Rémi Berge

참여 작품

Mort sur la piste
Visual Effects
Die Höhenluft - für Alle und Keinen
Color Grading
Concode, an Epic Saga
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Fifty years ago, on Sunday, 2 March 1969, Concorde flew for the first time. Starting from this inaugural flight, the film goes back in time to the origin of the conception of Concorde.
Rouge ! L'Art au pays des soviets
Color Grading
Claude Chabrol, the Maverick
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Mysteries, hidden defects, scandals or family secrets? Nothing like that in the life of the filmmaker Claude Chabrol. Just a lifestyle of a Buddha gourmand, a sneaky anarchist, an insolent lover of life. There is a question though… How was he able to make 58 movies in 50 years? This is the story about his outstanding life, told by Cécile, his adopted daughter and also his collaborator for many years.
700마리의 상어들
Color Grading
로랑 바예스타는 어렸을 적부터 그의 우상인 쟈크 쿠스토우처럼 되고 싶었다. 해양 탐험과 해양 영화의 선구자였던 그의 우상을 따라 로랑은 해양생물학자 겸 세계적인 야생사진작가가 되었다. 이후, 그는 좁은 산호초 지대에서 700마리의 상어들이 무리 지어 사냥하는 것의 미스터리를 풀고자 한다. 무엇이 이들을 늑대보다 더 뛰어난 사냥꾼으로 만드는 것일까? 세계 최초로 700마리의 상어 떼 영상을 담은 영화 속 진실을 함께 알아보자. (2019 국제해양영화제)
Propaganda: Engineering Consent
Color Grading
How can the masses be controlled? Apparently, the American publicist Edward L. Bernays (1891-1995), a pioneer in the field of propaganda and public relations, knew the answer to such a key question. The amazing story of the master of manipulation and the creation of the engineering of consent; a frightening true story about advertising, lies and charlatans.
François Hollande, le mal-aimé
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The Incredible Mr. Piccoli
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A captivating portrait of French actor Michel Piccoli, who has worked with the greatest filmmakers of his time and has built a dazzling career of remarkable merit and success, focusing on his work during the 1970s and his professional relationship with Claude Sautet, Romy Schneider, Marco Ferreri and Luis Buñuel.
The Smuggler and Her Charges
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A captivating and personal detective story that uncovers the truth behind the childhood of Michaël Prazan's father, who escaped from Nazi-occupied France in 1942 thanks to the efforts of a female smuggler with mysterious motivations.
The Lévi-Strauss Century
Documentary about one of the greatest French thinkers of the twentieth century, Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009).
Marlon Brando: An Actor Named Desire
Color Grading
In his early days as an actor, Marlon Brando (1924-2004) was a shy young man with theatrical ambitions, like many others; but his charisma and superb acting skills made him truly unique, so that the doors to the starry sky of Hollywood opened for him. However, his peculiar manners, political commitment and complicated love life always overshadowed his artistic success.
빅터 영 페레즈
튀니지 출신의 유망한 유태인 복서 ‘빅터’는 파리에서 온 복싱 매니저 ‘벨리에르’의 눈에 띄어 형 ‘벤자민’과 함께 프로 복서 데뷔를 위해 파리로 오게 된다. 빠르고 민첩한 발에 영민한 두뇌까지 타고난 ‘빅터’는 수많은 차별 속에서도 매 경기마다 승리를 거두면서 유럽에서 가장 주목받는 선수가 되고, 마침내 플라이급 세계 챔피언의 자리에까지 오른다. 하지만 그는 2차 세계대전 중 독일군의 포로로 끌려가게 되고, 포로 수용소에서 헤어졌던 형 ‘벤자민’을 만나게 된다. 형제는 수용소에서 온갖 고초를 겪게 되고, 사령관은 유태인의 더러운 본성을 입증하겠다는 명목하에 ‘빅터’에게 헤비급의 독일병과 복싱경기를 치르게 하는데… 시대를 잘못 타고난 한 복싱 세계 챔피언의 목숨을 건 복싱 경기가 펼쳐진다!
Diving with the Coelacanth
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120 metres down off the wild coast of South Africa lives an animal once thought to have been extinct for 65 million years - the coelacanth, locally known as Gombessa. A dinosaur fish, a living fossil, that remains the only link connecting fish to terrestrial tetrapods: its fins contain the beginning of reptile and mammal leg bones! And what about the vestigial lung found at the back of its huge mouth?… A team of underwater explorers will film these legendary fish like never before.
François Mitterrand, à bout portant : 1993-1996
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"What could be more unsettling than a man close to death whose profound arrogance drives him relentlessly to hang onto both his power and his writing, to the bitter end?" In the twilight of his second seven-year term, François Mitterrand was alone. Ravaged by illness and abandoned by a large majority of the Socialist Party, who would not forgive him for the disastrous outcome of the March 1993 elections, the Head of State was preparing to tackle a second round of cohabitation with the right wing. However a series of unexpected tragedies and revelations would arise, casting a shadow over the end of his reign…
Vittorio De Seta: le cinéaste est un athlète
Catherine Deneuve, belle et bien là
Color Grading
Catherine Deneuve couldn’t care less about being a celebrity, but fame made her an icon long ago and she occupies a special place in our imagination. The star is not one to let others get too close, but when she gives you her confidence, she keeps her word. If Deneuve’s career covers a half-century of cinema, it also bears witness to the force of a generation that experienced the deepest transformation of mores. This portrait reflects her entirely. The story of a mystery and an adventure.
The Burnt Theatre
Color Designer
A blend of fact and fiction, based on the actual lives of the actors, the film depicts a troupe of actors and dancers struggling to practice their art in the burned-out shell of Cambodia's former national theater, the Preah Suramarit National Theater in Phnom Penh.
Toute l'Algérie du monde
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The largest country in the Arab world and a producer of hydrocarbons, Algeria has everything it needs to weigh on the international scene. But Africa's second military power seems undermined by its internal problems. While the Bouteflika regime has fallen and the popular “hirak” movement has shown that the people are ready to enter a more democratic era, the country appears as a colossus with feet of clay, which has failed enhance their independence. How did this isolation come about? From the “dark decade” of terrorism to the fall of Bouteflika, via 9/11 or the Arab revolutions, this documentary sheds light on Algerian foreign policy in recent decades, while deciphering the strategy of Western powers towards it.