Nico Romero

Nico Romero

출생 : 1983-03-09, Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain


Nico Romero is a Spanish actor. He is best known for his roles in the television series Bandolera y Ciega a citas.

프로필 사진

Nico Romero

참여 작품

베네치아로 여행 온 한 무리의 스페인 관광객들은 그곳에서 외국인을 반기지 않는 현지인들과 목숨을 걸고 싸우는 자신들을 마주하게 되는데…
무인도에 누군가 데려간다면
룸메이트로 마지막 날을 보내는 네 남녀. 우연히 시작한 게임에 숨겨온 비밀들이 드러난다. 한순간에 뒤바뀌는 삶의 진실. 누구도, 무엇도 돌이킬 수 없는 밤이 시작된다.
Cuento de verano
After four years of living together, Léa dumps Mario. He is going to have to spend the loneliest summer of his life locked up in his Madrid apartment, with multiple broken bones. But this summer promises to be a journey in search of happiness, without leaving the downtown district. This trip will change the life of Mario, Chica, a mysterious young woman who appears on his doorstep, and Olmo the young and sassy neighbor, in love with Mario.
Cold Feet
Nobody warned Jacobo that games for couples on the edge of a pool, with soaking feet in the middle of January, was not a good idea.
Faro sin isla
Perro flaco
Pablo has it everything in the life: health, money and love. Nevertheless, a necrosis in the hip is going to trigger the loss of everything what that thought had safe. He is going to try to recover his stability at all costs, perhaps but he is too late.