Ten-year-old Sembi and her grandmother Veerayi, an apiarist, live peacefully amidst nature in the hilly regions of Kodaikanal. They lead a beautiful life until three influential miscreants shatter all their dreams. After a tragedy the two escape and board a bus, whose Passengers from different walks of life try to help bringing justice to the duo.
A father finds out that his teenager daughter is possessed, and the only way he can save her is by doing the ghost's bidding, which will mean an encounter with his long-separated twin - who happens to be a psycho killer.
A genius mathematician doubles up as a hit man, assassinating people opposing a ruthless corporate behemoth. While he manages to stay ahead of the Interpol and the psychotic head of the corporation, who are after him, can he evade the mysterious hacker who is keen to unmask him?
아삼의 평화로운 외딴 산림지대는 코끼리 무리와 함께하는 반데브가 홀로 보호하고 돌보고 있다. 정치적 세력을 뒤에 둔 거대한 다국적 기업이 불법적으로 땅을 점령하고 골프장 건설을 시작하면서 반데브의 고요한 숲과 야생동물의 행복은 깨어지고 만다. 반데브와 코끼리, 숲속의 반군 그리고 마을사람들이 개발에 반대해 맞서 싸우는데 과연 이들은 승리할 수 있을까?
When Paaru sees a fairy tale she heard from from a stranger as a child painted across the walls of a costal town, she goes in search of the man who painted it - Maara.
Godfather is a Tamil action movie, directed by Jegan Rajshekar. The cast of Godfather includes Natarajan Subramaniam,Lal.
A cop, who suffers from family issues, takes up a peculiar suicide case. The plot thickens as similar cases get reported within a span of a few days.
Students of two schools in Thiruvananthapuram that cater to different economical classes are in a tussle. While one set struggles for survival, the other is busy finding joy in drugs. The two groups keep finding reasons to mess with each other. Will they find the purpose of their lives amid the chaos?
Birla Bose, an encounter specialist's next assignment takes him to the holy city of Rameshwaram, where the greatest challenge of his career awaits for him.
A CBI officer goes in search of a ruthless serial killer. Things get worse when the murderer targets the former and her family
A care-free youngster sets out to become a cop and comes back to his village to control a riot. He realises that he has to take on people, who are close to him, to manage the situation.
A youngster has a nightmare and gets the shock of his life when the events from the dream start happening in his real life.
A case involving the disappearance of a pregnant woman turns into a personal one for the cop who is tasked with investigating it.
A disgraced RAW agent Akilan (Vikram) is recalled by the agency to track down a crazy scientist and a cross dresser Love (also Vikram), who has discovered a deadly new drug ‘Speed inhaler’.
A reporter who gets arrested realises that he is a victim of a fake degree certificate racket, and decides to track down the person responsible for misusing his identity.
Four friends go into a haunted mansion on a whim but they do not realize that they have returned home with an evil spirit, from which escape might be impossible.
When Anamika, the girl who he is on a date with, is kidnapped, Arjun goes to the police for help and gets into a dangerous situation from where there is no escape.
바티아 가문 저택에 머물고 있는 영국인 손님의 돈을 훔쳤다는 혐의를 받은 하인들은 24시간 안에 돈을 구하거나 체포될 위기에 처한다.
Mugam is an upcoming Tamil thriller film directed by debutant Sriram D Prasath.