Edoardo Gabbriellini

Edoardo Gabbriellini

출생 : 1975-07-16, Livorno, Italy


Edoardo Gabbriellini is an Italian actor, screenwriter, and director. He wrote and directed B.B. e il cormorano in 2003, and The Landlords in 2012. He is known for Ovosodo, directed by Paolo Virzì and I Am Love, directed by Luca Guadagnino.

프로필 사진

Edoardo Gabbriellini

참여 작품

Romantic Guide to Lost Places
Benno and Allegra: he's over fifty, English, and drinks like a fish; she's twenty years younger, a travel blogger with lots of imagination. They both live off their lies and have no intention of stopping now. Next-door neighbors who had never met until the day he wound up on the wrong landing, and nothing would ever be the same. Sheer chance leads this odd couple on a flight towards lost or forgotten places, where their mutual support makes for self-discovery.
스테거링 걸
뉴욕에 거주하는 이탈리아계 미국인 작가 프란체스카는 그녀의 노모를 찾아 로마로 되돌아가야한다.
Quel bravo ragazzo
agente immobiliare
The Journey
Bari, a city caught in the relentless economic crisis. Ivo is an agronomist, but the lack of opportunities pushes him to accept a job in the fertile region of Banat in Romania. Clara has just ended a relationship and is about to lose her job at the Bari harbor. Ivo and Clara meet by chance and seem to immediately understand each other. They spend only one night together before Ivo's departure, but that is enough to create a bond and wanting to meet again. When Clara visits him in Romania, they fall in love. But is exile their only way to happiness?
룸메이트 살인사건: 둘만의 방
영화감독인 '토마스'는 차기작을 위해 이탈리아에서 벌어진 미모의 여대생 룸메이트 살인사건을 재조사한다. 아름다운 미모의 유학생 '엘리자베스'와 '제시카 풀러'. 이들이 동거한지 두 달 후, '엘리자베스'가 잔혹한 사체로 발견되고 룸메이트인 '제시카'가 살인미수죄로 기소되지만, 항소 끝에 무죄로 마무리되면서 엄청난 파장을 불러 일으킨 미제 사건이다. 시간을 거슬러 올라가 사망 당일을 재연해 가는 '토마스'. 하지만 내막을 파헤쳐갈수록 사건은 점점 미궁 속으로 빠져든다. 한편, 사건 현장에서 우연히 만난 유학생 '멜라니'의 도움으로 한 남성이 용의자 선상에 오르고, 수사는 새로운 국면을 맞게 되는데....
Padroni di casa
Two construction-workers, the brothers Cosimo and Elia are hired by a famous singer to do some work on his rural mansion, before he's due to make his big career comeback-concert in his home city. It all seems like an easy enough job, but the small town community doesn't like strangers.
Padroni di casa
Two construction-workers, the brothers Cosimo and Elia are hired by a famous singer to do some work on his rural mansion, before he's due to make his big career comeback-concert in his home city. It all seems like an easy enough job, but the small town community doesn't like strangers.
Padroni di casa
Two construction-workers, the brothers Cosimo and Elia are hired by a famous singer to do some work on his rural mansion, before he's due to make his big career comeback-concert in his home city. It all seems like an easy enough job, but the small town community doesn't like strangers.
Some Say No
Some Say No is a new Italian comedy with a very serious subject: the way the country's society is corroded by favoritism that pushes inferior people to the top in virtually every field. In Florence, three thirty-somethings band together to wage their own war on the system. Each of them is a person of talent who has been pushed out by "favorites" or raccomandati, people who have muscled in on the promotions they ought to have gotten by pulling strings.
Figli delle stelle
Five ordinary people disaffected with traditional politics -- a perennial temp, a docker, a university professor, a TV reporter, and a convict -- kidnap an elected politician and plan to donate the ransom money to the family of a blue-collar worker who died on the job.
아이 엠 러브
Antonio Biscaglia
밀라노의 재벌가문인 레키가에 시집온 엠마는 존경 받는 아내이자 세 남매의 자상한 어머니이다. 시아버지의 생일날, 남편 탄크레디와 아들 에도아르도가 집안의 공동 후계자로 지명되며 서서히 가문에 균열이 일기 시작한다. 화려하지만 어딘가 결핍되어 있는 자신의 삶에 회의를 느끼던 엠마는 아들의 친구인 요리사 안토니오와의 만남으로 알 수 없는 열정에 사로잡힌다. 한편 삶의 이유였던 아이들이 독립적인 삶을 찾아가자 기쁨과 동시에 공허감을 느끼게 되는 엠마. 결국 그녀는 걷잡을 수 없는 고독과 욕망으로 안토니오를 다시 만날지도 모른다는 기대감에 산로메로 향하는데...
The Early Bird Catches the Worm
Gianfranco Monti
Marco Baldini is a young man determined to become the voice of a major radio; he alternates between his job at Radio Deejay and his gambling addiction, that slowly consumes his life, his relationship with his girlfriend and his work skills.
A Whole Life Ahead
Now 25, brilliant Marta seems to have her whole life ahead after majoring in philosophy, but she has to face the ugly truth for young graduates in Italy: a complete lack of work opportunities outside of temp jobs. While babysitting for single mother Sonia, she starts to work at the call center of a company selling junk to housewives, quickly rising through its ranks and experiencing first-hand the fanatical and exploitative competition culture pushed on young employees. Around her revolve other people, like delusional supervisor Daniela, her boss Claudio, fragile coworker Lucio, and well-meaning but inconsistent union official Giorgio.
Don't Think About It
Having faced the reality of his failed career as a punk rock musician, 36-year-old Stefano Nardini returns home to his family in the small-town North.
Bartali: The Iron Man
Giulio Bartali
TV Miniseries (2 episodes) about life and rivalry of italian bikers Gino Bartali and Fausto Coppi.
Now or Never
2001. David, a university student about to graduate, gets involved in the anti-globalization movement after falling for activist Viola in the months preceding the fateful events of the G8 summit in Genoa.
B.B. e il cormorano
In a shabby residence on the coast between Livorno and Pisa, Mario, known as "Il Cormorano", a grumpy and disillusioned young man, works as a plumber to scrape together the sum necessary to realize his dream. He wants to join his uncle Piero in America to become an underground musician. His story is intertwined with that of Nevio, the cynical manager of the residence, of Gabriella, his naive and dreamy lover and of the maid Gaia who behind has a past as a drug addict, with whom Mario has a relationship of hate love. But reality is not as rosy as dreams:
B.B. e il cormorano
In a shabby residence on the coast between Livorno and Pisa, Mario, known as "Il Cormorano", a grumpy and disillusioned young man, works as a plumber to scrape together the sum necessary to realize his dream. He wants to join his uncle Piero in America to become an underground musician. His story is intertwined with that of Nevio, the cynical manager of the residence, of Gabriella, his naive and dreamy lover and of the maid Gaia who behind has a past as a drug addict, with whom Mario has a relationship of hate love. But reality is not as rosy as dreams:
Baci e abbracci
Alessio Bacci
A failed restaurant owner on the brink of suicide is suddenly treated with extreme deference and kindness by a group of strangers who host him in their home, no less! Truth is they have mistaken him for the government agent they were waiting for and treat him well only to get allowance for their floundering ostrich-breeding business.
From childhood to fatherhood, Piero learns things the hard way while growing up in a working-class neighborhood of Livorno.
Veronica, after a long trial and two years in prison for the alleged murder of her mother and her lover, is found innocent. She is only twenty years old, but it is difficult to look ahead...
Veronica, after a long trial and two years in prison for the alleged murder of her mother and her lover, is found innocent. She is only twenty years old, but it is difficult to look ahead...