Revealing the fascinating impact of the ground-breaking Gothic drama Dark Shadows with a compelling blend of rare footage and behind-the-scenes stories exploring the diverse talents of creator-producer-director Dan Curtis.
The Battlestar Galactica and its ragtag fleet of ships finally arrive at the Earth, only to discover that the planet is not prepared for the inevitable Cylon invasion.
A Kentucky-born maiden realizes her dream of becoming a country music star. However, she discovers that her single-minded determination has caused her to lose things far more precious than fame or money when she gets involved with a group of corrupt music executives.
A malevolent old house is pervaded by evil spirits who inflict harm upon the occupants. Their latest victim is a woman who is overcome with hatred for her family.
솔로몬 군도에서 복무 중이던 케네디 중위는 1943년 8월 1일 과달카날 전투 사령부로부터 일본군 보급품을 수송 중인 일본 해군 구축함을 공격하라는 명령을 받았다. 출동한 케네디 중위의 어뢰정 PT 109는 다음날 새벽 일본 구축함에 들이받혀 두 동강이 나 침몰한다. 생존한 승무원들과 케네디 중위는 일본군의 눈을 피해 근처 섬으로 숨어 들어가는데... (채널 더 무비)