Production Design
A dying widow plays matchmaker to her 32-year-old unmarried son and sets him up with a nurse that she meets.
Production Design
A married couple review their lives and renew their love for one another while driving to a friend's funeral.
Production Design
When the police finds a necklace with some criminal, a detective remembers that it was missing evidence in a murderer case many years ago. So it turns out that Jeff Hayes, sentenced to life-long prison, was innocent. After 18 years in jail he's finally released - but has problems finding back into normal life. There's his father who believed him guilty and his ex-wife Ellen, who told their son Kerry and her new husband Paul Kramer his father had died.
Production Design
When James admits to his mother that he is gay it strains her liberal attitude. A San Diego businesswoman, Audrey believes she is a modern, open-minded mother, but the news sends her reeling. However, the real shock comes when James asks her to travel to Arkansas and inform his lover's estranged mom, Luanne, that her son has AIDS. As Audrey and Luanne learn to put aside their prejudice toward each other, they soon discover how to share their thoughts, hopes and fears for their sons.
Production Design
Tyne Daly plays a woman who sees the dreams of her youth change over a 22-year period as, first, her surgeon husband leaves her for another relationship, and then, her children, on reaching adulthood, go their separate ways. Adapted from the 1988 novel by Rand Richards Cooper.
Production Design
매우 낙천적이고 진취적인 스텔라(Stella Claire : 베티 미들러 분)는 비록 바텐더 생활로 돈을 벌며 궁핍하게 살고 있지만 독립심이 강하고 자존심이 대단한 여인이다. 그녀는 핸섬한 청년 의사 스티븐(Stephen Dallas : 스티븐 콜린스 분)을 만나 그의 아이를 갖게 되지만 끝내 결혼하기를 거부한다. 결국 스티븐과 헤어진 스텔라는 오랫 동안 친구 사이로 지내온 에드 먼(Ed Munn : 존 굿맨 분)의 도움으로 딸 제니를 출산하고 미혼모가 되어 혼자 어렵게 양육한다. 점차 아름답고 발랄한 틴에이저로 큰 제니(Jenny Claire : 트리니 알바라도 분)는 스텔라를 엄마이자 자매, 또한 가장 친한 친구로 여긴다. 그러나 화장품 행상으로 근근히 생활비를 충당하는 스텔라는 하층 계급의 생활 수준으로 살아가야 하는 제니의 가난한 성장을 지켜보다 못해 이를 악물고 제니를 포기한다. 그리고 끝내 부유한 아버지에게 소중한 딸을 보내는 것이다.
Production Design
David is a six-year-old boy who is caught in the middle of his two feuding (& divorced) parents. His father, Charles, kidnaps him to California, where he eventually sets him on fire as a means of revenge against Marie, David's mother (Young David receives third-degree burns over 90% of his body). This movie chronicles David's struggle to recover and the obstacles he faces along the way.
Production Design
Two teens, Lisa and Kim, are playing games making prank calls on the phone. But when they call Adrian Lancer who has some mental problems, and say "I saw what you did", they ignite a human time bomb. Adrian has just killed someone and thinks they saw him do it. Now he is trying to find them.
Production Design
True story about a nurse's descent into the nightmarish world of substance abuse which endangers her life and the lives of her patients.
Art Direction
The Charters family falls into despair over their drug-addicted son Gary. They discuss his problems through the "Toughlove" program in searching for answers.
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Based on true story of teens Richard and Deborah Jahnke charged in Wyoming for the killing of their abusive father.
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Michael Pierson, a young gay man and professional attorney, is struck with AIDS in the prime of his life. Having never even come out to his family, he finds himself in the unenviable position of dropping two bombshells on them. He must come to terms with the inevitability of his premature death while trying to maintain his relationships with family members who harbor fears, resentments, and denial. Airing on network television during the height of the original AIDS epidemic, "An Early Frost" was many people's first look at an AIDS victim as a human being rather than a statistic.
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A dramatization of Gloria Steinem's undercover investigation of the working conditions Bunnies faced at the Playboy Clubs.
Production Design
Blanche Dubois goes to visit her pregnant sister and husband Stanley in New Orleans. Stanley doesn't like her, and starts pushing her for information on some property he know was left to the sisters. He discovers she has mortgaged the place and spent all the money, and wants to find out all he can about her. Even more friction develops between the two while they are in the apartment together...
Production Design
Who Will Love My Children? is a 1983 American made-for-television biographical film based on the life of Lucile Fray. Lucile Fray was diagnosed with cancer in 1952 and wanted to find suitable homes for her ten children, since she felt her husband could not properly care for them. Prior to her death, she succeeded. The film was directed by John Erman, written by Michael Bortman, and starred Ann-Margret in her first television film. It was originally broadcast on American Broadcasting Company. The same evening as its original broadcast, February 14, 1983, the children of Lucile Fray appeared on That's Incredible!, an ABC program.
Art Direction
Mike and Terry DeBray are a happily married couple whose lives change when the young daughter that Tony fathered out of wedlock suddenly appears and comes into their lives.
Art Direction
The wife of a Malaysian planter kills an employee of her husband one night, but her motive begins to appear not entirely truthful.
Production Design
A venerable San Francisco publishing family becomes embroiled in a bitter power struggle between the iron-fisted, but ailing, patriarch's son and a ruthless businessman who tries for a takeover.
Art Direction
Talented musician and free spirit Libby chafes under the rule of her divorced journalist mother, so she seeks emancipation from her parents and hits the road, soon joining the ranks of a traveling carnival. She gains the freedom she has longed for but learns some hard lessons along the way.
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When his teenage son is shot by the Houston police following a stolen van chase, his father undertakes a tireless investigation into the truth and uncovers the fact that the gun found with the boy's body was a "throwdown," a weapon planted by the cops.
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The story of James Thornwell, whose accusation that the U.S. Army used mind control drugs on him to force him to confess to stealing secret documents while stationed in Orleans, France, in 1961, led Congress to award him $625,000 in damages nearly 20 years later.
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A wife is sick and tired of her husband's infidelities, so she leaves home and goes back to grad-school. There she meets many self-confident women who help her find her own voice.
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The true-life drama about a handicapped Baltimore woman living on welfare who organized a sandlot baseball team and ended up coaching more than 50,000 boys and girls over nearly 40 years.
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A liberal-minded, divorced newswriter is the victim of a brutal mugging. Robbed of her confidence, she finds her life cloaked in fear and paranoia, causing her to reevaluate her lifelong beliefs.
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The tale of rock band KISS and their efforts to thwart a diabolical plan by mad scientist Abner Devereaux. Devereaux has found a way to clone humans into robots in his laboratory at an amusement park. It just so happens that he plans to uses the KISS concert as a platform to unleash his plan on the world. KISS must use their special powers to stop him.
Art Direction
Vampire Anton Voytek's lair is disturbed by the ground breaking for a new church. Anton attempts to start a modern life using his hoarded wealth, but finds it's been confiscated by the authorities. He takes revenge on the architect responsible, who in turn, aided by a retired detective, tries to hunt down and destroy Anton.
Art Direction
When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as Spider-Man.
Production Design
아내 제인(Jane Harper: 제인 폰다 분)과 아들 윌리(Billy Harper: 숀 프라이 분)와 평범하게 살아오던 평범한 가장 딕 하퍼(Dick Harper: 죠지 시걸 분)는 하루 아침에 일자리를 잃고 실업자가 된다. 이때문에 딕의 가족은 생활이 궁핍하여 생활고로 시달린리게 되자 여러 방면에 도움을 청하지만 되는 일이 없다. 딕과 제인은 생각 끝에 대출을 하러 갔다가 강도를 당하게 되는데, 도리어 인질이 되었던 제인이 강도가 턴 2천 달러를 손에 넣게 된다. 이에 이들 부부는 집에 전기불도 들어오고 한창 기분내며 호화롭게 저녁 식사를 하던 찰라, 생활보호 대상 신청자들에 대한 소득 수준 조사가 나와 난감에 빠진다. 다음날 딕의 제안으로 이들 부부는 총을 들고 실제로 강도를 하러 나선다. 열쇠가 꽂혀있는 남의 자동차를 훔쳐 타면서 시작된 이들의 강도 행동은 딕이 편의점에 총을 들고 들어갔다가, 권총이 바지 주머니에서 끼여 빠지지 않는 바람에 이 모양을 본 주인에 의해 콘돔만 여러개 사가지고 오는 등 헤프닝을 벌인다. 또 야간에는 현금 거래를 하지 않아 카운터가 비여있거나, 기껏 총을 빼들고 들어간 곳이 흑인 술집이든가 등 실수만 한다. 그러다가 결국 한탕 성공을 시작하면서 딕은 잠긴 모든 자동차도 여는 등 솜씨가 늘어가고 이들은 강도 행위는 성공을 거듭한다. 하지만 이것만으로는 생활이 나아지지 않자, 이웃에 살고 있는 템프트 우주 항공사 사장 찰리(Charlie Blanchard: 에드 맥마혼 분)가 뇌물로 받은 거액의 돈을 갖고 있는 것을 알고는 그것을 털기로 하고, 찰리가 주최하는 파티에 참석한다. 두 사람은 우여곡절 끝에 금고를 털고 나오지만, 금고가 털린 것이 발견된 경원원들에 의해 출구가 봉쇄 당한다. 찰리는 이것이 딕과 제인의 짓임을 알게 되지만 제인이 기지를 발휘, 이들 부부는 도리어 경찰에 신고하여, 돈의 노출을 꺼리는 찰리의 도움을 받으며 여유있게 파티장을 빠져나온다.
Art Direction
A sensitive but confused teenager feels pressure from all directions and turns to drugs, which causes problems for him in school and at home.
Art Direction
15-year-old Dawn runs away from what she feels is an intolerable home life. In the big city, she ends up turning to prostitution when she is unable to get a job due to her age. She meets Alexander, a young male hustler who takes her in, but when she starts working for a pimp, Alexander becomes a target.
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A valuable medallion believed to prove that aliens from outer space visited Earth in prehistoric times is sought.
Art Direction
In 1947 Los Angeles, a police detective tries to solve the shocking and grisly murder of 22-year-old aspiring actress Elizabeth Short.
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A rookie cop on the undercover narcotic squad falls for the junkie who can help him nab a ruthless pusher/killer.
Art Direction
A murder witness can't convince the police that the killer lives in the apartment across the courtyard from him, and he realizes he is the sniper's next victim.
Art Direction
When the President's plane mysteriously disappears with him on board, it is left to the seemingly weak Vice President to try to avert a nuclear exchange with the Chinese.
Art Direction
A commercial-jet captain (Chuck Connors) has ghosts on board from stones of an English abbey being shipped overseas.
Art Direction
Andy Griffith plays a philandering apartment house manager who picks up a pretty young girl (Suzanne Hildur) in a bar. He takes her home, whereupon the girl's male cronies show up armed with guns. Griffith and his wife (Ida Lupino) are held hostage by the crooks, who plan to use the apartment as headquarters while they pull off a big robbery. Director Paul Wendkos stages the action essentially from the victim's point of view; we see only what they see, and are kept guessing as to the full details of the crime and the ultimate fate of the hostages. Based on a novel by Fielden Farrington, The Strangers in 7A was first telecast on November 14th, 1972 as a CBS Movie of the Week.
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After several locals are viciously murdered, a Louisiana sheriff starts to suspect he may be dealing with a werewolf.
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When the President and Speaker of the House are killed in a building collapse, and the Vice-President declines the office due to age and ill-health, Senate President pro tempore Douglas Dilman (James Earl Jones) suddenly becomes the first black man to occupy the Oval Office. The events from that day to the next election when he must decide if he will actually run challenge his skills as a politician and leader.
Production Design
In order to prove his greatness to his unimpressed girlfriend, Mexican general Max takes a group of men across the border and recaptures the Alamo - international hijinks ensue!