Matthew Davis Walker


Matthew Davis Walker has worked as a director, producer and cinematographer on a range of projects including narrative and documentary feature films, major network series and pilots.

참여 작품

Coyote: The Mike Plant Story
Mike Plant burned his way through life by an unconventional set of rules, leading him to dark corners of the world before finding his passion and the pinnacle of an extreme sport that celebrates individuals who race around the world on a sailboat... a true American adventure story.
The Art of the Game
The Art of the Game documents a cultural shift in the entertainment people enjoy by following a group of college students as they compete for a job in the increasingly influential video game industry. Through a series of interwoven stories, the film explores the passion, creativity, and change taking place in interactive entertainment, and its oftentimes misunderstood artistic culture. [from imdb]
아빠의 천국
Associate Producer
34살 레니는 9살의 세이지, 7살의 프레이 두 아들과 뉴욕 한가운데의 원룸형 아파트에서 지내게 된다. 레니는 아이들과 함께 지내는 동안 아이들의 아버지 역할을 하게 될 것인지, 친구의 역할을 하게 될 것인지에 대해 선택해야 하는 상황에 직면한다. 이 영화는 아버지의 역할과 경험, 아이와 어른을 구분하는 진정한 기준은 무엇인지에 대해 생각하게 한다.