부푼 꿈을 안고 선생님이 된 하지메는 아이들을 다루는 게 서툴러 허둥대기 일쑤다. 어느 날, “반딧불이 날아다니면 참 예쁘겠다”이라는 하지메의 한마디에 아이들이 눈을 빛내며 관심을 보이자 하지메는 아이들과 반딧불을 키워 날려보내기로 약속한다. 하지만 시험과 공부에 전념하기만을 바라는 부모들과 학교의 반대에 반딧불 키우기는 계속 어려움에 부딪히는데… (2005년 한일청소년영화제)
Film director Mario Baba meets a mysterious gentleman, and realizes he is a important man from his boyhood. The two chase each other around, causing a lot of commotion.
This coming-of-age story from Japan opens just after 17-year-old Sataka has gotten dumped by her boyfriend. When her mother is hospitalized with a malignant stomach ulcer, Sataka is left alone with her emotionally repressed father; whiling away the hours one day, she comes across a love letter written to her mother 24 years earlier. Deciding to track down the letter's author, Sataka eventually finds Shinichiro (Hiroyuki Sanada), an overweight slob who was abandoned by his wife years earlier and now spends his time hanging around pachinko parlors. Determined to clean him up and reintroduce him to her mother, Sataka nags Shinchiro until he finally agrees to her demands, and a gradual friendship develops between the two as Sataka drags him to the gym and a clothing store. But once Shinchiro's makeover is complete, he turns the tables on his young friend, and when the time comes for him to meet Sataka's mother, all concerned parties find themselves embarking on a new phase in their lives.
Depicts the life of Nagaharu Yodogawa.
15년 만에 고향에 돌아 온 히나코는 어릴 적 친구 사요리가 물에 빠져 죽었다는 사실을 알고 충격을 받는다. 게다가 사요리의 엄마는 딸을 다시 살리겠다며 미친 듯이 사찰을 순례하고 다니고 있다. 사요리의 영혼이 맴돌고 사람들이 까닭 모르게 죽어 가는 불길한 마을에서 히나코는 사요리의 연인이자 자신의 옛 친구인 후미야와 사랑에 빠지는데...
Based on the comic by Hiroyuki Yasuda
Takanosuke Ushio and Tae Horikawa are unable to forget each other, even though they met and fell in love 20 years ago. They had promised each other that they would build a retreat in Shiguretei, but Ushio was hospitalized after a stroke a few days later, and when his wife, Takako, rushed to the hospital, she discovered their love affair, which in reality had not gone beyond kissing. Now, 20 years later, against the advice of her ikebana mentor, Tae rushes to meet Ushio at Shiguretei, only to see him clutching his chest in pain. Eventually, the design and plans for the dream retreat are seen by Tae, but she has to visit Kyoto alone... or maybe she's heading for somewhere else.
198X년, 젊은 시나리오 작가 시무라 료헤이는 최근 슬럼프에 빠졌다. 그러면 기회가 생긴다. 그는 일본의 클레오파트라로 알려진 전설적인 미녀 류조지 아키코의 컴백 영화의 대본을 써달라는 요청을 받는다. 료헤이는 바로 아키코를 만났지만, 그의 눈을 믿을 수가 없었다. 아키코는 이미 노파임에도 불구하고 젊고 잘 생겼다. 료헤이는 자신의 시나리오 작업을 하기 위해 아키코의 집으로 이사했다. 저택에서 아키코와 함께 사는 영화감독 미즈모리는 료헤이에게 "아키코와 자지 마라"고 경고한다. 사실, 료헤이는 놀라운 이유로 그 일에 선택되었다...
Tatari God (voice)
북쪽의 끝, 에미시족의 마을에 어느 날 갑자기 재앙신이 나타나 마을을 위협한다. 이에 강한 힘을 소유한 에미시족의 후계자인 아시타카는 결투 끝에 포악해진 재앙신을 쓰러트리지만 싸움 도중 오른팔에 저주의 상처를 받고 죽어야 할 운명에 처하게 된다. 결국 재앙신의 탄생 원인을 밝혀 자신의 저주를 없애기 위해 서쪽으로 길을 떠난 아시카타는 여행 중에 지코라는 미스테리한 수도승을 만나 재앙 신이 생겨나게 된 이유가 서쪽 끝에 있는 시시신의 숲과 관련이 깊다는 이야기를 듣게 되고 한시 바삐 서쪽으로 향한다.
Jukichi Takada
평범한 회사원인 야마시타는 아내가 바람을 피운다는 익명의 편지를 받고 현장을 확인한 뒤 아내를 칼로 찔러 죽인다. 그 길로 자수를 한 야마시타는 형기를 마친 후 치바현에 작은 이발소를 차리고 우나기(뱀장어)와만 대화를 나누며 살아간다. 그러던 어느 날, 그는 연못에 뛰어들려는 케이코를 구해주고 그녀를 자신의 이발소에 두기로 한다. 이발소 일에 익숙해진 그녀는 야마시타에게 애정을 느끼는데...
Akutsu Kaname
Kaoruko, the daughter of a doctor and attending a prestigious high school in Fukuoka, was vaguely anxious about the future. She's even more scared when her friend Natsumi invites her to membership-based prostitution club.
A Japanese boy in love with a girl of Korean origin must battle the prejudices of those around him in order to sustain the relationship.
Older, wiser but still a wandering loner, the blind, peace-loving masseur Ichi seeks a peaceful life in a rural village. When he's caught in the middle of a power struggle between two rival Yakuza clans, his reputation as a deadly defender of the innocent is put to the ultimate test in a series of sword-slashing showdowns.
Seiroku the Pimp
제2차 세계 대전을 앞둔 열렬한 민족주의자들의 수개월 동안, 반항적인 십대는 작은 내해 마을의 새로운 초등학교로 전학을 간다. 그는 그의 이복 여동생에게 낭만적인 관심을 갖는 학교의 지배적인 불량배와 경쟁한다. 그들은 그녀가 아버지의 빚을 갚기 위해 사창가로 팔려갈 것이라는 것을 알고 그녀를 풀어주기 위해 불안한 동맹을 맺는다.
Morio Kitazawa
카타자와가의 네 자매는 부모님이 돌아가신 후 쿄토의 철학의 길 근처에서 살고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 장녀 아야만이 키타자와가의 아이일 뿐 다른 세 자매는 시설의 경영 부진으로 보모를 하고 있던 키타자와 치요에게 맡겨진 것이라는 사실을 알게 된다. 네 자매의 사랑과 청춘을 그린 오요야마 카즈에의 동명 만화를 오바야시 노부히코 감독이 영화화하였다. 일본 드라마를 좋아하는 관객이라면 1999년부터 방영되고 있는 일본판 CSI 〈과수연의 여자〉의 주인공 사카키 마리코를 연기하는 사와구치 야스코의 20대의 풋풋한 모습에 놀랄 것이다.
한 평온한 학교에 거대한 태풍이 몰려온다. 태풍이 가까워져옴에 따라 학생들은 억눌렸던 본성을 서서히 분출한다. 소녀들이 키스하고, 소년은 짝사랑했던 소녀를 강간하려 한다. 아이들은 흥분상태에서 춤을 추고, 옷을 벗고 밖으로 뛰어나가 미친 듯이 뛴다.
Principal Okamoto
소심한 성격의 고등학생 히로키는 사진 촬영이 취미이다. 그날도 카메라를 든 채 시간을 보내던 히로키는 우연히 아름다운 소녀를 만나 마음을 빼앗긴다. 그런데 바로 그날, 히로키의 눈에만 보이는 또다른 소녀가 등장한다. 얼굴을 하얗게 칠한 이 소녀의 정체는 과연 무엇일까? 만화적인 표현과 유머러스한 상황이 돋보이는 코미디.
Two young men are recruited into the Japanese air force just before outbreak of WW2 by the test pilot of Japans new super fighter - the Zero. The movie is told in reverse from the point of one of the young men who don't qualify for the pilot training and instead joins the ground crew. It chronicles the entire history of the famous fighter from the first prototype test flights all through the war.
Shinji Koiwa
A single mother is being investigated into the death of her ex-husband, which brings to the fore the obscure details of her past.
Police in chief
인쇄소를 운영하는 '오노데라'는 어느 날 '타지마'라는 노인에게 '아마기산 살인사건'의 수사 참고 자료의 인쇄를 부탁받는다. 그 원고를 보고 그는 자신이 소년 시절에 겪었던 일을 떠올리게 되는데...
While Ryoko is in Vienna studying music, her boyfriend dies in a traffic accident. Ryoko believes that she has psychic powers which killed him, and when she returns to Japan she is sent to a mental hospital. While recovering, her brother-in-law, Kouji, decides to look after her, and she goes to his house to act as a governess for Kouji's sister Keiko's daughter, Alice – who Ryoko becomes increasingly sure had something to do with her sister Fuyuko’s death.
Story of three people, a barber, a Christian and a graduate of the Tokyo Military Academy during the 2nd World War.
Akio Saitoh
완전히 다른 성격을 가진 두 남녀 고등학생이 신사의 계단에서 굴러떨어진 뒤 몸이 뒤바뀌고 만다. 뒤늦게 이 사실을 안 두 사람은 크게 당황하지만 어떻게든 바뀐 몸에 적응하려 한다. 우스꽝스러운 사건이 잇달아 벌어지는 가운데 두 사람은 서로를 배려하는 법을 알아가며 조금씩 가까워진다.
조직원이 4명밖에 없는 조직의 우두머리가 죽기 직전 자기 피가 섞인 사람을 후계자로 삼으라고 한다. 유일한 후계자는 바로 갑작스러운 사고로 아버지를 잃은 여고생 이즈미 ! 그녀는 조직의 우두머리가 되고 아버지의 죽음이 마약 사건과 관련된 것을 알게 되면서 점점 사건에 말려들게 된다. 세라복 차림에 기관총을 쏘는 여고생 역 배우가 인기를 끌었던 소마이 신지 감독의 대표작. 1981년 개봉 당시 흥행 1위를 기록했고, 비평적으로도 주목 받은 작품이다. 가녀린 여고생이 기관총을 난사한 후 내뱉는 ‘쾌감’이란 대사처럼 이 영화는 관객들에게 묘한 카타르시스를 줄 것이다.
A lavish retelling of the true story of the final voyage and ultimate destruction and sinking of the battleship Yamato, Japan's greatest flagship during the Second World War.
The story is set in Bakumatsu and revolves around the Bunta Sugawara character, a yakuza (of course :) but instead of a modern yakuza/gangster, he's a gambler/bakuto). After he kills someone and gets wound, is saved by a blind woman (Mitsuko Baishô), who took care of him. They has a happy time under the protection of the Tomisaburo Wakayama character, an oybun. But of course, happy time doesn't last long. The story is also related to Okada Izo and the Shinsengumi (w/ Kondo Isami played by Makoto Sato)
Adaptation of a 1956 novel by Yukio Mishima.
Junka no Yatoji
토요토미 히데요시의 장군 시라누이(소니 치바)에 의해 막부의 리더 모모치가문은 몰살당한다. 구사일생으로 중국으로 도망친 어린 아들 타카마루(사나다 히로유키)는 몇 년간 쿵푸를 수련하고 복수를 위해 일본으로 돌아온다. 아버지의 유품인 칼 속에 숨겨진 금의 지도를 탐내는 쇼군 히데요시의 오른팔이자 실권자인 시라누이와 유명한 닌자 가문의 지도자 핫토리 한조 또한 타카마루를 쫓는다. 귀환해서 닌자 사부에게 인법을 배우는 타카마루, 옛 모모치 가문의 추종자들과 중국에서 온 소녀 아이린, 어릴 적 여자 친구이자 핫토리 한조의 여동생 오츠와 힘을 합쳐 쇼군에 대항한다
영화는 러일전쟁이라는 시대적 사건을 배경으로, 그 안에서 살아가는 다양한 인간군상들의 고통과 애환을 그리고자 하였으며, 가상인물의 대표인 코가 타케시와 실존인물의 대표인 노기 마레스케를 통해 각각 병사들과 사령관의 입장에서 전쟁을 통해 그들의 심경과 고통, 애환과 변화, 사연을 그려낸 수작이다. 인간 드라마 못지 않게 전쟁영화로서의 스케일도 당시 일본 최대를 자랑하였으며, 뤼순 요새와 203고지를 재현하기 위해 이즈오오시마(伊豆大島)에 대규모 요새 세트장을 건설하고, 당시 사용된 총기와 군복, 공성전의 백미인 280mm유탄포를 정확하게 재현해냄으로써 밀리터리에서도 높은 평가를 받았다.
After World War II, when Okinawa was under control of the United States, the local yakuza prospered. But when Okinawa is returned to Japan, the mainland yakuza tries to take over; the local yakuza tries to compete. Now sides are drawn among the local yakuza guys who used to be best friends since their childhood, and brother fights brother. It results in the biggest yakuza war in Okinawa.
평화로운 제루시아 행성은 야만스러운 가바나스 제국의 침략에 의해 완전히 폐허가 된 상태. 간신히 살아남은 사람들의 앞날은 위태롭기만 하다. 현명한 지도자는 8개의 성스러운 리아베 씨앗을 우주에 뿌린다. 이 씨앗들은 우주를 떠돌며 자신의 주인으로 합당한 영웅들을 선택해야 한다. 과연 제루시아 행성의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가. (2003년 제7회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Yasuo Fujiwara
After serving 10 years in prison for murdering a rival boss, Tetsu is appalled to see his yakuza family overgrown and dysfunctional upon his release.
준은 22세로 부모로부터 물려받은 바를 경영한지 3개월이 되었다. 가게를 도와 주고 있는 것은 어렸을 적부터 친구인 케이코이다. 하지만 어머니는 그에게 "케이코와 함께 하는 것은 너에게 좋지 않은 일"이라고 말한다. 아버지는 준에게 케이코가 강간 당해 귀가 먹었다고 이야기하자 준은 아버지를 죽인다. 돌아온 어머니는 자수하겠다는 준을 말리는데...
Kentaro Otaki
Mr. Soh, a righteous man with a cold stare and fists of steel, returns to a lawless post-war Japan in 1946. He protects the weak, defends the poor and knocks some good sense into friends and enemies alike. Rapists and gangsters get the worst of it, as Mr. Soh builds up his school on the island of Shikoku.
The first of many movies featuring the lighthearted adventures of two truck drivers. Momojiro and his best friend Kinzo take to the road on their cargo trucks impressing each other with their skills in driving fast and evading the police while transporting commodities throughout the country. Chance encounters with people along the way help them to come to terms with events clouding their past and offer them a shot at redemption.
Pinku from 1975.
Takeshi Ayato
When a priceless jewel owned by rich heiress Sabine is stolen, along with her daughter, Professional thief and hired killer Ryuichi Koga and his gang are hired to retrieve both. At a ransom exchange, the team save the girl but lose the money and the jewel. When Sabine decides to deal directly with the thieves and obtains the jewel on her own by paying the ransom, Koga, having been stiffed of his fee by Sabine, steals the jewel. Little does he know, it’s a fake. Now, Koga and the team must break into a high security bank to steal the real jewel.
A young talented dancer from Japan is invited to study ballet art at a school at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. She achieves professional success, for the first time real love comes to her. However, the girl’s happiness was short-lived — a sudden illness of blood interferes in the fate of the dancer, like an echo of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, where her parents lived.
Takeshi Hayato
Three street toughs are hired to take down a Tokyo drug dealer.
In Part I we see the young would-be swordsman setting out to achieve greatness in war, achieving nothing because fighting on the losing side, & then beginning his long period of wandering & training, with the goal always in mind of his duel with Kojiro. Part II builds toward that great duel on Ganryu Island, with considerable focus on Musashi's planning & forethought as to how to gain an advantage.
A fearless man confronts a yakuza organization pushing the envelope of extravagant & all sorts of violence.
The Akiba and Shimura crime families run the streets of “K City”. With the construction of new buildings and new factories underway, the city has sprouted into a boomtown and business is good. Two of the most infamous mobs of Tokyo want a piece of the pie. As out-of-town yakuza flood the city overnight, the crime boss of the Akiba family, Tezuka (Joe Shishido), is released from prison after a five year sentence. He does not like the "change" he sees.
Fresh out of jail, a smart-mouth wise guy Goro takes the name “Big Brother Katsumata.” Not fitting in well with established gangs, he forms a rag-tag gang called “the Shinjuku Brothers.” The members of their gang are thugs who only wish they were traditional yakuza. When they turn up at the funeral for a gangster, they are not welcomed, but a senior boss intervenes to keep things calm. The boss of bosses invites them to join a respected local council of warlords. Katsumata is suspicious of why such powerful men would extend an invitation to lowlife like himself.
Tani Shouichi
Akemi is a dragon tattooed leader of the Tachibana Yakuza clan. In a duel with a rival gang Akemi slashes the eyes of an opponent and a black cat appears, to lap the blood from the gushing wound. The cat along with the eye-victim go on to pursue Akemi’s gang in revenge, leaving a trail of dead Yakuza girls, their dragon tattoos skinned from their bodies.
A reformed gangster agrees to help a former yakuza member.
Lt. Takeo Kato
In the prewar days leading up to the Second Sino-Japanese War of 1937, head flight instructor Lt. Katō Tateo of the Imperial Japanese Army-Air Corps trains new volunteers from the Army's Infantry to become Japan's next generation of fighter pilots at the Tokorozawa Flying School. Flying Kawasaki Ko-4 biplanes, Lt. Katō will train both friend and future foe alike. But as war in China breaks out, Katō now in command of the 5th Rentai will take his untested men flying antiquated planes into aerial combat against the Chinese Air Force who is now headed by Lt. Cho who Katō both earlier befriended and personally trained himself. While Katō's squadron ultimately achieves air superiority over the skies of Manchuria, it comes at a high price in men to which each loss carries a heavy burden that he alone must carry. As the war widens into the Second World War, Captain Katō must battle an ever advancing array of deadlier new enemies flying ever more modern fighter planes.
14th in the 17 film Daiei "Woman Gambler" series
Film with Junko Miyazono.
Kenji Hirai
Adapted from the Seicho Matsumoto story "Tazutazushi". Ryohei Suzuki, a manager at a travel company, is married to his superior's daughter, but tires of their authority over his life. A chance encounter with Yukiko Hirai one rainy night brings a new romance into Ryohei's life, and he and Yukiko fall deeply in love. Yukiko, however, reveals that she has a violent husband in prison - with only a week left until his release. Ryohei, desperate to maintain his social standing, brings Yukiko to the mountains in Nagano and sets in motion an unthinkable, tragic chain of events.
Yasaburo Kashiwazaki
Zatoichi is forced to kill a young man who owes a debt to a yakuza boss. Moments later, his sister Osode arrives with the money she earned (prostituting herself) to pay his debts. The bosses true motives are revealed and he attempts to steal Osode even though the debt is paid. Zatoichi realizes his grievous error and protects the girl from the gang. Osode and Zatoichi are caught in a dilemma as she must rely on her brother's killer for protection and Zatoichi wrestles with the injustice he has caused.
미·일 전쟁을 피하고자 했지만 이를 더이상 피할 수 없게 되자 진주만 기습 전격전을 기획해 전쟁을 일찍 종결 짓고 일본의 승리와 종전을 얻어내고자 했던 야마모토 이소로쿠 제독의 용단과 고뇌.
The second of two films based on the novel by Futaro Yamada.
Police investigators investigate the link between a serial killer's machinations and a young man who committed suicide.
Detective Tezuka
A killer-for-hire gets mixed up with a cast of wacky characters involved in a gold smuggling route from Beirut to Tokyo.
Major Hidemasa Koga - 1st Imperial Guards Division
1945년 8월 6일과 9일 원자폭탄이 투하되고 8일 소련참전이 이뤄지자 궁지에 몰린 일본은 결국 포츠담 선언을수락한다. 그러나 끝까지 항전할 것을 외치던 일부 군인들은 8월 15일 정오에 발표된 옥음방송(항복방송)을 저지하기 위해 쿠테타를 계획한다. 그렇게 종전까지 24시간, 일본의 가장 긴 하루의 막이 열린다! 오야 소이치의 논픽션을 원작으로 전중파 오카모토 기하치 감독이 제연출을 맡은 토호전기대작 8・15 시리즈 중 제1편.
(2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
Ken Hayata
In Hong Kong an International Secret Police (ISP) Agent is murdered while investigating ZZZ, a group bent on assassinating the Prime Minister of Buddhabal. ISP Agents Carter and Kitami are assigned to the case. When the Prime Minister arrives in Tokyo for a friendship visit, Carter and Kitami are on hand to protect him. On hand, too, are assorted ZZZ blackguards. Several attempts on the Prime Minister's life fail, until finally the ZZZ introduces a new device designed to eliminate not only the Prime Minister but the ISP Agents as well: THE KILLING BOTTLE, then, is a pocket-sized container filled with a substance that can expand to thousands of times its size and throttle its victim, then disappear leaving only the corpse.
Yatōta Gōemon
Farmer Abare Goemon is confronted by brigand-like samurai. He raises an army of farmers to fight them and does so brilliantly. When Lord Asakura sees the success Goemon has achieved, he attempts to recruit him to fight in a conflict between Asakura and another clan. Goemon refuses, and Lord Asakura sets out to destroy him.
Phil's Partner
In comic Woody Allen's film debut, he took the Japanese action film "International Secret Police: Key of Keys" and re-dubbed it, changing the plot to make it revolve around a secret egg salad recipe.
Goro (Kudo's younger brother)
Four sisters are all named after flowers. While the two youngest are married, the eldest two remain single, much to the annoyance of their long-suffering mother. The mother and her brother try various schemes to find husbands for them.
Japanese war movie.
Osami, a soldier-of-fortune from Japan, joins with priest Ensai in a quest for the ashes of the great Buddha. Their journey takes them to a kingdom in the Middle East, where they find intrigue and romance in the court of an evil king.
Charged with insubordination for punching a superior, Sergeant Kosugi is shipped to China in the last desperate days of the Second World War. His commander, Captain Sakuma, is vicious and dictatorial. Sakuma places Kosugi in charge of training for combat what once was the military band. Kosugi must somehow prepare his inept soldiers for the rigors of combat.
Commander Amano
In 1943, the Aleutian island of Kiska was fortified by a small contingent of Japanese soldiers. When word arrived of an impending attack by an overwhelming force of Americans, the Japanese Navy attempted one of the most daring and unlikely evacuations in military history. This is that story.
The first of two films based on the novel by Futaro Yamada.
The 1965 Japanese yakuza film is the last episode of the Ankokugai series.
Inspector Yagyu
In the third installment in the "Kokusai himitsu keisatsu" series, agent Jiro Kitami investigates the mysterious disappearance of a prominent scientist. Edited into Woody Allen's "What's Up, Tiger Lily?" along with the 4th film in the series, "Key of Keys".
Shuri Kusanagi
Set at the end of the Siege of Osaka this film follows the exploits of several members of the defeated Toyotomi clan as they cope with the post battle chaos and the persecution of the Shogun's army. Five samurai decide on different fates when it becomes clear that their side is being destroyed. One wants to attack the enemy head on in a final honorable death. Another decides to commit hari-kiri but wants to find a glorious view to do it. His close friend, the "coward", just wants to run and give up the life of a samurai. The final two set their own castle on fire to garner favors from the enemy and therefore avert their own death during the massacre of all defeated soldiers as
A group of criminals whose diamond heist goes wrong retreat to a WWII era bunker where tensions begin to rise.
The sixth film of the desperado outpost series directed by Takashi Tsuboshima
The Black Pirate
An adventurous and daring sailor sets sail to the castle of an ailing king to stop an evil premier, hungry for power and wealth, from succeeding the throne and marrying the king's beautiful daughter. Along the way, with the help of some courageous rebels and a lustful wizard, he must overcome the powers of a bewitching witch, a band of ruthless pirates, and the castle's Imperial guards. He must also free those kidnapped into slavery and restore the king's reputation.
Film number six in the Desperado Outpost serie directed by Jun Fukuda
Natsuo Ezaki
Agent Jiro Kitami attempts to stop a smuggling ring from shipping arms to Vietcong guerrillas.
The fifth film of the desperado outpost series directed by Senkichi Taniguchi
A brave, highly principled warrior resigns his post as a body guard to the head of a powerful clan after he learns that his employers have been smuggling arms to the enemy. The remaining samurai try in vain to coerce him back, but their efforts are thwarted by crooked warriors who launch an attack...
Teppei Yano
Lt. Col. Senda resists the idea of sending Japanese fighter pilots on suicide missions. He believes that what is really necessary for Japan to regain momentum in the war is for the air force to gather its most brilliant pilots into an elite squadron and use the unit to pinpoint attacks on the Americans. Disrespected by the kamikaze pilots who think the "non-suicidal" pilots are afraid, the unit redeems itself by stunning victories. But success leads the military leaders to expect too much of the unit, and new orders portend disaster.
Toho-produced crime drama involving the drug trade.
Kazuemon Fuwa
아코낭인 사건 이라고도 하는 이 사건은 도쿠가와 막부의 제 5대 쇼군 도쿠가와 쓰나요시가 집권하고 있던 1701년 에도성에서 일어났다. 칙사 접대를 담당한 아코성의 성주 아사노 다쿠미노카미가 의전 담당인 기라 고즈케노스케를 칼로 쳤으나 미처 죽이지 못하였지만, 그날로 할복을 하고, 가옥과 성이 몰수된다. 도쿠가와 막부의 조치에 불만을 지닌 아코성 가신인 오이시 구라노스케 이하 낭인 46, 총 47명이 그 다음해 12월에 기라의 저택을 급습하여 그를 죽인 후, 그 목을 아사노가 묻혀있는 센가쿠지(泉岳寺)로 들고가 복수를 완성하고, 1703년 3월 도쿠가와 막부의 결정에 따라 46명 할복했던 실제 사건을 그린 영화이다.
Soldiers on the front lines in China during World War II are besieged by guerrilla attacks and attempt to destroy an enemy fort.
Ryusuke Oki
Japanese neo-noir crime drama movie directed by Jun Fukuda
Takashi, who took the blame when his father shot a gangster, returns home after serving a four-year sentence, only to find it infested with yakuza running a dope ring. Battling gangsters all the way, Takashi searches for his former girlfriend, now a drug addict.
Four fishermen friends are caught up in a piracy plot.
Taut thriller about a too-perfect criminal case against an ex-convict that makes a nosy detective suspicious.
Ken Sudô
에 이어 세키자와 신이치가 각본을 맡은 오카모토 기이치 감독의 '암흑가'시리즈 중 하나. 테스트 드라이버 였던 형의 사고사를 수상하게 여긴 한 남자가 사건의 진상을 파헤치던중 국제적인 산업스파이단이 관련있음을 알게되는데… (2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
Follow-up to Desperado Outpost (1959) sees Japanese soldiers seeking the flag of a defeated regiment in China.
Lt. Matsuura
Lt. Koji Kitami is a navigator-bombardier in Japan's Naval Air Force. He participates in the Japanese raid on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in 1941 and is welcomed with pride in his hometown on his return. As Japan racks up victory after victory in the Pacific War, Kitami is caught up in the emotion of the time and fights courageously for the standard of Japanese honor. But his assuredness of his government's righteousness is shaken after the Japanese navy is defeated in the debacle of Midway.
Japanese police detective Saburo Fujioka is suspected of corruption, demoted, and sent to the city of Kojin. Kojin is the scene of fierce fighting between rival gangs. Fujioka is assigned to investigate the death of the wife of gangster Tetsuo Maruyama of the Kozuka gang, probably at the hands of one of the Oka gang. During a gang gunfight, Maruyama is rescued by Detective Fujioka and the two become friends. But Maruyama insists on avenging his wife's murder, even if it means conflict with his new friend.
Sergeant Okubo, alias Araki
When Sergeant Okubo's brother is murdered at a Japanese outpost in Northern China during the Second World War, Okubo poses as a war correspondent and seeks out his brother's killer.
A promising post-graduate literature student is transformed into a psychotic killer following the suicide of his father and a sleazy affair by his mother with a younger man.
암흑가에 몸담고 살아가던 형제가 어느 한 사건을 계기로 조직에서 발을 뺀다. 하지만 조직은 이들의 목숨을 노리는데… 등 경쾌한 청춘영화를 만들어온 오카모토 기이치감독의 첫 액션 영화. 맛깔나는 연출로 한껏 멋을낸 오카모토 기이치 감독의 세번째 작품. (2011년 한국영상자료원 - 오카모토 기하치 감독전)
Yamada foot soldier (uncredited)
전쟁포로에서 탈출한 두 농부가 고향으로 돌아가던 중 우연히 황금을 발견한다. 그 황금은 비밀 요새에 은신 중인 유키 공주와 마카베 장군이 왕국의 재건을 위해 숨겨둔 것. 이제 유키 공주와 마카베 장군은 두 농부와 함께 황금을 짊어진 채 적진 한가운데를 관통하는 대장정에 나선다.
말을 타고 달리면서 벌어지는 군무, 위기가 끝나는 순간 다시 시작하는 위기, 두 장수가 만나서 벌이는 진검승부, 그리고 유머와 교묘한 극작술, 호쾌한 주인공들과 다양한 등장인물 속에서 구로사와 아키라는 이제는 더 이상 볼 수 없는 통쾌무비한 재미의 진수를 펼쳐보인다. 구로사와 특유의 호쾌한 액션과 유머 감각이 빛나는 작품으로 최고의 엔터테인먼트 영화 감독으로서 구로사와의 탁월한 능력을 확인시켜주는 영화. 조지 루카스의 스타 워즈의 모태가 된 것으로도 특히 유명하다.
The first work of 27-year-old director Eizo Sugawa, contrasting a politician father and his son, a drummer in a student band. It depicts the conflict between old and new morals, and the lives of young people.
Uchida, gangster
Nuclear tests create a radioactive man who can turn people into slime.