Guan Shan
출생 : 1933-04-20,
사망 : 2012-10-01
Kwan Shan (Chinese: 關山, April 20, 1933 – October 1, 2012) was a Hong Kong film actor. Kwan appeared as a romantic lead actor in Mandarin-language films created in Hong Kong, especially during the 1960s. His roles included several Shaw Brothers Studio productions.
Chief of Wonder Seven
홍콩 번화가에 6인조 무장강도가 들어 금품을 강탈하고 중국 국경 지역으로 도주한다. 이에 7인의 특수 경호부대원들이 나서서 민첩한 솜씨로 이들을 일망타진한다. 7인의 특수 경호부대원들은 고아 출신으로 엽비를 주축으로 형제애로 똘똘뭉친 친구들이다.어느 날 이들은 엄군장으로부터 새로운 명령을 하달받는다. 군출신 중국인 무기거래상과 미국측 무기거래상을 체포하고 이들이 지닌 각각의 카드를 빼앗는 것. 이 카드는 중국 정부의 다이아몬드가 보관된 스위스 은행의 보관함을 열 수 있는 것으로 두 개가 합쳐져야만 가능하다. 잠복 근무 중이던 엽비는 바닷가에서 우연히 미국측 무기상의 일원인 방영을 만나 호감을 갖게된다.
핵폭발로 인해 지구는 방사능에 노출되고 오염된 물은 기형인간을 만들어 낸다. 정수장치를 발명하여 물의 독점 공급권을 장악한 김은 총통자리를 노리고 쿠데타를 일으킬 계획을 세운다. 수원지를 찾아나선 대원들이 모두 시체로 발견되자 혼자서 의협 활동을 벌이고 있던 진삼은 동방삼협의 재결합을 제안한다. 그러나 진치는 돈맛에 이미 푹 빠져 버렸고, 라우 국장의 아내가 된 동동은 평범한 여자로서의 길을 고집한다. 그러던 중 라우국장이 김에게 이용당한 채 김의 하수인 장군에 의해 살해당하는데.
In 1941, during the Japanese occupation of mainland China, a man is infected by a Japanese vampire soldier. He manages to climb in to an underground cavern where he impales himself with a wooden stake. 25 years later, after the Mao communist Revolution, he's inadvertently ressurected by his unsuspecting son and returns long enough to infect the people's leader.
Mr. Fung
홍콩 강력계 형사 진가구(성룡 분)는 주도를 체포하기 위해 쇼핑센터에서 체포 작전을 벌이다 쇼핑센터에 손실을 끼쳐 정부에서 백만달러를 지불하기에 이른다. 경찰서 내부 사람들 모두 진가구에게 영웅주의에 빠져 보통 경찰의 업무를 잊었다며 질타하고 이 사건으로 진가구는 순찰경관으로 강등되어 임무를 수행하게 된다. 그러던 중 자신이 체포한 흉악범 주도가 보석으로 풀려나 복수를 준비하려는 사실을 알게 된다. 한편 쇼핑 센터을 폭발시킨 범인들은 어느 회사에 폭발물을 장치하고 거액의 돈을 요구한다. 이에 경찰서장은 사표를 낸 진가구에게 협조를 요청하고, 결국 진가구는 사건을 맡게 된다. 범인들은 회사에 돈을 요구하는 협박전화를 하게 되고 진가구와 장반장은 전화를 도청하여 폭발범들 체포에 열을 올리지만 번번히 실패하게 되고, 범인들은 경찰서를 폭파시킨다. 그러던 와중 아미가 범인들에게 납치되게 되고, 진가구마저 그들에게 잡힌다. 폐쇠된 화약 제조공장을 소굴로 사용하는 범인들은 결국 아미를 인질로 잡고, 진가구의 몸에 폭탄을 장치하여 돈가방을 가져오게 하고 마는데...
Go Ying Pui
아버지의 죽음이 형 때문이었다고 믿었던 강직한 성격의 경찰 송자걸(장국영)과 동생을 누구보다 사랑했지만 동생에게 늘 떳떳하지 못했던 암흑가의 보스 송자호(적룡). 결국 두 사람은 친구 소마의 죽음으로 형제애를 되찾고 송자호는 교도소에 수감된다. 복역 중인 송자호에게 당국은 위조지폐 용의자로 송자호의 사부였던 용사(석천)의 뒷조사를 석방의 조건으로 부탁한다. 동생이 이 일에 개입되어 수사하고 있음 알게 된 송자호는 동생을 위해 조건을 받아들이고 가석방된다. 한편 용사는 용씨 선박회사를 차려 합법적인 사업을 하나, 또 다른 위조지폐 범죄단이 위조지폐 사업을 위해 용씨 선박회사를 노리는데...
Cheung Hark-Nam
세계적인 지휘자 송위(주윤발 분)는 연주회 도중 이천년전의 아름다운 연인이 나타나는 기이한 환각에 사로잡혀 쓰러진다. 송위가 8년 동안 동거했던 아리의 할머니는 송위가 이천년전의 인물이며 그의 아내가 아직도 어딘가 살아있다고 한다. 마침 진시왕의 왕릉에서 발굴된 토우 전시회가 열린다는 소문을 듣고 찾아간 송위는 그곳에서 장예화를 만나고 두 사람은 첫눈에 서로를 알아본다. 이천년의 경이 있음에고 불구하고 사랑의 소용돌이 속으로 휘말려가는 두사람을 본 아리는 "이천년이거나 8년이거나 사랑은 역시 사랑"이라며 숨을 거둔다. 아리의 죽음이 두사람에게 행복한 내일의 문을 활짝 열어 줄 것을 기대했으나 예화는 이천년전에 그랬듯 한쌍의 아름다운 혼으로 존재하기를 원하면서 떠나간다.
Train Robber
1930년 성도와 상해를 잇는 새로운 레일을 달리는 부귀열차는 논스톱으로 한수진이라는 작은 마을을 지나간다. 때마침 진시황릉의 병마용도를 일본에 팔기 위해 일본 특사가 부귀열차에 탑승하게 되는데 병마용도와 승객들의 금품을 털기 위해 흉악한 은행강도들이 기차를 노리고 있었다. 이때 천하의 한량이자 모험가인 사모는 정방천은 직접 제작한 폭발물로 기차를 서게 만든다. 약탈과 폭력으로 뒤범벅이 된 한수진은 욕망으로 뭉친 낯선 남자들의 도전과 악당들의 약탈로 인해 더욱 악화일로에 서게 되고 정방천의 대활약이 화려하게 펼쳐지는데..
Hotel manager
The plot follows a group of women who struggle in Hong Kong, most of them illegal immigrants from mainland China.
After an old rich man mysteriously falls to his death, a ghost returns to settle the score.
Hong Kong comedy film.
Three travellers in the snowy wastes of Mongolia are hunting for valuable ginseng. As they battle the elements and the threat of starvation they come across a woman lying naked (but very much alive) in the snow surrounded by the wild minks. The treasure-hunters approach her and fall into a trap which will ultimately tear them apart and lead to murder and betrayal.
General Liu
겉잡을 수 없는 분노가 피어오르고, 복수는 시작된다! 태어나자마자 부모를 여의고 사찰로 보내진 결연. 본인도 알 수 없는 원한과 분노가 마음속에서 자라나던 어느 날 부모님의 죽음에 음모가 있었다는 걸 알고 복수를 하러 떠난다. 4명의 원수를 한 명씩 찾아 복수하던 중 관에서 몰래 파견된 밀정과 만나게 되는데...
Ku Cheng Feng
송나라 무예계의 총수인 달마법왕은 범대해를 포함한 제자들과 일본인 가등풍진과 손을 잡고 각 계파의 무술 비법을 탈취해 나가던 중 고려의 무술인 태견의 비법을 알아내기 위해 고진풍을 찾아간다. 고진풍은 제자 최청을 송나라 사찰의 승려인 보진에게 보내고 그들과 싸우다 숨진다. 보진을 찾아간 최청은 달마 패들의 비겁한 수단에 눈을 잃은 보진에게 태견을 전수받지만, 보진은 끝내 그들에게 목숨을 잃는다. 한편 태견의 비법을 소장하고 있는 선광사에 가짜 중 여연을 잠입시키고, 또 가등풍진을 잠입시킨 달마법왕은 승려 보법을 잡아 태견비법과 교환할 것을 요구하나, 최청은 무술 승려들과 강호, 강룡을 대동하고 그들의 무예본부로 쳐들어가 보법을 구출하고 달마와 그들 패들을 격퇴하고 귀국한다.
For many years, Mr. Lee has been keeping a secret from his wife and two daughters that his elder daughter, Chelsia, is having some serious heart disease. Only his good friend, Dr. Fong, who made the diagnosis knows about it. Chelsia meets Ma, an overseas Chinese, at her secondary school graduation ball and gradually they fall in love with each other. Doctor Ma's son Chileung, who grows up with Lee's daughters, is fond of Chelsia while the younger daughter Chelwin loves him. However, neither of their affection is returned.
Mr. Tseng
고진은 이복동생 고일범을 데리고 결혼을 시키기 위해 가던 중 더 좋은 가문과 재산에 탐이나 고일범을 죽이고 똑같이 닮은 사나이를 고일범으로 속이고 이중거의 딸 청난과 결혼을 시킨다. 이중거의 심복 천강은 고진에게서 불길한 욕망을 갖고 있다는 것을 아나 이중거와 청난, 심복, 구룡과 증복이 속아 넘어가 천강으로서는 어쩔수 없었다. 고진은 자신의 정부 만만으로 하여금 천강을 유혹하고 청난을 실신시킨 뒤 천강과 청난이 불륜을 맺고 고일범을 죽였다고 이중거에게 모함한다. 이중거는 청난과 천강을 몰라내고 고진은 야망에 불타 만만과 증복도 처치하고 재산과 명예를 차지하려고 이중거를 궁지에 몰아놓는다. 청난과 천강은 고려국의 원응대사를 찾아 무예수업을 받아 악의 화신 고진을 처치하고 가문의 명예와 이중거를 구한다.
Shek Kin plays the head of a large crime family. His sons get into all sorts of trouble with the other triad bosses. They both escalate the situation with drugs and murder and create a bitter feud with a rival family.
When Shan Tung comes to Hong Kong for the first time, wanting to seek help from his countryman Lo San, however, Lo San refuses to give him a hand. Shan Tung has no choice but to sell amphetamine in the street for living. A honest guy like him with pronunciation problem often causes embarrassing situations. He is laughed at by others because of his queer ideas. In later days, he makes a lot of friends because he never hesitate to do what is righteous. Therefore he has a better life than before.....
Li Ching, Szu Wei and Tsung Hua in an eternal romantic triangle in which a girl has to choose between two men: a poor but upright lad who will marry her for love or a handsome suitor who is after her father's money.
Master Hung
Hsiao Tsui is the most beautiful girl in a prosperous prostitution house in a North China town. But every client of hers is chased and scared by ghosts. She is thus very poorly treated by the owner. House madame Chiao takes pity in Tsui and hides her in an abandoned inn. There are seven coffins in the inn, all results of unnatural deaths...
A newlywed couple’s relationship turns into a nightmare when they start to witness paranormal activity. A “spiritualist” is hired to investigate the strange phenomenon, and discovers a deep, dark secret within the marriage that’s bringing back a vengeful spirit.
Imai Eisaku
Filmed on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, Hiroshima 28 was the first all-Hong Kong crew to make a feature in Japan. Lung Kong anchors a bittersweet melodrama in the historical milieu in the months following the horrific events of August 6, 1945. Josephine Siao—a star whose career had become synonymous with the filmmaker’s work over the past decade—plays a young tour guide to a Hong Kong reporter researching the tragic effects of the atom bomb, their journey forming an odyssey through the city’s ruins.
After the death of her parents, a young woman (Tang Bao Yun) is forced to work as a barmaid to support the education of her younger brother (Liu Chia Chang) and sister (Brigitte Lin)...
The bloodiest Kung Fu battles ever fought. The subtitle says it all, as there is hardly any story, but all the more raw fighting.
Chen Wu Sheng
The bloodiest Kung Fu battles ever fought. The subtitle says it all, as there is hardly any story, but all the more raw fighting.
Lung Kong collaborated with accomplished novelist Meng Jun to pen the script for this tale of heartbreak and doomed romance. The mounting despair of two solipsistic characters headed towards an emotionally shattering break-up is depicted through an elliptical series of flashbacks.
An anthology of tales from Hong Kong.
An exciting story of daring guerrilla warfare.
Comedy about five married couples — a pair of parents and their four daughters and sons-in-law. Li Li Hua plays the eldest girl, opposite her real-life husband Yean Chuan.
A swordsman and swordswoman fight to protect Lady Liu who is trying to return to power. She's traveling in a coffin, the heroes can only hope they all aren't sent home in one.
Taiwanese spy thriller. Agent No 1, a super sleuth from Chungking, is sent to Nanjing to investigate the murder of a Japanese general, which leads to even more intrigue and skullduggery.
Chang Li De
Ivy Ling Po, star of The Temple of the Red Lotus, tears up the screen as a jealous, murderous movie star, who, like seemingly all "film noir" vixens, wants to kill off her husband. While she's infuriated that the hitman she hires bungles the job, she's delighted that her husband is found guilty for the killer's "murder".
Chang Chi-Cheng
Wang Yan-ru is a very popular nightclub singer, she also teaches at the orphanage where she is brought up. She has always hoped that talents in the orphanage could form their own chorus and eventually stand on their own feet. Chang Chi-cheng is in Taiwan with a tour group from Malaysia. Much to his amazement, he finds out the dual identity of Yan-ru, both as a teacher and a singer. He quickly falls in love with her. He too is very fond of the children in the orphanage. He helps them to get what they want. Finally, he wins her affection. The affair is eventually brought to the attention of Chang's parents who are tipped off by his cousin Yu-ping. It so happens that Yu-ping is also in love with Chi-cheng...
Liu Shi Ming
In Farewell, My Love Julie Yeh Feng plays a devoted wife and mother dying from an incurable illness. Her goal now is to find a new mother for her child and a new wife for her husband before she dies. Because of all her personal tragedies and on going hard life off camera, audiences associated with Julie, making her one of the most beloved actresses of her time.
Tu Cheng Kang
Tu Cheng Kang (Guan Shan) teaches at the Ta Tap Middle School where pupils are delinquent. Tu’s class is the worst. As the headmaster and his fellow teachers are unable to cope with the unruly students, Tu is determined to win them over with kindness. He fails initially but does not despair. Kao Te Sheng (Chuen Yuen), nicknamed the One Eyed Dragon, is the chief troublemaker and leader. When Kao’s father, a coolie, faints at the wharf from over work, Tu takes him to the hospital and befriends him. The old man does not realize Tu is his son’s teacher and neither does Te Sheng realize that his teacher had saved his father, he continues to oppose Tu.
Hu Zhong-Ning
A sensitive love triangle helmed by one of Shaw era's top directors, Chin Chien. A psychiatrist taking a room at an old friend's apartment soon discovers an insane woman living in a neighboring flat. As the doctor gradually heals the woman he also falls in love with her. The problem arises the friend's daughter confesses her love to him as well. Misunderstanding and mistaken passions soon lead to broken hearts and an emotional confrontation to the love triangle.
Second sister's husband
Spring Blossoms is a parable about the Chinese youth culture and what's important to the younger generation when it comes to romance. It starred a new wave of seventies, Shaw's beauties, Lily Li, Shu Pei-pei and Essie Lin-chia as single women looking for love. It's a triple-decker romantic bus ride on a road to nowhere speeding toward a low bridge. Only Lily Li became successful via her martial-arts abilities, so awesomely featured in Jackie Chan's The Young Master.
Lin Cheng Ting
한 남자를 사이에 두고 이복자매가 삼각관계를 벌인다. 질투와 시기가 강한 동생 스잔나는 착한 이복언니 샤오팅을 사사건건 미워하며, 언니의 멋진 연인 팅난을 빼앗아 버린다. 그러던 어느 날 뇌종양으로 6개월의 시한부 생명을 선고받은 스잔나. 그녀는 가족에게 이 사실을 숨기고, 지금까지의 자신의 잘못을 뉘우치기 시작한다. 여배우 리칭을 스크린의 천사로 등극시킨 최루성 멜로물. 주제곡 ‘청춘무곡’과 함께 국내에 엄청난 청춘영화 붐을 일으켰던 작품이다. 아시안 필름 페스티벌 최우수 작품상 수상.
Du Fan
Hong Kong drama directed by Lo Chen.
A Shaw Brothers Musical Comedy.
Li Guo-Liang
Su Fen, a young and frail girl, looked forward to her wedding with her fiancé, Li Kuo-liang. The happy couple's bliss was cut short when war broke out. Kuo-liang was summoned to fight at the front lines. In his absence, Su Fen discovered she had tuberculosis.
Himself (Cameo)
Hong Kong musical directed by Lo Chen.
Ling Jia-Cong
Not a love triangle but a love rectangle, Rose, Be My Love is a romantic drama that represents the high standards achieved by Shaw Brothers in both star power and technical polish. Set on the eve of Pearl Harbor and Hong Kong's invasion by the Japanese, the tragic romance takes on added poignancy in light of the future fate of leading lady Li Ting, the "Rose" of Rose, Be My Love who committed suicide a mere three months after the movie's release.
Zhang Xing-Ya
Part two of the wartime love story
Zhang Xingya
It's a powerful melodrama about a thwarted romance in 1930s Tientsin, China, during the Japanese occupation, and it stars Linda Lin Dai, one of the era's most popular stars. It was part of Golden Horse's 100 Greatest Chinese-Language Films.
Wu Yu-Qi
The tragic love triangle of early 20th century Peking Opera star Chiu Hai-tang, his beautiful stage partner, and the warlord who forces himself between them, has been a favorite with Chinese audiences for decades.
Liu Da Long
Julie Yeh Feng stars as Hsiu Hsiu, a beautiful singing shepherdess who falls head over heels in love with a handsome boatman named Liu Ta Lung. Unfortunately, she can't afford to marry her new beau because her father has racked up numerous debts due to his uncontrollable gambling addiction. And to make matters even more complicated, there's a rival suitor who promises to pay off all of her no-good father's debts on the condition that he is given Hsiu Hsiu's hand in marriage. She initially declines his offer, but starts to get jealous when she sees Ta Lung getting a little too close for comfort with another woman. In retaliation, she starts flirting with her possible benefactor/husband-to-be. But what Hsiu Hsiu doesn't know is that her jealousy isn't based on any actual unfaithfulness, but on an unfortunate misunderstanding!
Li Tzu Wen
1963 film
Fan Jia Shu
Fan Chia-soo is a kind-hearted student whose heart is captured by the sweet song of Shen Feng-hsien. However, he is not the only one who has eyes for Shen. The General's henchmen are also determined to present the songstress to their superior as a gift. Fan received help from an unexpected quarter to save the woman he loves.
Yang Nai-Wu
The noted actress Li Li-hua, star of more than sixty films since 1947, beautifully portrays the drugged, then disgraced wife of a peddler in the waning days of the Ching Dynasty. To make matters worse, she’s soon framed for her husband’s murder by her rapist - the son of the local magistrate! And even that isn’t the end of her woes. It’s best to have a box of tissues nearby as two expert directors ratchet up the emotional suspense in this consummate tearjerker.
Fang Teh-Ming
To put her younger sister Huilan (Margaret Tu Chuan) through college, Huilian (Grace Ting Ning) became a taxi dancer and is despised by Huilan. Now married to a good husband (Guan Shan), the lonely Huilan falls for a man after her money. To protect her younger sister, Huilian puts herself at risk. Grace Ting Ning plays a sad role, as the noble sister who keeps her purity in a cesspool.
In this dreamy romance set in China during the fourth-century, a young woman convinces her parents to allow her to dress as a boy and attend university.
Shaw Brothers drama.
Master Jia Lian
The Ching Dynasty novel The Dream of The Red Chamber is not only the most widely read, but also the most filmed book in Chinese history. The sprawling love story has proven a challenge to many filmmakers, but this version is acclaimed as the most successful. A sumptuous feature which took three years of planning and another for production, it was a hugely popular and critical hit which still stands out as a classic of both 18th century literature and 1960s moviemaking.
Tang Peng Nan
Li Qingqing, an orphan, just arrives in Hong Kong and becomes a singer who sacrifices everything for her man.
Doctor Zhang Zhongxian
Famous dancer and film actress Fong Nan (Mao Mei) desires both a career and a family after marrying an eminent doctor (Guan Shan), who, however, wants her to be a stay-at-home wife. They are on the brink of divorce when he finds out she secretly rehearses for her dance and movie…Taking inspirations from Hollywood musical films, the movie is beautifully directed and meticulously produced by Yuen Yang-an and his Sun Sun Film Enterprises. While most films at the time usually depict how grassroots people rise above adversity, this one tells the story of a famed actress who thrives for success and never gives up on her artistic ambition. This reflects that women's liberation and employment was a dominating theme in left-wing movies. The finale was shot in Eastman colour negative film, which was rare before mid-60s given the limited technical resources in Hong Kong film industry, and thus a valuable record in the city's cinematic history.
Ah Q
A casual laborer in a small town is subjected to daily defeats and brutalities but somehow manages to achieve a spiritual sense of triumph.