Four sixty-something disgraced comedians - who used to work together - find themselves in a retirement home. They'll join forces again, this time to save the place from bankruptcy.
To support her family, Maria works as a trafficker of surrogate mothers, transporting them from place to place along a river — but when one disappears, Maria is left with the task of finding her and must enter deeper into a world she wishes to escape.
A Camorra boss fakes his own death in order to start a new life elsewhere with his family, but a nurse happens to see him alive and well after the funeral. A hitman is promptly sent to get rid of her, only to find out that she's his first and unforgotten love. He decides to protect her, becoming himself a target.
Пако — безработный пианист с консеваторским дипломом, застенчивый тихоня, который устраивается на работу — ни за что не угадаете — в полицию! По блату, по протекции, по звонку влиятельного человека, уже пристраивавшего в то же учреждение разных жирдяев и доходяг, никак не подходящих для роли «служить и защищать». Тем более в таком мафиозном городе, как Неаполь. Так бы и гнил негодный для полицейского дела Пако в кабинетной пыли, если бы не смелое предложение прозорливого комиссара: использовать музыкальный дар Пако для поимки самого опасного человека — неуловимого и невидимого босса каморры по кличке Фантазм...
Chinese-language interpreter Gaia is called up out of the blue by the Italian authorities with an urgent and confidential translation assignment. She is whisked away to a secret underground location and ushered into a pitch-black room where she is asked to interpret the harsh interrogation of a mysterious presence, the eponymous Mr. Wang.
Count Dracula trades Transylvania for Italy in search of fresh blood and Western standards of living, but finds instead his ancient love Zora, reincarnated as a young graffiti artist from the Roman hip-hop scene.