Carmen, a free-spirited young woman who sometimes earns money as a prostitute, lives a bohemian existence in a small town where most of the locals allow her to do as she pleases. Jose, a naive young man who has just been hired as the town's new police officer, arrests her. However, Jose is soon drawn into Carmen's sensual spell, and he is compelled to do her bidding as she slowly brings him to his doom.
Beau Garçon
Angelique is saved by the king of the cutthroats when she is endangered in the streets of Paris. After her hero is killed, she has many amorous affairs and becomes a successful businesswoman.
Beau Garçon
In 17th-century France, beautiful country maiden Angélique marries wealthy neighbor Jeoffray de Peyrac out of convenience, but eventually, she falls in love with him. So when Jeoffray is arrested and then vanishes, she bravely sets out to find him. This is the first of many dramas based on Anne and Serge Golon's novels about strong-willed Angélique and her adventures during the reign of Louis XIV, the Sun King.
실패만 거듭하던 프랑스의 저널리스트 알뱅은 취재를 위해 독일의 뮌헨으로 간다. 그곳에서 알뱅은 부유하고 성공한 작가 안드레아스를 만난다. 안드레아스에게는 아름다운 프랑스인 아내 엘렌이 있다. 이 부부는 알뱅과 기꺼이 친구가 되는데, 알뱅은 엘렌에게 반해 버린다. 한편, 교묘히 자신을 피하는 엘렌에게 다른 남자가 있다고 생각한 알뱅은 그녀의 뒤를 밟는다. 부르주아의 삶을 비판적으로 다루는 샤브롤 작품의 전형적 특징이 처음으로 그려진 작품이다.
(2017년 영화의 전당 - 클로드 샤브롤 회고전)