Jean-François Cayrey

Jean-François Cayrey

출생 : 1970-11-20,

프로필 사진

Jean-François Cayrey

참여 작품

Noël Joyeux
Tomorrow is Christmas at Vincent and Beatrice Barand's house. Vincent is happy, it's his favorite day. Unfortunately, the whole family cancels at the last minute. Result: no children, no grandchildren... While Beatrice is looking forward to this intimate evening, he is overwhelmed and can't imagine a Christmas together. So he decides to go to a retirement home to invite a lonely resident to join them and share the Christmas spirit. Monique, 85 years old and obsessed with death, arrives... soon followed by Jeanne, a former prison guard with no filter. For all four of them, this December 24th promises to be as explosive as it is unexpected!
A Difficult Year
Compulsive spenders Albert and Bruno are in debt up to their necks. While seeking help from community workers to get their lives back on track, they run into a group of young green activists. Lured by the free beer and snacks rather than by the ideals of eco-activists, Albert and Bruno find themselves joining the movement without much conviction.
Les Complices
Max, a ruthless fifty-year-old hitman, discovers he has a problem: he now faints at the drop of blood. With his future in the profession in jeopardy, he's going to have to retrain... But not so simple when his only professional skill is to kill people... They are helped by a couple of young neighbors, Karim and Stéphanie, who do not imagine for a moment who they are dealing with... Max becomes attached, in spite of himself, to the young couple, until his past catches up with him.
날 것이 맛있어
Marc Brachard
소피와 빈센트는 10년 넘게 가족 경영 정육점을 운영해왔다. 하지만 고기 공장과의 경쟁으로 그들의 작은 사업은 파산할 지경에 이르고 그들의 결혼생활도 무너져간다. 그들의 가게를 때려부순 비건 운동가를 빈센트가 실수로 죽이게 된 순간, 모든 것을 잃은 것만 같아 보인다. 빈센트는 살인자로 지목 당할 생각에 압도당하고 공포에 질린다. 그가 생각해낸 유일한 방법은 이 사체를 그의 아내가 무심코 팔게 될 햄으로 만드는 것이다. 하지만 정육점은 "특별한 햄"으로 인해 인산인해를 이루어 수요를 따라갈 수 없을 정도가 되었고 소피는 다시 빈센트와 사랑에 빠진 것 같다. 그들은 언제까지 사업과 결혼생활을 유지할 수 있을까?
Tokyo Shaking
March 11, 2011. The biggest tsunami Japan has ever expe- rienced triggers the Fukushima disaster. Risks are being downplayed but the foreign community in Tokyo is terrified by this tragic event and the fact that no one is capable of assessing its scope. Among them, Alexandra, a French executive newly arrived from Hong Kong to work in a bank, has to face this nuclear crisis. Torn apart between fol- lowing the company’s instructions and going back to her husband and children who are still in Hong Kong, she will find herself defending honor and given word, despite the pervading terror and chaos.
Knock, Knock, It's Mom!
Lech, the painter
While her apartment is being renovated, Jacqueline is thrilled to be forced into spending "a few days" with her eldest daughter Carole and her son-in-law, who are both in couples therapy. These "few days" turn into "a few months". Jacqueline quickly feels at home. She prepares dinners, monopolizes the television, reorganizes the kitchen... She is here, and no one knows for how long!
Les Blagues de Toto
M. William
Back-to-school! For troublemaker Toto, it’s the best playground for fooling around. When a sculpture collapses during the opening of a museum, Toto is immediately blamed. To prove his innocence, Toto has no other option but making a pact with Igor, the school nerd. In exchange for his help, Toto will help Igor being cool. The unlikely duo turns into little detectives. A fun and exciting adventure begins…
Papi Sitter
Franck, Camille's father
Franck and Karine are offered a job on a cruise ship they can’t refuse. The only problem: their daughter Camille has to study for her finals but has other ideas of fun in mind instead… No problem! To straighten his daughter out and set her to work, Franck calls on his father André, a retired captain from the national police, hopelessly uptight and rigid. With military discipline, Camille’s finals will be a success! But this is the moment when the second grandfather Teddy, an eccentric and wild former nightclub manager and the total opposite of the strict André, chooses to return after many years abroad... Living together promises to be complicated…
Victorious Square
Le beau-frère de Bruno
An improbable encounter between Bruno, in his forties marginalized by professional and family setbacks, and Gagic, little street boy, mischievous and pilferer. Bruno will gradually come to the surface, guided by this little solar boy, full of mischief and poetry.
La Source
Lionel Pommier, CRS
Samir lives in a suburban city. One day, he has a revelation when he sees the picture of an American surfer from suburbs who looks like him.
노 필터
베아의 남편 프레드는 사고로 시력과 인지능력을 잃고 장애를 갖게 된다. 남편의 사고 이후 베아는 그간 있었던 일을 책으로 엮어 자서전을 내고, 그녀의 특별한 경험은 세간에 화제가 된다. 한편, 베아 부부는 생일을 맞아 친구들과 함께 파티를 벌이고, 그 자리에는 베아의 외도 상대 베르나르도 등장한다. 한 자리에 모인 그들은 베아의 책을 두고 저마다 논쟁을 벌이며 각자 속내를 보이고, 서로 감추었던 비밀이 서서히 드러난다.
A New Girl In Paris!
Diego's Coach
Tamara has been separated from Diego for two years. She finally leaves home to live the student adventure in Paris with his girlfriend Sam. In a galley apartment, they accept a cohabit with Wagner. Problem: Diego is part of the lot, and he is no more single.
Mr. Know-It-All
Louis Germain
A football coach afraid of commitment has to take care of his nephew with Asperger's Syndrome.
대디 쿨
Adrien, 40 years old and totally immature, is dumped by Maude, 35 years old, eager to finally found a family. In an attempt to regain the love of his life, Adrien decides to move into the future ex-married apartment: a nursery home - The beginning, an improbable educational experience.
Boule & Bill 2
Antoine Bérigaud
레이드 크레이지
Le Commissaire
The story of a woman who dreams to join an intervention group in the police department called RAID. Unfortunately, she is rather clumsy and both her family (and soon to be family-in-law) and a veteran of the RAID do not approve. However, Johanna is determined to prove them wrong.
Maman a tort
Do we really know our parents? Fourteen-year-old Anouk suddenly discovers another side to her mother during an observation workshop that she carries out in the insurance company where her mother works. An immersion week in the company's adult world, with its little compromises and many cowardly acts, which soon put a seal on her young life. Between an initiation, rift, and assuming responsibility for the first time, the experience is a form of adieu to childhood.
We Were Young
Five long-term pals confront ageing and mortality as they enjoy their last weeks together before taking different paths.
The Tournament
Commentateur français
Budapest International Chess Tournament. The most likely winner: Cal Fournier (22), French champion, immature genius, socially awkward, compulsive player. But this time, an unusual 9-years-old Hungarian opponent disrupts this smooth-running routine.
The Night Watchmen
Times have changed a lot for Franck who is a night watchman. About a decade ago he was a specialized worker. Today he feels bored but would jump at any chance to prove his bravery and courage.
노엘의 선물
Policier métro
프랑스 파리에 사는 꼬마 앙트완은 하늘나라에 있는 아빠를 보기 위해서 산타클로스의 썰매가 절실히 필요하다. 크리스마스 이브, 썰매를 태워달란 기도를 하던 앙트완에게 기적적으로 산타가 하늘에서 떨어진다. 하지만 앙트완에게 선물은 주지 않고, 돈과 보석만 찾으러 다니는 이 산타 뭔가 수상하다. 사실 그는 산타를 위장한 도둑이었던 것! 하지만 앙트완은 그를 진짜 산타라 믿고 그를 졸졸 쫓아다니며 아빠를 보게 해달라 애원하는데…
Relationship Status: It's Complicated
Thirty-year-old Ben is about to marry Juliette. His quiet, ordered life will fall to pieces when he meets up again with the person he secretly wants to see the most: Vanessa, the high school bombshell who never so much as looked in his direction. She's back in Paris, and the only person she now knows is him…
골 오브 더 데드
파리 프로축구팀은 캐플롱이라는 마을로 원정경기를 가게 되는데​, 과거 파리 팀과의 시합 때문에 파리 축구팀이 원수 같기만한 캐플롱 마을 사람들. 시합에 이기려고 마을 의사는 축구선수 아들에게 약물 주사를 놓는데, 뭔가 잘못되어 아들은 괴물이 되고 마을 사람들을 감염시키기에 이른다.​
Fonctionnaire consulat
Farid, a young 26-year-old Frenchman, must travel to Algeria to save his father's house. While discovering this country in which he had never before set foot, he succumbs to the charms of a host of astonishing characters whose humour and simplicity affect him deeply. Amongst these is his cousin, a bright and lively young man who has the dream of one day going to France...
비바 프랑스
Taxi Paris
국가에 의한, 국가를 위한, 국가의 홍보! 월드컵도 아니다. 올림픽도 아니다! 바로 테러다! 에펠탑 테러 프로젝트가 시작된다! 아프가니스탄과 타지키스탄 사이에 위치한 작은 부족 국가 타불리스탄. 국민들은 투철한 애국심으로 똘똘 뭉쳐 있으나 먼지 같은 국가의 존재감 탓에 UN에서 정식 국가로 조차 인정받지 못한다. 이에 전 세계인들에게 타블리스탄을 각인시킬 수 있는 국가 최대의 홍보 프로젝트로 에펠탑 테러를 감행하기로 결정한다. 이 프로젝트를 위해 급조된 순진한 테러리스트 페루즈(미카엘 윤)와 무자파(호세 가르시아)는 국가를 위해 당당히 프랑스 파리로 향하지만 프랑스 시골마을에 불시착으로 시작부터 난관에 부딪치는데……
J'aime beaucoup ta mère
Just Like Brothers
Since Charlie is no longer there, the lives of Boris, Elie, and Maxime have been torn apart. These three men, who have nothing in common, all shared one thing: their love for Charlie. One loved her like a sister, one loved her like the woman of his dreams, one loved her like a friend. Except that Charlie is dead and none of them - not Boris, an accomplished businessman, not Elie, a night owl scriptwriter, and not Maxime, still living at home with his mother - know how to deal with it. But because she asked them to do so, they abruptly decide to undertake a journey together, heading for Corsica and the house that Charlie loved so much. Except that here they are stuck in a car together for over 500 miles. It's going to be a long journey. Boris, Elie and Maxime, three men, three generations, no affinity. But by the time they arrive at their destination, they will have realized one majorly important thing: Charlie has changed their lives forever.
언터처블: 1%의 우정
2nd Candidate for the Post of Auxiliary
상위 1% 귀족남과 하위 1% 무일푼이 만났다. 2주간의 내기로 시작된 상상초월 특별한 동거 스토리 하루 24시간 내내 돌봐주는 손길이 없으면 아무 것도 할 수 없는 전신불구의 상위 1% 백만장자 필립(프랑수아 클루제). 어느 날 우연히, 가진 것이라곤 건강한 신체가 전부인 하위 1% 무일푼 백수 드리스(오마 사이)를 만나게 된 그는 거침없이 자유로운 성격의 드리스에게 호기심을 느껴 특별한 내기를 제안한다. 바로 2주 동안 필립의 손발이 되어 한시도 떨어지지 않고 자신을 간호하며 버틸 수 있는지 시험해보겠다는 것. 참을성이라곤 눈꼽 만큼도 찾아 볼 수 없던 드리스는 오기가 발동해 엉겁결에 내기를 수락한다. 이렇게, 전혀 어울릴 것 같지 않던 극과 극, 두 남자의 예측불허 기막힌 동거가 시작 되는데…
Chasse gardée
Flanked by their two children, Simon and Adélaïde decide, like many Parisians today, to leave their two-room apartment for a quieter and more comfortable life in the country. They are seduced by a house in the middle of nature: space, a vegetable garden, a wood adjoining their garden and above all villagers who welcome them with open arms. A dream come true! But the young couple was soon to be disillusioned: the wood was actually a hunting ground for big game! Although the hunters are friendly, they are not willing to give up their territory, making Simon and Adélaïde's dream of the countryside a living hell. But true to their reputation, our Parisians are not going to let them do it.