In 2013, the Golden Horse Film Festival celebrated its 50th anniversary. The ministry of Culture commissioned director Yang Li-chou to make a documentary about the history of Golden Horse. What is unique to this film is that it's not an ode to celebrities but about the role cinema plays in ordinary people's lives. It's a love letter to cinema, filmmakers and audiences.
Lawrence Lau directs Ballistic, a crime thriller that uses the turbulent world of Taiwanese politics to tell a riveting story of cops, corruption, and how righteousness still has value in this grey-shaded world.
Taiwanese action film.
Chu (Mickey Chu Kin-Kwan) is a young fellow who's made it big in the business world, and makes headlines when he offers a large reward for a special $1000 bill with a personal inscription on it. The bill is a memento of his adolescent friendship with Ching (Athena Chu) and Ricky (Nicky Wu), who were once the best of friends. The three have since gone their separate ways, but Chu holds onto the bittersweet memories of their youth, when the three were inseparable, and saw only bright futures ahead of them. But misplaced emotions and the painful trials of youth split them apart, and now that Chu has finally made it big, he wants nothing more than to see the three reunited. Will the two respond to his impassioned plea to find them once again?
With karma as the central theme, this intriguing movie is made up of three amazing stories. The first one tells about a fox fairy that a fox fairy that a fox sacrifices itself to save a hunter from being sucked by a vampire. The second tale depicts the surprising out come of the murder of a shop owner whose wife has an affair with his servant. In the third story, a doll fairy punishes a man for sexually abusing his wife by burying itself together with the man in a fire.
An executioner beheads his 1000th criminal, and unleashes a demon army headed by an evil witch called the Blood Lotus
General Hau
A young Taiwanese man after being released from prison starts his life as a gangster. He goes to Hong Kong to do some business with the Triads.
Kwong is a mafia king. When a rival gang steals a rare chinese artifact from him, he blaims his two "bag-men" and threatens to "cut their life" if they don't recover the treasure.
한때 강호에서는 알아주는 최고의 보스인 아웅은 지금은 갓 출옥한 전과자에 불과하다. 오랜 수감생활 끝에 출옥하게 된 그는 바깥 세상으로 나오지만 아내는 병들어 죽고 딸은 집을 나간지 오래되었다는 사실을 알게 된다. 아들 아성만이 쓸쓸히 혼자 그를 반겨준다. 그러나 과거의 옛동료와 부하들이 아웅의 출옥 소식을 듣게 되고 모두가 반가운 마음으로 그를 뜨겁게 맞이해주기 위해 조촐한 파티를 준비한다. 이들의 환영에 기뻐하면서도 이제는 새로운 생활을 살아가야 되겠다고 털어놓는 아웅에게 그의 부하들은 실망하게 된다. 한편 새로운 젊은 패밀리들은 노세대의 지리부진한 패밀리 운영체제에 반박하여 그들만의 조직을 구성하고저 노세대의 보스들을 하나씩 제거하려 한다. 젊은 패밀리 집단의 보스는 아웅을 미워하며 집을 나간 딸의 남자 친구로 그들은 불법으로 마약거래를 일삼으며 검은 돈을 챙긴다. 자신의 동료가 하나씩 죽어가고 딸의 신변까지 위험하다고 느끼게 되는 아웅은 그들의 소굴로 들어가는데.
General Li, Kuo-Hui
In 1950s, Chinese Civil War ends with the defeat of Republic of China and the establishment of Communist China. The 93rd Division's soldiers take their families with them, exit southwestern China and enter northern Burma (Myanmar). The hike through forest is full of disasters and short of supplies, but the survivors reach and settle within border of Burma. They build a village, and ally with local armed gang to resist Burmese government's attacks. Later, the relocated government of Republic of China offers to take the soldiers and dependents to Taiwan, but some are disappointed with the government and decide to stay.
Executive Producer
미국에서 경찰 수업을 받은 아위(양가휘 분)는 홍콩 경찰에 특수요원으로 들어오게 된다. 아위는 장인의 암살범을 수사하던 중 암살범이 4년 전에 사형 선고를 받았던 인물임을 알게 되고 그가 복역해 있던 화소도로 위장취업을 하게 된다. 한편, 카드 도박사인 아룡(성룡 분)은 애인의 치료비를 구하기 위해 폭력 조직의 보스 강주(유덕화 분)를 찾아가지만, 서로의 감정만 상하고 결투 도중 동생을 살해하게 된다. 동생의 원수를 갚기 위해 범죄를 저지르고 스스로 아룡이 갇힌 화소도로 들어온 강주는 아룡을 죽이기 위해 공개결투를 신청한다. 두 사람은 목숨을 내걸고 한판 결투를 하게 되지만 어느새 죄수들과 간수들의 싸움으로까지 사태가 심각하게 벌어지고 만다. 한편 이들 틈에 끼어든 괴짜 탈옥범 존. 이들 세 사람은 교도소 소장의 음모에 휘말려 암흑가 보스의 암살에 동원 될 전문 킬러로 팔리게 된다.
Prison Director
미국에서 경찰 수업을 받은 아위(양가휘 분)는 홍콩 경찰에 특수요원으로 들어오게 된다. 아위는 장인의 암살범을 수사하던 중 암살범이 4년 전에 사형 선고를 받았던 인물임을 알게 되고 그가 복역해 있던 화소도로 위장취업을 하게 된다. 한편, 카드 도박사인 아룡(성룡 분)은 애인의 치료비를 구하기 위해 폭력 조직의 보스 강주(유덕화 분)를 찾아가지만, 서로의 감정만 상하고 결투 도중 동생을 살해하게 된다. 동생의 원수를 갚기 위해 범죄를 저지르고 스스로 아룡이 갇힌 화소도로 들어온 강주는 아룡을 죽이기 위해 공개결투를 신청한다. 두 사람은 목숨을 내걸고 한판 결투를 하게 되지만 어느새 죄수들과 간수들의 싸움으로까지 사태가 심각하게 벌어지고 만다. 한편 이들 틈에 끼어든 괴짜 탈옥범 존. 이들 세 사람은 교도소 소장의 음모에 휘말려 암흑가 보스의 암살에 동원 될 전문 킬러로 팔리게 된다.
Fight to Survive is a Hong Kong Triad movie directed by Wai Chi-Ho and starring Alex Man.
Tiger Lo
마지막 잔돈을 털어 행운의 장미 한 송이를 산 시골총각 ‘곽진화’는 우연히 조직들의 싸움에 말려들어 얼떨결에 조직의 두목으로 추대된다. 그러던 어느 날 자신에게 장미를 판 여인의 딱한 사정을 듣게 된다. 장미여인에게는 상해에서 대학에 다니는 딸이 있는데, 그곳에서 갑부의 아들과 만나 결혼을 약속하고 홍콩으로 상견례를 오기로 했다는 것. 하지만 그에 비해 너무나도 가난한 자신의 처지가 딸에게 피해를 줄까 우려하여 몸져누운 장미여인의 모정에 감동한 ‘곽진화’는 그녀를 일류 호텔로 데려가 귀부인으로 둔갑 시킨다. 드디어 상견례가 있는 날, 모든 것이 순조롭게 진행되는 듯 하지만 곧 조직간의 싸움과 형사의 방해작전으로 모든 계획이 수포로 돌아갈 위기에 놓이는데…
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
A soldier from Mainland China arrives at Hong Kong to look for his estranged sister and finds out that she has been forced into prostitution by a criminal organization.
Lung Ying
홍콩 암흑가의 대부인 용은 갱조직을 청산하고 개과천선하기 위하여 4대 조직을 통합키로 한다. 그러나 마약밀매를 전문으로 하는 한 조직의 두목이 약속을 위반하여 용은 아륜을 시켜 그를 처단한다. 이때 용의 수제자인 백랑이 용의 처사에 불만을 품고 용과 충돌하자 오래전부터 반란을 음모하던 백랑의 부하 죠셉과 컬크가 용을 제거하고 마약 밀매 조직을 장악하여 백랑의 명의로 마약을 밀매한다. 그후 영국으로 돌아온 용의 막내아들 챨스는 자기 부모와 형제들이 이들에게 참살당한 사실을 알고 아륜과 손잡고 복수를 하게 된다.
(archive footage)
Four Chinese germ warfare scientists are kidnapped by a Japanese organisation.
Hong Kong romance set in wartime
제겐(일본 에도시대, 유곽에 여인을 조달하는 사람을 일컬음)이란 별명으로 더 잘 알려진 무라오카는 1901년에 홍콩에 건너 갔다가 빈털터리가 된다. 그는 현지 일본영사의 제안을 받아 러시아군을 정찰하기 위해 만주로 건너간다. 그 이후 그는 일본이 아시아에 대제국을 건설할 것이라는 것을 믿고 동남아시아 각지에 창녀촌을 설립한다. 그리고 일본의 영향력이 커지자 날로 그의 사업도 번창한다. 그는 자신의 사업이 단순히 돈을 벌게 해주는 것 이상으로 일본에 도움이 된다고 굳게 믿고 있다.
Boss Chu
조주에서 막노동을 하던 등길은 친구 조생의 아들 정국과 자신의 아들 아용, 딸 혜주를 성녀이 될 때까지 키운다. 밀수품에 손을 대었다가 쫓기는 몸이 된 정구과 아용은 바아에서 일하던 혜주의 도움으로 이아제에 의해 목숨을 건진다. 성실한 정국은 이아제의 신임을 받게 되나 이기심 많은 아용은 이아제를 정국의 간청으로 용서하는 대신 둘 다 축출시킨다. 앙심을 품은 아용은 주의 부하가 되어 이아제의 결혼식날 신랑신부에게 총상을 입힌다. 때마침 달려온 정국과 맥영운은 일당들과의 치열한 싸움 끝에 악한들을 사로잡는다.
Ho Chen Tung
암흑가의 대부 호첸통은 월남난민 위문도중 반대파들이 기습공격으로 외동딸을 잃고 치명상을 입는다. 이 사건으로 은퇴를 결심한 호는 70회 생일을 맞아, 아들이 사는 호주로 가서 여생을 보낼 것을 결시한다. 그러던 차에 호의 엣부하들이 수사대에 거짓 증언을 하여 그를 상해자로 고발한다. 월남난민 위문시 알게된 왕한의 도움으로 풀려난 호는 호주로 떠나려다, 과거의 교사혐의로 인해 체포되고 만다. 이에 아들이 절연을 선언하자, 난감해진 호는 왕한을 밀고한다. 경찰의 추적을 피해 호를 찾아온 왕한에게 법에 대한 회의로 고백하며 생을 마감한다.
Boss Chu
홍콩번화가에서 소꼽친구 쿠오, 융과 함께 대형 레스토랑을 경영하며 기반을 닦아가던 치는 유에게 배신을 당한다. 이에 환멸을 느낀 쿠오는 말래카로 떠나버리고, 치의 가족들을 위협하여 자신의 영역을 넓혀가려는 융에게 치명적 상처를 입은 치는 가족과 함께 쿠오가 있는 말래카로 향한다. 이를 알고 말래카까지 추적해온 융이 쿠오와 치의 가족들을 해치려하자, 인내로 그를 설득하려던 두 사람은 마지막 결전을 결심하고 홍콩으로 떠난다.
During the last years of Japanese occupation in Taiwan, as tenants from the preceding generation, the family of Chan brothers was suffering from poor harvest. With a deaf old mother, a mental disordered sister whose husband was killed in war, and a bunch of children, it was not hard to imagine that they were really poor. One day, a heavy unexploded bomb fell down from the sky on two brothers' farmland. The brothers brought the bomb to the Japanese police as a "gift for the Emperor of Japan". Unfortunately, the Japanese were frightened by the bomb and order them to throw it into the sea. They could do nothing but obeyed the order. The bomb exploded when thrown into the sea. A great number of dead fishes came out of the sea. The two brothers collected the fishes back home. When they saw their exciting family enjoy the fishes, they felt that God is fair.
Rodney (archive footage)
In an attempt to put their Ninja lifestyle behind them, Rodney and Janet retire to the countryside to raise a family. As the old saying goes though, you can't run away from your past and the couple soon find themselves the target of a rather unpleasant gang. When Rodney is framed and put in prison, Janet is left to look after their son alone. Meanwhile, back at the clan, the Ninjas are facing a fierce internal struggle as the dastardly Stewart attempts a takeover. When Gordon returns from a mission, he soon uncovers the truth and the stage is set for a final face off of epic proportions.
After a devastating artillery attack on the island of Kinmen, commander Chi Liang-chen and his battery prepare a counter-attack.
Taiwan's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1986. In the story, the kindly and very efficient Chinese settlers are distrusted by the natives until they show that they are able and willing to cure an outbreak of plague. The daughter of the native Taiwanese chief has her own peace plan for the region, which involves finding the most eligible Chinese bachelor and marrying him.
Chia Tien-Hung
사라진 보석의 행방을 쫓아 황형사와 치아, 원대두가 보석이 실린배에 함께 올라탄다. 거기에 좀도둑 왕과 사제까지 보물을 쫓아 덤벼든다. 결국 왕과 원대두는 보석을 훔쳐내는데 성공했고 장군비서로 위장한 원대두는 치아일당을 일망타진하기로 한다.
훔쳐낸 보석을 이용하여 원대두는 치아를 유인해 내는데...
Wau Fong and Pak Yuk are attractive hostesses in a cabaret with a great following. One of Wan's suitors, Or Ah Chun is a powerful and prominent figure with strong Japanese connections. But she is reluctant to accept his affection and offer of good life. A postgraduate returning from Japan, Lin San Lon is deeply in love with Pak. The musically talented Lin composes the song LOVE, LONE FLOWER for her. But an American bomber puts an end to their relationship, killing Or and Pak in the debris of the cabaret. Wan becomes "Chieftain" of May Flower Restaurant after the liberation. Among the girls under her supervision, she is surprised to see the late Pak...
Taiwan Drama starring Ko Chun-Hsiung
Cheng Chu and Cheng Lin are brothers, who grow up in a rather ill-off family. Chu later becomes a gang leader while Lin as a senior high student. Lin is under the pressure of college entrance exams and becomes restive. Ah-Chiang, Lin's boyhood friend deserts the army and runs away with military weapons. He hides in Lin's rented house, shoots a policeman to death by accident and flees with Lin. They kidnap a fashion model, Sophia...
Ah To
The plot follows a group of women who struggle in Hong Kong, most of them illegal immigrants from mainland China.
After losing his title of king of gamblers, Asia's top card player holds a contest in the hopes of restoring his reputation and his wealth that was cheated from him. Awesome tricks, fists and kicks galore.
Top Kung Fu actors, Phillip Ko, Ling Yun, and Robert Tai battle it out for turf supremacy in old shanghai. Note: special Triad codes are shown in this film for the first time.
Taiwanese action-drama film.
Lin Chan-Lang
Tim Burstall directs then-up-and-comers Mel Gibson and Sam Neill in this action-packed Cannes Film Festival selection about the grim realities of World War II, a gritty drama based on actual events. Sent to rescue survivors from the site of a plane crash in the South Pacific, Capt. P.G. Kelly (Gibson) and his elite squad of Australian commandos must keep tabs on a defecting Japanese official who could hold the secret to peace.
Lee Hung-Fat
Former Vietnamese soldier Nguyen Dich (Chow Yun-Fat) comes to HK after the Vietnam war, as a professional killer for a gang leader. Here he meets and falls in love with Vicky Lee (Rosamund Kwan). He is ordered to kill her father, and later given the order to kill her too as she started to suspect him. She then discovers that he is responsible for her fathers death...
Taiwanese crime drama.
A woman seeks revenge against the people responsible for her sister's death.
Lin An-tien
Conflicts between power-hungry triad gangsters in Macao leads to bloody battles.
Action / horror hybrid.
After suffering a breakdown at his wife’s funeral, a grief-stricken older man finds that he can only recognize his daughter-in-law. The discovery of a new love seems to improve his faltering health, but more heartbreak awaits just around the corner.
After suffering a breakdown at his wife’s funeral, a grief-stricken older man finds that he can only recognize his daughter-in-law. The discovery of a new love seems to improve his faltering health, but more heartbreak awaits just around the corner.
White Cloud
A martial arts film directed by Tien Peng.
Patriotic extravanganza concerning early 20th century political events in Taiwan (i.e. the Republic of China), told in an ensemble format
Shaw Legend Chi Kuan Chun is the Hung Kuen Fist master who trains an undercover agent known as Queen Bee. His brutal style of Kung Fu comes in handy when the Queen Bee takes on the villains. Authentic Hung Gar Style action presented!
Story of a US-educated scientist who returned to China, and suffered during the years of the Cultural Revolution.
Zhijie, in her bid to find a wife for her mentally-challenged son, found Chu Lien to become her daughter-in-law. From then, Chu Lien's life becomes miserable, constantly being physically abused. Fortunately, Shun-hsing took pity on her, both of them quietly exchange solemn vows to each other...
The real-life story of a legendary Ming general (Meng Fei) who attempts to rid Chinese waters of Japanese pirates.
Lost at sea and shipwrecked, Vietnamese boat people try to survive... at any cost.
Immortal Warriors is a Taiwanese Martial Arts movie.
Modern day Hong Kong is the backdrop for this action adventure about the narcotics trade. A convicted felon named Peter Chin breaks up a bloody barroom battle and saves the life of a gang member. He is rewarded with an introduction to one of the gang's lieutenants, a beautiful woman named Daisy. Together they plot to extort millions from a rival gangland chief, but their efforts are foiled by an uneasy truce between the two leaders. Knives, flying kicks, fists, guns and bombs come into play as Peter strives to keep a gangland leader from escaping with a fortune in drugs and money.
Love turns into heartache as a young man worries about the insanity that runs in his family and whether his baby will be affected by it.
A Hong Kong mobster's sister is working with authorities on their investigation into her own brother's plot to assassinate the Queen.
Cheng Tsu-chung
A most touching and consistently heart-gripping war drama depicts the heroic deeds of General Chang Tsu-chung who was even held in high esteem and dubbed as “Mars of China” by his Japanese counterpart, General Itagaki during Sino-Japanese war.
Victory is a 1976 Taiwanese war film directed by Liu Chia-chang, set in the Second Sino-Japanese War. The film won 5 awards at the 1976 Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards, including Best Feature Film.
romantic comedy
Cheng Te Luk
My Wacky, Wacky World is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Sammo Hung
Hsieh Chin Yuan
As battle rages in Shanghai, a single battalion of soldiers led by Xie Jinyuan is ordered to hold back the Japanese forces at the Sihang warehouse. Girl scouts risk their lives to deliver food and medicine to the defenders.
Magistrate Tang
In a small town found the only son of possession, the local, most influential family, dead and naked in vinbutiks hostess, Cheng Niang. His father insists that there is a murder committed by Chai-Tseng Chu, Cheng Niang husband. Tseng claims he is innocent. However, Cheng Niang has disappeared. Old Lin then tries to bribe Magistrate Tang judging Tseng to death and execute him immediately. Cheng Niang learns about her husband's death and freezing. Judge Tang is guilty and begins to see ghosts every night
Mr. and Mrs. Ho are longing for a grandson. Their son, Ho Chieh and daughter-in-law, Wan Ping, come home from abroad. Wan Ching, the little sister-in-law, is a nurse and comes with Mrs. Ho to meet her sister. At the airport, old Mrs. Ho mistakenly hears that her daughter-in-law is pregnant. After that, Ho Chieh has to attend a business party. However, his wife is not free for it so he begs his little sister-in-law to go as his wife. Wan Ching turns out to be a hit with the guests. In order to please his mother, Chieh asks little sister-in-law to take Wan Ping to the hospital for a pregnancy test and get a false positive report. But through a mistake, Wan Ping gets the report of a sterile woman. She is saddened by it but everyone lies to the old people in order to spare them the disappointment...
Wu Min Chan and Kuang La Lung are subordinates of Commander of Northern Province, gunning for the post of Garrison Commander. On Wu's side are Shi Wen, and Sha Chung, while Kuang was assisted by Pei Chiang, Si Ma, and Niu Chung. Soon Shi gained power and sent Niu to kill Wu with Lui Yan's dagger, causing Lui Yan to commit suicide before the Commander. Niu became possessed with self-reproach, and was jailed for being drunk. Shi sent Pai Siow Lan, Niu's sweetheart to poison Niu. Pai drank the poisoned drink, and begged Niu to escape. Realizing Shi's true character, Niu went to seek Shi. In the end, Niu committed suicide after killing Shi.
Wu Min Chan and Kuang La Lung are subordinates of Commander of Northern Province, gunning for the post of Garrison Commander. On Wu's side are Shi Wen, and Sha Chung, while Kuang was assisted by Pei Chiang, Si Ma, and Niu Chung. Soon Shi gained power and sent Niu to kill Wu with Lui Yan's dagger, causing Lui Yan to commit suicide before the Commander. Niu became possessed with self-reproach, and was jailed for being drunk. Shi sent Pai Siow Lan, Niu's sweetheart to poison Niu. Pai drank the poisoned drink, and begged Niu to escape. Realizing Shi's true character, Niu went to seek Shi. In the end, Niu committed suicide after killing Shi.
Wu Min Chan and Kuang La Lung are subordinates of Commander of Northern Province, gunning for the post of Garrison Commander. On Wu's side are Shi Wen, and Sha Chung, while Kuang was assisted by Pei Chiang, Si Ma, and Niu Chung. Soon Shi gained power and sent Niu to kill Wu with Lui Yan's dagger, causing Lui Yan to commit suicide before the Commander. Niu became possessed with self-reproach, and was jailed for being drunk. Shi sent Pai Siow Lan, Niu's sweetheart to poison Niu. Pai drank the poisoned drink, and begged Niu to escape. Realizing Shi's true character, Niu went to seek Shi. In the end, Niu committed suicide after killing Shi.
The Looks of Hong Kong is a Hong Kong Drama directed by and starring Stanley Fung.
The Country Bumpkin is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Stanley Fung.
Gu Shang-Fei
Taiwanese drama film directed by Pai Ching-jui.
Wang Chun
Wang Chun, a veteran diver, is hired to recover a large quantity of gold bars from a ship sunk during the retreat of Japanese soldiers from Hong Kong. But no sooner has the treasure been found, then former Japanese military man, Arakawa, and his men arrive in a speedboat. Arakawa kills Wang's boss, seizes the gold and forces Wang to steer his boat to safety. A struggle ensues. The speedboat sinks after striking a reef. Wang escapes with the gold. He later marries a girl named Yen-yen. They settle down in South Korea, where Wang owns a big ranch. They have a daughter, Shan-shan. 7 years later, Arakawa returns, he demands Wang to hand over the gold bars with Yen-yen and Shan-shan as hostage..
A police inspector goes to war with a Hong Kong drug cartel, who then kidnaps his son.
Taiwanese romance film.
Chiu Ling introduces his girlfriend Ma San to work for his uncle Chiu Chi. Ma San and Chiu Chi gradually fall in love with each other.
A young innocent woman is raped by a gang of five men. Years later the young woman has matured into a sophisticated lady and singer. The five guys have gone their separate ways, however one by one, she finds them and sets about her revenge.
Lung Kong collaborated with accomplished novelist Meng Jun to pen the script for this tale of heartbreak and doomed romance. The mounting despair of two solipsistic characters headed towards an emotionally shattering break-up is depicted through an elliptical series of flashbacks.
On a rainy night, a robbery took place in a villa and some invaluable jewels were taken. One of the robbers was shot dead, the other wounded. The wounded robber dropped the leather case containing the jewels and it fell on to a rock beneath a suspension bridge. Chiang Wen Hua was a schoolteacher who was separated from her husband. On a Sunday afternoon, Chiang and her daughter Hsiao Ching went picknicking near the suspension bridge. Hsien Ching's paper windmill was carried away by the wind, and, in looking for it, Hsiao Ching found the leather case containing the jewels...
Part of Golden Horse's 100 Greatest Chinese-Language Films.
Hu Chih Wei
Taiwanese romantic comedy.
Chong has been dedicating to run the Hotel Esquire for more than thirty years. Business is booming. However, a double room rented by a newly married couple is said to be haunted. Business thus declines sharply. Chong employs a private detective to look into the matter first, and then a taoist to play exorcism. But nothing has changed. One day, Chong and a tenant see a woman in weird dressing go into the room. They then plot to catch the backstage manipulator of this haunting event.
A detective writer and his girlfriend are involved in a mysterious case when he watches at his neighbor's house.
Comedy about five married couples — a pair of parents and their four daughters and sons-in-law. Li Li Hua plays the eldest girl, opposite her real-life husband Yean Chuan.
Heavyset Master An (Got Siu-Bo) receives a message from a dying imperial messenger and finds himself to be the hunted due to the defining, powerful nature of the message. A reluctant hero and not a fighting swordsman at heart (his sword is bent and worn), he's defended by mainly a duo of females and a sneaky swordsman played by O Chun-Hung.
Taiwanese romance film.
Have no other info than it was part of Golden Horse's 100 Greatest Chinese-Language Films.
Taiwanese romantic drama
Li Tiesheng
Storm over the Yangtze River tells the true story of undercover intelligence agent "Yangtze Number One" and his colleagues in Jianli County of Hubei Province, who risk their lives to carry out the "Dead Bridge Plan" to secure the "Yangtze 180 Blockade". Li Lihua gives an iconic performance as a strong and charming agent of an intelligence unit, engaging in a risky mission to save her unit chief-cum-lover, who is regarded as a traitor but actually is a double-dealing agent against the Japanese occupation. The film garnered four awards at the 1969 Golden Horse Awards, including Best Leading Actor and Best Leading Actress.
Taiwanese swordplay film.
Lin Tien Si
Taiwan's most glamorous screen couple, Ko Chun-Hsiung and Chang Mei-Yao, co-star in "Fallen Petals", a romance with the unique setting of Taiwan during World War II, when the island was a colony of Japan. Ko is drafted into the Japanese army and forced to leave his pregnant girlfriend behind. When he is presumably killed in action, Chang becomes a cabaret girl to support their baby. Thanks to director Pan Lei's sensitive scenario, the dramatic outcome is far from predictable.
Feng Tse
The story of Lonely Seventeen centers on Tan-mei, a seventeen-year-old high school girl who comes from a wealthy family. The film begins with Tan-mei inviting her cousin, who is also her sister’s fiancé, Feng Tse (Ke Jun-Xiong), to come over to her place on a rainy night. However, Feng Tse secretly visits his mistress first and gets seriously wounded after a fight with the woman. When he tries to make a second stop at Tan-mei’s place, he loses control of his car and is killed in a car accident. After the death of Feng Tse, Tan-mei and the mistress start to behave strangely, and both of them are sent to the same mental health institute after their emotional breakdown.
Taiwanese drama film.
Taiwanese language drama film.
The fourth film of the 5-film series The Best Secret Agent series of taiyupian (Taiwanese-language cinema), which was also dubbed into a Mandarin version.
A paratrooper Kiyohio (played by Ke Junxiong) meets a beautiful tour guide Shumei (played by Bai Lan). The two hit it off and fall in love, but she'd already promised engagement to a childhood friend off at war.
The Bride Who Has Returned From Hell (or Bride in Hell) is an adaption of The Mistress from Melynn, a 1960 novel by Victoria Holt. The story begins when a yacht is lost at sea. Then a telephone call between male protagonist Wang Yiming (Ke Junxiong) and his cousin Gao Fengjiao (Liu Qing) reveals that Wang’s wife has perished while eloping with a neighbor. After female protagonist Bai Ruimei (Jin Mei) learns that her older sister Ruiyun – Wang’s wife – has died, Ruimei changes her identity and applies for a job as a tutor to Wang’s daughter Shuyuan in a bid to solve the mysteries surrounding her sister’s death.
During the Sino-Japanese War, Tsui-Ying flees with her father from the Japanese occupation. She meets a young man, Ling-Yun, and falls in love. Yet Tsui-Ying chooses to leave Ling-Yun and marries his uncle, a traitor who serves the Japanese. Out of heartbreak, Ling-Yun leaves the country to study abroad. In the meantime, Special Agent 001 leads the resistance against the Japanese. After Ling-Yun returns to Shanghai from the UK, he is surprised to find out his ex-lover has become the wife of his uncle Chao-Chun. Special Agent 001 continues their sabotage and the identify of the agent finally is revealed. The first Taiwanese-language spy film produced in Taiwan, The Best Secret Agent is a remake of the 1945 movie of the same name that caused a sensation in Shanghai.