
Unschuldig (2019)

Gênero : Drama, Thriller

Runtime : 2H 55M

Director : Nicolai Rohde


A condemned man comes out of prison and does his utmost to find the true murderer of his wife in order to get his children back. This is the starting point for the touching crime drama "Innocent" with crime scene commissar Felix Klare in the lead role. He plays with great intensity the family man who wants to bring the truth to light on his own. For relatives, witnesses and even the police, this could be a problem. Between the fronts, Britta Hammelstein becomes an indomitable commissioner, exposing a fatal network of false statements and investigation errors.


Felix Klare
Felix Klare
Alex Schwarz
Sascha Alexander Geršak
Sascha Alexander Geršak
Anna Loos
Anna Loos
Florian Panzner
Florian Panzner
Godehard Giese
Godehard Giese
Yuri Völsch
Yuri Völsch
Ruby M. Lichtenberg
Ruby M. Lichtenberg
Steven Scharf
Steven Scharf
Jan Menhart
Britta Hammelstein
Britta Hammelstein
Jens Weisser
Jens Weisser
Günther Hochstadt
Almila Bagriacik
Almila Bagriacik
Aynur Yildrim
Lisa Bitter
Lisa Bitter
Andreas Christ
Andreas Christ
Bernhard Conrad
Bernhard Conrad
Alexandra Finder
Alexandra Finder
Friederike Frerichs
Friederike Frerichs
Hedda Küppers
Christoph Glaubacker
Christoph Glaubacker
Dietmar Horcicka
Dietmar Horcicka
Sebastian Hülk
Sebastian Hülk
Arne Förster
Steffen Jürgens
Steffen Jürgens
Dr. Reinhard Eggers
Annedore Kleist
Annedore Kleist
Ruth Marie Kröger
Ruth Marie Kröger
Anna Kumosiak
Anna Kumosiak
Andreas Nickl
Andreas Nickl
Kristina Pauls
Kristina Pauls
Rafael Stachowiak
Rafael Stachowiak
Stephan Tölle
Stephan Tölle
Luise Weiß
Luise Weiß
Dana Schwarz


Nicolai Rohde
Nicolai Rohde
Florian Oeller
Florian Oeller
Iris Kiefer
Iris Kiefer
Production Controller
Nikola Bock
Nikola Bock
Production Controller
Annette Focks
Annette Focks
Felix Novo de Oliveira
Felix Novo de Oliveira
Melanie Schütze
Melanie Schütze


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