Anaël Snoek
Durant son parcours professionnel, Anaël a interprété les rôles principaux d'une dizaine de pièces de théâtre et reçu le Prix de la Critique du meilleur espoir féminin. Elle a tourné dans une quinzaine de longs et courts métrages, avec entre autres Olivier Boonjing, Olivier Smolders, Michel Spinosa et en 2013 Maud Girault pour le court métrage La Proie pour l’ombre. Elle est aussi co-scénariste de BD, et travaille comme modèle pour plusieurs photographes.Génération 2013 !
In the 9th century, Emma, a 17-year-old girl, is named Abbess in order to repopulate and Christianize border territories in conflict with the Moors. Upon arriving at the Abbey she will have to overcome the mistrust aroused by a woman determined to fulfill her mission, which will lead her to confront nobles, peasants and the nuns themselves. Despite everything, Emma will show that it is possible to challenge established power structures. Although she will pay a high price to get it...
After a traumatic accident during a hypnosis seance, young psychiatrist Louise opens a new office in the middle of nowhere. When she starts analyzing Theo, a dark and mysterious man, people around her start to die.
소설가 마르셀 벨메르와 출판사 사장인 그의 아내 잔느의 저택에 가사도우미로 고용된 미스터리한 소녀 글로리아는 대체 어떤 사람일까? 마르셀의 베스트셀러 「멈출 수 없는」은 어떤 비밀을 감추고 있는 걸까? 안그래도 자신의 거짓말에 시달리는 마르셀에게 이젠 지옥같은 악몽이 기다리고 있을 뿐이다. (제26회 부산국제영화제)
A couple retreat to an Atlantic island to rebuild their relationship, strained by changes through the years. In this strange landscape a lighthouse seems to exert power, and a strange woman appears on the beach after almost drowning.
열두 살 소년 폴은 엄마가 일하는 정신병원에서 살고 있다. 어느 날, 불안장애를 가진 매력적인 십대 소녀 글로리아가 그곳에 입원하고, 폴은 그녀에게 한눈에 반한다. 그리고 글로리아가 안식처에 가는 것을 돕기 위해 함께 도망친다.
Gerard is tired of being taken for a good apple by his beautiful family. He leaves everything and starts a garage in a village nestled at the bottom of the Gâtinais ... In front of the garage, there is a lovely inn, run by Barbara: a beautiful woman, disconcerting, mysterious, unpredictable. Their encounter will spark ...
Tanguy / Narrator (voice)
20세기 초 레위니옹 섬, 부유한 부르주아들의 자식들로 비행을 일삼는 5명의 10대 소년들이 주인공이다. 자신들이 저지른 범죄의 대가로 유배형을 받은 이들은 네덜란드인 선장의 지휘에 따라 기이한 여행을 하게 된다. (2018년 제19회 전주국제영화제)
La sage-femme
Gracie, a young Tamil woman living near Madras, has been having behavioural disorders since the day she was married. The memory of her French friend Catherine, who died in unresolved circumstances, seems to be haunting her. Catherine's grieving ex-husband, Joseph, decides to go to India to meet Gracie and possibly, during his journey, fix his mistakes - because Joseph has a lot to be forgiven for...
A behind the scenes look at Bertrand Mandico's The Wild Boys, captured by actress Elina Löwensohn on her personal Super 8 camera.
After three years of travel through South-East Asia, a young woman, Louise comes back home. Brussels, Belgium. Adrian is just about to leave everything behind. She thought her journey was over, he believed his hasn't begun yet.