Lance Gewer

참여 작품

왕의 기사
Director of Photography
모시던 왕의 죽음을 맞이한 기사. 내세에서 왕을 보필하려면 자신을 희생해야만 하는데. 그러나 갑작스러운 방해로 희생 의식이 저지되고, 뜻하지 않은 비극이 찾아온다.
맨 오브 갓
엄격한 종교 교육을 받으며 자란 사무엘. 그 가르침을 버리고 자기 인생을 살려 한다. 하지만 그의 영혼은 바깥세상과 이미 뒤로한 믿음 사이에서 여전히 방황하는데.
An exotically beautiful Sotho actress, Kedibone Manamela, chooses to live her youth on the fast lane. Veiled from her loyal childhood boyfriend's eyes, she bounces between being a good girl in the township and the 'it' girl on the high end of Johannesburg streets. A dark threat looms over the day when the news of Kedibone's escapades reaches the young man.
Director of Photography
인신매매 카르텔의 두목 ‘에미르’에게 부모님을 잃고 홀로 남은 ‘사와’(인디아 아이슬리). 고통스런 기억에서 벗어나기 위해 아빠의 직장 동료이자 경찰인 ‘칼’(사무엘 L. 잭슨)이 주는 앰플을 맞으며 하루하루를 버틴다. 약물의 부작용으로 부모님의 얼굴조차 제대로 기억하지 못하는 그녀가 기억하는 것은 단 하나, 오직 부모님을 죽인 자들을 향한 복수뿐! 인신매매 카르텔에 접근해 ‘에미르’를 만나기 위한 정보를 얻으며, 한 놈씩 복수를 해나가고, 마침내 ‘에미르’를 향한 복수를 완성하려는 순간, 상상조차 못했던 비밀이 드러나는데… 지금껏 없었던 전대미문 섹시킬러가 온다!
Spud 2: The Madness Continues
Director of Photography
The year is 1991, and Spud Milton's long walk to manhood is still creeping along at an unnervingly slow pace. Approaching the ripe old age of fifteen and still no signs of the much anticipated ball-drop, Spud is coming to terms with the fact that he may well be a freak of nature. With a mother hell-bent on emigrating, a father making a killing out of selling homemade moonshine, and a demented grandmother called Wombat, the new year seems to offer little except extreme embarrassment and more mortifying Milton madness. But Spud is returning to a boarding school where he is no longer the youngest or the smallest. His dormitory mates, known as the Crazy Eight, have an unusual new member and his house has a new clutch of first years (the Normal Seven). If Spud thinks his second year will be a breeze, however, he is seriously mistaken.
Director of Photography
Elelwani is a young university-educated woman who has been brought up in an environment steeped in tradition. Her parents have promised her hand in marriage to the Vendaking and, as a dutiful daughter, she wants to obey their wishes. But in order to fulfil her promise, Elelwani must abandon her dreams of travel, further education and – most importantly – her commitment to her one true love.
갱스터 초치
Director of Photography
폭력적인 아버지와 에이즈를 앓는 어머니를 버려두고 도망 나와 요하네스버그의 타운십에서 깡패두목이 된 초치. 일당들은 지하철에서 살인을 저지르며 승객의 지갑을 강탈하는 등 아무런 죄책감을 느끼지 못한 채 범죄를 일삼는다. 하지만 초치는 살인사건으로 일당들과 말다툼을 벌인 끝에 티처를 죽도록 두들겨 팬 후 홀로 사라진다. 무리를 벗어나 홀로 방황하던 초치는 요하네스버그 부자촌에서 흑인 부유층의 차를 강탈하려다 여인을 쏜 후 차를 타고 도주한 후 문득 차안에 갓난아기가 있는 것을 발견. 쇼핑백에 담아 집으로 데려와 아기를 키우기로 결심한다. 하지만 아기를 키워본 적 없는 초치는 배가 고파 보채는 아기를 위해 인근에서 홀로 아기를 키우고 있는 젊은 여인을 총으로 위협하면서 아기 젖을 요구한다. 하지만 초치의 진심을 알고 있는 여인은 점차 아기에게 자발적으로 젖을 먹이면서 초치에게 연민의 정을 느낀다. 한편 초치는 아기를 자신의 이름인 데이빗으로 부르면서 아기와 자신을 동일시한다. 버림받은 자신과는 달리 아기를 행복하게 키우고 싶은 초치는 분유와 장난감을 가지러 일당들을 속이면서 다시 아기의 집에 침입하는데...
Beat the Drum
Young Musa is orphaned after a mysterious illness strikes his village in KwaZulu Natal. To help his grandmother, Musa sets out for Johannesburg with his father's last gift, a tribal drum, in search of work and his uncle. The journey confronts him with the stark realities of urban life, but his indomitable spirit never wavers; he returns with a truth and understanding his elders have failed to grasp.
Come see the bioscope
Director of Photography
Sol Plaatje was a politician, novelist, historian, musician, translator of Shakespeare into vernacular language, and founder member of what was to become the African National Congress. In 1924, a visionary South African, Sol Plaatje, set out to bring the wonders of cinema to the community. Brandishing a few educational 16mm films under his arm, Plaatje arrives in a dusty, Blacks-only township in the Western Transvaal. He is looking for a venue which can be set up as a bioscope. Things do not seem promising, but Plaatje is first befriended by a helpful young boy. And then, despite prevailing apartheid obstacles, a room is found. The township community is excited and set to be overawed by the new celluloid world about to unfold before them.
Come see the bioscope
Sol Plaatje was a politician, novelist, historian, musician, translator of Shakespeare into vernacular language, and founder member of what was to become the African National Congress. In 1924, a visionary South African, Sol Plaatje, set out to bring the wonders of cinema to the community. Brandishing a few educational 16mm films under his arm, Plaatje arrives in a dusty, Blacks-only township in the Western Transvaal. He is looking for a venue which can be set up as a bioscope. Things do not seem promising, but Plaatje is first befriended by a helpful young boy. And then, despite prevailing apartheid obstacles, a room is found. The township community is excited and set to be overawed by the new celluloid world about to unfold before them.