Laurent Joffrin

Laurent Joffrin

출생 : 1952-06-30, Vincennes, France

프로필 사진

Laurent Joffrin

참여 작품

Le jour où Hitler a perdu la guerre
C'était la génération Mitterrand
Giscard, l'impossible retour
새로운 집 지키는 개들
1997년 세르즈 알리미의 동명 저서를 영화화한 작품. 더이상 권력에 대한 비판과 견제의 기능을 상실한 현대 언론을 고발한다.
Who Is Bernard Tapie?
Self - Le Nouvel Observateur
This documentary tells two stories simultaneously: it's a profile of Bernard Tapie, a wealthy man who rises and falls spectacularly in French society and may be on the rise again; and, it's a look at Marina Zenovich's fascination with Tapie, behaving oddly in spite of her awareness that she's being irrational. Politicians, athletes, friends, companions, and journalists comment on Bernard's charm, his rise to prominence in sports and politics, and his subsequent trouble with the law. Zenovich becomes fixated on her need to interview Tapie, becoming virtually a stalker in her quest.
Les Guignols de l'info : L’Exclusive des 10 Ans Des Guignols
Self, Directeur de la Redaction - Liberation