Edgardo Castro

Edgardo Castro

출생 : , Buenos Aires, Argentina

프로필 사진

Edgardo Castro

참여 작품

Southern Storm
Ricardo Zelarrayán
Jorge Villafañez is a rotund, veteran private detective living alone in a high-rise apartment in Buenos Aires. Discreet and meticulous, he has a knack of making people open up in conversations. But when a new assignment puts him on the trail of Elvira, an experimental choreographer, the distance between the observer and the observed begins to collapse as Jorge descends into the rising waters of the Delta del Río de la Plata.
리나 프롬 리마
It’s Christmas season. Ten years have passed since Lina traveled to Chile to work as a domestic worker away from her son who lives with her grandmother in Peru. Manuel, a former employer, ask her to supervise the construction of a swimming pool for his daughter Clara in his new house. In this half-inhabited space, Lina spends the day taking care of Clara, while at night, she has furtive sexual encounters with strangers that confront her with her deep solitude.
Red Point
In some vacant area in the Buenos Aires province, Diego is taking part in a radio contest that consists of answering a series of questions about his beloved team Racing Club. Meanwhile, in the blink of an eye, a man falls from the sky on the hood of his car, another man ends up gagged in the trunk, a secret agent shows up weapon in hand and a plane crashes just meters away.
Clock, Solitude
The new film by César González follows a maintenance employee at a printing house whose routine, almost as automatic as the movements of the company machines, is altered when she makes a decision that threatens both her job and her everyday life in the neighborhood.
Hilda's Short Summer
Hilda must be responsible of a decision that she took long time ago. Her life is altered by the news that her son is coming to visit her after several years away. She tries to replenish her weathered image by the passage of time. This will stir her reality and her link with the past.
죽음이 다가와 당신의 눈을 가져가리
평생을 함께 산 아나와 마리아. 말기 암 진단을 받은 마리아를 위해 숲속 나무집으로 이사한 이들은 그곳에서 자연스럽게 죽음이 다가오길 기다린다. 틀에 박힌 일과에 묻혀 지내던 커플은 자신들에게 찾아온 고통의 순간을 함께 이겨내며 다시금 사랑을 확인한다.
더 사이암 본드
Stella and her mother Clota must travel from Junín, where they live, to the town of Costa Bonita, in Necochea, to see some apartments that Stella's father left her. This will become a nuisance for Stella, since her mother is someone difficult to deal with: she complains, she is afraid of everything, she says hurtful things and she keeps remembering the past. Paula Hernández's new film narrates the journey by bus of these two characters, a simple premise for a film almost always in tension as its two protagonists, brilliantly played by Valeria Lois and Rita Cortese. The only respite for poor Stella, and for the film itself, are conversations she has with Primo (Sergio Prina), one of the bus drivers, moments of calm amidst so much storm that, later on, will become literal.
22살 여자와 23살 남자는 도시 외곽 출신이다. 여자는 마약 밀매를 하며, 남자는 주거 침입으로 감옥에 있다. 감옥 면회와 사랑, 섹스가 대도시 부에노스아이레스에 뒤섞여 있다. "개구리들"은 쇠창살 뒤 감옥 안에서 사랑을 찾는 여자에 대한 이야기이다. (제22회 전주 영화제)
Art Direction
22살 여자와 23살 남자는 도시 외곽 출신이다. 여자는 마약 밀매를 하며, 남자는 주거 침입으로 감옥에 있다. 감옥 면회와 사랑, 섹스가 대도시 부에노스아이레스에 뒤섞여 있다. "개구리들"은 쇠창살 뒤 감옥 안에서 사랑을 찾는 여자에 대한 이야기이다. (제22회 전주 영화제)
22살 여자와 23살 남자는 도시 외곽 출신이다. 여자는 마약 밀매를 하며, 남자는 주거 침입으로 감옥에 있다. 감옥 면회와 사랑, 섹스가 대도시 부에노스아이레스에 뒤섞여 있다. "개구리들"은 쇠창살 뒤 감옥 안에서 사랑을 찾는 여자에 대한 이야기이다. (제22회 전주 영화제)
22살 여자와 23살 남자는 도시 외곽 출신이다. 여자는 마약 밀매를 하며, 남자는 주거 침입으로 감옥에 있다. 감옥 면회와 사랑, 섹스가 대도시 부에노스아이레스에 뒤섞여 있다. "개구리들"은 쇠창살 뒤 감옥 안에서 사랑을 찾는 여자에 대한 이야기이다. (제22회 전주 영화제)
돌아온 사람들
이구아수 폭포 근처 부유한 영주의 아내 줄리아는 며칠 째 계속 악몽을 꾸고 있다. 남편은 원주민인 과라니 부족의 침입을 막기 위해 울타리를 세우지만 줄리아는 아들 마누엘의 안전이 불안하기만 하다. 어느 날 마누엘이 집에서 사라지고 아들을 찾아 산중을 헤메이던 줄리아는 폭포 아래에서 1년 전 죽은걸로 알고 있던 하녀 케라나를 마주하게 된다.
36 horas
Un día de caza
The grass men - That's my duck! - Silence, Dvorak! -Kill that fly - Eat grass - Walkie Talkies - Fly fishing - The fan episode - Tourists under the bridge - The boat has a life of its own! - An American Anthem - The Canoe Ride Some blond idiots - Photo! - Hit the partner - Buckets falling from the sky! - Hunting in the mountains - The car has spasms - A flying umbrella! - Kicks in the butt - The top of the mountain - Tire throwing - The car goes alone! To catch a wheel - The river - A Cordovan quartet - Conservative throw - The water wells - Combat with umbrella - Trap with towel - Hip break - Gomerazos - Some children in the river - Drowning Kill the partner - A heron in the waterfall - Cross the river - He's a man of grass! - A shotgun for a deck chair - Shoot your neighbor - Aaaahhhh !!! - The last laugh - Dying, reviving and dying forever on the mountain
The Debt
Mónica did not make a client's payments of the office where she works. The missing 15K pesos not only commit her but also a colleague, who is the one who discovers the fault. It seems that is not the first time that this happens, but the colleague, despite his anger, kept silence and chose to believe her again: Mónica commits to replenish the sum of money the next morning.
Diario de el loro y  el cisne
This film, Diario de el Loro y el Cisne, is one of the results of this process of writing directly over the images and sounds. It is made entirely from discarded material from the film Loro y el Cisne. I'm not entirely sure of the result. The only thing I can say about it is that it's extremely sincere.
패밀리 멤버스
Body-obsessed teenager Lucas and his mystically-inclined older sister, Gilda, unexpectedly become stranded when they travel to a nearly deserted coastal town to try to fulfill their dead mother's last wishes in whatever way they can.
Art Direction
Every year for the holidays, a lonely man visits his night owl family, who only occasionally leaves home. After his debut with La noche, Edgardo Castro returns with a film that finds genuine moments of cinema in the confinement, the silence and the apparent daily insignificance.
Every year for the holidays, a lonely man visits his night owl family, who only occasionally leaves home. After his debut with La noche, Edgardo Castro returns with a film that finds genuine moments of cinema in the confinement, the silence and the apparent daily insignificance.
Every year for the holidays, a lonely man visits his night owl family, who only occasionally leaves home. After his debut with La noche, Edgardo Castro returns with a film that finds genuine moments of cinema in the confinement, the silence and the apparent daily insignificance.
Every year for the holidays, a lonely man visits his night owl family, who only occasionally leaves home. After his debut with La noche, Edgardo Castro returns with a film that finds genuine moments of cinema in the confinement, the silence and the apparent daily insignificance.
Just like someone who takes out his dog for a walk everyday, Petriz is condemned to watch and hear every move from a woman inside a house. We don’t know why or for what reason. We’re just there, alongside Petriz, watching and hearing.
Twelve Nails
Late night. Ana is sleeping alone in a double bed. Her cellphone rings. Dazed, she turns on the bedside lamp to shake off her sleep. Reluctanly, she gets out of bed and, at 2 AM on one of those nights when you can see the vapor of your breath, she showers, gets dressed, puts on her makeup, walks to the avenue and takes a cab to the other side of town, so she can go deep into something more than the darkness of the night.
Profesor Guerrico (segment "El Colegio")
예측불허의 끔찍한 재난, 학교를 둘러싼 기이한 괴담, 복수극, 살육, 스너프 필름에 이르는 다섯 가지의 도시 괴담이 현실로 벌어지고 아르헨티나의 수도인 부에노스아이레스는 살아있는 지옥이 된다. 한 정치인은 15명의 시민이 죽는 도시 비극의 책임에 대해서 공분을 사게 되고, 사람들은 각자의 내면에 잠들어 있던 악마성을 하나 둘 씩 꺼내어 보이게 되는데...
The Night
Martin moves around Buenos Aires at night, picking up guys, going to clubs, scoring drugs and having sex. Sometimes he’s paying and sometimes his trans sex-worker friend or another woman takes him along for a threesome.
The Night
Martin moves around Buenos Aires at night, picking up guys, going to clubs, scoring drugs and having sex. Sometimes he’s paying and sometimes his trans sex-worker friend or another woman takes him along for a threesome.
The Night
Martin moves around Buenos Aires at night, picking up guys, going to clubs, scoring drugs and having sex. Sometimes he’s paying and sometimes his trans sex-worker friend or another woman takes him along for a threesome.
The Missing Part
El doctor
In a world on the brink of collapse, Chockler receives the mysterious Lucrecia's mission to find a man named Victor, dead or alive. Little by little, he discovers a network of implications between the horse races, genetic experiments, and a series of strange and superhuman nature facts, in the deep night of the city.
Two Shots Fired
Mariano, 16, inexplicably and without warning, shoots himself twice and improbably survives. Then, life goes on. His brother pursues a romance with a girl working at a fast-food joint, his mother takes off on a trip with a stranger, and Mariano recruits a woman to join his medieval wind ensemble.
History of Fear
A hot summer. A private district with an enormous park. An abandoned plot of land in the suburbs and an uncontrollable wave of smoke spark uncertainty and chaos.
The Parrot and the Swan
Loro, a sound recordist, meets Luciana, a dancer, and falls in love whit her. When she quits their ballet production and leaves, Loro looks for her in San Francisco, Argentina.
She Wolf
She Wolf is a serial killer who traps her men in the subway in Buenos Aires. She seduces, has sex with them and kills them. But one of those men is a police officer who is investigating her crimes. Running away from him she meets a dealer with whom she stars a relationship. This romance unravels a war between her three personalities: the monster woman, the sensual woman and the human woman who can still love.
A junior screenwriter called Juan Garofalo is hired by film director Samuel Goldszer to write his new film: a gangster movie set in Buenos Aires. In each meeting, the filmmakers create a story that takes place in an imaginary Pompeya neighborhood. So the characters are born: Dylan, the brutal hero of the underworld, Timmy, his disturbed, deaf-mute brother, and Lana, the femme fatale who begins the love triangle. But Pompeya hides a secret and is disputed by the Russian and Korean mafia, and Dylan is caught in a sequence of bloody crimes. Dylan fights for survival while Juan, his creator, lives with greed and misery the experience of an imaginary system of evil powers. And when pure fiction and reality are completely corrupted, the unexpected happens.
One Love
Dante grande
A summer vacation in the 70s. Lalo and Bruno are teenagers doing nothing on days full of nothing. But on a hot and humid afternoon, and without asking for permission, Lisa arrives smashing more than the letargy of the town. Thirty years later Lisa comes again to interfere in the lives of these two adults.
카스트로는 직장을 구하기 위해 애인과 함께 도시로 떠난다. 그런데 의문의 남자들이 카스트로의 행방을 쫓는다. 거기다 카스트로와 거의 헤어지다시피 한 아내까지 그를 뒤쫓기 시작한다. 카스트로는 자신을 뒤쫓는 자들을 피해 도시의 거리를 달리고 또 달린다. 작가 새뮤얼 베케트의 1938년작 『머피』에서 영감을 얻었다고 한다. 긴장을 늦출 수 없는 도심 추격전은 우스꽝스러우면서도 신선한 혼돈에 빠지기도 한다.
Buenos Aires. It rains. Alma is in her car, stuck in Buenos Aires' traffic. She has recently broken-up with her boyfriend, and she has been living in her little car since then. Suddenly, Roberto gets into the car. He's wet and hurt, he's tired of the rain, of broken dreams. He has come back after thirty years abroad. In this new city he has nothing and nobody, just a father in coma, whom he has no relationship. He promises to leave the car as soon as the rain ceases. Alma, not knowing exactly why lets him in. That night will be different. And the next few days too. There's something new to find in the depth of their hearts.