A feature length documentary examining the horror films of director Bob Clark
A composer finds love with a co-worker after taking a job at his uncle's advertising agency.
Against a backdrop of clashing cultures, John Myron and Angela Wilson find each other and over the years form a powerful bond. One tragic night, John rescues Angela from a wicked act of betrayal. Faced with its aftermath, Angela flees town, unaware that she has put into motion a dramatic and intense string of events that will forever change the course of their lives. Harboring a secret, John guides Angela to a shocking realization that will uncover the past. A dramatic contemporary love story combining elements of spirituality, heart and integrity.
Original Music Composer
Workaholic reporter, Jack Elgin takes his family on a working trip to India, but their aircraft is hijacked in Cyprus by a previously-unknown terrorist movement, and his wife and daughter are among the slaughtered. With western governments suppressing key facts and unwilling to go after the terrorists, Jack uses his contacts and snooping skill to seek the truth himself.
Four young boys find a shipwrecked Japanese sailor during World War II and struggle with the decision to save him.
Major Murphy, a US Army Investigator, has received a new assignment. Sgt. Gammon is suspected of dealing cocaine from his base, and Murphy must gather enough evidence to shut down Gammon and his entire operation. Along with his partner, Lt. Andrews, the Major goes undercover to infiltrate the gang and find out just how far up the chain of command these activities are going.
A Writer identifies a murder, possibly mistakenly, in this tense plot twisting thriller.
FBI Special Agent Travis is trying to catch a deranged serial killer and is doing his best despite having a new and unexperienced partner in the form of Kelly McCord. It turns out that the serial killer is an entire army of disgruntled CIA mercenaries from Vietnam.
빅터 말릭(Victor Mallick: 존 스톡웰 분)은 친구이자 동업자인 변호사 마이클 반즈(Michael: 마리오 반 피블스 분)와 함께 자신의 집으로 향한다. 마이클은 결혼을 앞둔 빅터를 위해 깜짝 총각 파티를 준비했고, 빅터는 기꺼이 파티에 합류한다. 마약상인 피트(Pete: 앤드류 맥카시 분)는 담요로 스트립 걸 켈리(Kelly: 제니 맥쉐이 분)를 헹가레 치자고 제안한다. 하지만 예기치 못한 사고로 켈리를 바닥에 떨어뜨려 즉사시키게 되면서 상황은 점점 꼬여만 가는데...
College boy Trent is returning home for the holidays when he crosses the path of bad-girl Miya at a truck stop. When he agrees to give her a ride, he becomes part and parcel to all her twisted desires.
Original Music Composer
In order to get her husband back, an architect's psycho ex-wife kills everybody she can get her hands on.
Original Music Composer
Sharon Bell is back, this time she must stop a terrorist plot to smuggle Nazi nerve gas.
Original Music Composer
공군 퇴역 후 은둔 생활을 하던 더그 마스터즈(Doug Masters: 제이슨 카디어스 분)는 어느 날 공군 퇴역 장교인 채피 시이클레어(Chappy Sinclair: 루이스 고셋 쥬니어 분)의 방문을 받는다. 채피의 비행학교의 교사로 일해달라는 제안을 받고 처음에는 거절하지만 결국 비행교사로 가게 된다. 자기가 맡게 된 학생들이 다 문제아라는 것을 알게 된 더그는 채피에게 그만두겠다고 말하지만 채피는 다음달에 있을 비행 전투 시험까지만 있어달라고 부탁하고 더그는 어쩔수 없이 이를 승낙한다. 학생 중의 한 명인 휠러(Wheeler: 조안느 바니콜라 분)는 마약거래 혐의로 쫓기고 있는 신세였다. 전투시험 도중 도망간 아이들을 뒤쫓던 더그는 버려진 비행장에서 총격을 받게 되고, 그곳에서 이상한 물질이 담긴 드럼통들을 발견하는데...
Original Music Composer
A beauty contest turns into a hostage situation, when the Miss Galaxy competition is taken over by a gang, demanding a ransom of diamonds. Sharon, a kick-boxing actress, is the host of the show, and the thorn in the terrorists side.
It is now summer in the Parker family; and the usual amount of numerous events are happening in their separate lives. Ralphie is searching for the perfect top to use to beat the school bully with, the Old Man is in battle with their hillbilly neighbors, the Bumpus, while eagerly awaiting the discovery of the perfect fishing spot, and the Mother is attempting to collect all of the pieces of a glass china set at a local movie theater.
Time stops at midnight at the Senior Prom for five students, one murderous counselor, and John. They must find the courage to face themselves or, when time starts again, they may find that they are joining John's Club. All you have to do is commit murder... or suicide.
Original Music Composer
Mark Cahill is a good family man with a loving wife and two wonderful children. Mark also happens to be a hit man who is haunted by his last victim, a blonde, who keeps appearing in his bedroom at the worst of times. His life becomes even more complicated when he becomes caught up in the schemes of two business partners, one of the partner's spouse and her boyfriend(s).
Original Music Composer
After her mother is killed by a car bomb, a 17-year-old girl lives a reckless and decadent lifestyle. She begins having sex with a boy who works at a local ski resort. He falls in love, and she tells him of her suspicions that her strict father was responsible for her mother's death and wants him to help her out of her situation. He must decide whether she's telling the truth or using him to her own ends.
Original Music Composer
Moe, Rose and Lee Baumler are members of an upper class family who find the world completely changed when they lose everything in the stock market crash of 1929. Lee, a college-age young man, who now faces no possibility of entering college, decides to go on the road to see what is happening to the rest of the country.
"To Catch a Killer" tells the true gruesome story of John Wayne Gacy - a good friend and helpful neighbour, a great child entertainer, a respectful businessman, and a violent serial killer who raped and murdered over 30 young boys.
Original Music Composer
A child is traumatized when his father, a stuntman, dies in an attempt to go over Niagara Falls. Later, his mother meets and marries a truck driver, and things seem to be going OK. Then the new husband's creepy brother shows up, and the boy begins to get a sense that neither of the brothers is quite what they claim to be.
Original Music Composer
Carrying on the Prom Night tradition, this film begins back at Hamilton High School on Prom Night in 1957. As a young couple are enjoying a romantic moment together in the back seat of a car, they are interrupted by Father Jonas, a priest who slashes and immolates the lovers. Thirty years later, Jonas gets loose from the chapel basement where the church fathers had been secretly keeping him locked up and drugged. As luck would have it, it's prom night again, and group of four students have unfortunately chosen Jonas's hideout as their secluded getaway spot.
A police officer recovers from a nearly fatal injury with visions of a mysterious woman.
Original Music Composer
시노우 분교의 영화과 학생들은 영화과를 경시하는 학교당국에 불만을 갖고 하루 저녁의 철야 공포영화제를 연다. 공포영화계의 대부인 M 박사를 초청해서, 사흘 후면 철거되는 드림랜드라는 대형극장을 임대하여 입체프로를 준비한다. 영화제는 예상외로 성공해서 목표금액을 넘어선 수입에 학생들은 기뻐 어쩔줄을 모른다. 그러나 이상한 일이 일어난다. 교수인 데이비스(Mr. Davis: 토니 로버츠 분), 데이비스와 정을 통해오던 티나(Tina: 프레디 심슨 분), 남학생 토비(Toby: 톰 빌라드 분) 등이 계속해서 사라지는 것이다. 영화제를 앞두고 악몽에 시달리던 매기(Maggie: 질 쇼렌 분)는 아직 상영하지 않은 '임자'를 보고 자기 꿈과 같은 내용이라는데 놀란다. 교수나 학생들이 사라지는 것이 임자와 관계가 있는 것으로 판단하고, 임자의 제작, 감독, 주연이었던 란야드가 영화제에 나타날지도 모른다고 경계한다. 매기의 예측은 맞았고, 란야드는 영화제에 나타나 영화상영과 실제를 병행해서 공연을 마무리하려 계획을 추진한다. 그것을 안 매기와 란야드의 대결이 진행되는 영화제와 병행해서 진행된다. 매기를 자기 딸이라고 납치한 란야드와 입씨름을 하는동안, 매기는 그가 란야드가 아니고 15년전 매기의 아버지가 이모의 총에 죽는 사고가 났을때 일어난 화재로 불구가 됐던 토비라는 사실을 알게 되고, 매기를 사랑하는 마크의 도움으로 매기는 토비를 없애고, 가까스로 목숨을 구하는데...
Original Music Composer
Space-faring hero and galactically-renowned stud Flesh Gordon is kidnapped by a group of space cheerleaders hoping to use him to save their planet. A being simply known as Evil Presence has been rendering the men of their world impotent, and the women are desperate for some form of relief. Flesh's girlfriend Ardor, meanwhile, is following behind to try to keep him out of trouble, but soon finds herself kidnapped by Evil Presence's henchman who has plans of his own. Can Flesh get the men of this planet standing tall once again?
Original Music Composer
Mary Lou, the prom queen burned to death by her boyfriend back in the fifties, has escaped from hell and is once again walking the hallways of Hamilton High School, looking for blood. She chooses as her escort in world of the living Alex, an average depressed student with dreams of one day becoming a doctor. As Mary Lou begins to get back into form, the body count starts climbing and the graduating class of Hamilton High is once again smaller than expected.
Original Music Composer
독일 수상 후보인 폰 메츠(로버트 프로스키 분)가 히틀러(아이라 루이스 분)의 자살을 방조한 사실이 기록된 필름을 입수한 히틀러의 측근자인 스텍클러(잔 트리스카 분)는 그 필름으로 돈을 벌 수 있다는 생각에 필름을 가지고 미국으로 도망친다. 미국의 3류 영화업자인 커터만(돔 디루이즈 분)에게 거액의 돈을 받고 필름을 팔기로 한 것이다. 그러나 폰 메츠의 하수인인 그리머(폴 코슬로 분)가 필름을 갖고 있는 스텍클러즈의 뒤를 집요하게 쫓고 또 그 필름을 본 사람들은 모조리 죽이는 대 학살극을 벌인다. 왜냐하면 그 필름이 대중에게 발표되는 날엔 폰메츠가 나치당원이었음이 밝혀짐과 동시에 폰 메츠의 정치적인 생명도 끝나게 되기 때문이다. 처음엔 단순한 살인극인줄 알고 경찰에서 적극적으로 수사를 폈으나 정치적인 문제가 얽힌 사건임을 알고 경찰과 미연방수사국에서 사건을 더이상 확대하지 않고 조용히 무마시키려 한다. 그러나 정의감이 남다른 맥(진 핵크만 분)은 약간 정신적인 문제가 있는 엘리스(댄 에크로이드 분)와 함께 집요하게 사건을 추적하는데...
Original Music Composer
Through the experiment of a crazy scientist, his colleague Norman, model Erica and her photographer are sent back in time to the Romans. They arrive in a small village, controlled by the Roman Septimus Fabius and a fat village mayor. They teach the people the Rock'n Roll... and revolution. Of course the Romans don't appreciate their efforts - will Norman's Know How save them? Written by Tom Zoerner
Original Music Composer
A man inadvertently gets caught near a car explosion, and after he recovers from his injuries realizes that he has amnesia. Soon evidence begins to mount that he could be "The Claw Hammer Killer, " a serial murderer who targets for death the former patrons of a particular restaurant called Puzzles.
Original Music Composer
실험용으로 쓰이는 집채만한 뇌가 사람의 심리를 움직인다는 내용. 저예산으로 제작되어 한계가 많다. 국내 출시 비디오에선 여자의 극단적인 누드씬이 삭제되었다.
Original Music Composer
Another Canadian screwball comedy involving a horny college man who can't decide between his girlfriend and his teacher.
Original Music Composer
When Hamilton High's Prom Queen of 1957, Mary Lou Maloney is killed by her jilted boyfriend, she comes back for revenge 30 years later. Bill Nordham is now the principal of Hamilton High and his son is about to attend the prom with Vicki Carpenter. However, she is possessed by Mary Lou Maloney after opening a trunk in the school's basement. Now Bill must face the horror he left behind in 1957.
Original Music Composer
Harvey Keitel plays Penfield Gruber, a once great scientist, reduced to managing a sleazy hotel. Gruber monitors the daily comings and goings of his tenants, mainly for his own interest, until underworld figures ask him to spy on a suspected double-crosser. While watching the man, Gruber overhears a murder plot.
Original Music Composer
Apprentice lawyer Robin Weathers turns a civil suit into a headline grabbing charade. He must reexamine his scruples after his shenanigans win him a promotion in his firm, and he must now defend a college professor who is appearantly guilty of murder.
Original Music Composer
A pink meteor controlled by aliens lands near a small town and turns the local women into nymphos. A deputy sheriff and a local private eye investigate.
Original Music Composer
The ghost of a dead porn star comes to Earth to help a nerd with his sex life.
Music Score Producer
Hard boiled tales of tough molls and trigger happy gangsters, screwball chases, and wartime intrigue are spun together in this send-up of the 40's film noir adventure, with a modern twist. Stars David Foley, Roberta Weiss.
Original Music Composer
When the peaceful Morris family move to a small town and buy the town grocery store, they run afoul of the Cullen family. The Cullen's have been bullying the town's folk for years, and now they are harassing the Morris family every chance they get. Matt meanwhile meets and starts seeing a lot of Becky who also likes him. Unfortunately her last name is Cullen, and when the rest of the family finds out about their relationship, they decide to get even, and their harassment is elevated to vicious assault.
Horror anthology with segments entitled: "See No Evil", "The Intruder", "Have a Nice Day" and "The Good Samaritan".
Original Music Composer
An employee of a secret company operation becomes the victim of the company's special weapons project. He is transformed into a robotic killing machine that, because of his programming must destroy anything that comes near him.
It's about a serial killer with terminal cancer who leaves numbered cards on his victim's bodies, a girl who falls in love with him, a loser cabbie who becomes the prime suspect, an old asshole police sergeant, and a radio reporter who takes the law into his own hands.
Original Music Composer
Three robbers hide a stolen jewel inside a stuffed animal at one of the midway games in an amusement park. When Jack—a teen with a part-time summer job in the park—his best friend David and two girls hang out at the park, they get mixed up in the robbers' scheme to take back their jewel.
A series of mob style executions are taken care of by a female assassin (super-tough, of course) who sort looks like a mingling of Melanie Griffith in "Body Double" and Brigitte Nielsen in "Beverly Hills Cop II"
Original Music Composer
After New York City firefighter Terry Lynch is unable to receive any compensation for an injury incurred during the off-duty rescue of a young girl, he grows suicidal. Furious, his brother Jimmy attempts to have Mayor Tyler intervene, but the corrupt politician instead denounces Terry as a drunk. Determined to get justice, Jimmy begins a graffiti campaign of embarrassing slogans mocking the mayor, which soon captivates the city.
Original Music Composer
Three soldiers of fortune get together for one last job. However, one of them falls for a drug-addicted hooker, and when her crazed pimp gets involved, complications ensue.
Original Music Composer
총이라면 위험하다며 무조건 반대하는 어른들을 이해할 수 없는 랄피(피터 빌링스리 분)는 크리스마스 선물로 총알을 넣고 쏘는 카빈 총을 갖고 싶어한다. 엄마와 선생님,산타클로스 모두 총은 선물로 안된다는 말을 들은 랄피는 크게 낙담한다. 크리스마스 날 선물 꾸러미를 푸는 랄피는 심드렁하다. 그러나 아버지(대렌 맥가빈 분)는 어머니(멜린다 딜론 분)도 모르게 산타클로스가 갖다 놓은 것처럼 꾸며 랄피가 그토록 가지고 싶어하던 총을 랄피에게 준다.
Original Music Composer
A man investigates the disappearance of his sister with the help of her roommate. He uncovers a trail of prostitution, incest, blackmail...and murder.
A man investigates the disappearance of his sister with the help of her roommate. He uncovers a trail of prostitution, incest, blackmail...and murder.
Original Music Composer
Six young actresses auditioning for a movie role at a remote mansion are targeted by a mysterious masked murderer.
Original Music Composer
A group of three friends on a snowmobiling trip find themselves stranded at an abandoned lodge isolated in the mountains. They discover that an old woman resides in the hotel, along with an evil entity that she is keeping in the basement.
Original Music Composer
엔젤비치고등학교의 소문난 6명은 장난을 좋아하는 단짝 친구들, 그 중 어수룩하지만 유난히 여자를 밝히는 피위는 항상 친구들의 놀림감이 된다. 피위 일당은 여자를 구하러 이웃 마을의 성인 나이트 클럽 포키스에 가지만 포키에게 속아 돈만 빼앗기고 쫓겨난다. 더구나 그 마을 보안관인 윌러스는 포키의 동생으로, 포키와 작당하여 미키의 차를 망가뜨린다. 이를 항의하던 미키는 포키 일당에게 얻어 맞고, 친구들은 복수를 결심, 피위의 형이자 보안관인 테드의 지원을 요청한다. 트럭과 보트를 이용한 작전으로 포키 클럽을 산산히 부순 이들은 포키와 윌러스의 추격을 받으며 마을로 돌아온다. 그러나 마을경계에서 기다리던 테드는 미성년자를 출입시킨 혐의로 포키일당을 꼼짝못하게 하고, 포키 일당은 하는 수 없이 돌아가게 된다.
Original Music Composer
A tribute to the spirit and humanity of people who are physically different from the average: very tall and very large men and women, a bearded woman and her long-time husband, Siamese twins joined at the midsection, and several little people including actor Billy Barty. We meet some at Gibsonton, Florida, where carnival folk winter. They talk about their lives and accomplishments. The camera also goes on the road to visit a grandfather with a distinctive face, a legless mechanic from Kentucky on a second honeymoon in LA, a marathon runner and motivational speaker who has no feet, a karate student with partial limbs, and an armless, down-to-earth mom in Texas.
Original Music Composer
20년전 발렌타인데이에 일어난 탄광 함몰 사건으로 많은 이들이 숨졌지만 기적적으로 살아난 다섯명의 생존자가 있었다. 감독관들이 마을의 발렌타인 댄스 파티에 있는 동안 사고가 발생한 것인데 간신히 살아나온 해리는 정신병원에서 지내야 했고, 일년이 지난 후 발렌타인데이에 마을로 돌아와 피의 복수를 펼쳤다. 그로부터 19년후 이 악몽의 사건들이 희미하게 잊혀져 갈 즈음 탄광에서 광부로 일하는 티 제이(폴 켈만)와 애인 사라(로리 할리어)는 마을에서 열리는 발렌타인 축하 파티에 참석한다. 흥겨운 파티가 시작될 때 발렌타인 사탕상자가 배달된다. 그것을 열어보니 이상한 메시지와 함께 피가 뚝뚝 흐르는 심장이 담겨져 있는데...
Original Music Composer
A South American quasi-revolutionary/guerilla/terrorist and a misled, admiring girl compatriot manage to kidnap the U.S. President during a diplomatic visit to Toronto.
Original Music Composer
빈집의 2층에서 한 소녀가 떨어져 즉사한다. 같이놀던 니키, 웬디, 쉴리, 켈리는 두려움에 질려 시체를 버려둔채 달아나 버린다. 6년 후, 고등학생이 된 이들에게 알 수 없는 괴전화가 걸려오고 흉가가 된 빈집에서는 또 다른 사건이 일어난다. 한편 댄스 파티가 한창인 축제장에서는 킴과 니키가 최고의 파트너로 선정된다. 같은 시간 웬디, 쉴리, 켈리가 차례로 살해 당하는데.
A boy, expelled from military school, returns home to his fathers disappointment. He discovers that a motorcycle gang has been terrorizing his high school, and falls in love with the girlfriend of the gang's leader. He battles the gang, and wins both the admiration of his father and the love of the girl.
뉴욕의 밤, 거리의 여자들을 겨냥한 연쇄 살인 사건이 벌어진다. 경찰관 클라우디는 사건의 수사를 맡게 되지만 단서는 쉽사리 잡히지 않는다. 유일한 사실은 모델이자 호스티스인 모니카 페이지와 안면이 있는 여자들이 죽어간다는 것이다. 한편 클라우디는 첫번째 용의자로 포주이며 마약상인인 줄리커츠를 지목한다. 그러나 뜻밖에 모습을 드러낸 킬러는 매혹적인 젊은 여성인데...
Original Music Composer
셜록 홈즈와 와트슨은 화이트 채플에서 일어난 살인사건의 수사를 의뢰받게 된다. 수사를 의뢰한 사람은 과격 혁명파인 메이커스였는데 그의 의도는 어느 정부 고위층의 비리 폭로였다.