Joaquim Castro

참여 작품

Cartório das Almas
Partido: Os Bastidores da Eleição que Fragmentou o Brasil
Desire Machine: 60 Years of Teatro Oficina
In six decades, Teatro Oficina has done more than revolutionize theatrical language in the country: the aesthetic influence of José Celso Martinez Corrêa's company extends from Tropicalism to the renewal of Brazilian audiovisual languages ​​from the 1960s onwards. The film revisits a story that it involves personalities such as Caetano Veloso, Glauber Rocha, Lina Bo Bardi, Chico Buarque and Zé do Caixão, brings together scenic art, ecology, architecture and sexuality, and mixes art and life in the search for a Brazilian based language.
Desire Machine: 60 Years of Teatro Oficina
In six decades, Teatro Oficina has done more than revolutionize theatrical language in the country: the aesthetic influence of José Celso Martinez Corrêa's company extends from Tropicalism to the renewal of Brazilian audiovisual languages ​​from the 1960s onwards. The film revisits a story that it involves personalities such as Caetano Veloso, Glauber Rocha, Lina Bo Bardi, Chico Buarque and Zé do Caixão, brings together scenic art, ecology, architecture and sexuality, and mixes art and life in the search for a Brazilian based language.
헥터 바벤코: 내가 죽으면
헥터 바벤코는 아르헨티나 출신이지만 브라질에서 주로 활동한 감독으로, 지난 2016년 사망했다. 이 다큐멘터리는 죽음을 직감한 바벤코가 아내이자 영화적 동반자인 바르바라 파스에게 연출을 부탁해 만든 것으로, 그의 모든 것을 담고 있다. 암 투병을 하면서 맞이했던 마지막 날들의 고통스러운 기록이 뼈대를 이루고, 그가 만든 영화에 관한 회고, 그와 함께했던 동지들에 대한 기억, 그리고 죽음에 대한 생각 등이 어우러진다. 이 영화는 한 감독의 일대기이자 한 인간의 상념을 기록한 유언장이며, 자신의 죽음에 관한 영화를 기획한 제작자의 마지막 걸작이다.
Gabriel Medina
위기의 민주주의: 룰라에서 탄핵까지
민주주의가 위기에 처한 시대, 그 위험을 경고하는 다큐멘터리. 《엘레나(Elena)》를 연출했던 페트라 코스타 감독은 정치적 사건들과 개인적 경험을 바탕으로 브라질 역사에서 가장 극적인 시기를 돌아본다. 감독은 이제껏 볼 수 없었던 내밀한 기록들을 바탕으로 전 대통령인 지우마 호세프와 룰라 다시우바 등 주요 정치 지도자들의 성장과 퇴장을 다루는 데 그치지 않는다. 감독 자신의 가족이 얽힌 정치와 업계의 과거사를 가감 없이 조명하면서 대립과 갈등만 남은 양극화된 사회를 깊이 있는 시선으로 응시한다.
Through rare and precious footages and gigs with great artists such as Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Hermeto Pascoal, Djavan, Nara Leao, Luiz Gonzaga, among many others, "Dominguinhos" reveals this genius of Brazilian music, creator of a deeply authentic, universal and contemporary work. The film values the sensory cinematic experience, a journey driven by Dominguinhos his own.
Through rare and precious footages and gigs with great artists such as Gilberto Gil, Gal Costa, Hermeto Pascoal, Djavan, Nara Leao, Luiz Gonzaga, among many others, "Dominguinhos" reveals this genius of Brazilian music, creator of a deeply authentic, universal and contemporary work. The film values the sensory cinematic experience, a journey driven by Dominguinhos his own.
Naked Eye
“Naked Eye” is a film-documentary of long-length of the artistic and existential universe of the singer Ney Matogrosso, which proposes to recreate through archive’s images in counterpoint with the current production of the artist, thirty-five years of career marked for inventive and transgressing spectacles, always symphonize with its time. Through a coherent boarding with its intransigent trajectory, the film intends to translate the language musical-corporal of Ney Matogrosso, trying audiovisuals resources that express signs evoked poetical politicians and in the repertoire of the singer. A film-song that that looks for to, ultimately, embody the voices of an artist who searches for a nation.
The life and work of singer, musician and actor Jards Macalé.
Light in Darkness: The Return of Red Light Bandit
Camera Operator
Jorge, bastard child of the infamous Red Light Bandit, decides himself to pursuit a life of crime after meeting with his father, who has been incarcerated for the last 30 years.
Drylands could be anywhere, just as Marcélia Cartaxo could be many women (including herself). The actress is placed in a situation in which she encounters nature and other female figures, in some instances, her doubles. Out of these encounters spring other possibilities that operate in the world of representation, which, in the film originate from the same imaginary power as children's games in empty lots.
On the triple frontier between Brazil, Colombia and Peru, the twin towns of Letícia and Tabatinga form an urban island surrounded by the Amazon rain-forest. Following the ordinary events and the constant come and go of people along the border, Terras portrays the presence and the influence of the frontier on the lives of its inhabitants.