen Pause - Das Highschool Vampir Grusical
Times Change You
The life story of German gangsta rapper, Bushido.
Killing Is My Business, Honey
A hit man whose mission is to prevent the printing of a tell-all book written by a former Mafioso, falls in love with the employee who may lose her job if the book doesn't get published.
1½ Knights - In Search of the Ravishing Princess Herzelinde
The story of Lanze who is in love with the princess. One day the princess is kidnapped by the Dark Knight and Lanze starts his journey to rescue her. But he is not alone because Erdal, a turk, joins him on his journey.
파이어: 테러와의 전쟁
평범한 신혼부부가 대출을 위해 은행을 방문한다. 남편이 일 때문에 잠시 은행을 나오게 된 사이, 은행에 납치 소동이 일어난다. 그리고 테러범들에 의해, 인질로 잡힌 아내를 구하기 위해 남편은 어쩔 수 없이 범인들을 돕게 되면서 그들이 단순한 은행강도가 아닌 베를린을 테러할 엄청난 계획이 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 그리고 인질로 잡힌 아내와 테러조직의 배후를 쫓던 중 충격적인 사실을 접하게 되는데…
분노의 질주: 언리미티드
An action movie centered around a group of street racers.
2030 - Aufstand der Alten
나만의 숲
As an awkward idealistic high school teacher begins her first job in the city, things turn out to be much tougher than she had imagined.