“37 years after her daughter Mitra was executed in Iran and she fled her home country, Haleh leads a successful life as a renowned academic in the Netherlands. Her peaceful existence is shaken by the arrival of a woman she believes may be the traitor responsible for Mitra’s death.”
A politically complacent middle-aged man and a young pro-democracy activist debate about the future of their country while hiding from the police, in this fascinating drama that blends scripted scenes with on-the-ground footage from Iran’s 2009 Green Revolution.
Against the tumultuous backdrop of Iran's 1953 CIA-backed coup d'état, the destinies of four women converge in a beautiful orchard garden, where they find independence, solace and companionship.
Director Bahman Farmanara's second film following a 20-year exile from his native Iran depicts the spiritual crisis of a middle-aged man. In the film's dreamlike opening scene, Dr. Reza Sepidbakht (Reza Kianian), a well-off Tehran gynecologist, thinks he runs over an angel while driving home at night with a call girl. The next morning at the hospital where he works, he is shown a comatose boy who is famous for having memorized the entire Koran. These two events cause him to rethink his cynical outlook on life and his relationships with his elderly father, wayward son, and the women he has mistreated since becoming estranged from his wife. When the boy awakens from his coma, Dr. Sepidbakht begins to look to him for answers.
첫 번째 이야기 어린 소녀는 아홉 번째 생일날 그녀는 이제 "여자"가 되었기 때문에 더 이상 남자 아이들과 놀아서는 안된다는 이야기를 듣는다 두 번째 이야기 남편의 반대를 무릅쓰고 자전거 경주에 참가하는 젊은 여성의 이야기. 처음에 남편이 그리고 시간이 갈 수록 점점 더 많은 마을 남자들이 그녀에게 집으로 돌아갈 것을 종용하는데... 마지막 이야기 상속받은 돈으로 이제 자신이 원하는 일을 할 수 있게 된 노년의 여성을 보여준다. 이 자유를 누리고자 그녀가 선택하는 방법은? 은 같은 시간 같은 장소에서 펼쳐지는 다른 세대의 세 여성이 꿈꾸는 자유와 여성에게 가해지는 잔인한 제약에 관해 이야기한다. 감독은 메마른 대지와 검푸른 바다가 부딪히는 해안선을 담은 풍광을 대비시키면서 미니멀리즘과 초현실주의를 동시에 느끼게 하는 영상을 통해 이란의 현실에서 여성이 된다는 것의 의미를 예리하게 되묻고 있다. (2018년 제20회 서울국제여성영화제)
A girl has heart disease and looks for a heart transplant.
Tahirih Qurrat al-Ayn was first Iranian women right activist, Bab-i fighter ,theologian,poet. Tahirih was a woman of letters who lived in the nineteenth-century. Her name is synonymous with the emancipation of women and social justice and her life has inspired generations of women ever since, particularly Iranian women’s right movements.Since 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran forbids any literature or discourse that portrays Tahirih in a positive light. Her name has been removed from the latest editions of history books published in Iran.
Tahirih Qurrat al-Ayn was first Iranian women right activist, Bab-i fighter ,theologian,poet. Tahirih was a woman of letters who lived in the nineteenth-century. Her name is synonymous with the emancipation of women and social justice and her life has inspired generations of women ever since, particularly Iranian women’s right movements.Since 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran forbids any literature or discourse that portrays Tahirih in a positive light. Her name has been removed from the latest editions of history books published in Iran.
Tahirih Qurrat al-Ayn was first Iranian women right activist, Bab-i fighter ,theologian,poet. Tahirih was a woman of letters who lived in the nineteenth-century. Her name is synonymous with the emancipation of women and social justice and her life has inspired generations of women ever since, particularly Iranian women’s right movements.Since 1979, the Islamic Republic of Iran forbids any literature or discourse that portrays Tahirih in a positive light. Her name has been removed from the latest editions of history books published in Iran.