Angela Merkel's decision in autumn 2015 to open the borders for refugees split the country - some praised the moral stance, others criticized the surrender of sovereignty. Yet what would appear to be well-planned activity is in reality a policy of muddling along, chance, trial and error. The Driven Ones is a chronicle of the refugee crisis which shows that the political actors are being driven along, crushed between self-imposed constraints and events that have spun out of control.
A condemned man comes out of prison and does his utmost to find the true murderer of his wife in order to get his children back. This is the starting point for the touching crime drama "Innocent" with crime scene commissar Felix Klare in the lead role. He plays with great intensity the family man who wants to bring the truth to light on his own. For relatives, witnesses and even the police, this could be a problem. Between the fronts, Britta Hammelstein becomes an indomitable commissioner, exposing a fatal network of false statements and investigation errors.
Em 1998, Khatun Syuryuchi, de 16 anos, foi forçado a se casar com um primo e enviado para a Turquia. Um ano depois, a garota voltou a Berlim e pediu aos pais que a levassem de volta. Eles concordaram, mas, sob as rígidas leis muçulmanas, obrigavam a filha a não sair sozinha de casa, a ajudar a mãe e, como sempre, obedecer implicitamente ao pai e aos irmãos. Incapaz de suportar a pressão, ela fugiu para o centro de ajuda de jovens mães, começou a estudar como eletricista, foi a bailes e fez sexo por amor. Seis anos depois, o irmão mais novo disparou três balas na cabeça de Hatun, que ela havia deixado de cobrir com um lenço.
Where is Paul Holthaus? The investigative journalist Rommy Kirchhoff, together with his son Max, is looking for the disappeared lobbyist Paul Holthaus, who has negotiated several times in Cape Town on behalf of Lilian Norgren for their agricultural corporation Norgreen Life. Norgren makes it clear to Rommy that the search for the whistleblower is unwanted and puts her and the boy in danger.
Where is Paul Holthaus? The investigative journalist Rommy Kirchhoff, together with his son Max, is looking for the disappeared lobbyist Paul Holthaus, who has negotiated several times in Cape Town on behalf of Lilian Norgren for their agricultural corporation Norgreen Life. Norgren makes it clear to Rommy that the search for the whistleblower is unwanted and puts her and the boy in danger.
Vormärz in Germany: Gisela and Walther, a maid and a servant - a predestined path of life, which Gisela rebels against. Her free-thinking spirit puts her in great danger. Is Walther going to join her on this dangerous path?