Fred Williams

출생 : 1922-04-10, Los Angeles, California, USA

사망 : 1990-05-11

참여 작품

Police Story: The Freeway Killings
Makeup Supervisor
Thriller/Drama about LAPD detectives tracking down two serial killers who are murdering hookers.
잊을 수 없는 죽음
Makeup Artist
걸출한 변호사 Geotge Barton은 그의 결혼 기념일에, 부인을 잃고 만다. 독극물이 들어간 샴페인을 마신 채 살해 당한 것이다. 하지만, 이건 분명 George를 노렸던 것. 도대체 누가 그런 짓을 했을까?
카리브 해의 비밀
Makeup Artist
얼마 전 폐렴으로 고생을 했던 마플 부인은 요양과 휴식의 목적으로 햇볕 좋은 카리브해의 한 호텔을 찾게 된다. 호텔 주인과 투숙객들은 각각의 개성이 뚜렷한 듯 하지만 다행스럽게도 대부분의 사람들이 마플 부인에게 친절하게 대한다. 그 중 특히 마음 좋고 활달한 팔그레이브 소령과 곧 친해지게 되는데, 그는 자신의 경험담을 바탕으로 일종의 회고록을 구성하고 있는 듯하다. 마플 부인은 소령에게서 이런 저런 경험담을 듣던 중 한 남자의 둘 다 자살한 두 부인에 대한 얘기를 듣게 된다. 재미있는 건 소령이 범인의 사진이 있다며 보여주려 한다는 것이다. 하지만 그때 무엇을 보았는지 소령은 화들짝 놀라며 성급히 사진을 다시 집어넣는다.
Shooting Stars
Makeup Artist
Two television actors who play detectives are fired when the show's star gets upset that they are getting the better parts to play. So, they decide to try it for real.
더 섀도우 라이더스
Makeup Artist
After starring in "The Sacketts", Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott team up again but this time as Mac and Dal Traven, in a movie based on a classic Louis L'Amour novel. They are brothers, who meet up at the end of the Civil War fighting on opposite sides. They go home only to find their family in dire need and their sisters and brother kidnapped by ruthless raiders. They set out to rescue their family.
Isabel's Choice
Makeup Artist
When the boss she helped climb the corporate ladder is forced into early retirement, a widowed executive secretary must choose between his surprise marriage proposal or new challenges and continuing her career by helping his successor adjust to his company duties.
Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen
Makeup Artist
Famous detective Charlie Chan is called out of retirement to help a San Francisco detective solve a mysterious series of murders. With his bumbling grandson as his sidekick, Chan also encounters an old nemesis known as the Dragon Queen who is the prime suspect.
Hardly Working
Makeup Artist
In Jerry Lewis's first film in a decade, he plays Bo Hooper, an unemployed circus clown who can't seem to hold down a job. The film opens with a brief montage of clips from past Lewis movies. He then moves into a succession of jobs that he gets himself fired from including a gas station attendant and a mailman - all with disastrous results.
Another Man, Another Chance
Makeup Artist
Claude Lelouch's Another Man, Another Chance begins in France in 1870. Napoleon III has just lost the war against Prussia and left the country in poverty. Young Jeanne (Genevieve Bujold) falls in love with photographer Francis (Francis Huster), who soon takes her with him when he emigrates to America. In a small town in the still wild west, they build up a small photo shop. Meanwhile animal doctor David (James Caan) lives on his lonesome farm together with his unlucky wife. It takes years and two tragic accidents until Jeanne and David meet. She has already decided to return to France as soon as possible, but love, and fate, have other plans.
해리와 월터 뉴욕에 가다
Makeup Supervisor
Two hoplessly out of their class con-men attempt to pull off the largest bank heist of the l9th century—by gaining the enmity of the most famous bank robber in the world and the affection of a crusading newspaperwoman.
What Now, Catherine Curtis?
Makeup Artist
Following twenty-three years of marriage to a philandering husband, divorcee Catherine Curtis begins life anew as a single woman.
Three for Two
Makeup Supervisor
Lucille Ball stars with the Great One, Jackie Gleason, combining their comedic talents for the first time in a trio of comedy-dramas centered on the various aspects of marriage.
Three for Two
Makeup Artist
Lucille Ball stars with the Great One, Jackie Gleason, combining their comedic talents for the first time in a trio of comedy-dramas centered on the various aspects of marriage.
Return to Macon County
Makeup Artist
In 1958, two teenagers take their pride and joy, a hopped-up Chevy, and start a cross-country journey to enter it in the National Championship drag races in California. Along the way they hook up with a pretty but dingy waitress who quits her job and hops in their car--and turns out to be more trouble than they thought--drag-race a gang of town punks who lose to to them and then accuse them of cheating, and come up against a local cop who is obsessed with putting these two "juvenile delinquents" in jail.
더 프리즈너 오브 세컨드 에비뉴
Makeup Artist
Mel Edison has just lost his job after many years and now has to cope with being unemployed at middle age during an intense NYC heat wave.
특수 경찰
Makeup Artist
풋내기 경찰 보 록클리(Bo (Beauregard) Lockley: 마이클 모라이어티 분)는 아버지의 옛 동료 크런치(Richard 'Crunch' Blackstone: 야펫 코토 분)와 파트너로 순찰 도중 수잔이라는 마약밀매단 여자를 알게 되고 마약조직소탕을 위해 그녀의 배후를 추적하지만 크런치는 전격적 수사를 꺼려한다. 결국, 혼자 추적하던 보 록클리는 총격전 도중 과실로 수잔을 죽게 한다. 사건은 해결되나, 수잔이 비밀 경찰이고, 조사를 위해 마약 밀매 조직에 들어갔음이 알려진다. 경찰 간부들은 책임을 회피하려고 보 록클리를 살인 혐의로 몰아 세우는데...
The Terminal Man
Makeup Artist
As the result of a head injury, brilliant computer scientist Harry Benson begins to experience violent seizures. In an attempt to control the seizures, Benson undergoes a new surgical procedure in which a microcomputer is inserted into his brain. The procedure is not entirely successful.
Makeup Artist
Following the death of his father, an orphan is sent to live with his free-spirited aunt.
The Thief Who Came to Dinner
Makeup Artist
A computer programmer decides to become a thief. And when he starts making waves, an insurance investigator hounds him. He also meets a woman who becomes his accomplice.
왓츠 업 덕
Makeup Artist
비밀 서류가 담긴 가방을 가지고 한 남자가 비행기에서 내린다. 그리고 그 남자를 누군가가 몰래 뒤쫓는다. 한편 어느 부유한 노부인이 보석이 가득 든 똑같은 가방을 들고 호텔에 입실한다. 그리고 그 가방을 누군가가 노린다. 두 사람은 같은 호텔의 같은 층에 묵게 되고, 그들과 전혀 상관없는 두 남녀도 똑같은 가방을 가지고 같은 층에 묵게 되는데…
The Face of Fear
Makeup Artist
A young Iowa schoolteacher, thinking she is dying of leukemia, goes to San Francisco, where she hires a mob killer to take her life. However, she soon changes her mind, and with the help of the local police, tries to find the killer before he fulfills his part of the bargain.
Man and Boy
Makeup Artist
At the beginning of the 19th century a man and his son settle in Arizona which used to be a frontier state and full of criminals at that time.
Mrs. Pollifax — Spy
Makeup Artist
Mrs. Emily Pollifax of New Jersey goes to the CIA to volunteer for spy duty, being in her own opinion, expendable now that the children are grown and she's widowed. And being just what the department needed (someone who looks and acts completely unlike a spy), she's assigned to simple courier duty to pick up a book in Mexico City. But when the pickup doesn't go as planned, Mrs. Pollifax finds herself handcuffed to a handsome stranger on a plane bound for an Albanian prison. And it's up to her to get them out.
The Traveling Executioner
Makeup Artist
Jonas Candide performs his job as state executioner in early 20th century Mississippi like a combination preacher and carnival barker, persuading condemned men to accept their deaths before electrocuting them on his electric chair. After he's assigned his first woman to execute, however, Jonas' sense of purpose is shaken.
Which Way to the Front?
Makeup Artist
Brendan Byers III, one of the richest men in America, has been pronounced 4-F and can't serve his country in its war against Hitler. Byers does not takes "No" for an answer and recruits other 4-F's to fight against Hitler.
How to Commit Marriage
Makeup Artist
A young couple decide to live together and they wind up having a baby. They decide they should give the baby up for adoption. The baby's Mother's parents wind up adopting the baby using a fake name.
와일드 인 더 스트리츠
Makeup Artist
Striking a zeitgeist nerve, Wild in the Streets stars Christopher Jones (Ryan's Daughter) as Max Frost, rock singer and poster boy for the counterculture revolution of the '60s. While performing with his band, The Troopers, at a political rally for Senate candidate Johnny Fergus (Hal Holbrook, Into the Wild), Max seizes the opportunity to spout his own political philosophies which include, among other things, that the voting age should be lowered to 14. And thus begins the tale of Max's meteoric rise. But as he moves further and further into uncharted waters, first as a voice for the youth movement (or is he just a mouthpiece for opportunist politicians?) and then as a nominee for President of the United States, Max will not bend to the will of the old guard. Instead he begins implementing his own ideas of what would make a better world, including re-education camps for those over the age of 35 along with a liberal dosing of LSD.
How to Murder Your Wife
Makeup Artist
Stanley Ford leads an idyllic bachelor life. He is a nationally syndicated cartoonist whose Bash Brannigan series provides him with a luxury townhouse and a full-time valet, Charles. When he wakes up the morning after the night before - he had attended a friend's stag party - he finds that he is married to the very beautiful woman who popped out of the cake - and who doesn't speak a word of English. Despite his initial protestations, he comes to like married life and even changes his cartoon character from a super spy to a somewhat harried husband.
Kisses for My President
Makeup Artist
When the women of America join together on election day and elect a Leslie McCloud as the US President, things get a little awkward. Especially for her husband Thad McCloud. He, as First Husband, must take over the job as The First Lady, in the women's groups and garden parties.
Palm Springs Weekend
Makeup Artist
Set in Palm Springs during a long, fun-filled weekend where several Los Angeles college students flock to spring break, centering on Jim who finds romance with Bunny, the daughter of Palm Springs harred, stressful police chief. Jim's bumbling roommate, Biff, tries to get Amanda, a tomboyish girl's attention with a so-called love gadget. Meanwhile, Gayle Lewis is a high school senior posing as a wealthy college girl who is pursued by Eric Dean, a wealthy and spoiled college prepie, while Gayle has eyes for a cowboy from Texas, named Stretch. Also Jim and Biff's basketball coach, Campbell, tries to romance Naomi, the owner of the motel where all of the gang is staying at, which is interfered by Naomi's young, trouble-making, brat son who's dubbed, Boom-Boom.
80일간의 세계일주
Makeup Artist
영국 빅토리아 여왕 시기, 모험을 즐기며 꼼꼼하고 감정을 잘 드러내지 않는 성격의 거부 필리스 포그(데이빗 니븐)는 자기가 속한 클럽의 친구들과 내기를 한다. 80일 동안에 지구를 한 바퀴 돌 수 있느냐는 논쟁을 벌인 끝에 그의 전 재산 2만 파운드를 건 것이다. 새로 일을 시작한 그의 충실한 집사 빠스빠르뚜(캔틴플라스)와 함께 그는 곧바로 세계일주 여행을 떠난다. 그러나 그들은 여행 시작부터 마르세이유행 열차를 놓치고, 여행사 직원으로부터 기구를 구입하여 여행을 계속하나 목적지가 아닌 스페인에 도착하게 되는 등 어려움을 겪게 된다. 빠스빠르뚜의 코믹한 투우 덕에 배를 얻어 타고 스페인에서 벗어난 그들은 계획된 여행경로를 따라 여행을 계속한다. 마지막까지 자신을 방해하며 뒤쫓는 탐정을 따돌리며 세계일주에 성공하지만, 결국 그는 기한보다 하루가 지나서 영국에 도착한다. 그러나 지구 반대편의 시차로 인한 착오였음이 밝혀지고 그는 내기에서 이긴다.
The Battler
Makeup Artist
Wandering around America, young Nick Adams encounters a washed-up punch-drunk boxer known as "The Battler".