Four sixty-something disgraced comedians - who used to work together - find themselves in a retirement home. They'll join forces again, this time to save the place from bankruptcy.
To support her family, Maria works as a trafficker of surrogate mothers, transporting them from place to place along a river — but when one disappears, Maria is left with the task of finding her and must enter deeper into a world she wishes to escape.
나폴리를 배경으로 한 뮤지컬 갱스터 코미디. ‘수산물의 왕’ 돈 빈첸조의 장례식이 거행되던 중 관 속의 시체가 자신은 돈 빈첸조가 아니라고 노래하며 영화는 5일 전으로 거슬러 올라간다. 암살 위협은 받은 돈 빈첸조와 그의 아내 돈나 마리아가 가짜 장례식을 꾸미기로 한 가운데, 이들을 위해 일하는 킬러 치로는 한 여자를 죽이라는 임무를 받는다. 2017 베니스국제영화제 경쟁부문 상영.
Chinese-language interpreter Gaia is called up out of the blue by the Italian authorities with an urgent and confidential translation assignment. She is whisked away to a secret underground location and ushered into a pitch-black room where she is asked to interpret the harsh interrogation of a mysterious presence, the eponymous Mr. Wang.
Count Dracula trades Transylvania for Italy in search of fresh blood and Western standards of living, but finds instead his ancient love Zora, reincarnated as a young graffiti artist from the Roman hip-hop scene.