갑작스럽게 남편의 외도가 의심되자, 아내(라시다 존스)는 전설적인 플레이보이였던 아버지(빌 머레이)와 함께 뉴욕 곳곳을 다니며 남편(말론 웨이언스)을 미행한다.
단짝인 타니아와 다니엘라는 지루한 결혼식에서 재미로 서로의 남편 베니와 로드리고를 바꾼다. 색다른 즐거움을 느낀 그들은 집으로 돌아가는 길에도 서로의 배우자를 바꾼 채 각자의 차에 오르지만, 앞서가던 다니엘라와 베니가 교통사고로 죽게 되는데.. 살아남은 이들의 관계는 어떻게 될까? 맞바꾼 악몽! 하지만 그녀가 내 안에 아직 살아있음을 느낀다.
Raúl, Eduardo and Santiago have led a happy and "straight" life since their childhood, until, one day, Santiago confesses to them that he is gay.
Tipsy woman
In a cozy bistro, an increasingly heated discussion between two good buddies reveals their latent sexual prejudices, as one admits to feeling finally set free by a book he has just read.
In an attempt to solve their marriage problems, Eric and Mari take a trip to the Mexican southeast, but she disappears under mysterious circumstances. On his way back to Mexico City, Eric meets Narciso, a mysterious man, and gives him a ride. Eric describes a series of events which finally lead him to a revelation about the time he shared with Mari.
Mrs. Villalobos
A young man is unable to break up with his girlfriend and decides to hire an agency that specializes in ending relationships.