Florian Oeller

참여 작품

총리 메르켈
2015년 가을, 시리아 내전으로 인해 전례 없는 숫자의 유럽 난민이 발생하자 난민에게 독일 국경을 열겠다는 메르켈 총리의 전격적 결정은 국내외에서 찬사와 지지를 얻었지만, 한편으로 엄청난 시위와 가혹한 비판에 직면해야 했다. 놀라운 역사적 결정의 막전막후를 다룬 로빈 알렉산더의 논픽션 책을 원작으로 한 이 영화는 당시 전 유럽의 지도자들과 메르켈 사이에 벌어진 긴박한 상황을 정치스릴러의 문법을 차용해 묘사한다. (평창국제평화영화제)
A condemned man comes out of prison and does his utmost to find the true murderer of his wife in order to get his children back. This is the starting point for the touching crime drama "Innocent" with crime scene commissar Felix Klare in the lead role. He plays with great intensity the family man who wants to bring the truth to light on his own. For relatives, witnesses and even the police, this could be a problem. Between the fronts, Britta Hammelstein becomes an indomitable commissioner, exposing a fatal network of false statements and investigation errors.
A Regular Woman
Hatun "Aynur" Sürücü, a vibrant young Turkish woman and mother is murdered at 23 by her youngest brother in an honor killing. Forced into an abusive arranged marriage with a cousin in Istanbul at 16 by her devout Muslim family, Aynur escapes to Berlin and gives birth to a son. She is considered a disgraceful burden by her parents and siblings, so Aynur soon leaves her family and attempts to start a new life.
Tödliche Geheimnisse – Jagd in Kapstadt
Where is Paul Holthaus? The investigative journalist Rommy Kirchhoff, together with his son Max, is looking for the disappeared lobbyist Paul Holthaus, who has negotiated several times in Cape Town on behalf of Lilian Norgren for their agricultural corporation Norgreen Life. Norgren makes it clear to Rommy that the search for the whistleblower is unwanted and puts her and the boy in danger.
Tödliche Geheimnisse – Jagd in Kapstadt
Where is Paul Holthaus? The investigative journalist Rommy Kirchhoff, together with his son Max, is looking for the disappeared lobbyist Paul Holthaus, who has negotiated several times in Cape Town on behalf of Lilian Norgren for their agricultural corporation Norgreen Life. Norgren makes it clear to Rommy that the search for the whistleblower is unwanted and puts her and the boy in danger.
Tödliche Geheimnisse
Das goldene Ufer
Vormärz in Germany: Gisela and Walther, a maid and a servant - a predestined path of life, which Gisela rebels against. Her free-thinking spirit puts her in great danger. Is Walther going to join her on this dangerous path?