Barbara Hin

참여 작품

All Against All
This richly illustrated historical documentary investigates the mechanism of nationalist feelings that radicalise. It shows how fascism was on the rise even a decade before the founding of the NSB, due to a number of anti-democratic initiatives led by a millionaire with a predilection for one-legged women, a market vendor, a cleric, and an artist. Historians, writers and collectors of fascist curios reveal how an initially marginal and fragmented movement grew into a radical populist party.
스모그 타운
랑팡은 중국에서 가장 공기 오염이 심한 도시 중 하나다. 랑팡 지역 환경보호국의 관심과 이해관계는 지역 산업의 이해와 정면으로 충돌하고 동시에 정치적 압력에도 시달리고 있다. 대기오염에 맞서는 중국의 노력을 보여주는 하나의 케이스 스터디.
카불, 바람에 흔들리는 도시
여전히 혼란스런 도시 카불에서 버스를 운전하는 아바스는 테러리스트의 공격을 받을까 늘 조마조마하다. 십대소년 아프신과 동생 벤자민은 군인신분이던 아버지가 위협을 피해 이란으로 떠나면서 집안의 가장역할을 맡아야 한다. 먼지구름들이 가라앉은 카불에서 살아가는 사람들 이야기.
Lady of the Harbour
In Groove We Trust, A Joe Bowie Experience
How do funky machismo and buddhism go together in one man? This music documentary takes you into the groove of Joseph Bowie and his Defunkt, a major innovator in the history of jazz funk.
Cyriaque Kouenou was forced to leave his country and fled to the Netherlands. Staying there he has now entered his fourth year on a surrealistic trip with no end in sight, with stopovers in a tent camp, an empty church, an old office building and a former prison. A no man's land where you are stuck after being told that you aren't allowed to stay but also can't be sent back.
A film about borders and border checkpoints, poetically following the people that come into contact with them - one way or another. Borders is about men and women dreaming of a better life in Europe and the high price they often have to pay for it - if they succeed at all. Without taking an immediate moral stance, the film follows the route that many immigrants take from the heart of Africa to the centre of Europe, stopping at each border: Nigeria, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal , Mauritania, Morocco, Spain, France, Belgium, and finally, the Netherlands.
This film is a playful and experimental film object. The images of several films by Johan van der Keuken are mounted in a rhythmic and circular way to emphasize the repetition and similarity of the gestures they give to see: the daily gestures of men and women at work, throughout the world.
To Sang Fotostudio
In the person of To Sang, a Chinese-born photographer living and working in Amsterdam, JVDK has found his perfect counterpart and alter ego. To Sang's monumental, stagey portrait photos reach back toward painting, just as JVDK's carefully composed film images recall still photography. Like JDVK, To Sang works in close collaboration with his wife. As image-makers, both men gently but firmly impose their way of seeing on the world. "Although we laugh at first, in the end he is master of the situation," says JVDK about To Sang in Gieling's film.
Amsterdam Global Village
"I am far away on a distant journey through my own city", filmmaker Johan van der Keuken says at the end of his four-hour portrait of Amsterdam. The city is presented as a place where people from all corners of the world live, who all exert their cultural influence on the life in the city. With a motor courier as his central figure, the filmmaker introduces the audience to birds of different feathers. We see diverse cultural expressions, like the house scene, the entry of St. Nicholas and a Ghanese mourning ritual. The binding factor in the film is the concept of 'travelling', in other words Amsterdam as a global village. The camera travels through the film in three ways: over land, over water (canals) and through the air.
Our Inflammable Film Heritage
Introduction to an extensive training program for everyone professionally involved in the process of film conservation and film restoration. The realization of this training program was initiated and coordinated by ECIPAR (Bologna-Italy) and the Cineteca del Comune di Bologna. It was produced in co-operation with eleven European film archives and film laboratories and co-financed by the FILM project - FORCE program of the European Community.