Herb Vigran

Herb Vigran

출생 : 1910-06-05, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA

사망 : 1986-11-29


A well known character actor, Vigran was originally a law school graduate. He later chose to pursue acting, and performed in hundreds of radio shows with the likes of Jack Benny, Bob Hope and Jimmy Durante. He appeared frequently as various villains on the television series Adventures of Superman (1952), and made several guest appearances on television series like The Brady Bunch (1969) and I Love Lucy (1951).

프로필 사진

Herb Vigran

참여 작품

세계 최초 장편 입체 애니메이션으로 알려진 <스타 체이서-오린의 전설>은 1985년 미국에서 개봉하여 큰 반향을 일으켰지만, 배급사가 파산하며 상영관을 금방 내려야 했다. 국내에 개봉한 적이 없으므로 DVD로만 감상이 가능했다. 그렇게 전설로만 남아 있던 작품을 최근 디지털로 복원하여 이번 상영에서 3D로 감상할 수 있는 기회가 생겼다. 3D 최초의 애니메이션이라는 기술적 성취를 제외하더라도 제프리 스콧의 완성도 높은 시나리오와 아더왕의 전설, 1970년대 유행했던 <스타워즈>의 영향력을 확인하는 재미 등 '스페이스 오페라' 장르로의 재미도 충실하다. (한국영상자료원)
I Was a Mail Order Bride
On a bet with one of his practical-joking partners, a Los Angeles lawyer responds to an ad from a pretty Chicago magazine writer offering herself as a bridal candidate as an investigative reporting assignment, and then makes another bet that he can keep the relationship platonic for two weeks.
10월의 첫 월요일
Justice Ambrose Quincy
For the first time in history a woman is appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, where she becomes a friendly rival to a liberal associate.
The Flintstones: Little Big League
Judge Shale (voice)
Fred manages a little league baseball team that seems absolutely hopeless, except for a player that he blindly refuses to recognize.
Every Girl Should Have One
A merry who-done-it diamond caper unfolds after a woman's million dollar necklace is stolen while she is having her portrait done.
The Loneliest Runner
A young boy who still wets the bed finds escapism from his abusive mother and his own embarrassment by going running after school.
Lt. Ted Samuels
벤지는 동네를 떠돌아다니는 주인 없는 개지만 마을 사람들의 사랑을 받으며 바쁜 하루하루를 보낸다. 신디와 폴은 벤지를 특히 좋아해 함께 살기를 바라지만 아버지의 반대에 상심한다. 그러던 중 마을의 아무도 살지 않는 집에 몇 명의 일당이 꿍꿍이를 꾸미려 들어오게 된다. 이들은 몸값을 노리고 신디와 폴을 납치하게 된다. 하지만 영리한 벤지의 도움으로 둘은 풀려나게 되고, 아버지는 벤지를 새로운 가족으로 받아들이게 된다.
허비: 돌아오다
Window Washer
건설회사를 운영하는 호크 회장(Alonzo Hawk: 키난 윈 분)은 샌프란시스코에 세계 최고의 건물 호크플라자를 세우기로 한다. 그러나 신축부지에 있는 옛 소방서 건물에 사는 스타인메츠(Mrs. Steinmetz: 헬렌 헤이즈 분) 부인이 떠날 생각을 하지 않는다. 호크 회장은 순진한 변호사이며 조카인 윌로비(Willoughby Whitfield: 켄 베리 분)를 보내 계약서에 서명을 받도록 한다. 스타인메츠 부인은 마법의 자동차 허비와 니콜(Nicole Harris: 스테파니 파워즈 분)이라는 스튜어디스와 같이 살고 있는데, 소방서를 찾아간 윌로비는 니콜과 허비의 도움으로 호크의 본색을 알게 되고 함께 싸우기로 마음먹는다. 호크는 스타인메츠 부인을 쫓아내려고 허비를 훔치지만 실패하고 변호사들을 시켜 허비를 부수려하지만 또다시 실패한다. 화가 난 호크는 니콜과 윌로비가 외출한 틈을 타서 가구를 훔치지만 스타인메츠 부인은 보관 창고에 가서 다시 가구를 찾아온다. 계속 계획이 실패로 돌아가자 호크는 한밤중에 소방서를 부수게 하는데 이 계획을 알아챈 스타인메츠 부인은 철거업자에게 전화를 걸어 오히려 호크의 집을 부수게 만든다. 그러자 호크는 겉으로 호크플라자 건설을 포기하는 척하고 밤에 중장비를 몰고와서 소방서를 부수려고 한다. 허비는 저녁식사를 하고있던 니콜과 윌로비를 불러오고 다른 자동차들의 도움을 받아 호크 일당을 몰아낸다. 그리고 소방서를 구한 윌로비와 니콜은 허비를 타고 신혼여행을 떠난다.
A special police unit goes after a cop-killer in this pilot film to the short-lived series.
아기 돼지 윌버와 친구들
돼지 윌버는 함께 태어난 형제들 중 가장 작다는 이유로 농장 주인에게 죽음을 당할 뻔 한다. 농장 주인의 딸 펀은 아빠를 설득해 윌버를 애완돼지로 정성껏 키운다. 하지만 윌버는 펀의 삼촌 주커만씨의 농장으로 팔려간다. 펀을 그리워하던 윌버는 어느 날 농장에 살고 있는 양에게 호감을 갖는다. 그렇지만 양은 돼지 윌버와 자신은 격이 다르다며 친구가 되기를 거부한다. 돼지는 크리스마스 때 베이컨이나 햄으로 만들어져야 하기 때문에 도살되어야 한다는 것이다. 겁에 질려 벌벌 떠는 윌버. 그때 누군가의 목소리가 들린다. "내가 너의 친구가 되어줄게. 내가 도와줄게"하며윌버 곁에 나타난 커다란 회색 거미 샬롯. 윌버는 샬롯에게 자신의 처지를 하소연하며 도움을 청한다. 샬롯은 불안해하는 윌버에게 힘닿는 데 까지 도와 줄 것을 약속한다. 펀이 주커만씨의 농장을 찾던 날, 알에서 부화한 일곱 마리의 새끼거위들이 태어난다. 그 중 덩치가 가장 작은 새끼거위 제프리 역시 윌버와 친구가 된다. 이제 윌버는 새 친구들과 함께 행복한 나날을 보내게 되는데...
Emergency! [Pilot]
Committee Chairman
The pilot movie to the hit series about Los Angeles paramedics and their interaction with the fire department and hospital system.
A con artist arrives in a mining town controlled by two competing companies. Both companies think he's a famous gunfighter and try to hire him to drive the other out of town.
The Day of the Wolves
The Realtor
A group of six thieves selected from different areas are sent a letter that promises them a minimum of $50,000 and includes a plane ticket. The letter instructs them to grow a beard. After being given a blindfolded ride from the airport, they arrive at a ghost town and meet with the boss (Number #1, Jan Murray). All of the "Wolves" are assigned a number, wear identical overalls and instructed never to take off the gloves that they are given. They are only to address eachother by their numbers; in that way, if one is caught, he can't rat-out the others. Number #1 reveals to them that they will take over a town, and clean it out. Using the ghost town for training, they develop their tactics to fleece the town.
My Dog the Thief
Helicopter Mechanic
As ratings for Jack Crandall's lifeless airborne traffic reports plummet, a super-size St. Bernard on the lam stows away in his chopper. Crandall's new co-pilot helps send ratings sky-high, but the canine's chronic kleptomania generates girl trouble, jewel thievery, and loads of laughs.
블랙비어드 고스트
Danny Oly
The eponymous wraith returns to Earth to aid his descendant, elderly Emily Stowecroft. The villains want to kick Emily and her friends out of their group home so that they can build a crooked casino. Good guy Steve Walker gets caught in the middle of the squabble after evoking Blackbeard's ghost.
The Reluctant Astronaut
NASA Doctor
Don Knotts is Roy Fleming, a small town kiddie-ride operator who is deathly afraid of heights. After learning that his father has signed him up for the space program, Roy reluctantly heads for Houston, only to find out upon arriving that his job is a janitor, not an astronaut. Anxious to live up to the expectations of his domineering father, Roy manages to keep up a facade of being an astronaut to his family and friends. When NASA decides to launch a lay person into space to prove the worthiness of a new automated spacecraft, Roy gets the chance to confront his fears.
러브 앤 플라워스
TV Announcer (uncredited)
At one of his many visits to his doctor, hypochondriac George Kimball mistakes a dying man's diagnosis for his own and believes he only has about two more weeks to live. Wanting to take care of his wife Judy, he doesn't tell her and tries to find her a new husband. When he finally does tell her, she quickly finds out he's not dying at all (while he doesn't) and she believes it's just a lame excuse to hide an affair, so she decides to leave him.
The Brass Bottle
A genie tends to get his master into more predicaments than he gets him out of.
Announcer at Minsky's (voice) (uncredited)
Mama Rose lives to see her daughter June succeed on Broadway by way of vaudeville. When June marries and leaves, Rose turns her hope and attention to her elder, less obviously talented, daughter Louise. However, having her headlining as a stripper at Minsky's Burlesque is not what she initially has in mind.
피어리어드 오브 어저스먼트
Christmas Caroler (uncredited)
테네시 윌리엄스의 희곡을 영상화한 죠지 로이 힐 감독의 첫 데뷔작. 신혼여행 중인 한 신혼부부가 결혼에 문제가 있는 친구들을 방문해 그들의 결혼생활 문제를 도우려 한다.
Cigar Smoker in Elevator
할리우드의 메이저 스튜디오인 파라뮤추얼 영화사는 경영이 여의치않게 됨에 따라 제작 비용이 제대로 쓰여지고 있는지 확인할 필요를 느낀다. 영화사 사장은 현장의 사정을 제대로 파악해서 알려줄 스파이를 필요하다고 보고 모티(제리 루이스)를 사환으로 고용한다. 회사의 통신실에 배치된 모티는 각 부서를 매일 돌아다니게 되지만 정보를 수집하려 하면서 오히려 자신이 사고를 일으키고 만다.
What's My Lion?
Narrator (voice)
It's open season for hunting, and Rocky the Mountain Lion takes refuge from gunfire by sneaking into a cabin owned by Elmer Fudd.
Bells Are Ringing
Barney Lampwick
Ella Peterson works in the basement office of Susanswerphone, a telephone answering service. She listens in on others' lives and adds some interest to her own humdrum existence by adopting different identities for her clients. They include an out-of-work Method actor, a dentist with musical yearnings, and in particular playwright Jeffrey Moss, who is suffering from writer's block and desperately needs a muse.
Magoo Meets Boing Boing (The Noise-Making Boy)
Mr. McCloy (voice)
Mr. Magoo agrees to babysit Gerald McBoing Boing.
Go, Johnny, Go!
Bill Barnett
Rock-n-roll promoter Alan Freed holds a talent search to develop a new rock star, then must find the elusive, mystery contestant (Jimmy Clanton) who doesn't know he has won.
Plunderers of Painted Flats
Mr. Perry
To scare the squatters from the cattle country he claims as his own, rancher Ed Sampson orders the Martin farm house burned. Galt Martin is killed, and his eldest son, Joe, is pistol-whipped. Timmy Martin sees the killer, Cass Becker and points him out when he and Joe are in Painted Flats. Cass forces Joe to put on a gun but Ned East, a retired gunfighter, saves the inexperienced Joe by forcing Cass to draw on him, and Ned is the winner.
파티 걸
Bailiff / Radio Newscaster (voice) (uncredited)
30년대 시카고를 주름잡던 깡패 두목 리코 안젤로는 자기가 좋아하는 여배우 진 할로가 결혼했다는 소식에 화가 나 호화판 파티를 연다. 한편 이 파티에는 시카고 시내의 유명한 나이트클럽 무용수(파티걸)들도 동원을 했는데, 여기서 안젤로의 고문변호사 토미 패럴은 파티걸중의 한 명인 비키 케이시와 알게되어 급속도로 사랑에 빠진다.
The Cry Baby Killer
John Lawson - Gambelli's Lawyer (uncredited)
A teenage boy panics and takes hostages when he thinks he's committed murder.
건 러너스
Freddy (uncredited)
Remake of "To Have and Have Not" based on Hemingway short story. Plot reset to early days of Cuban revolution. A charter boat skipper gets entangled in gunrunning scheme to get money to pay off debts. Sort of a sea-going film noir with bad girl, smarmy villain, and the "innocent" drawn into wrong side of law by circumstances.
The Case Against Brooklyn
A rookie cop takes on criminals who have the local government in their pocket.
The Notorious Mr. Monks
Bartender (uncredited)
A drunken driver, his wife and a hitchhiker equals murder.
The Edge of Innocence
An unscrupulous criminal lawyer falls in love with a wealthy widow and becomes involved with her brother's disappearance and murder.
1920년 대 미국을 배경으로 헬렌 모건의 가수 인생의 일대기를 그린 영화다. 당시 가수라는 직업은 사람들에게 노래를 불러 주기 보단 저급한 춤을 선보이며 술을 파는 광대 정도로 인식이 되었다. 작은 시골 마을 출신인 헬렌은 힘든 여건 속에서도 꿋꿋이 이겨내며 진정 사람들에게 노래로 감동을 줄 수 있는 가수로서 성공하기 위해 밑바닥부터 일하고 노력한다. 그 와 중에 래리 매덕스라는 남자를 만나 사랑에 빠지지만 자신의 성공을 위해서라면 모든지 이용하는 이기적인 남자였다. 여러 차례 그에게 이용당하지만 그를 떠나지 못한다. 훗날 웨이드 라는 변호사가 그녀를 후원하게 되어 가수로서 크게 성공하게 되고 사랑도 하게 되지만 유부남인 웨이드를 떠날 수 밖에 없었다. 많은 사랑의 시련과 배신으로 심신이 지친 헬렌은 술과 담배로 나날이 찌들어 갔고 공연 중에 실신하게 된다. 이 후 명성을 떨어지고 가수로서 모든 걸 잃게 된다 하지만 정신차리고 돌아온 래리 덕분으로 재기에 성공하게 되고 노래 부르게 된다.
The Wayward Girl
Used-Furniture Buyer (uncredited)
Framed by her stepmother for manslaughter, a convict turns to a parole racket.
Gunsight Ridge
R.B. Davis - Justice of the Peace
An undercover agent takes the job of sheriff in order to find the men responsible for a series of stagecoach robberies.
그는 알고있다
Charlie Cuneo
Beloved priest Father Thomasino is murdered in a San Francisco alley, and the police have few clues. But traffic cop Joe Martini becomes obsessed with finding the killer; he suspects Sylvio Malatesta. Ordered off the case, Joe turns in his badge and investigates alone. Soon he is a close friend of the Malatesta family, all delightful people, especially lovely cousin Anna. Uncertain whether Sylvio is guilty or innocent, Joe is now torn between old and new loyalties.
A Hatful of Rain
Man in Elevator (uncredited)
A Korean War veteran's morphine addiction wreaks havoc upon his family.
더 뱀파이어
Sgt. George Ryan
A small town doctor mistakenly ingests an experimental drug made from the blood of vampire bats which transforms the kindly medic into a bloodthirsty monster.
Public Pigeon No. 1
Club Manager
Swindlers con a lunchroom clerk into doing them a favor, supposedly on behalf of the FBI.
You Can't Run Away from It
A reporter stumbles on a runaway heiress whose story could salvage his career.
Calling Homicide
Ray Engel
Cop Andy Doyle investigates a car-bombing murder and the killing of a sleazy modeling agency owner. Are they connected?
A Cry in the Night
A police captain's emotions get in the way when his daughter is kidnapped.
Three for Jamie Dawn
Mr. Robbins
An unscrupulous attorney attempts to rig the jury vote in a murder trial. Released in 1956.
That Certain Feeling
TV Director
When Larry Larkin's comic strip needs some freshening up, he calls in ghost-writer Francis X. Dignan to help him with the strip. Things get complicated when Francis rekindles his love for his ex-wife, who happens to be Larkin's secretary and soon-to-be wife.
Our Miss Brooks
The big-screen translation of the successful television show of the 1950's. Arden stars as Connie Brooks, wisecracking English teacher at Madison High School, still hoping to tie the knot with shy biology teacher Philip Boynton (Robert Rockwell).
World Without End
Reporter (uncredited)
Four astronauts returning from man's first mission to Mars enter a time warp and crash on a 26th Century Earth devastated by atomic war. At first unaware where they are, but finding the atmosphere safe to breathe, they start exploring and find themselves in a divided future where disfigured mutants living like cavemen inhabit the surface, while the normals live comfortably below the surface but are dying as a race from lack of natural water, air and sunlight.
Uranium Boom
Hotel Desk Clerk
Ex-lumberjack Brad Collins (Dennis Morgan) and mining engineer Grady Mathews (William Talman) find uranium in the Colorado badlands. While Grady guards the claim, Brad goes to register it in town, where he meets and marries Jean Williams (Patricia Medina.) Returning to the claim, Brad learns that Jean was once Grady's fiancee. Grady, as one would expect, is somewhat put out and leaves the mine in Brad's hands, while he hooks up with a confidence man and engineers a scheme to break the back of Brad's somewhat rapidly-created mining empire.
At Gunpoint
Matt, a Saloon Patron
A general-store keeper scares off bank robbers with a lucky shot, but they come back.
I Died a Thousand Times
Art (uncredited)
After aging criminal Roy Earle is released from prison he decides to pull one last heist before retiring — by robbing a resort hotel.
Last of the Desperados
Coroner (bit)
After killing Billy the Kid, Sheriff Pat Garrett is relentlessly dogged by members of the Kid's gang.
언제나 맑음
Nashby (uncredited)
테드, 더그, 앤지는 세 명의 사나이는 1955년 뉴욕의 한 술집에서 다시 만날 것을 맹세한다. 그들은 모두 약속된 날에 나타나지만, 그들의 우정이 예전 같지 않다는 것을 금방 알게 된다.
해저 2만리
Reporter for the Globe (uncredited)
19세기 후반, 바다는 사람들에게 모험의 공간이자 공포의 대상이었다. 항구를 떠난 많은 배들이 실종되는 사태가 벌어지자, 선원들은 배를 가라앉게 하는 긴 뿔이 달린 거대한 일각고래에 관해 수군대며 항구로 돌아온다. 동물학자 아라낙스 교수와 조교 콘세일, 그리고 전문 고래잡이 네드는 그 미스터리를 풀기 위해 미국 원정단에 합류하는데... 플레이셔의 디즈니 시기를 대표하는 작품으로, 질 베르너의 원작 소설을 가장 완벽하게 영화화한 작품으로 손꼽힌다.
So You Want to Know Your Relatives
Rocco McDoakes (uncredited)
Do-gooder Joe McDoakes is the guest on the "Know Your Relatives" TV show where, to his chagrin, many of his black sheep relations reveal the skeletons in the family closet.
화이트 크리스마스
Novello (uncredited)
노래와 춤으로 유명한 봅(Bob Wallace: 빙 크로스비 분)과 필(Phil Davis: 대니 케이 분)은 전쟁 후 한팀을 이루어 열띤 활동을 해오고 있었다. 어느 겨울, 그들의 애인의 베티(Betty Haynes: 로버메리 클루니 분), 쥬디(Judy Haynes: 베라 엘렌 분)과 함께 버몬트로 크리스마스 여행을 떠난다. 물론 그들은 애인들과 즐겁게 보낼 생각을 하고 있었으니 옛 군대 상사가 경영하는 여관이 재정적인 어려움을 겪고 있는 것을 보고 봅과 필은 그를 도울 모험을 시작한다.
수잔은 여기 자고 있다
Sergeant Sam Hanlon
On Christmas Eve, suffering from a case of writer's block, screenwriter Mark Christopher and his gofer Virgil get an unexpected visit from Sergeant Maizel. Knowing Christopher is working on a juvenile delinquent script, the sergeant brings by delinquent Susan thinking she will inspire Christopher while providing a place for her to spend the holidays outside of juvenile hall.
So This Is Love
Club M.C.
Film biography of opera star Grace Moore, released in 1953.
Never Wave at a WAC
A divorced socialite decides to join the Army because she hopes it will enable her to see more of her boyfriend, a Colonel. She soon encounters many difficulties with the Army lifestyle. Moreover, her ex-husband is working as a consultant with the Army, and he uses his position to disrupt her romantic plans by making her join a group of WACs who are testing new equipment.
The Star
A washed-up movie queen finds romance, but continues to desire a comeback.
Just for You
George - Jordan's Chauffeur (as Herbert Vigran)
Jordan Blake (a widower) is a successful Broadway Producer who has always been to busy for his children, Barbara and Jerry. Girlfriend, Carolina a musical comedy star, urges Jordan to take his kids on a vacation and get to know them before they are all grown up. Is Jordan already too late?
Somebody Loves Me
Backstage musical biography of nightclub star Blossom Seeley that charts her rocky relationship with vaudeville singer Benny Fields.
인생의 종착역
Poker Player (segment "The Clarion Call") (uncredited)
오 헨리의 유명한 단편 소설 `경찰관과 찬송가`, `나팔소리`, `마지막 잎새`, `붉은 추장의 몸값`, `크리스마스 선물` 등을 수록한 옴니버스 영화
Oklahoma Annie
A spunky storekeeper is determined to clean up corruption in her small town, as well as win the heart of the new sheriff. Comedy.
The Racket
Paradise Club Manager (uncredited)
Mobster Nick Scanlon has managed to buy several of the local government and law-enforcement officials. However, he can't seem to touch the incorruptible police captain Tom McQuigg, who refuses all attempts at bribery. Prosecuting attorney, Welch, and a police detective, Turck, are crooked and make McQuigg's job as an honest officer nearly impossible.
Behave Yourself!
Police Desk Sergeant (uncredited)
A young man takes in a dog that turns out to be wanted by mobsters.
Night Into Morning
Joe - the Bartender
Berkeley university professor adjusts (using alcohol) to tragic fire deaths of wife & son.
Bedtime for Bonzo
Lt. Daggett
College prof Peter Boyd tries to salvage his professional and personal reputation by using a lab chimp to prove that environment trumps heredity in behavioral development.
Hunt the Man Down
Collins' Aide (uncredited)
A lawyer uncovers secrets behind a 12-year-old murder case.
Appointment with Danger
Al Goddard, a detective who works for the United States Postal Inspection Service, is assigned to arrest two criminals who've allegedly murdered a U.S. postal detective.
Side Street
News Photographer
A struggling young father-to-be gives in to temptation and impulsively steals an envelope of money from the office of a corrupt attorney. Instead of a few hundred dollars, it contains $30,000, and when he decides to return the money things go wrong and that is only the beginning of his troubles.
And Baby Makes Three
A recently divorced couple see things differently after learning they are going to be parents.
이방인의 집
자신의 아들들마저도 철저하게 자신의 사업 목적에 이용하는 냉혹하기 그지없는 한 사업가의 이야기를 그린 드라마. 원래 로빈슨은 서부 영화나 범죄 영화들에서 악당 역할들로 유명한 험악한(?) 인상의 배우이다.
The Judge
Reporter with pipe
A study of an amoral and sleazy defense lawyer who suddenly tries to "go straight" when he finds out that his tart wife is cheating on him; as well as the similarities he has in life with one of his clients.
Texas, Brooklyn & Heaven
Man in Subway (uncredited)
Eddie Tayloe's grandfather leaves him six thousand dollars and the money belt it came in, freeing Tayloe to leave his dull newspaper job in Texas and move to New York to become a playwright. Along the way, his car breaks down and a girl walking along the highway asks for a lift. It turns out she's a nice girl, named Perry, running away from a job at a gasoline station. Soon they're off to New York together, but part ways once they arrive. Time passes and Eddie is failing to sell his play; Perry is failing to find a job. Odd circumstances, involving an old pickpocket named Mandy, bring them together again.
All My Sons
Wertheimer (uncredited)
During WWII, industrialist Joe Keller commits a crime and frames his business partner Herbert Deever. Years later, his sin comes back to haunt him when Joe's son plans to marry Deever's daughter.
The Noose Hangs High
Coat Thief (uncredited)
Two window washers who are mistaken by Nick Craig, a bookie, as the messengers he sent for to pick up $50,000. Now the person he sent them to sent two of his men to get the money back but they found out about it. So they try to mail to Craig but a mix up has the money sent somewhere else and the woman who got it spent it. Now Craig needs the money to pay off one of his clients.
Joe Palooka in Fighting Mad
Joe Palooka goes blind during a fight. An operation restores his vision, but he's told not to fight for a year. His trainer Knobby has picked up another fighter, but gangsters are pressing him to fix fights. Joe decides to risk his eyesight to save Knobby's honor.
살인광 시대
Reporter (uncredited)
30년이나 은행원으로 성실하게 살아온 베르두는 불황으로 하루 아침에 실업자가 되자 새로운 사업을 시작한다. 그는 부유한 마담들이 놀고 먹는 것을 보고 그런 사회 기생충을 말살하는 것은 죄가 아니라고 생각하게 된다. 그 결과 돈있는 과부들을 설득해서 결혼한 뒤 신부를 죽임으로써 여자들의 재산을 빼앗는 것이다. 베르두는 사람을 죽여도 독이 검출되지 않는 동물 안락사용 독약의 처방을 알아낸다. 약을 실험하기 위해 거리에서 방황하는 젊은 여자를 집으로 데려오지만 그녀에게 감동해서 차마 독약을 먹이지 못하고 오히려 돈을 줘서 보낸다. 대신 그 약은 베르두를 수상히 여기고 추적하던 형사가 마시고 죽는데, 그는 심장마비로 판명된다. 베르두의 다음 계획은 그로스니 부인과의 결혼이었다. 끈질긴 구애작전 끝에 결혼식을 치루는 날, 리용에 있어야 할 몇 번째인가의 아내 보뇌 부인이 나타나서 베르두는 허둥지둥 달아나고 결혼식은 무산된다. 그로니스 부인은 그를 찾아달라고 신고하고, 경찰은 다시 수사에 착수한다. 마침내 배르두는 체포되어 길로틴의 이슬로 사라지는데, 그는 끝내 사회가 자신을 그렇게 만들었다고 믿는다.
The Burning Cross
Jim Todd
Recently returned from WWII combat, unable to find a job, finding his sweetheart engaged to another man, and generally aware of the changes which have occurred in his hometown while he was away, a young man becomes easily talked into joining the Ku Klux Klan. Banned by the Virginia Board of Censors, and financed independently because no bank would loan money for it.
Her Adventurous Night
Cop #2 (uncredited)
A boy's tall tale about a gun puts his parents and school principal in jail.
Chief Engineer
Captain Stone's newly recruited officer, Tom Merriam, idolizes his senior who treats him like a friend. But when a couple of his crew members die mysteriously, Tom starts doubting Stone's authority.
Dr. Gillespie's Criminal Case
Orderly (uncredited)
In this 13th entry to the Dr. Kildare series, the medical staff of Blair General hospital are challenged with further dilemmas, not the least of which includes a prison inmate who Dr. Gillespie believes belongs instead in an insane asylum.
It Ain't Hay
Man in Microphone Room (uncredited)
Abbot and Costello must find a replacement for a woman's horse they accidentally killed after feeding it some candy. They head for the racetrack, find a look-a-like and take it. They do not realize that the nag is "Tea Biscuit," a champion racehorse.
The Great Gildersleeve
George, the jeweller
A small-town blowhard runs for water commissioner while fighting to win custody of his niece and nephew.
Secrets of a Co-Ed
An attorney's immature college-student daughter becomes romantically involved with a mobster, unaware that a nightclub singer also loves him - or that her father is secretly the mob's leader.
Pardon My Sarong
Wise Guy at Gas Station (uncredited)
A pair of bus drivers accidentally steal their own bus. With the company issuing a warrant for their arrest, they tag along with a playboy on a boat trip that finds them on a tropical island, where a jewel thief has sinister plans for them.
Night in New Orleans
Player (Uncredited)
A policeman's family helps to exonerate him of murder charges in the death of a man he had under interrogation.
New York Town
Barker (uncredited)
Victor Ballard, a happy-go-lucky albeit impoverished sidewalk photographer, shares a New York City studio apartment with Polish immigrant painter Stefan Janowski. The big city doles out joy and misery indiscriminately: In the apartment below Victor and Steve, Gus Nelson learns that his wife has given birth to quintuplets, while the lonely tenant in the apartment below Gus has given up on life and committed suicide.
Reg'lar Fellers
Mr. Hall, Radio Announcer
Based on the comic strip by Gene Byrnes, the "Reg'lar Fellers", and one girl-feller, tinker with building a land/water machine, form a kid-band and go on the radio, celebrate a birthday, get involved with gangsters...and reunite a wealthy recluse with her baby granddaughter and estranged daughter-in-law.
Murder by Invitation
Eddie Stats, photographer
The relatives of a rich old woman unsuccessfully try to have her declared insane, so they can divide up her money. To show them that there are no hard feelings, she invites them to her estate for the weekend so she can decide to whom she actually will leave her money when she dies. Soon, however, family members begin turning up dead.
Morocco Club bartender
A wealthy businessman's irresponsible son and a down-on-her-luck model enter into a marriage of convenience, and end up falling in love.
City of Missing Girls
Danny Mason
A female reporter goes undercover to investigate the series of mysterious disappearances of young women, who were all linked to a local drama school.
Behind the News
Reporter #1 on Phone
As suggested by its title, Behind the News was a "stop the presses!" yarn set in a big-city newsroom. Lloyd Nolan is top-billed as a cynical reporter with a penchant for sticking his neck out too far. Frank Albertson costars as a cub reporter fresh out of journalism school, whose presence is resented by Nolan and his fellow workers. But it is Albertson who, after running afoul of the law, is instrumental in breaking up a ring of racketeers. Behind the News was remade by Republic as Headline Hunters (55).
Stranger on the Third Floor
Reporter Who Wins Cardgame (uncredited)
Newspaper reporter Michael Ward plunges into a nightmare of guilt, fearing that his "evidence" has sentenced the wrong man to death.
The Golden Fleecing
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
A mild-mannered insurance salesman gets mixed up with gangsters.
Cross-Country Romance
Omaha Reporter
A runaway heiress hides in a doctor's trailer for a rollicking trip to San Francisco.
Hold That Woman!
Furniture Company Repossessor
A skip tracer--someone who collects late payments from people who've purchased appliances, etc., or takes them back them when they don't pay--repossesses a small radio from a deadbeat who's skipped payments. What he doesn't know is that a gang that has stolen diamonds from a Hollywood movie star has stashed them inside the radio, and they start hunting for him.
Two Girls on Broadway
Reporter (uncredited)
Eddie Kerns sells his song to a Broadway producer and also lands a job dancing in the musical. He sends for his dance partner-fiancée Molly Mahoney who brings her younger sister Pat. Upon seeing Molly and Pat dance, the producer picks Pat for the show and gives Molly a job selling cigarettes. A wealthy friend of the producer named "Chat" Chatsworth also has his eye on Pat. Pat is teamed with Eddie in the specialty number as Kerns and Mahoney. Pat and Eddie soon realize that they are in love and must tell Molly. Pat balks at hurting Molly and goes out with Chat who already has five ex-wives.
It All Came True
After crooked nightclub owner murders a police informant, he blackmails his piano player to allow him to stay at his eccentric mother's boarding house.
Grant the Mechanic
Captain John Kent is a pilot in charge of the border patrol. Two crooks who head up a smuggling operation, Morley and his associate Faber, are trying to outwit Kent. The smugglers hope that they can influence Kent's younger brother Doug to help them, and they employ an attractive singer in an attempt to win Doug over.
Factory Worker (uncredited)
A girl marries a playboy from a rich family, expecting a life of comfort and luxury. However, her new father-in-law turns his ne'er-do-well son out into the street with no money, and promises the girl that if she can make a man out of her new husband, the father will give her $10,000 and see that she gets a quick divorce.
Happy Landing
Radio Operator
An action-filled film with outlaws-of-the-clouds at war with the men of the U. S. Flying Service. A young pilot, Nick Ferris, fights to track down a dangerous gang of smugglers and clear his name of an undeserved stigma.